
Is it cliché to start a show with a limo pulling into the parking lot? Absolutely. But that’s what you’re getting. Now deal with it.

On NewAge we witnessed the arrival of the Sinistry via Rolls-Royce to open the show, so who’s showing up here on Riot via a limo? That question is answered the moment the back door opens and Silas Mason comes stepping out.

The reaction within the Manhattan Center resembles the sounds of two raccoons battling over garbage scraps. The fans are downright feral as Mason steps into view, followed by his Silas World clients. Brittany Lohan, Angelica Jones and Lenore-Prince Mason vacate the opposite side of the limo. Scott Cannon and Sienna Swann step out of the door that Silas holds open. The two adjust their fashionable attire and await the last person to exit the limo. Silas behaves with uncharacteristic chivalry by extending his hand and offering to guide the center-piece of his agency from the car.

Taylor: Get that hand out of my face before I shove it up your ass.

Silas wisely retracts his hand and places it over the back of his neck. As Mason sighs, Taylor exits. She vacates the limo, careful not to flash the obligatory crotch shot that puts TMZ photographer’s kids through college.

Silas: Sooooo, are you ready Baby Doll?

Much like her Silas World associates, Tay takes a moment to adjust her attire before giving Silas her answer.

Taylor: Yeah-yeah-yeah, let’s get this crap over with.

Silas: That’s the spirit.

Taylor: Listen, I’m here for two things, Silas, to reason with Mika and to talk to Kloe Masters…. Understood?

Silas: Well let’s jus hope that Kloe isn’t nearly as manipulative as that there McBride, and that she finally at long last sets everything right.….

Taylor: She had better, because otherwise, I WILL resign from this company tonight. Under no circumstances am I going to team with Katelyn Buehler and Abigail Lindsey at Upping the Ante, nor am I about to sacrifice my World Title mach. I’m not delaying what I earned so that the IWC can put more asses in the seats at the End of the Year Special. If Kloe doesn’t set things straight, then I walk.

Silas: We’ll get it all taken care of tonight, Baby Doll.

Scott: And we’ll take care of this Mika situation once and for all as well.

Taylor is followed off camera by Lohan, Lenore, Swann and Angelica while Scott lingers behind so he can get something off his chest. He turns to Silas, who is all smiles.

Scott: She’s pretty pissed mate.

Silas: No, she’s fired up Fly-Boy. More fired up than ever. Everything is goin’ accordin to plans.

Scott: And what are your plans for tonight?

Silas: Gettin’ all my ducks in the row, Fly-Boy, gettin’ all my ducks in a row. It all starts with finding McBride and gettin’ ‘er to sign off on one of the biggest matches in this company’s history.

TRENCHES by Pop Evil blares in the background as we transition from the parking lot to the opening video package for Riot. The screen is overwhelmed with a litany of shocking and violent images, highlighting the atmosphere of chaos cultivated by the IWC. There are clips of William Mason delivering the Perfect Driver, Abigail Lindsey and Katelyn Buehler waltzing hand in hand down the ramp, Mya Denton skipping around with the Queen of the Ring Championship, and all of this is just a prelude of the insanity yet to come. We get another dose of disorder upon witnessing Danny Darko driving his forehead into a locker, Marie Jones nailing Lindsey with a baseball bat, Alana Starr delivering the Five-Starr on Kathryn Pearson, Tina Valentine back dropping Cassidy Cage off a stage, and we round it out with Amanda Blayze attacking the GOOD Movement on the ramp. But we’re not through yet, because we reach the climax with footage of Taylor Chase driving a semi-truck THROUGH a limo, Orlando Cruze hanging above the ring mounted upon a cross, Mika Kozlov smiling with her glowing black eyes the camera’s focal point, Scott Cannon delivering the House Rules on Lethal Weapon, and finally Ba’al standing outside of the ring being pelted with garbage by the fans as he holds up the SIN Championship.

Cameras cut immediately to the interior of the Manhattan Center where there are ladders set up on the ramp, tables slanted against the barricades and chairs positioned here, there, just about everywhere. Greyson Lovejoy and Sparkles, ventriloquist and puppet, do not shy from commenting on the presence of all these weapons, eagerly speaking up from behind the announce table, which may provide little protection given the pending anarchy.

Sparkles: Tables, Ladder, Chairs…there all over the place!

Greyson: Which can only mean one thing. Two weeks ago we started Riot with a Steel Cage match, tonight we start things off with TLC…

Sparkles: Ewww, does that mean Abigail Lindsey is coming out here to let me comb her hair and show me a little tender, love and care? She did promise me that two weeks ago and still hasn’t delivered.

Greyson: I don’t think she had any intention to make good on that promise, Sparkles.

Sparkles: How dare she play with my emotions like that.

Greyson: Speaking of emotions, they’re at an all time high heading into this match. Andre Jordan and Gavin Taylor are about to step into a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match against Ba’al and Mika Kozlov. And as we understand it, this match was booked by Principle Owner Karen McBride.

The arena lights cut completely and an eerie glow emanates from the screens as the speakers burst into life with a creepy sounding version of a child’s nursery rhyme, sending shivers down the spines of those in attendance and probably those at home too.

“Ring… around… the ro…sie…
Pocket… full… of po… sies
Ash-es… Ash-es…
We all… fall… down…”

As the nursery rhyme comes to it’s disturbing end, crimson pyrotechnics explode on either end of the stage and “Gib Mir Deine Augen” by Rammstein replaces the nursery rhyme on the speakers as the name ‘Ba’al’ begins to slowly dissolve in on the screen in what appears to be blood. Smoke begins to bellow across the stage as the lights around the stage take on an eerie red hue. The curtains open and slowly, the silhouettes of the Sinistry emerge. With the SIN Championship gracing her shoulder, Rachel Foxx leads the way to the ring, carrying the title on behalf of her husband, Ba’al, who is following right behind. Neither he nor his wife take into account the hate that they are received with.

Sparkles: Is this when we’re supposed to start giving Ba’al a verbal blow job?

Greyson: Last I checked my name isn’t William Mayne, so no.

Sparkles: So who’s ass are we supposed to kiss then?

Greyson: I don’t know, just pick someone.

Absent from Ba’al’s side is his massive subordinate Decay, the man who customarily flanks the Champion on his way towards the ring. Ba’al steps around one of the ladders, refusing to pass beneath it, obviously a believer in superstition. He and Foxx at last reach the ring and although its surrounded by a bevy of weapons, not a one of them find their way into Ba’al’s hand, instead it’s occupied at the moment by a microphone.

Ba’al: So allow me to ATTEMPT to understand Karen McBride’s deluded thinking….

The second the Champion speaks he finds himself drowned in a monsoon of wrath. The crowd is unforgiving and particularly unwelcoming.

Ba’al: She believes that she can weaken the Frost family and break our grip upon this federation? She thinks that by pitting both myself and the newest member of the Sinistry, dearest Mika, against the Tag Team Champions, that she can shatter the fingers that have plunged into this company’s chest? It seems that Frau McBride is of the belief that by coercing the Sinistry into a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match this evening, that our fingers will go limp and detach from the soul of the IWC.

After a much needed sigh, Ba’al proceeds.

Ba’al: Karen, dear girl, you have no idea just how deep our hands have plunged and how far our grip extends. Nothing, not tables, not ladders, not chairs….Not Andre, not Gavin, and certainly not Mika Kozlov’s sister, Taylor Chase…(A note of disdain apparent in Ba’al’s voice)….will remove the hand that has firmly ensconced itself within the soul of this company. Our grip is ever tightening, and new allies will ensure that our power and influence strengthens.

Greyson: New allies?

Ba’al’s free hand falls upon the SIN Championship belt that has replaced the original IWC World Title. He caresses the gold that sits over his fiancee’s shoulder, and bestows the microphone upon her.

Foxx: Allow me to expand upon what Mein Leibling has said. There have been many forces…forces far greater than Taylor Chase, Andre Jordan and Gavin Taylor…who have attempted to remove the Sinistry’s control over this industry. And weeeell, let’s just say none of these ‘forces’ have faired very well. Look no further than what happened to Orlando Cruze. He was just like you, Karen, he was egotistical enough to believe that he could stand opposed to our mission. Need we remind you what happened to him? I think the ring might still be stained with his blood. Come here…come closer…

The camera-man in the ring tentatively inches towards the Suicide Queen.

Foxx: Come on, I promise I won’t bite.

It takes all the courage in the world, no the universe, no in the heavens above, the hells below, and all the spaces in between, for the camera-man to take a step towards Foxx.

Foxx: Zoom in right there…

The lens pulls in on a portion of the canvas featuring a faded red blotch.

Foxx: That’s where Rachel Frost and I gave Orlando Cruze a spiked piledriver directly on top of a crucifix, putting him on life support. The ring is stained with his blood, and the image of Orlando hanging above the building on the cross is stained into the minds of every single fan who watched Cruze’s crucifixion.

Ba’al delights in being reminded of that scene, closing his eyes and visualizing the massacre that befell Cruze two months ago.

Foxx: Do you wish to be remembered the same way, Karen? You WILL perish the same way Orlando perished if you defy us, for our army, and recent ‘alliances’ make us a truly unstoppable force that not even yourself and Kloe Masters can oppose.

Ba’al: Do not force us to leave another stain upon this canvas that will forever remind these fans of the fate that befell McBride. Spare yourself, and spare the poor simple minded Shaun Cruze the destiny of becoming nothing more than a blood stain. It is so cruel of you to inspire Shaun to wage an unwinnable battle against my family. Why do that to the poor man? Have you no compassion for what will happen to him as a result of your coercion? Look at what your encouragement has already caused, Shaun now finds himself in a fight for his life against my servant, Decay, right here tonight on Riot. And at the moment, Decay is undergoing all of the psychological and strenuous physical preparation not for a battle, but for a masscare. I cannot tell you how long Decay has anticipated the opportunity to repay Shaun for his multiple attacks upon me….

Speaking of which….

A steel chair silences Ba’al, swinging directly into his back and extending from the hands of Shaun Cruze.

Sparkles: It’s the hairier Cruze!

Greyson: And he just bashed Ba’al right in his back. He’s attacking him just like he did at Reawakening Day, just like he did on NewAge.

The chair thuds off of Ba’al’s back and sends him spiraling forth. Foxx turns just in time to have her ribs crushed by the edge of the chair that Shaun swings into her abdomen, doubling her over. The moment Foxx falls away, griping at her damaged mid-section, Shaun goes back to his original target. He winds up, getting the chair ready to swing into Ba’al’s unsuspecting skull.

Sparkles: Shaun steps up the plate…

Greyson: Time to swing for the fences.

Ba’al is obviously feeling the strain of the chair across his back, and his skull is about to feel even worse as he turns towards the blow that awaits him. Shaun gets so eager to punish Ba’al that he leaps a little too quickly into action, swinging the steel towards the skull of the man who hung Cruze’s mangled brother above the ring. Shaun’s over-eagerness proves to be to his detriment, because Ba’al manages to reach out and grab the chair mere inches removed from his face.

To make matters worse for Shaun, a boot then drives directly into his gut, doubling him over. Ba’al gives Cruze a receipt for his assault by bringing the chair down across Shaun’s back.

The former SCW World Champion arches his spine and stumbles into the ropes, falling through to the apron and ultimately to the mats. Ba’al tosses the chair to the canvas, takes one look at his ailing fiancée, and lashes out. He dives across the ring with his hands extending through the ropes and towards Shaun’s hair, but while Ba’al fails to grab his intended target, Cruze manages to take hold of what HE was after. Cruze grabs one of the ladders leaning against the barricade, pulls it away and turns, swinging the steel towards Ba’al’s skull.

But the rungs of the ladder fail to bash Ba’al across the cranium He pulls back…no…he’s PULLED Back from the edge of annihilation. Rachel manages to recover in time to grab herfiancee about his waist and pull him out of the path of the ladder. The rungs do not strike skull and instead hit ropes, bouncing back into Shaun’s waiting hands. He grabs it and then barrels towards the ring, sliding in with the ladder stretched across his sternum.

As Shaun and the ladder enter, Ba’al and Foxx exit.

Greyson: Shaun continuing to take the fight to the Sinistry.

Sparkles: So are we kissing Shaun’s ass now?

Greyson: I still haven’t decided.

Sparkles: Well give me an ass to start kissing already, I’m feeling directionless.

At Rachel’s behest, her fiancée remains at ringside, Ba’al stepping to the edge of the ramp and leering towards Shaun.

To the delight of the masses, who you better believe are teeming right now, Shaun has set up the ladder and is now in the process of climbing it. The crowd gets even louder, somehow, at the sight of Shaun throwing his leg over the top of the ladder and taking a seat upon it. Obviously Shaun isn’t straddling the ladder for comfort, he’s using his heightened position to send a message to the Sinistry, literally and figuratively towering above them.

Ba’al: Congratulations, Herr Cruze, but what do you believe your bravado has achieved?

Ba’al directs his question from ringside to the man seated so high above him. As Ba’al looks up, Rachel looks back, staring at the man making his way down the ramp. The imposing Decay takes residence behind Ba’al, only pausing due to Foxx’s restraining hand upon the servant’s chest.

Ba’al: You have only hastened what my juggernaut intended to unleash this evening. He will ensure that you’re designs to face me at the appropriately titled Upping the Ante, in our Weapon’s Match, never comes to fruition. Your career, and perhaps more importantly your survival, will not extend past your match against Decay.

Foxx’s hand falls away from Decay’s sternum, stepping aside and allowing him to head for the ring.

Ba’al: A match to be contested without rules, and to be started, at this very moment. I am quite sure my good friend, Principle Owner, Desmond Drake would not take offence to these changes in the show format.

Not only is Desmond without scruples, but he has eagerly dispatched a referee from the officiating pool to accommodate Ba’al’s desires. Referee Stuart Wright, the only official sporting a SIN patch upon his striped jersey, embarks towards the ring. Although Decay will beat the referee there first.

Greyson: You know, some federations have show formats.

Sparkles: The hell you say.

Greyson: But I suppose the IWC has never heard of such a concept. Because we have another subversion to the schedule. Instead of getting TLC, we’re getting one on one, Shaun versus Decay in a NO DisqualifcaAAAAH!


The shrill elevation in Greyson’s tone is attributed to Shaun’s descent from the ladder. Well, it’s less a descent, and more a plunge. Shaun shows no hesitation in diving from the top of the ladder all the way down to the ringside area, and with all his weight colliding with Decay.

Greyson: What a way to start this match!

Sparkles: I guess Shaun isn’t as aerodynamic as his brother. I’m guessing it’s all that hair, Orlando’s bald and smooth skull makes flight far easier on him.

There was nothing easy about Shaun’s flight, nor the resulting plunge into Decay. As these two men tumble, the fans rise, clamoring about the barricade to get a closer view of Shaun’s cannonball to Decay. Both men roll across the mats but do not remain on their backs for long. Shaun is right back on Decay, and Decay is right back on his feet only to almost be knocked off of them thanks to a right hand to the forehead, followed by another and another. Shaun then steps back and gets a running start behind a clothesline to the juggernaut’s jaw.

He stumbles back but does not go over, the giant remaining upright just long for Shaun to grab one of the dozens of chairs set up around the ring for the TLC match and put it in place. Cruze has the chair set before rushing at it, stepping off of it and using it to launch himself into flying lariat that nails Decay’s throat.

Shaun backs away and watches with eyes shooting from his skull when he realizes that Decay is STILL on his feet. The monster is swinging his arms to remain upright, encouraging Cruze to rinse and repeat. He steps back to the edge of the ramp, rushes across the mats and launches himself off the chair into a second lariat. This clothesline leads yet again to results Shaun hadn’t anticipated. Not only has he failed to remove Decay from his feet, but Shaun never comes back down to his own, instead he’s caught and stretched across Decay’s chest. The behemoth drops back into a fallaway slam that throws Shaun over the mats, over the apron and back first into the ropes.

Greyson: Shaun finds himself shut down after he got off to a rousing start….

Sparkles: Did you just imply that Shaun aroused you?

Greyson: Erm…nooooo.

Sparkles: Damn, I was really hoping I wasn’t the only one.

Shaun’s body ricochets from the ropes in a very violent manner, his neck taking quite the whiplash. His feet finally do fall back to the mats only to be lifted from them yet again when Decay catches Shaun around the skull and the neck then throws him into the barricade. Shaun is lifted off of his feet and sent crashing upside down into the barrier, his body bouncing off and tumbling to the mats.

Decay affords Shaun little time for recovery, lifting Shaun from the mats and then scoop slamming Cruze’s back directly across the chair set up a few moments earlier. Shaun regrets putting that chair in place when his back goes crashing through it.

Foxx and Ba’al regret nothing, chuckling in response to Shaun’s plunge through the chair that leaves his back in traction. Decay gives Shaun further need for a chiropractor, pulling Cruze up to his feet then into the air before culminating with a spinebuster slam.

Shaun’s kidneys explode upon impact with the thin protective ringside matting and now his head is about to explode upon impact with the ring. He is dragged along into the ring and Decay begins to follow. The bearded brute stands on the apron but looks back at ringside where Ba’al is giving him instruction. This tutelage leads to pain, DECAY’S pain. He took his eye off of Shaun for a second and it’s all Cruze needed to grab the ladder still set up in the ring and push it over so that the steel legs slap Decay right on top of his skull.

Greyson: The ladder right into Decay’s face…

Sparkles: And the beard offered no padding whatsoever.

Decay falls back but not off the apron, he remains upright just long for Shaun to pull the ladder back then tip it over once more, driving the support strut into the scalp of his adversary. Decay finally drops to the mats, staggering backwards while Shaun climbs the turnbuckle above him. He reaches the top rope, gets his balance and then takes to the air once again. He descends towards Decay, but this time he never connects. Ba’al shoves Decay aside and catches Shaun coming down right under the jaw with a sickeningly stiff uppercut.

Greyson: Like we didn’t suspect that was going to happen.

Sparkles: Took longer for Ba’al to get involved than I thought it would.

Foxx approaches the chair that Shaun was scoop slammed across moments ago but now Shaun is about to be driven into it in another capacity. She puts it in place while Ba’al rolls Cruze onto the apron, allowing his legs to be placed under the ropes while his upper body is suspended above the mats. Ba’al traps Shaun’s skull in a front chancery, looking to deliver a hanging DDT into the chair and the ringside mats behind him.

Stuart Wright lets it all go, giving his affinity for the Sinistry, the official watching as Ba’al prepares to deliver the hanging DDT that will surely snap Shaun’s neck. Ba’al just begins to tragically cut Shaun’s career short before Cruze plucks his head free, sliding fully into the ring. He stands up behind the ropes, grabs the top one and then launches himself over into a crossbody aimed at Ba’al. He never connects, Decay shoving Ba’al aside and protecting his master by catching Shaun.

The fans find their expectations subverted as Shaun’s crossbody is turned into a potential scoop-slam. Decay turns, throws Shaun up into the air and prepares to send him with a splat into the mats only to have the former SCW Champion slip over the monster’s shoulder. He lands on his feet behind Decay, who spins around, receives a kick to the gut and a DDT right onto the chair Foxx had put in place.

NOW Foxx and Ba’al do have some regret upon putting the very chair in posigtion that just crushed Decay’s skull. The steel decimates Decay’s brain and leaves him staggering back into the ring. He rolls in under the ropes, getting to his elbows.

The moment he gets a knee beneath him, Decay finds his temple crushed by Shaun’s thrust kick. The stiff kick causes Decay to tilt to his side, threatening to go over. Somehow the Sinistry supporter remains upright just long enough for a second thrust kick to nail him across the cheek. The second blow finally causes Decay to roll to his back and leave him susceptible for what Shaun has set up next.

Once again the ladder is incorporated into Shaun’s plans. He sets it back up and begins to ascend it.

Greyson: Shaun really must have some kind of death wish.

Sparkles: But he doesn’t even have a Charles Bronson style mustache.

Shaun ascends to the middle rung of the ladder, balances himself then comes flying off. He soars right into the hand that is waiting on him. Decay reaches up and catches Shaun around the throat.

Greyson: Decay caught him again.

Not only does Decay catch him, but he drives Shaun down with the chokeslam directly into the middle of the ring.

Sparkles: Choke-thingy delivered.

Greyson: Choke-SLAM Sparkles, choke-SLAM! Honestly, can you learn just ONE thing about this company we work for?

Sparkles: I have. I learned Katelyn Buehler’s showering schedule months ago.

Greyson: That’s not….never-mind.

The chokeslam shakes the ring and shatters Shaun’s body. He now lays motionless upon the ring as Decay drops on top of him, forearm embedded against Cruze’s face.

Wright slides into position and makes an emphatic, deliberate count.



To the amazement of everyone in attendance, and the bulging of Decay’s eyes, Shaun flings his arm into the air, getting his shoulder off of the canvas. A disgruntled Decay pulls Cruze along to his feet, extends Shaun’s arm through his own legs, hooks the other one then heaves his opponent up and onto his shoulder into a pumphandle powerslam. Shaun’s body collides with devastating impact against the ring once again, leaving him immobilized. Decay takes full advantage of Shaun’s broken body, throwing all of his girth upon his adversary’s chest.



In spite of the speed of Stuart’s count Shaun still manages to kick out.

Greyson: Shaun obviously has himself a great deal of will and fortitude.

Sparkles: Not to mention pecs, I imagine those go a long way in wooing the ladies.

Decay’s efforts will not be thwarted by Shaun’s perseverance. He takes Cruze around the neck, leads him up to his feet and prepares now for the two handed chokebomb. He throws Shaun up into the air and is on the cusp of finishing him off before Cruze avoids calamity by using the momentum of Decay’s lift in order to fly over the big man’s skull, slide right down his back and catch him with a sunset flip.

Decay attempts to avoid being pulled over into the pin, swinging his arms wildly before at last leaving his feet of his own accord. He launches himself into the air, twists and comes down with a leg drop aimed at Shaun’s throat. Cruze rolls out of the way in the nick of time though, causing all of Decay’s girth to crash into the canvas seat first. His face grimaces and then finds itself on the cusp of being collapsed when Shaun steps in and goes for a thrust kick.

This time it does not hit temple, it does not hit cheek, it does not hit anything but air, because Shaun’s boot is caught a mere inch removed from Decay’s face. He pushes the leg away, sends Shaun twisting completely around and eventually finding his throat caught in the massive hands of his adversary. Decay launches Shaun into the air, and then drops him with the sit-out chokebomb.

Greyson: He missed once, but not twice.

Sparkles: So we’re on the Sinistry bandwagon then?

Greyson: Why do we HAVE to pick a side?

Sparkles: Because obviously it’s up to me to assume the role of the smarmy kiss-ass. Every commentary table needs a Cyrus, or a Lawler or a Heenan. The universe dictates that we require an asshole at ringside.

Greyson: Well you’ve definitely got that part covered already Sparkles.

The chokebomb has been delivered and Decay COULD go for the pin, but he has other intentions. His designs extend to inflicting further damage on Cruze, and a ladder is going to be employed to accomplish just that. He takes it down from its upright base and draws it across his sternum.

Sparkles: That ladder is going to crush Shaun, crush him like a walnut between Sharon Stone’s thighs.

Decay is about to do just that, with slightly less thigh action. He rushes across the ring with the ladder moments from inflicting grieves harm upon Shaun’s skull. But instead the ladder comes back to the detriment of Decay. Shaun stands up with a steel chair in his hands, swinging it right into the ladder and driving it back into Decay’s body. The brute collapses to his back with the ladder extended across his chest, a bad-bad place to be in.

Shaun retracts the chair and unleashes his homicidal urges by swinging the steel down intot he ladder. He then does it again, and again, each blow delivered as Shaun visualizes his brother being hit with the Death in Tombstone, the gavel, the stereo chokeslam, and so much more at the hands of the Sinistry. Ba’al watches melancholic as his monster is crushed beneath the ladder and the multiple chair shots by the vengeful Cruze.

Greyson: Shaun finally getting some retribution on the Sinistry. First Decay, then Ba’al at Upping the Ante.

The chair slams into the ladder once more, wearing out both items, and especially the man trapped beneath them. And now Shaun moves one step closer to vengeance. He approaches the ropes, steps through them to the apron and then scales to the top cable, all the while holding a chair under his arm.

The crowd is absolutely explosive as Shaun flies through the air with a chair assisted elbow drop right into the ladder, embedding the rungs into Decay’s flesh and skull.

Greyson: My stars!

Sparkles: My stars? Really? Really? I think Anthony Michael Hall in the Breakfast Club is cooler than you.

Pulses are racing as Shaun throws aside the chair and now puts all of his weight chest first across the ladder, pushing it down onto Decay and pinning his shoulders to the canvas. Although Wright is in the position to make the count, he’s NOT doing it. The SIN official REFUSING to afford Shaun the win.

Greyson: But Wright isn’t going to allow Cruze to have this win.

Sparkles: That’s right Stu, stick it him just like all the women you’ve helped me stick it to. Stuart happens to be the best…

Greyson: You’re wing-man, yes, yes, you’ve covered that a thousand times already.

Shaun obviously has the win here but Stuart is still in protest, refusing to count and instead reading Cruze the letter of the law. Shaun takes as good as he gives. He stands up and begins to shout right back into Stuart’s face, intimidating the referee enough to vacate the ring. As Wright exits, Ba’al attempts to enter, he steps up onto the apron and receives a chin crushing superkick for his troubles.

Greyson: Shaun superkicking Ba’al right off of the apron!

Sparkles: Still not going to bring him any closer to winning this match.

Greyson: True, but I imagine it made Shaun feel pretty damn good.

The kick to the cranium didn’t feel good for Ba’al, who falls to the mats griping at his chin. Rachel is right there, knelt at her fiancee’s side, encouraging him to get back up. But Ba’al won’t have to lift a finger in order to see Shaun suffer here tonight. Because while Cruze was so fixated on his opponent at Upping the Ante, he didn’t spot the individual sliding into the ring behind him, that individual being Head of SIN security, Hunter Locke.

Sparkles: It’s that guy who’s chest is bigger than my whole body.

Greyson: Hunter Locke, the man that Shaun has had multiple run ins with since Reawakening Day is right behind him.

This TITAN waits behind Shaun, and the moment Cruze turns ends up being a moment he’ll long live to regret…..well, maybe not that long after all.

Shaun immediately finds his arm trapped and his body dragged to the canvas by the physical specimen under the Sinistry employ. Hunter forces Cruze t the canvas by the bicep, applying a fujiwara that he then transitions directly into a hammerlock. Before Cruze knows what’s what, his wrists are being forced together via a zip-tie.

Greyson: This unstoppable Hunter Locke is doing precisely what he did at Reawakening Day, imposing his will on Shaun and forcing his wrists into that zip-tie.

Sparkles: Guess big boobs Locke didn’t take too kindly to being hit with that chair two weeks ago.

Greyson: Obviously Locke hasn’t forgotten being struck with a chair by Cruze two weeks ago.

With his hands now bound behind him, Shaun has little defenses left against the peril that is the Sinistry. Hunter steps back and watches as Ba’al re-enters the ring at the same time that Decay is fighting to get out from under the ladder.

Immediately upon entering the squared circle, Ba’al’s fist finds its way directly across Shaun’s cheek. He then pulls back on Shaun’s jaw so that Cruze is forced to look up into the series of punches delivered straight across his forehead.

Ba’al: Is this what you desired, Herr Cruze? To feel what Orlando felt? To know how your brother suffered? Well I must inform you, old boy, that what I have in store for you, will not even compare to the fate befallen your brother.

Locke swoops in and holds Shaun up so that Ba’al can leap in from behind, take Cruze around the neck and spike him across the back of his skull with the Totalis.

Sparkles: That reverse-inverted-bull-face-dog-plant-DDT-buster…

Greyson: Just give up already Sparkles.

Sparkles: Oh thank God.

Ba’al’s rival takes a very nasty bump, almost flipping completely over onto the back of his neck thanks to the leaping reverse STO. Shaun is left lifeless upon impact, rolling limp to his side but Ba’al isn’t about to let him stay in that position for very long. He grabs Shaun, throws him through the ropes and leaves his shins stretched over the middle cable. All the while Foxx is entering the ring and slipping a steel chair into position directly behind her fiancée. Ba’al now drops back and DDTs Shaun’s skull with as much force as humanly possible right into the chair. And there was nothing Shaun could to block this sickening maneuver, his wrists remaining bound behind his back.

Greyson: Ooooh heaven’s to Bettsies…Shaun paying a heavy price for his multiple attacks on Ba’al in recent weeks.

Sparkles: Ba’al and Foxx just split his damn wiggy.

Shaun lies as limp as a noddle on the canvas yet Ba’al springs to his feet like grease popping from a frying pan. If Ba’al had access to a frying pan, he’d probably be beating Shaun to death with it at the moment. However, he tempers himself and instead of inflicting further harm, at the moment, upon Shaun, Ba’al drops to his knees beside him, the Prince of Sin allowing his words to inflict far greater damage.

Ba’al: What did you anticipate would happen when you tested me time and time again, Shaun? Have you not replayed in your head what my family did to your brother? Did you expect that YOUR fate would be any different than his own?

Foxx: Enough of this Mein Liebling….

Rachel leans down behind Ba’al and wraps her arms loving about his neck, pressing her cheek to his shoulder blades with eyes dreamily half opened.

Foxx: You’ve wasted enough of your time and effort on this man. Allow Decay and Hunter to take Shaun to Jaina, so that she might anoint him, and we can have ourselves another glorious crucifixion.

Ba’al: I do love how your mind works.

Ba’al employs a surprisingly gentle touch upon the hands interlocked under his chin, tapping Rachel’s knuckles softly. Hunter and Decay are anything but gentle however, as they snatch hold of Shaun’s still bound arms, force him up to his feet and then force him through the ropes. Cruze crashes to the mats while Hunter and Decay land on opposite sides of his mangled body. They then force him to his feet and begin to drag him towards the back…BEGIN TO…they don’t actually succeed thanks to one individual….well one individual leading an entire army of OTHER individuals.

Karen: Not so fast….

McBride stands before a collection of security guards, all of which proudly wearing the IWC colors. They form a wall across the stage, keeping Hunter and Decay from dragging Shaun to the backstage area where he would be marked for crucifixion by the devilish Jaina Frost.

Karen: I’m not about to let you take this any further, Sinistry.

An inconsolable Karen McBride stands tall upon the stage, surveying everything she’s seen with more than a hint of disgust extended across his face.

Greyson: It’s our new Principle Owner, Sparkles.

Sparkles: You don’t think I would notice Karen McBride standing on the stage? If it has an ass and boobs it’s already on my radar.

Karen speaks loud so that Ba’al and Foxx can hear over their own labored, intense breaths.

Karen: The days of the Sinistry crucifying everyone that opposes them ends this very moment.

The excitement levels spike.

Karen: The Sinistry is no longer getting a free pass to maim and massacre anyone that they please, they have to be held accountable for their actions, starting with you, Ba’al.

Ba’al’s grin grows by miles as opposed to inches.

Ba’al: And how do you intend to stop us?

Karen: It won’t be through a slap on the wrist, Ba’al. You WILL get far worse from the brother of the man who you crucified two months ago. You’ll face Shaun Cruze at Upping the Ante, and it will be in a Weapon’s Match. And as far as tonight goes, you’ll still be fighting alongside Mika as the two of you face off against the Tag Team Champions under Tables, Ladders and Chairs rules.

Ba’al: You consider that to be your slap on the wrist? A punishment befitting the perceived crimes that my family has committed? You truly have much to learn, Frau McBride, for the Sinistry will gladly best the Tag Team Champions and reinforce both the power and solidarity of our army. By besting our opponents, Team Epic, the Sinistry inches ever so closer to establishing a perfect world order, and ensuring the compliance of this roster. So thank you dear girl, for this opportunity.

Karen: Don’t think me just yet, Ba’al. Because ummm, you haven’t let me get to my little caveat. Not only will that TLC match happen next, but to ensure we don’ get a repeat of what happened before your match two weeks ago, Decay, Hunter Locke and Rachel Foxx are BARRED FROM RINGSIDE.

Andre: Can this possibly get any worse?

Tabitha: You’re right, it can’t.

Tabitha Silverstone and Andre Jordan mirror one another’s responses to the premise of this impending TLC match. Presently the pair is standing in the gorilla position and discussing the pending calamity that will be Team Epic versus the Sinistry. Though Jordan and his partner, Gavin Taylor, may hold the Tag belts, they are anything but a team. The two have shown zero solidarity in the months building to the winning of their titles, and the months that have followed since.

Andre: You know what this match is, right?

Tabitha: What’s that?

Andre: Gavin’s best chance yet to see me get injured. My arm STILL hasn’t recovered after the last time he left me in the ring to get worked over by the GOOD Movement.

Jordan lifts his arm, elbow covered in thick protective padding.

Tabitha: Not to be redundant, but when your right your right. In fact, you’ve been right about everything since day one, especially Gavin.

Andre: I can’t believe it’s taken this long for you to realize what Gavin’s motives have been since the beginning.

Tabitha: I’m sorry about that Dre, really, I am. I hate to admit this, but it took Sebastian to open my eyes…

Andre: I know-I know, I get it, you thought I was a little blinded by my hate for Gavin, and that’s why I was so vocal about not trusting him, but after NewAge three weeks ago…

Tabitha: Yeah-yeah, I see Gavin for what he is, and I’m not about to afford him another opportunity to further injure you here tonight.

Andre: Oh really?

Tabitha: I know that Karen wants Ba’al and Karen to battle the Tag Team Champions, but I’m going to throw a little wrinkle into…

Gavin: Are you two ready?

Gavin Taylor proudly boasts both the Tag Team Championship belt over his shoulder and the Team Epic t-shirt wrapped around his body. Yet even with his flamboyant support of his team with Andre, Taylor continues to get the cold shoulder. No, it actually feels like he’s getting a glacial shoulder from his tag partner, and from his agent, Tabitha.

Gavin: I can’t wait to go out and pin the World Champion and reinforce just how magical Team Epic is. Beating the Sinistry is going to make us look better than any team in the history of teams. I’m talking better than the tandem of Chris Farley and David Spade, Abbot and Costello, Harry and Lloyd, the Crash Test Dummies….The list goes on and on…

Tabitha: Erm, Gavin, I don’t know how to tell you this…..

Gavin: Do I have broccoli stuck in my teeth?

Tabitha: Uh, there’s been a change in plans.

Gavin: A change in plans?

Sabastian: Alright, let’s do this.

Gavin finds himself floored at the sight of Sabastian Knight stepping towards Silverstone International dressed in….dressed in…..wrestling gear? It appears that the man Tabitha brought in at Reawakening Day to support her clients prepares to offer the best support yet, by method of wrestling.

Gavin: What’s going on here?

Andre: Awww, what’s wrong Gavin, having trouble connecting the dots? Because it’s pretty obvious to me.

Sabastian: You won’t be needed tonight, Gavin, I’m taking your place as Andre’s partner. So do us all a favor, grab your stuff and hit the road.

Andre: Stay away from the ring Gavin, or God help me…

Jordan and Knight embark towards the ring, leaving a stunned Gavin behind. Tabitha tries to follow her client but her progression is impeded by the hand wrapped around her wrist, Taylor forcing her to stay behind and offer an explanation.

Gavin: Tabs? What gives? You guys don’t trust me?

Tabitha: Sorry Gavin, but you haven’t given us any reason to trust you.

Silverstone slips her wrist out of Gavin’s hand and embarks towards the ring. At last the full gravity of Gavin’s actions these past few weeks weigh upon him, beginning to realize that maybe he can’t have his cake and eat it too.

Alana: Awwww….poor Gavin.

The X-Class Champion Alana Starr couldn’t help but to comment on the scene she watched from afar. The opportunity to rub salt in Taylor’s wounds is just too rich, hence why she is closing the distance between she and Gavin.

Alana: You look like Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles, like everyone just forgot your birthday.

Gavin’s head lowers and his lip protrudes.

Alana: I’m so glad that your little plot was foiled. Now you can put an end to this whole masquerade about trying to redeem me, when it was sooo painfully obvious you were trying to play me to eat away at Andre and Tabitha.

Gavin: You got me figured huh?

Alana: I’m so GOOD I’m almost divine, Gavin, meaning I’m almost omnipotent, I see all, I know all.

Gavin: Then you should see what’s coming next.

Taylor intentionally brushes against Alana’s shoulder upon heading for the ring. The X-Class Champion turns and brushes off her arm.

Alana: What a biscuit.

There have already been so many plays for power here tonight that Petyr Baelish is probably envious. Karen McBride is the latest to make a grab for control, having just forced the Sinistry into a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match. Her stride through the backstage area ends when coming face to face with Taylor Chase. The reception in the building defies belief when the sight of McBride and Tay going nose to nose consumes the screen. Chase isn’t alone in forming a human barrier between Karen and her destination, wherever it might be. Brittany Lohan, Sienna Swann, Scott Cannon, and Lenore-Price Mason are also present, and for once, Silas Mason is behind the ground instead of leading them.

Karen: Mmmm, Taylor…

Taylor: Don’t even…

Karen: I just wanted to say…

Taylor: Shut up..

Karen: You can’t just….

Taylor: SHUSH.

McBride gets red in the face before exhaling a loooong breath.

Taylor: I’m not interested in a single thing you have to say.

Karen goes to open her mouth before realizing the futility of it all.

Taylor: Kloe Masters and Mika are the only ones I’m interested in talking to here tonight. And I hope to God that Kloe is able to fix all the damage that YOU caused.

Karen: What more can I do?

Tay extends her palm towards Karen’s face, insisting she speak to the hand. And McBride is very fortunate that that hand doesn’t find its way directly across Karen’s cheek.

Taylor: You’ve done too much already. Just keep out of my business for now on, or I won’t be nearly as hospitable to you next time.

Tay looks back over her shoulders at the bevy of brawlers who follow.

Taylor: Kloe later, Mika NOW.

Silas World starts down the corridor with Taylor at the forefront and both Silas and Cannon bringing up the rear. The two stop when coming face to face with a clearly confused McBride.

Silas: Jus want to apologize on behalf of Baby Doll. She’s a lil’….lil’ emotional at the moment is all.

Karen: To be honest with you, Silas, I’m starting to lose my patience with Taylor and her threats of resigning from the company. I admitted to my mistake, removed myself from the World Title match at Upping the Ante, have given her a stipulation of her choosing for her World Championship bout at the End of the Year Special, and last week I even told her who was going to face Ba’al at the next pay-per-view. What more does she expect from me, Silas?

Silas: Baby Doll is pretty high maintenance. You give ‘er the world, she wants the moon, ya give ‘er the moon she wants the stars. Ya jus’ ain’t gonna win.

Karen: Honestly, the only reason I haven’t reprimanded her, is because I owe you a debt for aiding me in dropping my nuclear bomb.

Silas: Nuthin’ ya couldn’t have dun over social media…

Karen: No, it HAD to be at an IWC event. It had to be done right in front of the Sinistry, on THEIR turf, in THEIR home. Otherwise my nuclear bomb wouldn’t have been nearly as big of a slap in their faces. And none of it would have been possible without your protection at Reawakening Day, Silas. That’s the only reason I’ve kept a level head in spite of Taylor’s attitude problems.

Silas: I think there’s only one way left to appease Baby Doll.

Karen: I’m THROUGH trying to appease her.

Silas: No-no, just one more little favor, I promise it will set everything right. Ya do this and Baby Doll will forgive all. Ya just have to agree to a match…



We’re back to the ring and Ba’al is still positioned within it now striped of his fiancée, his head of security, and his servant. Rachel Foxx, Hunter Locke and Decay, the very same individuals who were instrumental in taking out Ba’al’s opponents last week, are no longer at his side. So now the SIN Champion crouches in the corner of the ring and prepares himself for the unenviable task of facing Andre Jordan and Sebastian Knight.

Greyson: Our TLC Tag Match, as ordered by Karen McBride, still slated to happen, and happen right now….

Sparkles: Yay, Greyson’s in hype mode. I can tell your excited cause your hand has just tightened around my taint.

“Pop Goes the Weasel” by laughing Jack plays throughout the arena…..

The arena goes dark……

A strobe light shines throughout the arena…..

Laser Lights begin to flicker in the dark….

A Box sits in the front of the entranceway as it slowly opens and Mika walks out wearing a fury top hat, cane and boa. Aiken steps out with her followed by Red Rayne and Silk the other members of New Eden.

Mika Kozlov looks around to the fans and smirks as she walks down to the ring…..

The creepy “Pop Goes The Weasel” continues to play as Mika stops and giggles….

She looks over at the fans and cracks a smile, giggling or even cackling a little as she gets to the apron and slowly crawls into the ring under the bottom rope…..

Mika gets on the second turnbuckle and raises one arm in the air and looks up posing as the camera flashes go off…..

as Aiken grabs the mic…..

Aiken: Have you ever heard of the healing power of laughter? Have you seen a piece of coal turn into a beautiful diamond? You are seeing that jewel shine right here in our New Eden for she is my Diamond Devil……MIKA KOZLOV!

Mika starts laughing, Silk and Red Rayne both smirk and walk out of the ring.

Sparkles: I am personally nominating Aiken Frost for man of the year. The man has got his hand in more pies than Marie Callender.

Greyson: Though Hunter, Decay and Foxx were barred from ringside, Karen didn’t say anything about Mika’s entourage. She is followed to the ring by Aiken Frost and New Eden. I hope Andre Jordan and Sebastian Knight appreciate what they’re getting themselves into.

Sparkles: The opportunity to fondle Mika Kozlov?

Greyson: Do you remember what happened the last time YOU tried to do that?

Sparkles: Yes, I still remember her ex-boyfriend punt kicking me into the nose bleed section.

Greyson: Speaking of Mika’s ex, we learned on NewAge that Aaron Harrison will go one on one with Aiken Frost at Upping the Ante in what promises to be a rather gruesome contest. Perhaps as gruesome as the TLC we’re about to see right this second.

”Badass” by Saliva begins streaming through the speakers, resulting in a predictably explosive response from the crowd. On cue they react like they just sat on fire crackers, launching out of their seats in response to Sebastian Knight’s arrival. The man who revealed the reformation of his alliance with Tabitha Silverstone at Reawakening Day, makes his way through the curtains, prepared to compete in the ring for the first time in over a year.

Greyson: I guess that confirms it…

Sparkles: That you CAN still get sexually aroused even after taking three Ambien?

Greyson: No, that Andre Jordan’s partner will not be Gavin Taylor. Apparently this TLC tag will take place with a few tweaks.

Sparkles: I love tweaks, especially when Kordy is doing them.

Greyson: I said TWEAKS, not TWERKS. Anyway, the tweak I’m referring to is the fact that Gavin Taylor has been replaced as Jordan’s partner by Sebastian Knight. This is a huge move by Dre to prevent Taylor the opportunity of injuring Jordan yet again. Which we all know is Gavin’s number one modus-operandi.

Knight is about to dance amongst a minefield, and hopes he will not two-step across a live IED. He stops at ringside and waits for his partner to arrival and even up the odds against the Sinistry. Mika is presently lying across the top rope of a turnbuckle and Ba’al is seated beneath her, leaning with his back to the cables. Both individuals closely watch Knight, and they aren’t the only ones, New Eden and Aiken Frost also watch intently. Their attention shifts focus however, when ‘We Own It’ blares through the speakers and Andre Jordan and Tabitha Silverstone make their way through the crowd.

Greyson: Andre Jordan and Sebastian Knight with a big task ahead of them here.

Sparkles: A pretty daunting task. These two were completely thrown together.

Greyson: And yet that actually IMPROVES Andre’s chances of winning tonight. If he were paired along with Gavin…well…let’s just say that would be bad for Andre.

Sparkles: You know what else is bad? The dolls in it’s a Small World After-All. They tried to recruit me once until I found out they were all part of an evil brain washing cult, not unlike the Sinistry.

Greyson: You just compared the Sinistry to the Animatronics in it’s a Small World After-All. Wow…bravo.

With Silverstone backing them for morale support, Jordan and Knight step side by side, pound fists and rush the ring.

Greyson: Here we go, these two aren’t waiting.

Jordan is in the ring and all over Ba’al within seconds, and Knight is working just as quickly and swinging fists upside Mika’s face just as emphatically. The crowd is going absolutely beyond bonkers as Silverstone International brings it and brings it big time to the Sinistry.

Sparkles: Who lit a fuse under the asses of both these guys? Did Silverstone promise them they could motorboat her boobies if they won?

Greyson: Must you be so crude?

Sparkles: Yes, because I’m rather one dimensional in nature. I am the way you made me after-all.

Andre now steps back and goes for a big lariat that Ba’al manages to duck. As a result Dre is carried forward right into the waiting hands of Mika. She side-steps him, grabs Jordan by the back of the head and throws him through the ropes.

At the same time, Ba’al, who just ducked a lariat, manages to put his face in position for the big running knee by Knight.

Sebastian charges in and attempts to crush the SIN Champion’s face with the blow only to have Ba’al catch the knee before it could demolish his face. He quickly pushes the leg away and sends Knight spiraling across the ring right into the waiting hands of Kozlov. She catches him by the back of the head and pitches Knight through the ropes to the outside.

Knight lands on his feet across the mats and staggers into the barricade, leaning against it for support. But neither Knight nor Jordan will find solace outside of the ring. The moment they prop themselves against the barricades, here comes Ba’al, here comes Mika. The two rush across the ring, crisscrossing one another before diving through perpendicular sets of ropes. Mika flies right into Knight, Ba’al flies right into Dre, but neither Sinistry member connects with their intended prey.

Sebastian suddenly turns from the barricade and reveals a steel chair in his hands, one he swings right upside Mika’s face. At the same time Jordan turns away from the barricade with a table in his palms, flinging it into the air and watching as Ba’al’s face careens right into the wooden surface.

Greyson: Silverstone International!

Sparkles: Can we just abbreviate that to SI? Or would we be sued?

Greyson: I highly doubt Sports Illustrated would sue us over an abbreviation.

Sparkles: Who said anything about Sports Illustrated? I was talking about Stuffed Intercourse. It’s a very prestigious magazine about the erotic escapades of muppets. You really should give it a read.

Greyson: I think I’ll…I think I’ll pass.

Mika and Ba’al find themselves in a world of hurt outside of the ring, and the pain they’re about to feel inside of it truly defies this earth. Jordan drags Ba’al up to his feet, throws him into the ring then slides in himself. But Ba’al isn’t the last thing that Andre introduces into this match. A ladder is fetched from ringside and pushed under the cables, ending up mere inches from the SIN Champion.

Jordan takes full advantage of the TLC rules, introducing the ladder before at last introducing himself. He slides into the ring and gets into positon behind Ba’al, encouraging him to stand so that he can swoop in and deliver the Game Changer.

The Olympic Slam is seemingly on the cusp of connecting and driving Ba’al into the ladder, but with a second to spare Ba’al manages to SPARE himself. He slides right off of the shoulders of his opponent and launches himself right into the air. The Totalis is seconds from connecting, Ba’al catching Andre around the neck and snapping back for the move only to have Knight rush into the ring, grab Dre’s hands and prop him up. As a result Ba’al falls back and crashes into the ladder. His spine suffers significant strain and trauma as a result of the plunge into the ladder, and worse yet, he has nothing to show for that strain and trauma. The Totalis was avoided, but what about a chair shot?

Mika looks to avenge the blow she received to the skull to start this match, sliding into the ring, chair in hand and chair aimed for the back of Knight. She rushes in and swings only to have Dre save his partner by tossing Sebastian out of the way and then catching the inbound weapon with both of his palms. Andre spares Knight the chair shot, but does not spare HIMSELF the ensuing Van Daminator style spinning heel kick.

Mika lunges into the air and nails the chair with a kick so thunderous that it launches the steel right back into the Evolution Champion’s face. He then goes stumbling in reverse, swinging his arms to remain upright, though he probably would wish he just fell down. In a daze he staggers right back into the waiting arms of a recovered Ba’al, who leaps into the air, catches Andre around the neck and spikes him with the Totalis….the Totalis right into the ladder.

Greyson: This TLC match is off to such a vicious-vicious-vicious start.

Sparkles: Team EPIC probably wishes their names hadn’t been drawn out of Karen McBoob’s hat now. Why were they even put in this match in the first place?

Greyson: Because they want to see the same thing we want to see, the end of the Sinistry here in the IWC.

And Silverstone International is in a position to see that happen. Another group that is seeing every aspect of this match is New Eden, Mika’s associates watching very intently. Aiken’s arms are draped over the shoulders of Silk and Red Rayne, all three amused by the pain etched across Andre’s face. Tabitha, Andre’s agent, doesn’t find this nearly as amusing, evident by the concern in her eyes.

Everyone watches as Ba’al prepares to go for the cover on Jordan, crawling into a cover on the man who’s neck might have just been snapped by his Totalis. He grabs Andre by the leg and hooks it only to have Knight intervene. Sebastian charges in before official Arnie Ficklebottom could even make the count, and Knight delivers a stomp to the back of the SIN Champion’s head. He then bends down, catches Ba’al around the neck and drags his head under Knight’s seat, setting him up for a piledriver. He is just about to connect before Knight’s legs are swept out from under him, his body tips over backwards, the creases of his knees are hooked and Ba’al drops back into the catapult.

Sebastian is launched into the air and right into a steel chair…one that is thrown with the force of a cannonball fired from….well…a cannon duh, right into Knight’s skull. Mika flings the chair with such force and leaves Sebastian incapacitated enough to fall victim to the sunset flip. Ba’al reaches up, hooks the curves of Knight’s hips and pulls him down into the roll up.

Ficklebottom makes the count to a chorus of boos.



That cacophony of boos turns into a symphony of cheers when Knight launches his shoulder from the ring, BARELY hanging on.

Greyson: Silverstone International giving these people cause to believe.

Sparkles: Don’t stop BELEVIN!

After having already endured his fair share of troubles this evening, Ba’al is looking to make quick work of another aggravation. He rises to his feet, pulls Knight’s legs up and then drops back into ANOTHER catapult. Knight is launched right towards Mika, who picks up the chair, lifts it into the air and prepares to use it. However, the chair bites the hand that feeds. The second Knight is sent up to his feet he leaves them in order to deliver a dropkick right into the chair, driving it back into Mika’s face.

Kozlov is sent spiraling across the ring, dropping the chair and dropping herself through the ropes. Knight, who used the momentum of Ba’al’s catapult to hurt Kozlov, now tries to find some momentum of his own. He rushes into the ropes in front of a recovering Ba’al, ricochets off and comes back in with an attempt at a decapitating clothesline. Ba’al manages to get his boot up and into the inbound bicep though, sending Knight twisting away and exposing his back for the Champion’s next maneuver. Ba’al rushes past Knight and rushes right into the ropes in front of him before he rushes back in with a powerful lariat of his own. He charges directly into a big boot from Knight, one that nails him right to the shoulder. Ba’al staggers back into the ropes and ricochets off before bending his head and lunging into a spear.

The lariat didn’t work so maybe a spear will…or at least it would have if Knight didn’t side step the Champion and cause his momentum to carry him head first right into the waiting arms of the Evolution Champion. Andre catches Ba’al coming in, hooks both of his arms and sets up for the pedigree.

The Game Changer is seconds from being delivered, planting the Champion’s face into the canvas. However, Ba’al manages to counter, standing up and sending Jordan flying over his back. Andre drops to the canvas behind Ba’al but manages to reach up and hook arms around the curves of the Sinistry member’s hips. Jordan is trying to pull Ba’al down and into the sunset flip but Prince of Sin is fighting to stay on his feet. He continues to remain upright until Knight charges in and delivers an incredibly powerful lariat. The clothesline he looked for earlier FINALLY connects and puts Ba’al on his back, subjecting him to the sunset flip pin by Jordan.



It seems Silverstone International has a victory in their back pocket, only to have Ba’al pickpocket his opponents. He rolls over backwards out of the sunset flip to his knees and just begins to stand up before Jordan steps over the back of his adversary’s head and hooks his arms. Jordan is bound and determined to deliver the Game Changer, but instead all that is delivered is the thrust kick by Mika.

She steps in and launches her boot directly into Andre’s chin, threatening to take his head off. Though Jordan makes sure his head stays where it is and that it’s Mika’s foot that might just be detached from her body. He catches Mika’s inbound boot and twists it so that she comes down onto her face, the ankle lock being applied.

Sparkles: Oh please, like Jordan even stands a chance of making Mika tap out.

Greyson: Yeah, I don’t believe anyone has EVER made Mika tap out.

And tonight will be no different, Mika rolls over to her back, wedges her feet to Andre’s stomach and pushes him off. He ends up staggering back right into Ba’al, who catches Jordan around the waist, setting up for the German suplex onto a steel chair. Ba’al is right on the cusp of delivering the move when Jordan suddenly performs a standing switch, saving his career by swinging around behind his adversary’s back and shoving the World Champion forward into the ropes. Ba’al ricochets off and comes back in at Jordan, leaping instinctively towards the Evolution Champ with a flying forearm. Dre saves himself yet again, this time dropping down out of the way and causing Ba’al to fly into the waiting shoulder of Knight.

Sebastian catches Ba’al’s ribs against his shoulder then twists him around out of the air into a Double A Spinebuster across the chair.

Greyson: Bodies just flopping everywhere in this TLC match.

Sparkles: There are a few things I wouldn’t mind seeing flop around at ringside either.

Red Rayne and Silk draw closer to the ring while Aiken maintains his distance, silently observing Mika’s progression. And that progression shows when Mika rushes into the ropes in front of a kneeling Knight, ricochets from the cables and then delivers a big running knee right to Sebastian’s face. Her knee lands straight across the arms of her opponent.

Knight catches Kozlov’s leg coming in, stands up and performs an inside heel trip on her planted foot. Kozlov falls to her back and Knight tries to apply a cloverleaf at this point. Just before the hold can be applied, Mika bends her knees, pulling Knight in and subjecting his skull to a chair shot. Mika sits up with the steel in her palms, driving it directly into the top of Knight’s skull.

Sebastian shakes off the blow to the skull before being pulled down into a small package.



Tabitha just turns away from the ring, covering her eyes, which she lives to regret because it caused her to miss Knight getting his shoulder up.

Sparkles: Why do we have to have so many near-falls? Seriously, why?

Greyson: Heightened suspense, Sparkles, heightened suspense.

After Mika’s pin proves unsuccessful she stands up and thinks up a new plan of attack, however in the process she exposes her back to Jordan and his patented Game Changer. He steps up, places a head under Mika’s pit and lifts her into the air for his version of the Olympic Slam. It seems Jordan is about to seal the fate of the Sinistry, only to have his own destiny decided thanks to the interference of New Eden.

Much like the lethal tandem aided Rachel Frost in her cage match two weeks ago, we see them continue perpetuating that pattern of behavior by having Mika’s back. Red Rayne and Silk reach under the ropes, grab hold of Andre’s legs and tear them out from under his body. Dre falls flat on his face and then finds his entire frame being slid out from the ring where the Evolution Champion crashes across the mats.

Greyson: New Eden gets involved just when it seemed the tide of this match was turning in the favor of Silverstone International.

Sparkles: Hey now, the more we see of New Eden the better for my imaginary penis.

Aiken leans back against the barricade, arms crossed and head titled as he observes Rayne and Silk kneeling on opposite sides of Jordan while subjecting him to clubbing blows. They continue this heinous assault upon the Evolution Champion until Knight intervenes.

Sebastian recovers from the chair shot he took moments ago in order to step into the ropes, grab the top one and then pull himself over into a crossbody. He comes crashing down right into Red Rayne and Silk at ringside, taking all three individuals to the mats.

Sparkles: Knight doing exactly what he was brought in for, watching the backs of Silverstone International.

Greyson: Imagine that Sparkles, someone doing their job.

Sparkles: What’s that supposed to mean?

Predictably the fans have risen in accordance with Knight’s dangerous dive and collision with New Eden. Sebastian continues to pay dividends for Silverstone International by snatching up Dre and rolling him into the ring. Knight begins to follow, climbing up onto the apron when Rayne latches onto his ankle. She holds tight, refusing to let Sebastian back into the ring. He swings at her skull but it isn’t enough to break her grip, Eventually Rayne detaches on her own in order to get out of the way of the buzzsaw kick that Silk delivers right to Knight’s shin.

Sebastian falls flat on his face across the apron, but it’s his ankle that is causing him the most aggravation. He sits up and continues to reach for his leg, a leg that has fallen into Rayne’s clutches. Before Knight even realizes he’s in a bad predicament, Rayne is giving him a dragon screw leg whip variant. From her standing base on the mats, she manages to drag Knight down from the apron above her and send his knee and ankle crashing into the mats.

Sparkles: What in the fuck was that?

Greyson: Whatever it was, it was devastating.

And it seemed to please Aiken, who offers a slow, methodical clap that would make Judd Nelson look like less of a prick when mocking Molly Ringwald’s ability to apply lipstick with the use of her cleavage. The clapping ends when Aiken snaps his fingers and points at Knight’s leg, insisting Rayne do something.

She grabs Knight’s leg, stretches it out vertically and wedges it against the steel barricade. That’s when Silk comes diving in with a front dropkick, her feet crushing Sebastain’s knee against the barrier.

Greyson: I think this has gotten a tad bit excessive.

Sparkles: Hope Knight still has a wheelchair at home. He’s about to be put on the DL for another year.

The screams of pain emanating from Knight are absolutely blood curdling. The fans collectively cringe at the sight of Sebastian’s leg, which resembles Joe Theismann’s knee after a career shortening tackle south of the waist. He rolls to his side and continues to shout in pain, drawing Tabitha nearer. She kneels to check on Knight, her fears confirmed when it appears that his leg has been significantly damaged…too damaged to further compete in this match.

This unfortunately means Dre is left alone in the ring against two people who share a passion for reducing the strongest athletes to their weakest. Mika has slid beside Jordan and now begins to throw knee after knee after knee directly into the Evolution Champion’s face. Mika quickly transitions around behind Jordan, places him in a seated abdominal stretch then delivers MMA elbows across the side of her opposition’s skull.

Jordan is already in bad-bad shape, his brain rattled by the knees, by the elbows and now by Mika’s headbutts. She drives her skull right into the back of Andre’s head.

Ba’al kneels beside Jordan, reaching out with his hand, not to deliver a blow, but to deliver a pat. He slaps Dre on his back several times.

Ba’al: You put forth a valiant effort my boy. But now would be the opportune time for you to take this loss and learn from it.

Andre: Rot in hell.

Ba’al: How humorous, because hell is precisely what is awaiting you.

Ba’al leans back and watches as Mika’s boots sail into the side of Jordan’s skull. The front dropkick connects with enough force to echo throughout the arena and send Dre rolling to his back. Ba’al no longer watches and instead participates, exiting the ring, grabbing a steel chair and climbing up to the apron. He now scales to the top rope and steadies himself.

Ba’al: In honor of our good friend, Herr Cruze.

Ba’al leaps from the top rope, soars across the ring and drops with the chair under his elbow straight into Jordan’s chest. Obviously Ba’al is making a mockery of Shaun’s offence during the no disqualification opener against Decay.

Sparkles: Pretty sure this match hasn’t gone the way that Karen McBoob wanted.

Greyson: No it hasn’t. It hasn’t at all. New Eden has injured Knight at ringside, and this has left Andre to suffer a 2 on 1 assault.

Sparkles: And lord knows we haven’t seen ENOUGH handicap matches lately.

A pin would be logical at this point, but at the moment the referee wouldn’t even be there to make the count. Official Ficklebottom is outside the ring checking on Knight and then throwing an ‘X’ above his head with his crossed forearms. Obviously Knight is in horrible shape, hence why he is undoing his knee-pad, unable to even bear that little bit of pressure on his leg.

However Knight is probably getting off light compared to what is about to befall Jordan.

Mika has now grabbed hold of a table and is introducing it into this twisted situation.

Greyson: That didn’t take long.

Sparkles: Table for one! Hehehe-hohoho-hahaha. God I really wish you had designed me with a funny bone, Greyson.

The table ends up being sat up at ringside and Andre will no doubt be on the brink of breaking it. Right now it’s Jordan’s chest that is on the verge of being broken. Ba’al has scaled to the top rope with the chair placed under his arm. He then goes airborne, flying through the air and nailing a SECOND elbow drop, chair crashing viciously into Andre’s body.

Jordan feels like he’s about to spit his heart out, twisting over to his stomach, and the Sinistry are about to rip it straight out of his chest. They pull a ladder up and place it diagonally against a corner.

Knight has seen enough of this, pushing the official aside, hobbling towards the ring and then climbing up onto the apron. He can’t put any pressure on his leg, yet he’s still trying to get in and fulfill the oath he made to Tabitha to protect her clients. He is about half way through the ropes when Mika nails him to the temple with a running forearm smash. The blows sends Knight twisting to the outside, landing on his feet but then roaring in agony once he’s forced to apply even the slightest bit of weight upon his leg. He falls forward right into Tabitha’s arms.

Once she holds her client up and sees the strain in his face, she realizes that getting him medical help is her top priority. She leads a hobbling and barely conscious Knight up the ramp, a ramp presently occupied by Gavin Taylor.

Greyson: Things just keep getting worse for Andre.

Sparkles: Yeah, Knight is gone, but my home-slice Gavin Taylor is here to take his place.

Greyson: Believe it or not Gavin coming out here is detrimental to Andre. Everyone knows what Gavin’s motivation is. It’s pretty much the worse kept secret imaginable.

Tabitha looks up the ramp at Gavin’s shaking head.

Gavin: None of this would have happened if you had trusted me.

Tabitha: Then give us a reason to trust you, Gavin. I WANT to believe you.

Silverstone looks back towards the ring where the Evolution Champion can barely stand as he’s charged across the squared circle and double hip tossed right into the ladder. Dre flips completely over and crashes upside down into the rungs, his kidneys and his ribs almost shattering against the steel.


The stereo hip toss has left Jordan twitching, not able to do anything more than that. Yet Kozlov and Ba’al don’t even allow Jordan the opportunity to twitch. They pull him up off of the canvas onto their shoulders, stretching his legs out to his sides, charging across the ring then hurling him crotch first into the rungs of the ladder.

Sparkles: I think Jordan’s gonna be tasting his testicles for a while. I wonder if they’re salty.

Greyson: This is just wrong. Dre is fighting two of the most imposing, destructive forces on the roster right now.

Sparkles: He shouldn’t have let himself be a pawn to McBoob. He should have stayed out of the match.

Greyson: Jordan has never backed down from a challenge before and he’s not about to do it tonight.

Jordan’s back is killing him, his crotch is killing him, and now his head is about to be killing him. He rolls backwards away from the ladder holding his crotch, but soon his head is being held by Mika and Ba’al. They coerce him to his feet, take him by the wrists and double Irish whip him along skull first into the ladders. There is nothing fancy about it, they just THROW Andre into the ladder and then watch as Jordan’s body ricochets off to the canvas.

Greyson: Somebody has got to put a stop to this already.

Sparkles: If Andre would just stop breathing this would be over already.

Jordan’s misfortunes escalate when Ba’al takes the chair, slides it around Andre’s throat and then watches as Mika begins to climb the turnbuckle.

Greyson: Their gonna kill him. Their gonna kill Jordan.

Mika reaches the top rope and steadies herself, preparing to launch her body off into the chair around Andre’s neck, all but ending what has been a prosperous career thus far. Ba’al and Mika are just about to see the end of the Evolution Champion when Gavin ceases smiling at ringside, rushes past Knight and Silverstone, then slides into the ring. Tabitha and Sebastian turn to watch as the agent backs her client through the ropes to the backstage area.

Sparkles: Gavin Taylor about to hit the ring.

Greyson: Gavin is the co-holder of Andre’s Tag Team Titles, but in actuality has been Andre’s worst enemy for months.

Sparkles: Which makes Andre’s prospects of surviving here tonight slimmer than DJ Qualls.

Both Mika and Ba’al turn collectively towards the interloper, Gavin causing his foes to refocus their murderous intent.

Sparkles: What the hell is Gavin thinking here? If he wants to see Dre destroyed then why is he getting in the ring and stopping Mika from breaking Jordan’s neck? Do any of these bitches make any sense?

Gavin leaps to his feet, then leaps between the turnbuckle Mika is standing on and the chair she was about to plunge into. Jordan writhes while his neck is trapped in the steel that Kozlov was about come down onto.

Ba’al: Herr Taylor. Have you come for a closer view?

Ba’al’s palm extends towards the broken remnants of Jordan’s body.

Ba’al: We know you harbor such ill-will towards your ‘partner.’ You have plotted and schemed to see Andre injured. His very arm hangs by the thinnest of threads, and you wish to be the scissors that cut it, yes?

Gavin is surprisingly silent as he stands over Jordan yet stares into the cavernous eyes of the SIN Champion.

Ba’al: You will have no greater an opportunity than this to see that Jordan is broken. If you truly wish to acquire his Evolution Championship then the time has come for you to do what is necessary.

Mika presently provides Taylor with just the tool he’ll need to tragically cut short Jordan’s career just when Andre was in his prime. Kozlov forces a steel chair against Gavin’s chest, who reluctantly looks from one chair to the other. He stares at the weapon in his hands, then glances towards the one wrapped around Andre’s neck.

Greyson: We knew it was going to happen. We knew it was only a matter of time before Gavin let his feelings and plans for Andre go public.

Gavin slowly retracts the chair, tentatively pulling it back and into position to swing it down right over Andre’s neck, snapping it like peanut brittle.

Ba’al Why so reluctant? Do what you have been yearning to do for nearly a year, Herr Taylor. Vanquish Jordan and lay claim to your championship, the championship that this miscreant stole from you.

It would be so easy. So simple. So gratifying to take this opportunity and exploit it. Gavin yearns to swing the chair into Andre’s neck and make good on all the plans that he has been masterminding for some time now. Yet there is something that keeps him from indulging that impulse. Some force stays Gavin’s hands and gives Andre a reprieve from his execution.

Mika: TAKE HIS HEAD, Lapochka.

Ba’al: You have wanted this for so long. Take your opportunity. Take Jordan’s career and take your Evolution Championship.

The more Ba’al speaks the less convinced Gavin becomes. For the first time in many years, Ba’al stumbles across a man who does not succumb to the poison of the World Champion’s venomous tongue. Instead of swinging the chair into Andre’s neck, Gavin lowers the chair to his side.

Ba’al: You disappoint me…

Ba’al no sooner turns his back on Gavin than Taylor is being hit with superkick from Mika. The blow to the cheek sends Gavin twirling into the ropes and ultimately falling through them to the outside.

Greyson: Gavin had his chance to take out Andre, but for some reason he just didn’t follow through. I wonder if Tabitha’s words finally got to Gavin.

Sparkles: Maybe Gavin was burdened, burdened by one of those one things, what are they called again?

Greyson: A conscious?

Sparkles: Yeah, that sounds about right.

Mika looks to the outside of the ring with a smirk, enjoying the view of Gavin writhing upon the mats. She then turns back towards Jordan, stooping down to snatch him up from the center of the ring before the Evolution Champion counters into a school boy.



Ba’al hears referee Fickletbottom slapping the canvas, prompting him to spin around and come rushing in to break up the pinfall. But Dre side steps him, takes the back of Ba’al’s head and throws him directly into the ladder.

Ba’al’s skull hits the steel rungs with enough force to rattle all of his teeth. But it’s more than his teeth that are rattled following what happens next.

Andre turns around just as Mika comes charging in, prompting Jordan to catch her with a release over-head belly to belly suplex, flinging an upside down Kozlov spine first right into Ba’al’s back and right into the ladder.

Greyson: Jordan is back, and believe it or not, he owes quite a bit of gratitude to Gavin for this.

Sparkles: He should sooo send Gavin some Edible Arrangements.

Gavin is still recovering at ringside, having no idea that the distraction he provided has put Jordan in a position to survive this TLC rules match. Dre continues to not only battle the odds, but he may have just bested them. He pulls Mika to the center of the ring then pins her. Already Red Rayne and Silk are climbing to the apron in an attempt to break up the pinfall.



Kozlov gets her shoulder up even after the belly to belly suplex into the ladder and into Ba’al’s body. Rayne and Silk then climb down from the apron and rejoin a relieved Aiken at ringside. Andre, who has kicked into survival mode, takes Mika by the bangs, leads her along to her knees and now begins to hook both of her arms. The crowd eagerly anticipates what is to follow, the Opinion Changer moments from connecting. Or at least it would have if Ba’al weren’t charging in with a ladder loaded on his shoulder, driving the very top of the steel apparatus directly into Dre’s face. The crowd cringes at the sight of this impact, which sends Andre spiraling across the ring and spilling through the ropes.

Sparkes: Ladder right across the face, youch-youch-YOUCH!

Ba’al now feels a false sense of security as he places the ladder across his chest and is just on the cusp of lowering it to the ring. It does lower, but Ba’al drops right along with it. Gavin enters the ring behind Ba’al and grabs him by the back of the head, delivering a one handed bulldog that drags the Prince of Sin down face and chest first into the ladder.

Ba’al’s sense of security is left just as shattered as his sternum. He rolls away from the ladder and Gavin ends up on his seat. He turns just in time to catch the inbound Mika coming in with a drop toe hold that sends her plummeting directly into the ladder.

Greyson: And now Gavin is in there fighting the good fight.

Sparkles: I wonder if Andre is even aware that Gavin is in there fighting on behalf of Team Epic.

Gavin is now the only one on his feet in the ring and prepares to do something to ensure Ba’al will never again reach a standing base. Taylor backs away from the kneeling Champion then closes the distance with the shining wizard. The All Star Maker is just about to connect when Ba’al ducks his head just in time to avoid the shin traveling towards his skull. Gavin’s leg shoots past Ba’al’s head and he ends up landing on his seat, just in time for Mika to come rushing in and catching him with a basement dropkick while holding a chair under her feet.

Greyson: Ooooh heavens.

Sparkles: Oh heavens? Did you really just say that? You make Steve Urkel look as cool as MC Hammer. I still own a pair of parachute pants by the way.

Greyson: Yeah, you used them to build a fort, remember?

Sparkles: Ooooh yeah.

Gavin is knocked to his back and sent rolling to the outside of the ring while Mika and Ba’al rise into triumphant stances. Kozlov is still holding the steel chair she just employed against Gavin, extending the steel out in front of herself. Now Mika is introduced to the steel when Andre enters, catches Kozlov off guard with a boot to the gut then drops back into a DDT that plants her skull into the steel.

Sparkles: Just give it up already you two. Their more stubborn than my erection after a Viagra, three cups of coffee and ten minutes of Kalinda promos.

Dre rises to his feet and catches the already staggering Ba’al with rights, lefts and even a spinning back fist. The blows have the Champion all out of sorts and leaves him susceptible to what Dre has in store next. He drags Ba’al in and turns his back to the ladder stretched across the canvas. Jordan is just about to deliver a t-bone exploder suplex onto the rungs of the ladder only to have a back elbow to the skull disrupt his plans. Ba’al fights out of this position and then sends both men twisting around to face each other with the Prince of Sin ending up scooping Dre up into position for the Michinoku Driver.

He is about to plant Jordan into the canvas only to have Dre slip right over the Sinistry stalwart’s shoulder, landing behind him, hooking his arm and going for the Game Changer. Jordan heaves Ba’al into a rendition of the Olympic Slam, but the victim counters. He slips off of Andre’s shoulder, twists his back to Dre, hooks both of his arms in the process and drags him down into the back slide.

But Dre rolls right out of the pinning predicament onto his feet with Ba’al charging in only to get caught around the thigh, the neck and then dropped into a t-bone exploder suplex. Ba’al flips over and crashes directly into the ladder.

Greyson: It finally connects.

Sparkles: I told you these two would get back in this.

Greyson: But you just said…

Sparkes: SHUSH.

Ba’al’s kidneys feel like they’ve been hit with a sledgehammer, and given enough time and the strong emphasis on weapons thus far, that’s precisely what the Champion might be struck with before the end of the night. Ba’al rolls off the lungs of the ladder and Jordan rolls along to his feet. He is psyched up before getting psyched out.

Mika has recovered from the DDT onto the chair, and is now holding one as she rushes in behind Jordan. She is about to swing the steel deliberately into Andre’s back, only to have the chair in her clutches ripped right out of her palms. The crowd squeals with delight at the sight of Gavin grabbing the chair and wrestling it out of Mika’s clutches. She spins around just in time to spot Taylor swinging the chair at her skull and just in time to duck it. The steel flies past Mika’s head right into Andre’s.

Jordan turns around and winces just as the chair smashes him in the skull. The blow knocks Andre to the canvas and Gavin stands over him with an expression of shock. He looks between the chair and the welt forming on Andre’s brow, realizing what he just did.

Greyson: Gavin just bashed his own partner in the head with the chair. Was it intentional? WAS IT INTENTIONAL!?!

Sparkles: I don’t know, now STOP shouting.

Gavin looks to be legitimately distressed by his actions but is even more distressed when he turns and finds himself caught in Ba’al’s clutches. Ultimately Taylor is driven into a chair via the Michonku Driver.

Greyson: The Sinistry working very well together, taking out the Tag Team Champions simultaneously. Surprising, considering the last time Mika and Ba’al teamed together they ended up trying to murder one another.

Sparkles: Maybe they shared a few malts and worked through their problems.

Although the Sinistry could go for the pins, they are not through victimizing their foes. Ba’al crawls across the ring and places a knee directly across Jordan’s throat, choking the life out of him. At the same Mika has placed Gavin’s throat across the middle rope and is throwing her leg over the back of his neck, choking him out as well.

Mika now launches herself into Gavin’s back with her hip connecting to his upper spine, casing Taylor’s throat to bounce off the cables. Taylor rolls to the center of the ring, ending up right beside and ailing Jordan.

Ba’al and Mika switch dance partners. Ba’al grabbing Taylor by the hair and pulling him across the ring while Mika has dropped beside Jordan and is blasting him repeatedly to the face with right hands. She now rolls Jordan over to his stomach, retracts Dre’s head and begins to drive it over and over again into the already mangled steel chair. Andre’s face is about to end up just as mangled as that chair, and Taylor’s body is going to be just as mangled as well. Gavin is flung into the turnbuckle chest first. He bounces off the sternum crushing collision with the corner, staggering back into Ba’al, who dropkicks him between the shoulder blades. Gavin is taken off of his feet and sent crashing face first into the middle turnbuckle pad.

Taylor has yet to recover from the Michinoku Driver, leaving him in no condition to fend off what awaits him next. He is grabbed by the hair and pulled up the corner by the Champion, who has slipped to the apron and is scaling the exterior of the turnbuckle. Both men are nearing the top of the turnbuckle with Ba’al’s spine facing the table outside of the ring. Ba’al’s intent becomes clear when he places Gavin in a front chancery.

Sparkles: Things about to get naaaaasssty.

Greyson: Don’t do this Ba’al, you’re gonna kill the man.

Sparkles: If he does die I call dibs on Gavin’s widow.

The crowd is standing, the crowd is screaming, the crowd is eagerly anticipating what is to come next as Ba’al prepares to super-super-plex Gavin off the top rope and through the table on the ringside mats. Normally the crowd would be bemoaning like anyone who paid to watch a M. Night Shyamalan movie, but at the moment their reaction is as explosive as a scene in a Michael Bay film. Gavin never takes the plunge through the table thanks to Shaun Cruze?

Greyson: Cruze is BACK!

Shaun staggers down the ramp, holding his neck after that sickening hanging DDT by Ba’al. Though Shaun feels like a piñata on Cinco de Mayo, he still nears the ring, looking for some retribution against the SIN Champion. However, the very security guards that aided Shaun from the ring now keep him from reentering it. They form a buffer between Shaun and his intended target. A wise move considering Shaun can’t even stand at the moment. And if he WERE to reach the ringside area he’d no doubt incur the wrath of the three individuals now waiting for him at the edge of the ramp. Red Rayne, Silk and Aiken have convened shoulder to shoulder to shoulder to make sure Shaun does not impede the Sinistry’s progress.

The fans are now acting like they just witnessed the climax to a James Gunn summer blockbluster when New Eden goes to confront Shaun on the ramp-way. Ba’al watches his compatriots go after Cruze while a sinister gleam burns bright in his eyes. That light so flipped off when Gavin delivers a headbutt right to Ba’al’s forehead, followed by another and then another. Eventually Taylor manages to deliver a forearm across the cheek that sends Ba’al flying from the corner and ultimately crashing through the table that was set up earlier in the match. He plummets right through the wood and all the way down to the ringside mats.

Greyson: The table broken!

Sparkles: With Ba’al’s backside.

The table shatters into a hundred pieces around Ba’al’s fractured frame. He might be down, but the thousands in attendance are upright, screaming Gavin’s name.

Greyson: Wow, Gavin just, Gavin just caused Ba’al to go through a table.

Gavin is about to provide further pain but instead provides a load in his undershorts at the sight of Ba’al sitting up from the wreckage of wood gathered about the Champion’s body. In spite of plunging through the table, Ba’al wears a gigantic grin across his face. A grin so chilling it causes Gavin to be incredibly distracted. In fact Taylor is so preoccupied with the sight of Ba’al’s superhuman…no…supernatural recovery, that he doesn’t even see Mika rushing in beside him. Kozlov rushes up the ropes, catches both of Gavin’s arms and prepares to deliver a super Das-Vi-Dania. However, Gavin JUST manages to save himself, wedging hands to Mika’s chest and shoving her from the top rope. Kozlov goes crashing to the canvas so far below, grabbing at her kidneys and wincing in pain. That anguish she feels becomes more pronounced when Taylor comes flying off the corner and hits a piercing elbow drop right across Kozlov’s sternum.

Greyson: BRUTAL…Absolutely, positively, 100% brutal.

Taylor now rolls away from Mika instead of into the cover, obviously not thinking clearly. And his thoughts are even more muddled when he stands up and turns directly into a boot across the gut. The crowd is just as stunned as Taylor at the sight of Andre delivering the Opinion Changer on Taylor…obviously misconstruing the chair shot he received from Gavin a few moments ago.

Greyson: Andre pedigreeing Taylor!

Sparkles; But-but-but, Gavin was trying to do the right thing!

Greyson: Andre doesn’t realize that, and he has a very good reason not to.

Taylor flops over to his back and Andre slowly rises to his feet. He then turns right into a Shot Through the Heart. Mika delivers a devastating blow right to the Evolution Champion’s sternum, sending him twisting into the ropes and spilling through them to the outside. Mika then turns towards Gavin, grabs him around the neck, drags hm up to his feet, hooks both arms then snaps back into the Das-Vi-Dania. Taylor flops to his back and Mika crawls into the cover.



In recognition of this victory, Ba’al forms a maniacal grin and Mika raises a single arm from her kneeling perch upon the canvas.

Mika’s demonic gleaming eyes are focused upon her ailing opponents even as she crawls away. She now finds herself over the chair that has been used to inflict so much violence throughout the course of this match. She extends her hands, grabs the chair and slowly pulls it away from the canvas.

Taylor: Makalia….this has gone on long enough.

Kozlov, unaccustomed to hearing her full first name used, finds her dark eyes shifting to her sister, Taylor Chase. Wisely Taylor enters this meeting with the Sinistry with a little back-up. She has Scott Cannon, Brittany Lohan, Sienna Swann, Angelica Jones and Lenore-Price Mason right there with her. Silas World enters the ring and are quick to surround Mika, who just sits on her knees overlooking the faces of all those that surround her. The Sinistry are also watching from ringside, New Eden and Aiken having sent Cruze and security to the backstage area and now finding themselves crouching beside Ba’al, who sits amongst the fragments of wood, watching this scene unfold with disgust.

Taylor: You’ve sacrificed enough, Mika, I won’t let you sacrifice anymore for me.

Kozlov doesn’t blink, or even finch as Tay boldly crouches in front of her.

Chase doesn’t twitch, or even wince when getting to her sister’s eye level.

Taylor: All our lives you’ve been there, protecting me, guiding me, looking out for my best interests. Now it’s time for me to return the favor. Let ME help YOU. Let ME save YOU.

If Tay wasn’t bold enough putting herself at Mika’s level, she shows even further courage by extending her hand and dropping it over Kozlov’s shoulder.

Taylor: I’m not going to watch the Sinistry transform you into a demon. You deserve better than this Mika, you’re my family, you’re a CHASE.

For a very long time, perhaps her entire life, Mika has waited to hear these words, which makes it all the more surprising that when she does hear them, she yawns. Just then Mika is grabbed by the ankle and dragged out of the ring by the man responsible for her transformation. Aiken pulls Mika back to his side and caresses her cheek with the back of his fingers. Red Rayne and Silk are also present, gathering around their Mika.

As New Eden envelops Mika, Ba’al’s hand envelops the microphone. He can barely put much weight on his legs, yet he stands straight in order for his words to emphatically reach Taylor’s ears.

Ba’al: That is where you are wrong child…

Taylor’s face twists into a sneer when forced to hear Ba’al’s words amplified by the loud speakers.

Ba’al: Mikalai is NOT a Chase, for she is now a FROST.

In a flash of anger Chase snatches up the chair that Mika was on the verge of using and throws it over the ropes. The chair is swatted aside by Ba’al’s arm before it connect with his face.

Ba’al: Much like the SIN Championship….

Silk brings Ba’al his World Title, handing it over to him as he raises it above his head.

Ba’al: Mikalai Kozlov…

His other hand sides onto Mika’s shoulder.

Ba’al: Is precisely where she belongs, and where she will stay.

The Championship falls onto Ba’al’s shoulder and his arm hooks Mika’s neck. The Sinistry and New Eden back up the ramp with Taylor forced to watch them leaving together. She finds herself so wrought with emotion that Taylor approaches the ladder set up in the ring, lifts it and sends it flipping across the ring. Due to Tay’s extremely volatile response, Scott is forced to speak up on her behalf. He takes the microphone and allows Chase a few moments to collect herself. Meanwhile Lohan, Jones and Price stand back, giving Chase a wide berth as she tries to work out her frustrations.

Scott: Look at the toll this company has taken on its greatest asset.

Scott extends his hand towards Taylor, who is picking up the ladder and flinging it into the turnbuckle.

Scott: Is this truly how one should treat their most marketable and prestigious athlete?

Chase stops violating the ladder and starts violating the microphone, briefly snatching it from Scott’s hand.

Taylor: I’ve had enough. I’ve watched my husband be crucified. I saw my sister abducted. My best friend was attacked last week on NewAge. The General Manager of this company probably has a creepy shrine built in my honor with a Taylor Chase hair-doll sitting on his mantle. And everyone, from the veterans to the newbies, continue to disrespect me. But the biggest slap in the face, the final insult I just COULDN’T take is Karen McBride delaying my World Championship match…

Chase goes back to stomping around the ring, giving Cannon another opportunity to speak.

Scott: There is nothing worse than having someone slap you in the face, Tay…

Of course Cannon would know, given the effects of the slap he gave Lethal Weapon several weeks ago.

Scott: And this company has slapped her in the face again and again.

Once again Taylor grabs the microphone, chiming in.
<PTaylor: Don’t even, Scott, don’t even get me started. Not only has this company DESTROYED my legacy, but it’s taken the same toll on my husband. He walked away from the IWC, the company he loves! The company he dedicated his life to. This company killed his passion, crippled his spirits and destroyed his body.

The anger is too overwhelming, Chase storming towards the ladder and throwing it across the ring.

Scott: Exactly. But Tay, don’t take this personal, I’m actually GLAD Orlando has decided to step aside. Some of his decisions have been just as questionable as Karen McBride’s. Like bringing in Lethal Weapon to be his avenger, for instance. Orlando placed his trust in all the wrong people. Instead of coming to Silas World so we could collaborate together and get revenge on the Sinistry, he turned to a man who clearly couldn’t be relied upon. I only wish my reaction to Lethal Weapon’s spear on Kloe at Reawakening Day had been a bit more severe. Lethal got off way too easy for what he did in his short tenure with this company.

Taylor: So is it any wonder…

Yep, Chase has got the microphone one again.

Taylor: Is it any wonder why I would be toying with the idea of resigning from this company?

Yep, Chase is back to destroying the ladder.

Scott: And yet here Tay still stands. Here she is ready to continue fighting for the IWC. Even after everything this company has done to her, she’s willing to give the IWC the benefit of the doubt. Instead of tearing up her contract, which honestly, I would have done the moment Orlando’s adulterous affair with Amanda Blayze was brought to light, Chase continues to put her best foot forward and represent this federation. She’s prepared to give the IWC one final shot to fix every wrong committed against her. So Kloe Masters….

Cannon turns his focus from Taylor devastating the ladder to the nearby camera.

Scott: Silas World is putting you on notice. When you arrive here tonight, you had better be ready to make amends for the many transgressions inflicted upon Taylor. We want you to overturn the decision made by the Sinistry that forces Taylor to team alongside Abigail Lindsey and Katelyn Buehler at Upping the Ante, and furthermore, we insist that you give Tay the World title match she rightfully earned.

Taylor: I don’t even know if that will be enough.

Chase groans after pulling Scott’s hand to her lips so that she can make use of the microphone.

Taylor: Kloe, I’m giving you a chance, don’t make me regret it.

A set of double doors are seen backstage popping open with a slender yet toned man stepping through. A black suit hangs from his body and an earbud is affixed to the side of his face. He wedges a finger to it, pushing the device a little closer to his ear-drum so he can hear what’s being said. After confirming that the coast is clear, he extends his arm through the doors and gestures for someone to enter. He steps aside as the double doors fly open.

There she is. Speak of the devil, or the angel, well it depends on how one views Kloe Masters. The woman who has recently been imbued with all of FORMER President Orlando Cruze’s powers steps into the building. She is followed by that mysterious, shades wearing, ear-bud sporting individual who ensured no one was waiting in the wings to get the drop on Masters. Which wouldn’t be surprising, as it seems there are plenty ready to pounce upon Kloe the moment she enters the building.

The excited tones of Greyson Lovejoy and his puppet Sparkles are overheard in the background.

Greyson: Kloe Masters finally arriving, and boy howdy does she ever have her work cut out for her.

Sparkles: The Boss is back. Finally someone’s ass I will GLADLY kiss.

Just because Ba’al hasn’t seen enough action thus far here tonight in the ring, he looks to involve himself in some trouble backstage. The SIN Champion has no sooner stepped into the backstage corridor before finding Rachel Foxx, Hunter Locke and Decay waiting upon him.

Foxx: Mein Liebling….are you okay?

Foxx steps towards her fiancée, examining him from head to toe to check for any evidence of injury.

Foxx: Those delusional hacks actually thought putting you through a table would result in injury? How pathetically predictable.

Ba’al: As were the actions of both Shaun Cruze and Karen McBride. The two should be wiser than to openly defy me. Have they not seen what happens to those who are disobedient to the Sinistry?

Foxx: I wish we could have been there to get our hands on Cruze when he showed up again at ringside, so we could finish what we began at the top of the show.

Ba’al: Upping the Ante will see Shaun’s end….Rest easy in that knowledge my dear.

Foxx: Decay, fetch your Master some refreshments. He must replenish…

Whitman: Kirian…Kirian Frost….you still OWE me an answer.

Ba’al takes his eyes off the woman he loves, to a man he has NO love for whatsoever. P Clarence Whitman III inspires a different response from the SIN Champion. He approaches with fists clinched, ready to swing them upside Ba’al’s face for the second straight RIOT. Decay and Hunter Locke form a barrier between Whitman and Ba’al, to ensure that Clarence’s attempts at revenge go unfulfilled.

Whitman: You promised to disclose to me the identity of the person who impregnated my wife on my wedding night. And now I’m starting to accept that you know nothing. That you’ve merely been playing off of my grief and suffrage to get me to retire member after member of the Black Crusade. You just want me to destroy the Sinistry’s enemies.

In spite of the fact that Ba’al would much rather spend his time chopping off pieces of Whitman’s anatomy, the Champion allows his words to cut even deeper.

Ba’al: That is the farthest thing from the truth, Mr. Whitman. I DO hold the answer to the question that has burdened your mind for so long.

Whitman: You LIE, good sir. And your lies are exactly what led me to engage you in fisticuffs two weeks ago.

Ba’al: A mistake on your part, Herr Whitman. For even though you DO amuse me, I am not amused by the plight that has befallen you. I do covet the answers to the questions you seek. I know the name of the individual responsible for impregnating your wife so many months ago.

Whitman: Then tell me! Or I’ll go to Kloe Masters herself, the very top of the food chain and INSIST that she bestow me the title shot that Karen McBride dangled like a glass of brandy before my parched lips.

Ba’al: Another mistake on your part. Although you’re threats continue to amuse me…

Whitman: I’m NOT supposed to be amusing now…

Ba’al: Yes-yes, we’re aaaalll supposed to perceive you as a legitimate threat. Which truly brings a smile to my face. But what doesn’t cause me to grin, is the lust I see in the eyes of the man who bedded your bride.

Whitman: WHO!?!

Ba’al: Hush…Mr. Hush.

Whitman’s mind has been blown as Ba’al drops the name of the last person Clarence would have suspected, a member of the Black Crusade, one of the individuals responsible for arranging Whitman’s love-affair with his current wife. Clarence walks off, thinking about this while Ba’al smirks over Clarence’s misfortunes.

Foxx: Mr. Hush?

Ba’al: It’s possible. It is rather amusing is it not, when our enemies make it so easy to be played off of one another.

Foxx: True. But speaking of crushing our enemies. Should we begin discussing plans for the evening regarding our new allies?

Ba’al: Let’s.

Tina: Relax everyone…Chill the fuck out already.

The crowd won’t chill considering that their now red hot. Their rage is burning with the intensity of a thousand suns at the sight of Tina Valentine standing in the middle of the squared circle, the coveted Queen of the Ring Championship adorning her waist, and microphone griped in the palm of her hand.

Tina: Your Queen has arrived.

The gold plate of her belt is polished by her wrist tape.

Tina: No-no…there’s noooo reason to drop to your knees and bow down to me. Alright, if you insist, go right ahead and pay your Duchess the credit she deserves.

What she deserves is precisely what the crowd gives her, showering Tina with hate.

Greyson: For the love of God, Sparkles, stop bowing.

Sparkles; I do as my Queen instructs me to do, you’d be wise to follow my example.

Greyson: This woman does not exude a single, solitary regal quality. What she did two weeks ago was an absolutely classless. She lured Cassidy Cage to a bar under the false pretense that Cage was meeting with Foote, then jumped her from behind. It was appalling.

As Greyson airs his disdain from the announce table, Tina voices her disgusting comments from the ring.

Tina: I’m certainly entitled to praise after-all, considering the brilliance I displayed two weeks ago by setting up that butter face FUGMO, Cassidy Cage.

The crowd does not give her the praise she insists upon.

Tina: As much as I’d enjoy taking all the credit for beating that hood-rat down, I can’t. Because Cage is partially at fault for what happened to her. That double-coyote ugly skeezer actually thought a woman like Prii Foote would EVER send her roses and invite her out to a bar? IIIII don’t think so. Have you looked in a mirror lately, Cassidy? Do you have any idea just how unappealing you really are? So what makes you think you can land a pretty young thing like Foote?

Tina exhales a long breath.

Tina: Just look at your track record with woman, Cassidy. It’s not good. And just to demonstrate my point, I took the liberty of flying in a couple of your exes.

Sparkles: Say what?

Tina: I brought in a couple of the Ugly Betties you once dated to remind you of the type of women you REALLY appeal to. Let’s start with that…THING….you used to hit up the Hot Topic with in your Freshman year of high-school. Come on out here Margie…

When the curtains part the fans start to wonder if they paid for tickets to a wrestling show or a FREAK show. The woman who steps through the curtains has a huge beer belly that she flaunts with a tied up t-shirt. Her cottage cheese thighs hang out of her daisy dukes, and her canckles are pouring over her sandals. And just to make her even more sickening to the eyes, she chews tobacco, spitting it out of her greasy lips on her way down the ramp and into the ring.

Tina: Thanks so much for joining me, Mar….ewww….oh God…oh God, what’s that smell?

Margie: Sorry sweety, I have irritable bowel syndrome.

Tina: Oh, well that explains that odor whenever Cassidy opens her mouth then.

Greyson: COME ON! That is just disgusting.


Greyson: Stop condoning this, Sparkles.

Tina continues, speaking over the hate that bombards her from the stands.

Tina: Now Margie…What was it like dating our girl Cassidy?

The mic is extended towards Margie’s yellow teeth.

Margie: It was horrid. Cass is one rachid bitch. You know where she took me for our first date? McDonald’s….fucking McDonald’s…A girl of my standards at LEAST deserves White Castles. KnowwhatIsayin?

Tina: Kinda. Hard to understand you with all that crap on your lips.

Margie: It fungus.

Tina: I figured. But you can take some small comfort in knowing that you weren’t the last skank that Cassidy wronged. Let’s bring out her last girlfriend, the one she dumped when she shamefully tried to fuck Abigail Lindsey…and don’t EVEN get me started on Abigail Lindsey….Anyways, let’s introduce the world to the last woman who actually let Cassidy touch her….Come on out Lori.

The fans already have their faces covered and bags held up to their mouths to catch the vomit. Down the ramp steps an absolutely disgusting sight, an elderly lady, possibly in her eighties, employing a walker in order to reach the ring. She scratches her hindparts and smells her fingers on the way down the ramp and into the ring. Every bone in her body screeches as she slips through the ropes and occupies the space beside Margie.

Greyson: What the hell is this?

Sparkles: Looks like my former high-school librarian.

Greyson: You didn’t even go to high-school.

All of Lori’s weight is placed on the walker as she leans in to listen to Tina, turning up her hearing aide just to make sure she doesn’t miss anything.

Tina: How nice of you to escape the nursing home to come and see us, Lori.

Lori: HUH!?!


Lori: Yep, I like corn.

Tina: So Lori, what was dating Cassidy like? Please share all the intimate details of your love affair.

Lori: Well now, see here, Cass was a real sweet girl. After we go down and dirty she would ALWAYS change my depends, and some time’s she’d even rub lotion on my…

Tina: Alright, that’s enough intimate details. Let’s wrap this up before another kid falls out of Margie’s loins, and Lori has to pick HER loins up from the canvas. How about we bring out Cassidy’s college sweetheart….And that’s not to imply Cassidy actually went to college, she’s no Northwestern graduate like yours truly….No, the closest Cassidy ever came to college is when she came in so many frat houses….And let’s meet one of literally a hundred horrid skanks that Cage violated…Come on out and join us….LeTITicus.

Greyson: Ooooh lord no.

The huge fake bosoms of Leviticus flop around as he makes his way to the stage crudely fashioned in a sun dress. His beach ball sized boobs flop around in front of his face as he makes his way down the ramp, brushing the locks of the mop placed on top of his head out of his eyes as he rolls under the ropes into the ring.

Tina: LeTITicus-LeTITicus, you’re obviously the most attractive of Cassidy Cage’s ex lovers.

LeTITicus: Not even close BABAY…not even close.

LeTITicus employs the dreaded duck face.

Tina: So care to share any stories of your relationship with Cassidy?

LeTITicus: Oh, it was horrid…Real horrid. The woman never once paid for dinner, and her idea of a dinner date was ordering from Dominos. Plus, she still sleeps in Star Wars themed footie pajamas, and has HORRIBLE gas throughout the night. Seriously, it’s like sleeping next to Sally Struether’s bowels.

Tina: That’s-that’s terrible LeTITicus. How did you put up with her for so long.

LeTITicus: It wasn’t easy, waking up next to her in the mornings was like waking up to a bad Clive Barker movie.

Tina: I’m sooo sorry for you, LeTITicus. I feel bad that you had to deal with the likes of Cassidy, because you seem to be a good woman.

LeTITicus: Yep, I’m a good woman, and I’m aaaalll woman too. Too much woman for Cassidy at least.

Tina: Of course you are. And I can say the same about myself. I’m just too much for Cassidy to handle. If she thinks she can get one over on me, she’s as wrong as she is skuzzy. I’m the Queen of the Ring Champion for a reason. Because I’m one talented bitch, and I am an absolute BEAST in this ring. I drop whoever they put in front of me quicker than Cage drops her panties after two Keystone Lites. I haven’t run across a person yet who can match my talents. So Cassidy, if you think you can beat me, if you think you’re worth my time, you thought wrong, because you’re worthless. You’re nothing…You’re just another who couldn’t topple the Queen from her throne…I’m another lady you have no business pursuing, just like Prii Foote, and that fugly Abi…..Ya just ain’t got what…

Cassidy: How much longer is this going to go on for?

Cage has had her fill of Tina and then some, hence why she’s coming to the stage, rubbing her drowsy eyes and stretching.

Cassidy: Don’t get me wrong. I do appreciate you putting me to sleep, I haven’t got a good nap in ages….but this is going on longer than a Lord of the Rings film.

A shocking amount of courage is shown by Cage as she slips into the ring with the Queen of the Ring Champion.

Cassidy: And I really hope you don’t think any of this is funny.

Cage extends her hands towards LeTITicus, Margie and Lori, who is still cranking up her hearing aids.

Tina: Yeah, I do find it funny, but then again I think everything about you is pretty damned hilarious, including YOU challenging my standing as the Queen of the Ring Champion. That shit is a non-stop laugh-a-thon. Seriously. I haven’t laughed this damned hard since I threw your off the stage a few months ago.

Cassidy: Hmmm. Maybe your right, Tina, maybe I’ve lost my sense of humor….

Tina: Yeah, I probably broke it when I threw you off the stage.

Cassidy: Maybe this IS pretty damned funny. I mean look at this, look at what’s in the ring right now? The nastiest, skuzziest, skankiest, most heinous double bag bitch I’ve ever seen…and then you have these three ladies Tina brought out here.

The crowd unleashes the obligatory ‘ooooh,’ but Tina reacts with the obligatory narrowing of her eyes. She then narrows the gap between herself and Cage by rushing forward and throwing a lariat at Cassidy’s throat. But Cage leans back against the ropes, puts her feet up and drives them into Tina’s chest, kicking her back. Valentine staggers to the center of the ring and turns her back to Cage, who grabs the walker out of Lori’s hands and swings it at Tina.

Lori goes down and so does Tina, who NARROWLY avoids a blow from the walker. She drops to the canvas and skedaddles from the ring.

Greyson: Tina getting out of there before she could be assaulted with the walker. Did I just say?

Sparkles: Yes-yes you did. Can this segment get any more awesome? Maybe it can if Cassidy attacks Tina with the old lady’s catheter bag next.

An aggravated Tina backs away from the ring then leaps from the path of the walker that goes flying at her over the ropes. Cage tosses the weapon and then stands on the middle cable, shouting at Valentine as she begins to back up the ramp.

Cassidy: You think your so damned superior? You think you’re so much better than me? Then accept my challenge at Upping the Ante. Face me one on one.

Tina: Sorry to disappoint ya, Cass, but it’s like I said, you’re worthless. I’m through wasting time on you, yo. I’ve got a title match to get ready for against a REAL athlete. Or at least a lady who passes herself off as a real athlete. So why don’t ya get gone?

Cassidy: I’m not going anywhere until my challenge is accepted.

Tina: Then your about to be waiting in that ring surrounded by your skanks all nig…

The crowd collectively explodes at the sound of familiar music cutting through the building, music belonging to the challenger for Tina’s Queen of the Ring Championship tonight, Amanda Blayze. The reaction Amanda receives threatens to shatter the foundation of the Manhattan Center, her clinched fists prepare to shatter Tina’s face. As Valentine stands on the mid-point of the stage it at last dawns on her that she’s between a rock, Amanda, and a hard place, Cage. Valentine’s eyes cut back and forth several times before Tina throws down her belt.

Tina: Fine, you both want me, then you both got me. Bring both your asses down here and I’ll….

The request doesn’t have to be made twice. Amanda answers it immediately, rushing down the ramp and throwing her fists right into Tina’s face. Valentine reacts with punches of her own.

Sparkles: The Queen of the Ring Title match wasn’t supposed to start right now…

Greyson: Are you surprised that nobody EVER follows the show format around here?

Sparkles: No…not really. The last time I was surprised was when the Crying Game came out. I was surprised I spent ten bucks to see it.

Tina and Blayze continue to exchange punches down the ramp before Amanda transitions into knife edge chops. Her blows have Valentine staggering back and falling against the apron. The moment Tina hits the canvas, Cassidy capitalizes on Valentine’s proximity. Cage reaches out of the ring, grabs Valentine around the neck and then drags her up to the apron before pulling her through the ropes. Valentine falls into the ring and then receives stomp after stomp to the mid-section.

Sparkles: This really isn’t fair for Tina is it? She’s being double teamed.

Greyson: It’s not like she didn’t earn this treatment Sparkles.

Sparkles: Okay, it’s just I’m more accustomed to seeing two women gang up on another lady on my computer after using your credit card.

Greyson: That explains the inflated bill.

Eventually Valentine rolls out from under the boots and into a corner where Cage stoops forward and slugs Tina across the forehead. That’s when Leviticus removes his wig and rushes across the ring, throwing a forearm across Cage’s back. He quickly spins Cassidy around and gets a straight right hand across his jaw for his troubles. The blow sends Leviticus twisting around directly into a roundhouse kick to the temple by Blayze.

Greyson: And now they’ve taken out Leviticus?

Sparkles: Leviticus was in there? Where?

Greyson: Oh come on Sparkles, that was so obviously Leviticus under the big fake boobs and wig.

Sparkles: You mean Leviticus and LeTITicus are the same person? Uh-oh. I suddenly have so much to discuss in therapy next week.

Once Leviticus has been sent crashing to the outside of the ring, Amanda and Cassidy are free to stomp and punch Tina seated in the corner. Outside of the ring Margie and Lori are helping Leviticus up to his feet, his arms draped over their shoulders as they assist him to the backstage area.

Blayze finally shoves Cassidy back and throws another fist into Tina’s face, wanting the Queen of the Ring Champion all to herself. Naturally Cage takes offense, storming in behind Amanda and spinning her around so that the two are face to face. They immediately start bickering with one another over who gets the first crack at the Queen of the Ring Champion, who suddenly stands up behind Blayze, wedges hands to her spine and shoves her face first right into Cassidy. Their heads crack off of one another and Cassidy goes twisting to the canvas, ultimately rolling across it under the ropes. Amanda then staggers back into Valentine, who leaves her feet, wedges her knees to Amanda’s back and delivers the Lung blower.

Greyson: Valentine using her rivals against one another to ultimately set Amanda up for that lung-blower. And of course, here comes the referee.

Sparkles; These poor guys never get a break.

Official Stuart Wright slides into the squared circle, eager to referee any match involving women in spandex. He calls for the bell to start the match and then shows no hesitation in dropping to the canvas to make the count when it becomes apparent that Valentine is pinning Amanda’s shoulders to the canvas.





The match is about to end three seconds after it began. Wright swings his palm to the canvas before Amanda swings her shoulder away from the ring.

Sparkles: Doesn’t look like it’ll end that quickly.

Greyson: Tina thought she had snuck in the backdoor…

Sparkles: Mmmm.

Greyson: Please do not share what you’re thinking right now, Sparkles.

Tina stands up looking frustrated with the official’s count before redirecting those frustrations towards Blayze. Valentine falls to her knees and throws punches across Amanda’s forehead. She then grabs Blayze by the bangs, leads her along to her feet, takes her by the wrist and launches her off into the cables. Amanda ricochets from the ropes, charges back at Valentine and finds herself caught with a tilt a whirl straight into the back-breaker.

Tina quickly crawls into another cover.



Blayze’s resolve remains stronger than ever, launching a shoulder from the canvas. She turns away from Tina, who grabs Amanda by the hair, drags her up to her feet, hooks her leg and then snaps back into a bridging fisherman suplex.



Amanda launches her shoulder from the ring a third time, refusing to allow Tina to make quick work of this match. There seems to be a sense of urgency on the Champion’s part, intent on ending this contest before Cassidy can recover at ringside. Valentine pulls Amanda along to her feet by her wrist, slips around behind her and wedges a shoulder to her spine. She heaves Blayze into the air only to have Amanda deliver a palm thrust directly to Tina’s forehead. The blow successfully blocks back drop suplex attempt and allows Amanda to counter into a side headlock take down. She falls to the canvas from Tina’s shoulder, wraps an arm around Valentine’s neck in the process and flips her straight over.

Tina rolls across the canvas onto her feet and then turns towards Amanda, who comes rushing in only for Valentine to catch her with a tilt a whirl right into…NOTHING. Blayze swings out of the attempt at the tilt a whirl back breaker and lands on her feet directly in front of Tina only to receive a boot to the mid-section, doubling her over. Valentine then catches Amanda around the neck and hooks the leg, going for a second fisherman suplex only to have Amanda spin her body right out of the Champion’s arms, grab said Champion by her wrist and drag said Champion into a round house kick. Somehow Tina is able to successfully duck the intended kick though, switching around behind Blayze and wedging a shoulder straight to her spine. She now heaves Amanda into the air for the back drop suplex only to have Blayze counter, flipping over and landing straight on her face behind her opponent. Amanda then launches into the air, wedges her knees to Tina’s spine and delivers a back stabber of her own.

Greyson: Tit for tat.

Sparkles: Now your speaking my language.

Greyson: By tit, I didn’t….never-mind. I was merely trying to imply that Amanda got some retribution for that back stabber Tina employed at the start of this match.

Tina’s spine arches as she ricochets off the knees and onto her feet. She then turns right into a boot to the gut and a hook of her arms, Amanda snapping back into a bridging double arm suplex.



The Champion JUST manages to get a shoulder up, twisting away from Amanda, who grabs hold of Valentine’s arm and swings around to her side, applying a fujiwara.

Greyson: Amanda well versed in the art of technical wrestling.

Sparkles: I know a few holds I wouldn’t mind her trapping me in.

Greyson: Your incorrigible Sparkles.

Amanda has the submission locked in for only a moment before Tina desperately counters. She tucks her head into a forward roll, trying to escape the submission only to set herself up for another. Blayze twists around, bends Valentine’s arm over backwards and applies an Anaconda Vice at this point.

Greyson: Another hold!

Amanda has the submission pugnaciously applied, clamping down like a pitbull with iron jaws. Tina urgently squirms across her back and extends her leg, draping it over the bottom rope. The official starts a five count and reaches four before Amanda finally breaks the hold and rolls to the center of the ring. She then reaches down and grabs Tina by the wrist, pulling her back away from the ropes before dropping down and reapplying the Anaconda Vice.

Greyson: Back into the hold again, Amanda determined to force the submission.

Valentine fights the compulsion to submit to the agony of this submission. He pulls herself across the ring, and pulls Amanda along beside her before extending her hand and wrapping it around the bottom cable. This forces Amanda to break the hold, but she does let go of Tina, dragging her to the center of the ring and going for ANOTHER Anaconda Vice. But this time Tina manages to launch her shin up into the air, connecting with a kick right upside Amanda’s skull. Blayze twists away from Tina, who slides around on her back and puts her boots to the Huntress’ kidneys, kicking her off and into the ropes. Amanda charges into the cables, ricochets off and comes back in at Tina, who lifts her legs into the air a second time for a monkey flip only to have Blayze catch her opponent by the creases of the knees then flip forward into the jackknife cover. But she doesn’t not maintain the pin and instead lands directly beside Valentine, trapping her neck and her arm in the Anaconda Vice.

Greyson: A third Anaconda Vice!

Sparkles: Is our Queen gonna tap?

The fans are screaming at the tippy top of their lungs when seeing Amanda apply the vice and apply it with every ounce of her strength. Tina lifts her hand into the air, swinging it through the air but refusing to allow it to go swinging into the canvas. In one last ditch effort Tina reaches up and grabs Amanda by the hair, yanking back on it with all of her strength. She pulls down on the hair until Blayze is FORCED to relinquish the hold and then go rolling over backwards onto her feet. But Amanda makes the best of a bad situation, transitioning from the Anaconda Vice into the sharpshooter. She lifts Tina’s legs into the air, steps through them and then rolls the Champion over to her stomach.

Greyson: Tina thought she got herself out of a bad situation, but she’s put herself into a worse one.

Sparkles: Shouldn’t Amanda treat our Queen with a bit more respect?

Greyson: Amanda has little respect for Tina. In a lot of people’s opinions, Blayze SHOULD be the Queen of the Ring Champion right now, but Ashley Marie Chase ended up costing her the Five Way Queen of the Ring title match at Reawakening Day because Chase bought into the ridiculous rumor that Blayze was having an affair with Orlando Cruze.

In retaliation for the earlier hair pull, Amanda turns just enough to reach back and grab Valentine’s locks, yanking back on them while simultaneously applying the sharpshooter. Blayze has the Champion twisted up worse than a pretzel. Finally the official starts a five count, insisting that Amanda break the hold and the grip on the hair. Amanda relinquishes both before she could be disqualified. She then turns and rolls Tina to her stomach, lifting the champion’s legs into the air, swinging around them and going for the figure four leg lock.

In the process Amanda turns her back to Tina, who lifts a boot wedges it to Blayze’s backside and shoves her forward into the ropes. Amanda charges into them, bounces off and comes back in at Tina who stands and catches Amanda by the back of the legs, lifting them into the air and causing Blayze to collapse to her back. A big smile forms across Tina’s face as she steps through the Challenger’s legs, and wraps them around her own.

Tina: Time for the Queen to teach you a lesson in submission wrestling.

Valentine prepares to roll Amanda over into the submission only to have Blayze suddenly sit up and wrap her arm around Tina’s neck. Valentine tries to struggle free by standing up, but in the process eh heaves Amanda into the air, Blayze now setting up for the Huntress Trap. Amanda is just about to drop back into the DDT set up for her submission, her legs around wrapped around Valentine’s gut. only to have Tina rush across the ring and ram Blayze’s spine into the turnbuckle.

The damage done earlier to Amanda’s kidneys comes back to haunt her, forcing her to break the front face-lock and double over. Valentine then wedges her shoulder to Blayze’s ribs, lifts her up into the air and sits her on the top rope. Valentine delivers a straight right hand to Amanda’s jaw, further discombobulating her.

Tina then begins to climb the turnbuckle only to have Amanda deliver a straight headbutt to Valentine’s skull, followed by a second and then a third. The shots cause Valentine to drop from the ropes and fall to her feet and Amanda now begins to climb to the top rope above her. She is about to launch herself into GOD only knows what before Amanda’s ankle is caught and used by Tina to yank her challenger right off of the turnbuckle. Blayze comes crashing down back first into the ring, cringing at the exact same time as everyone else in the building.

Tina then comes rushing in behind the seated Amanda, drops down and wraps her legs around Blayze’s waist, applying a body vice with the use of the Champion’s legs.

Greyson: Amanda with an all together GRUESOME plunge from that top rope…

Sparkles: And it’s led to a wonderful transition right into the body vice submission by our royal Tina Valentine.

Greyson: The only thing ROYAL about Tina, has been the royal pain in the ass she is to the entire IWC roster.

Tina is living up to that royal pain moniker by providing Amanda with a lot of agony at the moment. The Champion squeezes her legs around Amanda’s ribs until they feel like they’re about to be transformed into dust.

Greyson: Amanda has never submitted a day in her life, but there is a first time for everything.

Sparkles: Yeah, plus she took a pretty nasty spill onto an already injured back.

Tina really digs deep and applies as much pressure on the spine and mid-section as possible before Amanda begins to scoot across the canvas in the direction of the ropes. The crowd eagerly watches as Blayze inches towards the cables and extends her foot. That’s when Valentine falls to her side, rolling away from the cables and rolling Amanda along with her by keeping Blayze’s waist trapped in the body vice. Both ladies end up back in the center of the ring with Valentine sitting up behind her challenger maintaining the body vice that has caused Amanda so much misfortune.

Amanda grimaces from the pain shooting all throughout her body. Her clinches fists shake out to her sides, trying to get the crowd rallied behind her. Many are chanting Amanda’s name, pleading with her to hang in there against these seemingly insurmountable odds. But Amanda has always been one who has not only risen to challenge odds, but has overcome them. She begins to scoot across her seat towards the ropes, pulling Tina along with her.

They are a mere inch removed from the cable before Tina drops to her side and rolls Blayze along with her. This time the moment Tina rolls to her chest and has Amanda turned onto the back of Blayze’s shoulders, the challenger sits up. Amanda ends up coming down onto Tina’s back, pulling Valentine up and into the camel clutch before dropping forward so that her knees are pressed to the armpits of the Champion. Tina is pushed over onto the top of her shoulders, Amanda applying a terrific counter into the pin.

Greyson: Amanda caught Tina….

Sparkles: Ascend our Queen, ascend our Queen, do not be dethroned!



Blayze is a half-second removed from becoming the Queen of the Ring Champion before Tina launches her shoulder out from under her Challenger’s knees. Amanda falls onto her elbows and knees while Tina rolls over backwards to her feet. She stands up and staggers back into the ropes, bouncing off and coming back in at Amanda who rolls over backwards, extends her legs and wraps them around Valentine’s waist. Blayze then falls forward, rolling Tina over into the pin and sitting on her chest while holding down on the back of her knees.



The crowd just begins to embrace Amanda as Champion before the Duchess kicks out, keeping the Huntress for capturing her championship. Amanda rolls over backwards and onto her feet, staggering into the ropes, ricocheting off and coming back in at Tina, who turns, catches the inbound Blayze and drags her down into the small package.


Amanda rolls right out of the pin onto her feet, then turns and delivers a scintillating roundhouse kick right across Valentine’s temple. The cheek cracking kick knocks Tina onto her back with Amanda falling over the Duchess’ chest for ANOTHER pin.

Sparkles: Blayze fucking up Tina’s face. Hitting it with an ugly stick.

Greyson: Otherwise known as her foot.

Blayze has both legs hooked and the fans hooked as well, watching with baited breaths as the official’s hand comes down to the canvas.



Once again the crowd has their hopes dashed by the defiant Valentine, who gets her shoulder up and twists away from Amanda.

Blayze sits up expressing her disbelief via the three fingers she longingly raises in the direction of the referee. After a deep breath Amanda rises to her feet and approaches the crawling Valentine, turning her back to the champion and sitting down on Valentine’s lower spine. It becomes obvious that Amanda is setting up for the Blayze of Glory.

Sparkles: These two getting in a kinky pose.

Greyson: Blayze setting up for that Blayze of Glory thingy she’s renowned for.

Cassidy just gets to her feet at ringside, holding her forehead and staring under the ropes at Amanda who is mere seconds from delivering the sunset flip driver, only for those seconds to turn into minutes….Amanda suddenly finds herself all consumed with the voice filtering through the PA system. That voice being her own.

Amanda: So when can we get together?

Blayze continues to listen to her voice and now sees her face, it appears right across the Cartel-tron, juxtaposed side by side with the face of Orlando Cruze. Their pictures remain on the big screen and their words can be seen appearing in print beneath their photos.

Orlando: Soon, just need to take care of some business first.

Orlando’s voice sounds distant, as if talking through a speaker phone.

Amanda: I need to see you, Orlando…I NEED to see you.

Orlando: We’ll get together.

Amanda: Great. I’m looking forward to it. Maybe we’ll do drinks.

Orlando: Sounds good.

The pre-recorded phone conversation cuts out and Amanda turns to the member of the production crew at ringside, the photographers and camera-men.

Amanda: What was that? Huh? WHO PLAYED THAT!!

She now directs her inquires at one of the road agents, who does not give a response.

Amanda: This shit is getting too ridiculous for words…

Amanda finally turns back to her opponent and walks right into the Harlem Crusher.

Greyson: Whatever the hell that was we just saw on the Cartel-tron just led to Amanda suffering the Harlem Crusher.

Sparkles: Did that phone conversation prove that Orlando and Amanda are engaged in some kind of extra marital affair?

Greyson: That’s been the scuttlebutt around the locker-room for several weeks, but that phone conversation proves nothing, absolutely nothing!

Blayze flops to her back and Valentine quickly crawls into the cover, hooking both of her challenger’s legs.



The crowd is predictably irate at the sight of the Duchess pinning Blayze to retain her Queen of the Ring Championship in one of the most hard fought matches of her career.

Greyson: Amanda was within an eyelash of winning the Queen of the Ring Championship on multiple occasions in this match, only to have her title ambitions thwarted AGAIN by these repulsive rumors.

Sparkles: But are they rumors?

Greyson: Don’t; buy into this load of BS, Sparkles.

Tina gets to her knees in the middle of the ring before Stuart Wright hands her the Queen of the Ring title then mouths the words ‘call me.’ The official leaves the ring and Valentine gets to her feet, lifting her Championship in order to celebrate this hard-fought victory. However, she is afforded no time to rejoice before being forced to retreat. Tina turns her head and spots Cassidy sliding into the ring behind her, looking to pick up where the two left off before this match began. She rushes straight at Tina’s backside only to have Valentine dive out of harm’s way.

Greyson: Valentine wisely getting out of the ring cause Cage is filled with so much pint up aggression.

Cage shouts at Tina, who is backing up the ramp with the Queen of the Ring Championship proudly boasted upon her shoulder. Valentine repeats the words she spoke seconds before her contest with Blayze began.

Tina: I told you, Cassidy. I am the Duchess, I am the Champion, and I am the Queen, there’s not a women on this roster who is going to change tha…

Suddenly the lights in the building cut out, everything going black with only a feint outline of Valentine’s body visible. An glow begins to slowly fill the building, emanating from the Cartel-tron. Forms begin to take shape on the screen….the form of a girl stooped with her back facing the camera. A broken picket fence surrounds the young lady wearing a tattered Sunday dress. Her hands are embedded in the dirt, unearthing the soil and throwing it back between her legs like a dog digging up a bone.


Something begins to emerge from beneath the soil as the young lady digs and digs and digs.


The face of Jessica Lasiewicz emerges from beneath the ground, upturned in the direction of the lady who has dug her up.


Lasiewicz’s eyes fly open.


Fire suddenly bursts from the stage after a bolt of lightning shoots from the rafters, igniting this explosion. Valentine lungs back, lifting an arm to shield her eyes form the fiery inferno that almost knocked her over. The lights in the building now rise to reveal that crouching amongst the flames is Jessica Lasiewicz, who sways form side to side, staring out from the bangs of her hair at the Queen of the Ring Champion.

Greyson: It’s-it’s-its…Lasiewicz, Jessica Lasiewicz! She-she-she hasn’t been seen since the Backstage Brawl against Tina Valentine at Extreme Fury.

Jessica stares down the very woman who bested her in one of the most violent matches in IWC lore. Her raven-esque eyes are focused upon Tina’s shocked face. But Valentine gets over her surprise and decides to remove her Queen of the Ring Championship, elevating it above her head.

Tina: Do you think all this hocus pocus shit scares me? You want to stare me down? Fine. But that’s all you can do, because if you think about stepping in the ring with me again, I’ll do worse to you than I did at Extreme Fur…

Lasiewicz’s chilling eyes slowly drift towards the scaffolding above and then descend sharply, following the bolt of lightning that shoots down and strikes the stage right at Valentine’s feet. Tina is lifted into the air and thrown back, dropping to her seat with her hair standing on end and the championship following out of her hands. She sits up, looking stunned at the fire rising from the very point of the ramp where she was just standing.

Leviticus staggers along into the backstage area, throwing down the sundress he disguised himself in and now wearing no more than his wrestling trunks. He looks all bent out of shape, figuratively and literally as he staggers along through the corridor. Caitlyn, his girlfriend, is once again at this side, TRYING and FAILING to talk some sense into the Alana Starr Champion. The title her man proudly covets is presently draped over Caitlyn’s shoulder.

Caitlyn: LeTITicus? Seriously?

Levi: Hey now, Tina paid me a lot of money to make a spectacle of myself.

Caitlyn: Doesn’t she realize that if given enough time you would have made a spectacle of yourself for free?

Levi: My motivations aren’t important! What matters is that P Clarence Whitman III, MY BODYGUARD, left me hanging out there, and this time not because I forgot to wear my protective cup. Where was Whitman? Where I ask, WHERE!?!

Caitlyn: I don’t know. And I don’t think Whitman is even aware that he’s SUPPOSED to be guarding you.

Levi: The heck he doesn’t. I have half a mind to make him work on Labor Day, and Easter….Maybe even during Passover.

Levi keeps storming down the corridor and now spots a startling sight at the end of the corridor, one that takes his breathe away.

Levi: Tell me I’m not seeing this right not.

Leviticus’ slacked jaw is attribute to the sight of P Clarence Whitman III standing outside of the dressing room of the Black Crusade. Presently the only member of the group who has answered the door and is peeking his head into the hall is Al, the verbal conduit for fellow Black Crusade member Mr. Hush.


Whitman: All I want to do is apologize for terminating Silence’s services, and if time permits, I was hoping we could sit down and discuss this whole issue with my misses and her pregnancy.


Whitman: I implore you good sir, given our lasting history with one another to afford me just a moment…


The door slams directly in Whitman’s face, leaving him in quite the despondent state. He turns with lowered head and walks away. Leviticus and Caitlyn watch him leave with confused expressions.

Levi: Was Whitman…was Whitman…was Whitman just consorting with the enemy? How dare he! HOW DARE HE! No bodyguard of mine would be caught dead talking to the people who have been stalking me for months.

Caitlyn: Leeeevvviiiii. Again, Whitman has no idea he’s you body…

Levi: I’m gonna do something about this, and do something about it right now!!

Caitlyn: Levi, please!

Leviticus storms towards the door leading directly into the Black Crusade’s inner sanctum then lifts his fist on the verge of knocking.

Dick: I would highly advice against this course of action.

A sock puppet suddenly lunges forth and stops mere inches from Leviticus’ face, staggering him back. Said puppet leads down to the arm of “Mr. Ridiculous” Fitzgerald. With his free hand, the one uncovered by a sock, he covers his mouth to ensure that no one can see him moving his mouth.

Dick: As your new manager I suggest you calm down and think this out clearly before you get yourself in hot water. And I know something about the horrors of hot water, I’ve been tortured to several machine washings in the past.

The sock puppet slowly turns back to Fitzgerald, who groans and throws his other hand towards the heavens.

Fitzgerald: One time, one time I put you in the washing machine because I forgot to separate you from the whites, and I never hear the end of it.

Dick: You neglect to mention the fact that I was in a washing machine with your boxer shorts. In the immortal words of Marlon Brando….The horror….the horror.

Levi: What the hell is this?

Leviticus gestures to the sock and the man who claims that said sock is his agent.

Fitzgerald: Dick is just here to give you some sorely needed professional advice.

Dick: That’s right, if you value career longevity, you’ll stay away from the Black Crusade and stop depending on P Clarence Wiggy to be your bodyguard.

Levi: Well, he has been rather unreliable.

Dick: Precisely. You NEED a consummate professional watching your back, someone well trained in the art of open combat. And as your manager I can supply you with just that, the greatest bodyguard in the industry today. Someone who can help us bring down the Black Crusade.

Levi: Who?

Dick: Unlike Adam Chase, I won’t leave you dangling. You want that answer, then I’ll give it to you. Rest easy in the knowledge that as the Vice President of the Sock Puppet Nation I have access to unlimited means, including the ability to scour the earth searching for those who have the prerequisite skills to combat dragons and Shakespeare quoting buffoons. In my search, I’ve found for you a man who will be instrumental in bringing down the Black Crusade.

Levi: WHO!?!

Dick: Turn around and find out.

An eager Leviticus and Caitlyn spin around to lock their eyes on the man who will finally provide the aid that they have desperately been seeking. They only find empty space before them.

Levi: Ummmm….

Dick: Look down.

Leviticus looks at the floor and Caitlyn looks between her legs at the midget lying across his back staring up her skirt.

Levi: The fuck!?!

Leviticus pulls his girlfriend back and guides her behind him as the midget, who is holding a stuffed cat in his hands, rises to his feet offering a military salute.

’Stumpy’ Rodriquez: Hola amigo.

Levi: Let me introduce to you, Stumpy Rodriquez. The perfect tool for fighting back against the Black Crusade.

Aiken: So your objective is clear?

Aiken Frost’s blackened eyes are more visible than ever as they glare into the faces of Silk and Red Rayne. The two listen closely to their beloved guide, as they stand before the manipulative despot.

Said manipulator watches his ladies just as closely as they listen to him. Mika Kozlov is also listening, stood behind Aiken and stood before the door that leads into the Sinistry’s dressing room.

Aiken: It appears that Shaun Cruze has yet to learn how to properly follow the Sinistry directive. But where Decay failed to force Shaun into obedience, the two of you will succeed. Go to the ring and ensure that Shaun will never again challenge the authority of the Frost family.

Rayne and Silk nod.

Aiken: Inflict upon Herr Cruze a fate worse than Sebastian Knight’s.

The idea of hurting another as badly as they hurt Knight earlier this evening brings smiles to the faces of Silk and Rayne.

Aiken: And do try to enjoy yourselves while you’re at it.

New Eden proceed along and at last Aiken proceeds towards his dressing room. Mika joins Aiken as the two begin to move through the door behind Frost’s back.

Aiken: I do hope my charming wife has managed to avoid trouble while I was away.

It’s probably a little difficult for one to get into trouble when they’re currently chained in place. The door opens to the dressing room with Aiken and Mika stepping inside, joining his spouse, the NHB Champion who is bound and shackled to the floor.

Ethan: Honestly, your waaaaay too sexy in those chains.

It seems trouble has managed to find Rachel. Though she customarily wears a distant expression on her face, mind removed from her body, she at last finds wholeness, unity of mind body and spirt, when staring into the eyes of the man seated in a chair before the one that she occupies. Ethan Von Aaron is not only inches removed from one of the most dangerous women on the planet, but he is actually holding her fingers in his palm.

Aiken: Von Aaron, what a surprise.

How does Ethan react to the words of Frost and the sight of the black abysses staring into his face? Well for starters he leaps out of his chair, and later he’ll probably have to wash his underpants.

Ethan: AIKEN. I was just-just…

It becomes increasingly difficult for Ethan to come up with a good excuse, his brain not working especially as Mika passes by him, sliding her nails across his chest. Ultimately she takes a seat beside the chillingly silent Rachel, putting hands upon her shoulders.

Ethan: I came to talk to you.

Aiken: Have you now?

Ethan: Yeah, of course. To erm, ummmm, offer you my gratitude.

Aiken: Gratitude?

Aiken’s tone reeks of condescension as he approaches a bucket of ice, shoveling some of the contents out into a glass that he shortly thereafter fills with an amber substance.

Ethan: I wanted to thank you, and the rest of the Sinistry for putting your faith in me. For trusting me. And I assure you that faith will be rewarded tonight when Kordy, Polly and I put a hurting on the Blacklist inside of the steel cage.

A sip is taken from the glass in Aiken’s hand as he leans back against the wall, one arm crossed over his stomach.

Aiken: Very GOOD, Von Aaron, very GOOD indeed. As long as we are exchanging pleasantries, allow me to express thanks on the part of my family for the GOOD Movement’s loyalty in these trying times. Your unshakable dedication to the Sinistry is much appreciated.

Ethan: I like what you guys are doing here. Seeing all the chicks running around in dominatrix apparel is just awesome.

Aiken: Is it?

Ethan: And oh yeah, I also like that whole ummmm killing Orlando Cruze thing.

Aiken: Splendid.

Ethan: Rest assured that you will always have the GOOD Movement there to watch your backsides.

Ethan tries to turn his eye discreetly towards Rachel, but he is not discreet enough.

Aiken: I look forward to continuing this relationship, Von Aaron, and I do hope you would be willing to aid us in another area this evening.

Ethan: Oh?

Aiken: We shall discuss it at another time however, for I do believe your presence is required in the cage, in opposition to the ‘challenge’ of the Blacklist.

Ethan: Oh-oh, yeah-yeah, of course-of course. I’ll go get my ladies ready to beat up on the Blacklist inside that cage. No worries.

Aiken: I worry about nothing. I am sure that all plans will go just to my specifications.

Another sip from the glass is taken by Aiken, while another glance in Rachel’s direction is taken by Ethan. With a big smile Von Aaron exits the dressing room, leaving Aiken to finish his drink, drop the glass onto the counter behind his back and slowly approach his wife. He talks to Rachel without ever turning to actually look into her face or the slight smile that has consumed it.

Aiken: Did you enjoy your private time with Ethan?

There is no response from Rachel, with the exception of the grin she TRIES so hard to hide.

Aiken: Excuse me my darling Mika….

Kozlov looks up from the chair she occupies beside Aiken’s wife.

Aiken: I require some private time of my own…

Aiken bends at the waist in order to look into Rachel’s eyes.

Aiken:…with Ethan’s lady, Kordy. Go and fetch her for me would you, Mika? But do bw

That smile on Rachel’s face has vanished.


Still frame footage showcases the aftermath of the Queen of the Ring Championship bout, which Amanda Blayze was on the verge of winning before the tape recording played over the speakers. Currently we hear the voices of Greyson and Sparkles giving their slant on events that unfolded before the commercial.

Greyson: Good thing cameras keep rolling during the commercial. Otherwise you people might have missed what happened when Amanda Blayze finally lost her cool.

Sparkles: Yeah, the lady kinda lost her cool when all these rumors about her relationship with Cue Ball Cruze cost her another opportunity at the Queen of the Ring Championship.

During the commercial Amanda reacted to the loss and the airing of her private phone conversations with a predictable amount of animosity. She directs her wrath towards the production crew, grabbing one of the road agents by his shirt and forcing him into the ring where he kneels before her.

Amanda: WHO PLAYED THAT? WHO!?! Who hacked my phone? Who’s been recording my phone calls? WHO!?!

The road agent attempts an explanation, but nothing short of a name will suit Amanda’s standards. She whips around with her foot and blasts the road agent straight in his face, knocking him out.


Amanda rolls out of the ring and goes straight after the camera-crew, knocking one over and sending several of the photographer scurrying up the ramp.

Greyson: Amanda understandably irate, but I think she’s going to be incurring some fines for her actions tonight.

Sparkles: Well who HAS been recording her calls? It’s a valid question? I mean, the worse I ever do is eavesdrop on women while their sitting on the toilet, I’ve never actually listened to their calls.

Cameras cut back to the ring, but it’s not the squared circle that gets the limelight, it’s the cage that is slowly descending upon it.

Greyson: Erm, wow. As if we haven’t had enough raw violence thus far here tonight, it looks like a steel cage is about to engulf the ring.

Sparkles: And the Blacklist is about to be thrown right in the middle of it.

Greyson: Aaron Harrison and Lukas Montgomery, more commonly known as the Blacklist ARE scheduled to compete in the cage tonight in 2 on 3 handicap match against the GOOD Movement, but I wasn’t aware that match was starting right now.

Sparkles: What you’re not aware of could fill the pages of Penthouse forum. Let’s just hope this doesn’t end with the airing of more private phone conversations.

The crowd doesn’t care WHO Is about to step into the cage, the fact that they are seeing the steel monstrosity lower around the ring is good enough for them. They are already salivating like Pavlov’s dogs in anticipation of seeing the cage brought into play. Suddenly they DO care who is about to step into the cage though when….

Rayne: Shaaaaaunn..oooooh Shaaaauunnn.

The sight of Red Rayne and Silk making their way down the ramp has the crowd blowing a gasket. The two deadly femmes representing New Eden make their way towards the cage, glaring straight forward without so much as a glance in the direction of the fans. Though the fact that they keep their glowing eyes twisted away from the fans is probably a cause for comfort amongst the spectators.

Greyson: New Eden?

Sparkles: More chicks in dominatrix gear. My night is complete.

Greyson: What brings these two out here?

Sparkles: The chance to be near Sparkles of course.

Greyson: Sparkles, these are probably two ladies you DON’T want to be near you.

Silk and Rayne show absolutely no hesitation in moving up the steel steps in order to enter the steel cage. The combination of New Eden and a cage is a deadlier combination that potassium chloride and pancuronium bromide.

Rayne: Shaun Cruze, it’s time to come out and play darlin’. You put your hands on a member of Lucien’s family earlier tonight, not a gooooood idea Shaun….not a goooood idea at all. You’ve been a bad-bad boy, and now it’s time to take your whippings.

The microphone is tossed from Rayne to Silk.

Silk: We can only assume that impulse control has never been a strong point for you Mr. Cruze. You are not one who thinks with his head. You allow emotion to guide you. On this occasion, emotion is a detriment. Emotion causes you to lose focus, and that lack of focus will lead to the destruction of your poor, weak, pitiable soul.

Silk and Red Rayne have extended the invitation for Shaun to enter the cage with them, but the brutal beauties find their invitations answered by two party crashers.

Montgomery: Ladies…

Lukas Montgomery and Aaron Harrison arrive just in time to get this shindig into full swing, making a fashionably late arrival. The Blacklist step to the stage and glare down into the ring at the two ladies who brawled with them at the start of Riot two weeks ago, ironically within the confines of a cage.

Montgomery: It sounds to us like the two of you have some pretty big plans for Shaun Cruze…Funny how plans around here can change so quickly..

Harrison: Two weeks ago, Lukas PLANNED to capture the NHB Championship in his Steel Cage match against your lil’ bitch Rachel Frost. You two stopped that from happening.

Silk and Rayne are quite pleased with themselves that they cost Lukas the NHB Championship several weeks ago when he was pitted against their master’s wife.

Montgomery: And Aaron, he had plans to marry Mika Kozlov. You two, alongside your master, Aiken, didn’t allow that to happen either.

Harrison: You fuck with our plans, we fuck with yours.

Montgomery: We go through you, we go through the GOOD Movement, we’ll go throughout whoever it takes to finally get Mika free from you freaks.

The cage is about to become the epicenter for a FREAK show. So step right up, and behold the horrors within.

Montgomery and Harrison march down the ramp, up the steps and into the cage, ready to put on a show. Those in attendance prepare to be amazed by the sights they behold from these abnormalities. The moment the Blacklist steps into the confines of the steel structure, Rayne and Silk are right on top of them unleashing a series of jabs and gouges, picking up where they left off two weeks ago.

Greyson: New Eden and Blacklist brawling inside of the cage AGAIN.

Harrison and Rayne go back and forth with punches, while Silk and Montgomery exchange shots. Finally Silk throws a boot that lands against Lukas’ ribs, he is then taken by the back of the head, charged across the ring and finds himself on the brink of being thrown into the cage wall. Montgomery transitions around behind Silk though, reversing their positions and instead tossing Silk into the steel. Her skull ricochets off of the mesh and her body staggers right back into Lukas’ waiting shoulder. He heaves her up and begins to deliver a back suplex only to have Silk flip over in reverse, land on her feet then charge at Lukas’ spine. He turns around though, catches Silk by the back of the skull and throws her over the ropes into the cage. This time Silk leaps over the cables and lands on the cage, holding to it tight with her hands and her toes. She then flips back off the wall into a moonsault across Lukas’ shoulder.

At the same time Harrison has Rayne reeling, punches driving her back into a turnbuckle and stomps to the gut cutting her legs out from under her. Harrison turns to Silk and rushes in behind her. The moment Silk stands up she has a shoulder wedged to her spine, her body heaved into the air, and ultimately her body driven into the canvas via the back drop suplex

Silk shows little in the way of emotion, not even pain as she rolls away from Harrison, who stands just in time to be hit with a crossbody from Rayne as she comes flying off of the top rope. She crashes right into Harrison’s chest and takes him down to the canvas.

Sparkles: Bitches got some talent.

Greyson: Rayne and Silk flying all over the cage.

And Montgomery and Harrison are suffering as a result. The two slowly drag themselves up to their feet when Rayne steps in and blasts Aaron across the forehead, then delivers a bionic elbow to Lukas’ brow. But both men suddenly react with simultaneous knife edge chops across Rayne’s chest, staggering her back. Silk gets the same treatment when she stands up, receiving double chops that knock her to the canvas.

Rayne then collects herself and gets a running start behind a yakuza kick only to have Harrison catch her boot in front of his chin then push it away. Rayne goes spinning right into Montgomery, who is twisting around directly into the Quieter. The roaring elbow is about to connect before Rayne drops beneath it. Red rolls over the canvas and Silk is sliding across it. Silk exits the ring via the cage door, then reaches beneath the squared circle, retrieving a weapon.

The crowd unanimously cringes at the sight of the trephine in Silk’s hand, the very tool that busted open both Cassidy Cage and Hurse on the last NewAge. It remains to be seen if it it’ll have the same effect here tonight. As Silk approaches the ring with the weapon in her clutches, Rayne exits the cage in haste, grabbing her New Eden ‘sister’ by the wrist, restraining her from re-entering the ring.

Rayne: No-no-no.

Silk: Can’t we dance in a shower of their blood?

Rayne: If anyone shall bathe in the blood of Harrison, it will be our beloved Lucien.

Clearly New Eden are not here to crush Harrison, for his fate, and his destruction shall come at the hands of Rayne’s and Silk’s leader, Aiken Frost at Upping the Ante. And as if Harrison hasn’t baited the bear enough, now he’s got a microphone in palm that Rayne dropped before the brawl began, directing his words at the creature he is slated to face at pay-per-view.

Harrison: That’s fine ladies, that’s fine, go back to your Master, go back to Aiken and give him a message for me. Tell him that he knows NOTHING about hell. Because hell is coming for him, and it’s coming at Upping the Ante.

The prospect seems to amuse rather than threaten Rayne and Silk.

Kordy: You-you-wanted to see Kordy?

Obviously Kordy, current number one contender for the Evolution Championship, is a tad tentative to be the meat in a Mika Kozlov, Aiken Frost sandwich. Aiken sits in front of Kordy, leaning back in his chair and examining the Harem member with an almost seductive gaze. Mika stands behind Kordy, blocking her access to the door, keeping her from being able to escape the room.

Aiken: I am ever so pleased you could join me.

Frost rises from his chair and approaches Kordy, who is unsure how she should react at the moment, with delight or fright.

Aiken: It has come to my attention, young one, that you have designs on becoming Evolution Champion at Upping the Ante, yes?

Kordy is almost too concerned to whisper, let alone speak aloud.

Kordy: Errrrm, no.

Aiken: Was I mistaken? Is it not YOUR name on the card in opposition to Andre Jordan for his coveted championship?

Kordy: Errrrm, yes.

Aiken: Then how am I mistaken?

Kordy: Errrm, Kordy is gonna face Andre, but-but-Kordy is winning the title for Big Daddy….

Aiken: For Ethan Von Aaron?

Kordy: Yes-yes.

Aiken: Well young-one, that will not do.

Kordy finds herself further conflicted by her emotions when Aiken takes her by the hand.

Aiken: You have such grand designs of being a star, and love the adulation you receive as champion, do you not?

Kordy: Of-of-course.

Aiken: You so revere holding gold that you even married a championship at one point?

Kordy: Yeah, until Andre stole my husband away from me….He has my Herbert.

Aiken: Then why are you so willing to sacrifice the Evolution title for your manager?

Kordy: Cause he told me to.

Aiken: Hmmmm, well I believe the time has come for you to stop mindlessly doing as you are instructed. If you wish to be a STAR, if you yearn to be a champion, you must take a stand against Ethan Von Aaron.

Kordy: But-but Big Daddy is…

Aiken:…Only standing in the way of your EVOLUTION. Send him a message and do so tonight.

Kordy: What would you have Kordy do?

Aiken: It is rather simp…

Aiken’s sentence trails off when he turns to face the center of the room where his wife was moments ago chained to the floor. Now the chair she was seated in is empty and there are a collection of chains strewn across the ground.

Aiken: Interesting.

Karen McBride has already endured her fair share of frustrations this evening, hence why she is not very receptive even to the words, no DEMANDS, of her business partner. William Mason paces in front of McBride, who sits on the edge of her desk, arms crossed and eyes directed to the carpet lining the floor of her office.

William: You know I’m the go with the flow type. That I’m not one to rock the boat, Karen. But SERIOUSLY, this is getting ridiculous. Just plain RIDICULOUS. Darko expects me to wrestle him in 3 Stages of Hell at Upping the Ante. How is that fair? How is that professional? How is that RIGHT? Does he have any knowledge or appreciation of the fact that I become a DIFFERENT man in environments that call for the use of weapons? There’s a reason for my disdain of hardcore matches, and to expect me to compete under such conditions is deplorable…

Karen: William-William-William PLEASE. I can’t take anymore right now.

Mason finally stops pacing and starts listening. Once he does focus on anything that ISN’T himself, he notices the strain that McBride is under.

William: What’s wrong now?

Karen: For starters…..EVERYTHING.

William: Does this have anything to do with Tay and her ultimatums?

Karen: That AND a proposition that Silas Mason made to me earlier tonight.

William: Why doesn’t it surprise me to hear about Silas propositioning a lady?

Karen: It wasn’t THAT type of proposition. He requested a match….

William: Listen, anything that Silas proposes you NEED to think long and hard on. The guy has got an ulterior motive for everything. It actually wouldn’t surprise me if he wasn’t playing both sides of the coin. Playing you and Tay off of one another.

Karen: Silas has actually given me no reason not to trust him at the moment, and until he does….

William: Fair enough, fair enough. I won’t add to your aggravations, I’ll just take care of Danny Darko and his demands for this 3 Stages of Hell match myself. If the plans I set into motion on NewAge pan out the way I have intended then I’ll get back my Pure Championship Darko stole from me, and take away any leverage he has to dictate the terms of our FINAL BATTLE at Upping the Ante.

The door to the office at last pops open and in strides both JaMarcus Avery and Melanie McBride. The two are holding Starbucks coffee cups and seem to be sharing a laugh. That chuckle ends when they pick up on the heavy vibe in the room.

William: Where have you two been?

Avery doesn’t speak, he just lifts his coffee cup and taps it.

William: Well we have business to attend to at the moment….business regarding my STOLEN Pure Championship. So finish your coffee and let’s take care of Darko.

Avery: To be fair Boss, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about getting your hands dirty.

William: What’s that mean?

Avery: On our way to get coffee, Melanie and I were approached by at least ten different members of the roster regarding your announcement on NewAge.

William: REALLY!?! I mean, really?

Melanie: Yeah, everyone kept talking about some type of BOUNTY. What does that even mean?

William: NOTHING. Absolutely nothing.

Mason nervously peers over his shoulder towards Karen, making sure she has not caught wind of the bounty that William put on Danny Darko’s head. His promise to reward ANYONE willing to destroy Darko and return the Pure Title to Mason goes unnoticed by the Principle Owner, Karen too fixated on other matters.

William: Let’s talk about this elsewhere.

A cringing William urgently cranes his neck repeatedly in the direction of the door. JaMarcus picks up on the body language, following Mason right out of the room. Both McBride sisters are left behind, Melanie approaching Karen with the cup of coffee extended.

Melanie: Here Sis, looks like you can use a pick me up right now.

Karen: Thanks. Hey ummm, where’s Blaire?

The third McBride sister is nowhere to be seen.

Melanie: Off talking shop with Victor…

Karen: William’s brother?

Melanie: His ADORABLE brother.

Once again the door opens to the dressing room, and it’s not Blaire nor Victor nor Avery nor William who enter, none of the above. Instead it’s ANOTHER individual dressed like he’s part of the secret service. This man has much more bulk than the one we saw escorting Kloe Masters through the entrance to the building.

Karen: Are you lost?

This hulking mass puts a finger to the mic in his ear and then talks into his wrist where some sort of communication device is stored.

Bodyguard: It’s clear, send her in.

Once again the door opens and this time it’s Kloe Masters who steps through, followed by that same individual who scouted the entrance to the building on her behalf. The sight of Kloe entering the office provokes Karen to rise from the desk, standing in accordance.

Kloe: Hello Mrs. McBride.

Karen: Hello Mrs. Masters.

Kloe: We have a lot to discuss.



Mesh wiring surrounds Lukas Montgomery and Aaron Harrison, two men who SHOULD be contained in a cage. The two are pacing eagerly anticipating the arrival of their opposition. The fight with New Eden was just an appetizer, a precursor to the pain yet to be unleashed.

Greyson: Just before the break we saw the Blacklist inside of that cage brawling with New Eden, and now we segue into the use of the cage for more practical purposes.

Sparkles: Sanctioned violence?

Greyson: Ya betcha.

Sparkles: Naturally.

Greyson: We found out earlier this week that the GOOD Movement will fight the Blacklist in a 3 on 2 handicap match AND it’ll be inside of this cage.

Sparkles: Didn’t the Blacklist JUST have a cage match two weeks ago?

Greyson: They did. I think this is ALL an attempt to weaken Harrison and Montgomery for being such an aggravation to the Sinistry.

It doesn’t seem to be working, the Blacklist are still looking strong even as they are about to face the daunting task of battling three members of the GOOD Movement. “Wanted Man” streams through the speakers and those three GOOD Movement members head for the cage. Ethan Von Aaron leads Polly Norah and the ‘distracted’ Kordy on their way down the ramp. Though Ethan exudes confidence and Polly exudes rage, Kordy exudes neither. She looks distant, off in her own little world even as she makes her way up the steps and into the cage.

Greyson: The insanity just keeps getting more…insane. 3 on 2 handicap match underway within the cage.

Sparkles: It’s Kordy, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God….Kordy-Kordy-Kordy.

Greyson: Calm yourself this instant. BREATHE!

Sparkles: Shooo….

Greyson: The GOOD Movement entering as a united front, which is odd considering the recent strife between your precious Kordy, and her agent Ethan Von Aaron. Wonder where Polly fits into this whole situation.

At the moment Polly’s fist fits directly into Aaron’s mouth. She delivers a punch upside his skull and Harrison retaliates. Kordy and Ethan then rush straight at Montgomery, overwhelming him and driving him back into a turnbuckle.

Greyson: And here we go, Steel Cage match underway.

Referee Ficklebottom is right there at ringside, watching this whole sordid soiree play out. The brawl escalates within the cage and under the gaze of the official. Norah is swatted back with a knife edge chop across the chest, then a knee to the ribs. Aaron then grabs her by the back of the head, charges her across the ring and throws her over the ropes into the cage.

Aaron then turns just as Kordy comes rushing at him and diving into a forearm smash that Harrison ducks under. As a result Kordy flies over Aaron, flies over the ropes, and flies face first into the cage. She ricochets off and collapses to the canvas right beside Polly.

Upon seeing his ladies taken out, Ethan reacts and reacts violently, rushing away from Montgomery and into a clothesline aimed at Harrison’s throat. Aaron ducks down and catches Ethan coming in though, back dropping him over the cables and spine first into the mesh wiring.

Sparkles: Da fuck?

Greyson: The Blacklist actually doing pretty well in there thus far. I think the pre-match brawl with New Eden fired them up more than it hindered him.

Harrison and Montgomery are indeed more fueled than ever. Montgomery steps out of the corner, grabs Kordy by the hair, forces her up to her feet and at the same time Harrison is copying his partner’s behavior. He leads Polly up to her feet and then the Blacklist members charge their respective prey to opposite ends of the ring before throwing them over the ropes skull first into the cage walls.

They turn collectively towards Ethan, who staggers to his feet and finds his glorious mane trapped in the palms of both Blacklist members. Lukas and Aaron charge Ethan across the ring and fling him face first into the cage, his flesh grating against the mesh.

Greyson: This is not how I expected this cage match to go. I’m sure the powers that be put the Blacklist into this situation thinking that the GOOD Movement would injure them.

Sparkles: Come on Kordy, employ your super Kordy powers and pull your team together.

Von Aaron rolls back to his elbows and knees, checking his forehead to make sure it hasn’t been bloodied. At the same time Montgomery is approaching him, stepping over Von Aaron’s head, dragging him up into a front chancery then snapping back into an evenflow DDT.

Harrison now drags Polly along to her feet by the wrist, drags her into his shoulders and seems to be setting up for a death valley driver. However, the massive Polly is able to shift her weight, slipping off of Aaron’s shoulders, landing behind his back, wedging her hands to his kidneys and shoving him forward. He charges right into Kordy who leaves her feet and catches Aaron around the neck. She snaps back, sending Harrison flipping forward across the ring into a hurricarana.

Kordy and Polly then step side by side with the petite Asian leaping into the wide palms of her muscular partner. Polly heaves Kordy into the gorilla press then throws her right into Montgomery the moment he turns around. Kordy crashes into Lukas’ chest and both athletes hit the ring amidst an explosive roar from the fans.

Sparkles: Kordy to the rescue.

Greyson: The GOOD Movement getting back in this thanks to a little team work from the Harem. Former Tag Team Champions.

Kordy rolls away from Lukas and then looks at Ethan, who sits in the corner shaking his head.

Ethan: Stop looking at me and kick his backside already!

Ethan points at Harrison, who has worked his way back to his feet. The moment Aaron gets up he finds himself hit with a boot to the ribs and then a forearm upside the face. Kordy and Polly are all over him, taking the back of his head and charging him across the ring. They are just about to introduce him into the cage before Montgomery leaps in, wedges his shoulder to Harrison’s stomach and pushes him back, right out of the grips of his opponents.

Kordy and Polly spin around then rush at Montgomery and Harrison, only for Kordy to be caught against Montgomery’s chest, and Polly to be caught against Harrison’s shoulders. Aaron heaves Polly up and into the death valley driver, while Montgomery flips Kordy back into the fall-away slam. The fans are quite enthused at the sight of the Blacklist and their unstoppable dominance within the cage.

That dominance comes to an end when Harrison and Montgomery reach their feet and both men find the backs of their heads caught before they are pitched into the cage wall by Ethan Von Aaron.

Greyson: A little payback there by the artist formerly known as Porno Lad.

Sparkles: More Kordy please.

Harrison and Montgomery stagger back into a stereo lariat to their necks by Von Aaron. The Blacklist members collapse to their chests with Ethan standing between them, planting kisses on both of his biceps.

Sparkles: Two tickets to the gun-show. No homo, but I have a serious man crush on Von Aaron.

Greyson: Thanks for managing to creep me out yet again Sparkles.

Sparkles: Your welcome.

Harrison and Montgomery inch towards their feet while Ethan is stomping one of his own against the canvas. It appears Von Aaron is setting up to deliver the Epic Fail, the dreaded and much hyped spinning superkick. He twists around directly towards Montgomery, who somehow manages to side step the inbound boot, sending Ethan into a full spin. When he turns back to Lukas, Von Aaron finds his jaw collapsed by a forearm, followed by another and another and another. The blows only stop when Ethan digs his thumbs into Montgomery’s eyes, raking them violently.

He then pushes Montgomery back first into the ropes, Lukas ricocheting off and coming back into Ethan, who doubles over for a back drop. But Montgomery stops short and grabs Ethan by the ears, forcing his skull under Montgomery’s seat and now going for a piledriver, perhaps of the cradle variety. He is just about to heave Ethan up and into the move only to have Von Aaron stand erect, flipping Lukas over his back, over the ropes and into the cage. Lukas’ body ricochets off and eventually tumbles to the thin space between the ropes and the mesh.

Von Aaron then staggers forward tapping his temple and wearing a huge grin on his face before he walks right into a boot to the ribs, doubling him over. Harrison catches Von Aaron with the boot then heaves his opponent into the cradle piledriver, dumping Ethan straight on top of his skull. The reaction is explosive, the fans going nuts as the top of Ethan’s head collides with the ring.

Greyson: Von Aaron avoided it once, not twice.

Sparkles: Hopefully Ethan’s perm cushioned the landing.

After driving Ethan’s cranium with such force against the canvas, Aaron mounts Ethan’s sternum and begins to deliver a series of punches straight across his face. Kordy and Polly come staggering in to help out only to have Montgomery stop them by diving off the top rope into a stereo shoulder block. Both members of the Harem collapse to the canvas with Lukas popping up to his feet and slapping his forearm against his palm. The reception is overwhelming as Montgomery prepares to unleash the dreaded Quieter upside the cranium of whomever is unfortunate enough to reach their feet first, rather it be Kordy, rather it be Polly. The Harem members struggle to their feet and Lukas launches himself across his own into the roaring elb-NOOO….A set of hands reaches into the cage through the open door and snatches hold of Lukas’ ankle, tearing his foot out from under him and then pulling his body to the exterior of the cage.

Greyson: Wait, whoa, it’s-it’s Kellen Jeffries and Spencer Klein!

Sparkles: The NEW Blacklist.

Lukas comes down onto his feet right in front of Jeffries and Klein, who give Montgomery no time to react before throwing him spine first into the barricade. Harrison loses his balance and on the way down his back smashes into the barrier. The landing is absolutely brutal and so is the sight of what Klein does next. He retrieves a chain and a padlock, handing it over to Kellen. The fans cringe as Kellen closes the cage door and ensures it will not reopen. He slides a chain around it then puts a padlock in place.

Greyson: Ooooh ho-ho. Kellen and Spencer are locking Harrison out of the cage.

Sparkles: Does that mean Lukie has to fight this battle all by his lonesome? GOOD.

The crowd is particularly expressive of their anger at the sight of Kellen barring Lukas from accessing the cage and assisting Harrison inside of it. Spencer leans casually back first against the barrier at the side of the seated and ailing Lukas.

The two watch as Kellen backs away from the cage, peering through the mesh wall into the face of Harrison.

Aaron stands up in the middle of the ring and realizes that the cage door has been chained shut and his partner is now trapped outside of it. Harrison’s eyes then shift from the door and the chain to Kellen’s waving fingers. Jeffries offers a smile, a wink and a wave in Aaron’s direction.

Greyson: Kellen Jeffries ensuring that there will be nothing left of Montgomery for their No Disqualification match at Upping the Ante.

Sparkles: Ssssssmart!

Aaron’s attention only veers from Jeffries when he’s grabbed by the back of the head and thrown by Polly into the cage wall. But Harrison, much like Silk earlier in the night, turns the momentum of the whip in his favor. He lunges over the ropes, catches the cage instead of slamming against it and now begins to climb as quick as his body will allow.

Greyson: Montgomery is going to escape. He’s getting out of the cage and getting out quick!

Sparkles: Ssssmart!

Aaron IS smart, he’s not staying in there to take on three athletes at once, he’s getting out of the cage and getting out right now. Or at least that’s his plan, one that becomes very complicated when Kordy and Polly latch onto his legs. Harrison tries to fight them off, attempting to break their clasps only to be pulled down and onto Polly’s shoulders. He finds himself seated across the back of Polly’s neck and carried to the middle of the ring in an electric chair drop position. Kordy then scales the ropes, using the cage to balance herself then leaps off into the doomsday device. Her lariat nails Harrison to the throat with enough force to send him flipping back and off of Norah’s shoulders.

As Harrison is punished inside of the cage, Kellen and Spencer back up the ramp, smiling at the misfortunes of the OLD Blacklist. As those misfortunes mount, Montgomery climbs to his feet, employing the cage wall as a crutch and tries to climb up it back into the ring. A boot to the fingers detaches his grip on the cage though, causing Lukas to fall to his back across the outside mats. Ethan, who delivered the kick, backs up holding his neck and shouting defaming statements at Lukas on the outside of the cage.

Meanwhile Aaron is being forced across his knees towards the ropes. His head is then pushed through the ropes and his face is introduced to the wall of the cage. Polly and Kordy begin to grind Aaron’s face against the mesh, dragging it back and forth. The flesh begins to peel from Aaron’s forehead and blood starts to dribble down his cheeks. Polly then holds Aaron’s skull in place so that Kordy can rush in from behind and deliver a hesitation dropkick on the back of Harrison’s head. His skull is driven yet again into the cage.

Lukas feels the desperation of his partner, climbing the cage wall from the outside, trying again to get back inside. But Von Aaron delivers a dropkick of his own, over the ropes, into the wall Montgomery is scaling and into Lukas’ fingers. Once again the Blacklist member collapses to the mats.

Greyson: Got to compliment the strategy of the GOOD Movement here.

Sparkles: The babes do the damage on Aaron, and the brains keeps Lukas from getting back in the cage. Sssmart, ssssssmart, ssssssmart!

Even though he’s been knocked from the cage twice, Montgomery still intends to gain access. He tries his best to find a way into the steel structure where Harrison has been dragged into the corner by Kordy. She holds him in place so that Polly can rush in and deliver a yakuza kick straight across Harrison’s face. Blood is now seeping down Aaron’s forehead and dripping from his chin.

Sparkles: Their tearing Harrison’s face off. Hopefully it won’t lead to a horrible sequel to that horrible John Travolta, Nicholas Cage collaboration.

Montgomery finds himself scaling the cage before Ethan sinks his teeth directly into Lukasl’ knuckles. He bites on the fingers extended through the mesh until Harrison is forced to let go. He falls back to the mats, rolling away from the cage.

Sparkles: HAHA, how does it feel Montgomery, how does it feel to be treated just like you treated Orlando Cruze at Invictus?

Greyson: Oh yeah, I almost forgot about how the Blacklist chained the Hell in a Cell door shut at Invictus to bar Orlando from entering and helping the Saviors. This is such a throwback.

Much like Cruze all those months ago, Montgomery’s mind is scrambling to come up with a way to get back into the cage. All the while Harrison is still battling against insurmountable odds, being worked over with stomps in the corner from both members of the Harem.

Polly and Kordy eventually pluck Aaron from the canvas, dragging him to the middle of the ring where Norah gives him a boot to the gut. She then pulls Aaron’s head under her seat and points at the cage wall, insisting that she’s going to powerbomb him into it.

She begins to employ her unnatural strength to lift Harrison only to have Lukas twist his way out of her arms. In the process his back ends up facing Polly, who pushes him forward straight into Kordy, who leaps into the air for a hurricarana. She lands on the shoulders of a Blacklist member yet again, but this time she does not flip her opponent over. Instead Aaron keeps his footing, catches Kordy on his shoulders, twists around and throws her into a powerbomb right into Polly’s chest.

Harrison then turns, grabbing the cage wall and scaling it as quickly as possible.

Greyson: The powerbomb might just be Harrison’s ticket out of the cage.

Sparkles: I hope not.

Greyson: Are you still harboring a grudge against the Blacklist for beating on us a couple of months ago?

Sparkles: You’re not the one who got kicked into the tenth row by Harrison. I landed in gum….GUM. You know how hard that shit is to cut out of your fur?

Aaron is almost at the top of the cage before Ethan realizes what’s happening. He finally turns away from Montgomery outside of the cage to the man who is threatening to join his Blacklist compatriot ringside. Aaron is almost over the edge only to find his ankle caught. Ethan climbs up the cage wall right after Harrison, finally latching onto his foot and keeping him from escaping the steel structure.

Greyson: Ethan has caught Harrison.

Sparkles: AWESOME. Now de-pants and humiliate him.

Greyson: De-pants him? Really?

Sparkles: Hey, de-pantsing someone is ALWAYS funny. That and fart jokes. Can never ever go wrong with a fart joke.

Ethan struggles to pull Harrison down off of the cage, especially when Aaron is throwing elbows down directly into Von Aaron’s face. The strikes have caused Ethan to lose his grasp on his opponent’s trousers and ALMOST go over. Aaron does go over, that is to say he throws a leg over the cage wall. That leg is pulled right back down though when Ethan grabs Harrison by the belt and FINALLY drags him down onto the ropes beside him. Both men find themselves in a tight wire act, balancing themselves on the cable. They only come down when Aaron hooks Ethan’s arm and hip tosses him from the top rope all the way down on top of Kordy and Polly. Both ladies have just got to their feet when Ethan crashes into them.

Greyson: Lukas kicks it into another level.

Sparkles: And look at that tool Harrison, he’s trying to get out of the cage AGAIN.

Aaron remains on the top rope for only a moment before turning and scaling the mesh wall behind him. He reaches the top, looking over at Montgomery standing so far below. Aaron calls for him to throw the leg over and to climb down. Harrison makes a valiant attempt to do just that, almost finding his way out of the cage, almost finding his escape, almost finding his salvation. He now straddles the top of the cage with the crowd going nuts before they go mental. Their reaction changes the second that Harrison’s ankle is caught in the hands of Norah, and Polly isn’t about to let go.

She holds on as tight as a bear-trap, refusing to let him go. Aaron turns and throws a punch down right into Polly’s forehead. Her grip is weakened just enough to allow Aaron to get both of his feet over the cage, finding his stomach straddling the top of the wall. He is about to slide the rest of the way over only to find his head now caught in the arm of Kordy.

Sparkles: Kordy to the rescue again.

Kordy is standing on the cage wall and applying a front chancery.

Polly is standing on the cage wall and applying a front chancery.

Both ladies suddenly drop back and super-super-super-SUPER plex Aaron from the top of the cage down so far into the ring. The squared circle threatens to shatter on impact, the force of the collision threatening to snap the support struts beneath the squared circle.


Sparkles: That was HYSTERICAL!

All those in attendance within the Manhattan Center are absolutely blown away by the heinous nature of that double vertical suplex off the top of the cage that leaves Aaron unconscious across the canvas. He is totally out and totally broken.

Greyson: The Harem double suplexing Harrison all the way from the top…I have never….never seen anything so-so…

Sparkles: Awesome.

The crowd continues to express their disbelief at the sight of Harrison’s destruction, which does not end at the suplex. Kordy is now crawling across the ring, on the cusp of making the pin when Ethan cuts her off.

Ethan: I think not.

Kordy looks up in surprise.

Ethan: I’ll take the honors, just like I’ll be taking the Evolution Championship at Upping the Ante.

Kordy looks upset.

Ultimately, that’s all Kordy can do, look as Von Aaron drops into the lateral press across Aaron’s chest and hooks his leg. Ficklebottom makes the count.



After a grueling campaign, and a struggle for survival, ultimately Harrison was bested by the GOOD Movement after one of the most destructive suplexes imaginable. A suplex that has bested Montgomery and has awarded Von Aaron a hotly contested victory.

Sparkles: Yah baby, oh yah! GOOD Movement takes the Dubbya! Now everyone dance around and jiggle for me. I demand jiggling and I demand it this once!

The injuries sustained to Harrison will not be apparent until the cage pulls towards the rafters and EMTS can enter to survey his condition. Montgomery is chopping at the bit to re-enter the cage and come to the aid of his partner. He stands on the top of the steps, peering through the mesh at the banged up Harrison, put into a state of disrepair at the hands of the GOOD Movement. The only thing keeping Lukas from getting into the cage and coming to the aid of his Blacklist associate is the padlock that was put in place by Kellen Jeffries, locking the door and locking Montgomery out. The plight suffered by Harrison is cause for concern in Montgomery and cause for celebration amongst the GOOD Movement.

Ethan steps between Kordy and Polly shouting at both ladies.

Ethan: Raise my arms in victory. Raise them this INSTANT!

Kordy grabs one arm, and Polly takes the other, the ladies begrudgingly lifting his arms and allowing their agent to have the spotlight.

That’s still not GOOD enough for Von Aaron, who approaches the cage wall, grabs hold and scales towards the top. Once at the highest point of the cage, Ethan lifts his arm above his head, fist clinched.


”Rachel Frost”

The name that has caused so much strife, and has led to so many pairs of underpants being saturated with urine, is spray painted across the surface of a table. The lens pulls back to reveal agent extraordinaire Paul Garrett presently polishing said table, making sure it shines before it is ultimately broken. The man seated before the table is the very one who will ultimately send a victim crashing through it. Paul’s client Aerik Walker is planted in a chair, arms crossed over his chest and eyes focused on the television at the forefront of the room. Arcus Maxton paces beside him, taking deep and deliberate breaths.

Aerik: Ethan up to the same old shit, what a surprise.

Aerik tosses aside the remote, cracks his knuckles and rises from his seat.

Aerik: Gentlemen, I think it’s time we have ourselves a little chat with Mr. Von Aaron.

Though their voices cannot be heard its apparent that William Mason is doing some wheeling and dealing. If there’s one thing William does best, it’s scheme. Right now his motor mouth is getting more mileage than a Nascar. He and JaMarcus stand in front of a collection of IWC combatants, making title belt gestures across his waist. Prii Foote and Jackson Adams are just a few of the individuals listening intently. Well Foote is listening in between attempting to introduce herself to Mason, stretching her hand out for a shake and refusing to lower it until said shake has been reciprocated.

The tones of Sparkles and the puppet’s ventriloquist sidekick, Greyson, can be heard speculating in regards to Mason’s motives.

Greyson: What in the world is Mason up to?

Sparkles: Come on, isn’t it obvious? He’s sooo arranging a Sparkles appreciation night. There had better be strippers, and they better be barely legal strippers.

Greyson: Um, no Sparkles, I’m pretty sure this has more so to do with the bounty William Mason put on Danny Darko’s head on NewAge. Could one of those combatants get back Mason’s stolen Pure Championship for him?


In spite of his best attempts Ethan Von Aaron cannot get his chant to catch on in the crowd. Hell, he can’t even get it to catch on with his Harem subordinates in the ring. Polly is shaking her head disapprovingly and Kordy just stands near the ropes, her arm draped over the top cable and her eyes drawn to the ring beneath her feet. The cage no longer surrounds the squared circle BUT the ring is surrounded by an army of angry fans, who do not react very kindly to Ethan’s overselling.

Ethan: GOOD-GOOD-GOOD..come on everyone…GOOD-GOOD-GOOD!

Greyson: My lord…will Ethan ever stop?

Sparkles: Why would anyone want him too? GOOD-GOOD-GOOD!

Greyson: PLEASE don’t get started, Sparkles. PLEASE!


The chanting goes on until the music playing over the PA system cuts Von Aaron off, sending a chill straight up his spine. His sphincter tightens when hearing the music of Aerik Walker blaring the speakers and spotting the near seven footer making his way down the ramp. What’s even more distressing than the seemingly unstoppable gray haired giant? Maaaaybe the fact that he’s an unstoppable gray haired giant carrying a table. An unstoppable gray haired giant carrying a table and flanked by another near seven footer holding the other end of the wooden structure. The name spray-painted on the table USED to be Rachel Frost’s, but now it’s had an ‘X’ placed over it and the name ETHAN is written beneath it.

Sparkles: Who invited the Jolly Gray Giant out here?

Greyson: For weeks Ethan Von Aaron has interrupted Aerik Walker during his matches trying to dissuade him from facing Rachel Frost for the NHB Championship at Upping the Ante…But now the boot is on the other foot…

Sparkles: And something tells me that boot is going to end up straight in Ethan’s asshole.

Ethan is choking on fear when spotting Walker making his way up to the apron and throwing one of his huge legs over the ropes. On the outside of the ring Arcus Maxton and ‘The Genius’ Paul Garrett are setting the table in place. They stand as sentinels, guarding the table while Aerik approaches his former agent who is about to go through it.

Aerik: What’s wrong Ethan, you weren’t expecting us?

Von Aaron backs tentatively towards Kordy and Polly, obviously seeking their protection.

Aerik: Oh that’s right, you think you’re special. You think you’re IMMUNE, right? That nothing bad can ever happen to you because you’ve got the protection of the Sinistry? Because your such a loyal little kiss-ass and stooge?

Ethan continues to inch towards his Harem, who are becoming increasingly precious to him.

Aerik: You come out week after week and try to distract me? You try to talk me down from facing Rachel Frost for the NHB Championship? You go out of your way to manipulate me like you used to do when you were my agent. You attempt to control me like a puppet…

Sparkles: What’s wrong with being a puppet?

Aerik: You do everything under the sun to suck up to the Sinistry, namely Rachel Frost, at MY expense…And yet, you’re delusional enough to think nothing is going to happen to you as a result. Well Ethan, I’m here to correct you. I’m here to put your ass through that table…

Aerik points to the table outside of the ring, while Ethan backs his ass towards his teammates. He at last turns his eyes away from the Walking Nightmare to discuss strategy with his brutal beauties only to find them nowhere in sight. Kordy has Polly by the wrist and is leading her around the ring and up the ramp. At Kordy’s behest, the Harem has abandoned Von Aaron.

Sparkles: Kordy? Ummm Kordy? Are you lost again? The ring is behind you…

Greyson: Yeah, and it looks like Ethan can really use her help in there right now.

Von Aaron puts his palms out towards Walker, with Von Aaron forced to TALK his way out of the situation instead of relying on the Harem to fend Aerik off.

Aerik: Save it Ethan. You’re not talking me out of this, and you’re not talking me out of destroying Rachel Frost at Upping the Ante. She’s gonna get exactly what you’re about to get right now.

Aerik drops the microphone, retracts his fist and swings into the Magnum Blitz. Amazingly Von Aaron has the reflexes to avoid it, diving under the knuckles and across the ring towards the ropes. He is just about to scramble away from the wrath of the Walking Nightmare only to find his exit blocked by Arcus, who stands on the mats before him and wags a finger back and forth through the air. Ethan’s distress grows as he turns away from Arcus and starts running his mouth, once again trying to use his silver tongue to talk his way out of this situation. However, that silver tongue now goes black from swelling as Walker nails a running big boot. The shot sends Ethan flipping completely over backwards and coming down straight across his face.

Sparkles: Nyooo. Where is help for Ethan? Why did Kordy and Polly abandon him?

Greyson: Definitely strange considering Kordy is normally loyal to a fault.

Ethan holds his fattening lip and Aerik prepares to inflate it even further should his fist connect. He steps in and grabs Von Aaron by the hair, dragging him up to his knees then throwing the Magnum Blitz, which connects across his former agent’s brow. Ethan collapses to his back, left comatose by the collision. But even being rendered vegetative won’t save Von Aaron from going through the table. Aerik stands Ethan and heaves him up into a gorilla press. The elation couldn’t be any louder as Walker prepares to put one of the most hated individuals in IWC history through the waiting table at ringside.

The dreams of the fans is about to come true, IRONICALLY at the hands of the Walking Nightmare. He steps across the ring, savoring this just as much as the crowd. Aerik is just about to pitch Von Aaron to his demise when a cowbell derails all of those plots.

Rachel Frost has slid into the ring in front of Aerik and before Walker can react his face is being crushed by the cowbell in her hands.

Greyson: Rachel Frost?

Sparkles: Mrs. Hardcore Hotness herself.

Greyson: And she’s-she’s saving Von Aaron? What is going on with this situation? Two weeks ago we saw Ethan approach Rachel after her cage match, and now tonight we see Frost saving Von Aaron from going through the table.

Aerik drops Ethan to the canvas while doubling over and grabbing at his forehead. A huge welt has formed across his brow. Frost then leaves her feet and connects with the heel of her boot against his laceration. The Boot Licker connects, driving Aerik back, sending him twisting right into the Epic Fail. Ethan’s spinning superkick blasts Walker in his brow.

Greyson: Ethan and Rachel working as-working as a team?

And their teamwork has just toppled the giant.

But when one monster goes down, another monster rises.

Arcus slides into the ring, going right after Frost, catching her by the wrist, turning her around and dragging her into giant headbutt. Frost collapses to the canvas and now Arcus goes rushing at a recovering Von Aaron, catching him with a shoulder block that sends the agent crashing into the ring. Arcus then turns back to Rachel and goes rushing in to inflict further damage on her, before waltzing directly into a drop toe hold. The Hardcore Cowgirl sends Arcus collapsing to the canvas and now Ethan rushes in, catching Maxton around the chin, flipping over and bridging back into an inverted chin lock. He holds Arcus’ head up just long enough for Rachel to charge in and nail him to the face with a front dropkick.

Arcus’ brain feels like it’s about to ooze right out of his ears as a result of this collision. He tries to get up but Ethan flips back over out of the bridging chin lock and places the beast in a front chancery. He then stands up and delivers a devastating elevated implant DDT right into the cowbell.

Arcus bounces off of the steel and goes rolling across the canvas, holding his lacerated brow. At the same time Aerik palms his own scalp, standing on the apron with his back turned to the table at ringside. Just then Ethan and Rachel glance in one another’s directions and much like earlier tonight, a smile forms on Frost’s face. The two then rush forward with Ethan spinning around into the Epic Fail and Rachel leaping into the Boot Licker. Both kicks connect simultaneously and send Walker falling from the apron and ultimately crashing into the table at ringside across the back of his neck.

Greyson: SICK!

Sparkles: Ethan and Rachel, the greatest thing to happen to the planet since Bradgelina just put Aerik through the table? Can we start calling these two Ethachel?

Greyson: Only if there is no existence of a God.

Rachel and Von Aaron briefly survey the damage that they have just caused, the destructions of both Arcus and Aerik. Two seven footers have just succumb to the wrath of this pair….but are they a pair? It remains unclear what their relationship is, evident as the two stare awkwardly at one another in the center of the ring surrounded by a pile of bodies.

One such body receives more focus than any other, Paul Garrett kneeling over Aerik at ringside and screaming for help once it becomes apparent that Walker was SERIOUSLY injured due to the way his neck went through the table.

It’s unclear at the moment what’s transpiring inside of the office of Karen McBride, presumably a meeting between she and Kloe Masters. But nothing needs to be presumed OUTSIDE of the office. Scott Cannon, Brittany Lohan and Sienna Swann are drawing nearer to the room, mere seconds from storming inside and confronting the two most powerful women in the IWC.

Lohan: It’s about time Scott?

Scott: Sorry I kept you two waiting, but I had to make a run to the production truck.

Sienna: We forgive you.

Lohan: Let’s just get this done for Taylor. I have other business of my own to deal with as well….business involving my sister and Silas.

Scott: Well put that on hold.

Sienna: Yeeeah, because we’re supposed to be worried about Taylor. Since the world revolves around her, right?

Scott doesn’t care for the tone in Sienna’s voice, but chooses not to acknowledge it at the moment, mind just way too preoccupied with what he’s going to say once they reach the office.

Scott: If we can take care of this ourselves, we’ll remove A LOT of pressure off of Tay’s shoulders. I’m not about to watch her resign from the company because of McBride’s incompetence.

Sienna: The woman is as naïve as she is hideous. And she reeks of really cheap perfume.

Scott: Luckily we won’t have many more dealings with McBride. Kloe is back and she’s going to set things right. And yes, Brittany, I’m CONFIDENT of that.

The trio finally reaches the door leading to Karen’s office, but their access is blocked by another individual standing at the precipice to the Principle Owner’s door. Hurse is standing there and is red in the face as he TRIES to talk to a gentlemen wearing sunglasses and a black suit. It seems that there’s not one, not two, there’s THREE bodyguards assigned to Masters, and this one is presently using his mouth to guard Kloe rather than his fists.

Guard: You have no clearance to talk to Mrs. Masters.

Hurse: I don’t think you’re grasping the urgency of the matter. I HAVE to talk to Masters. I HAVE to get my match changed here tonight.

Guard: She’s detained and she is not taking meetings at the moment.

Scott: Too bad.

Hurse twists his red face towards Cannon’s frustrated face.

Scott: Tell Kloe, oh sorry, MRS. MASTERS, that Scott Cannon is here to talk to her.

Guard: I’ll do no such thing, Sir.

Scott: Come on, Kloe and I are close. She’ll make an exception to meet with Silas World.

Guard: But I will NOT. The last time Mrs. Masters was anywhere around you, she ended up suffering a spear. WE won’t let that happen again?

Lohan: WE?

The door opens a smidge behind the back of Kloe’s protector, and two men step out behind him…two imposing figures gripping batons.

Guard: Is there going to be a problem?

Scott: Only if MRS. MASTERS tries to ignore us and our concern for Taylor Chase. You make sure to tell her that she MUST hear us out unless she wants to lose the biggest star in the IWC on Kloe’s first official night as President. Talk about setting a bad precedence.

Guard: We’ll relay the message.

Scott: You make sure she knows just how angry Silas World is regarding Taylor being forced to wait for her title match till the End of the Year Special.

Lohan: And let her know we’re just as pissed that Taylor is being forced to team with that back stabbing bitch, Katelyn.

Hurse: Whoa-whoa, excuse me? What did you just say about Katelyn?

Hurse’s presence was forgotten, a feeling he’s all too familiar with. He reminds everyone he’s present, and that he’s not taking kindly to the way Lohan is casting aspersions upon his former protégé.

Lohan: Do you really want me to repeat it?

Hurse: And who are you to talk so bad about Katelyn? What did she ever do to you?

Lohan: How about blindsiding one of my best friends with her KTFO, and seducing my sister Abi? Not to mention Katelyn and Silas…

Scott: Face it, Hurse, your friend Katelyn is a liar, and a user. She used Taylor’s friendship to become a bigger star. Then turned against her to become an even bigger star.

Hurse: How fucking dare you.

Scott: Whoa mate, maybe you should take some of the base from your tone. I’m only telling it like I’ve seen it.

Hurse: Well you’re seeing it all wrong.

Scott: Heh. That comment is funny coming from you.

Hurse’s face was red before, but now it’s as crimson as the substance he wants to see pour out of Scott’s body. It wasn’t bad enough that Cannon was insulting Katelyn, but now he’s making light of Hurse’s missing eye.

Hurse: You know what Scott, I WAS here to protest the two of us being turned into the Sinistry’s puppets, forced to compete in a chain match so that they could get their jollies watching their enemies destroy each other. But now, after hearing what you just said about Katelyn, suddenly….suddenly I don’t mind facing you here tonight.

Scott: Well something tells me your tune will change again once the bell rings and our chain match begins.

Guard: Maybe you two should take this elsewhere.

Hurse: Oh we will, and I know exactly where we’ll take it.

The NHB Champion, the Hardcore Cowgirl, the diabolical and destructive Rachel Frost traverses the backstage corridor. For the first time in quite a while, she has a look of confidence in her stride, and a gleam of happiness in her eyes.

Ethan: Yo-yo-yo.

Rachel tentatively comes to a stop with her eyes darting towards the man who eagerly rushes up behind her. An exhausted Ethan Von Aaron employs his tremendous cardio vascular conditioning to jog right in behind Frost.

Ethan: Glad I caught up with you before you could get back with that black eyed bastard.

Rachel: Lucien?

Ethan: Yep, Aiken, one in the same. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks doll. Thanks a whole bunch for keeping me from being put through the table by Walker.

Rachel: It was….my pleasure, Ethan.

Frost goes to walk away before finding herself struck with a bout of surprise by the hand that grips her wrist. That surprise is exacerbated once she finds her knuckles drawn to Ethan’s lips, a kiss being planted upon them.

Rachel: No Ethan!

Frost pulls her hand away from Ethan’s affectionate embrace.

Rachel: Not here, not where people might see.

After looking around to ensure no members of New Eden or Aiken are around to witness her interaction with Von Aaron, Frost takes off. She leaves behind a conflicted Ethan. Obviously Von Aaron has a number of emotions hitting him all at once, and rage is amongst them.

Katelyn: Well doesn’t the plot thicken?

Von Aaron’s anger is directed at the two ladies approaching him, Abigail Lindsey and Katelyn Buehler.

Abigail: You and Rachel, awwwww….the yuck factor has just been turned up to a whole nother level.

Katelyn: Really Ethan? Really? You and Rachel Frost?

Ethan: What do you mean me and Rachel Frost?

Von Aaron’s eyes are shiftier than the tectonic plates.

Ethan: There’s nothing going on between….

Katelyn: You really are disgusting, Ethan.

Abigail: Can’t you keep your little storm trooper in your pants at all?

Katelyn: I mean Rachel of all people? Don’t you remember what she did to Kitty? The way she broke my sister’s neck? You cared about Kitty at one time….

Ethan: Oh, I’ve pretended to care about a lot of ladies, just like I’m pretending to care what you two bitches are yammering about while I’m secretly eye screwing the crap out of Abigail right now.

Abigail: I think I need a bleach and Lysol shower.

Katelyn: Rachel is a MONSTER, Ethan, I can’t believe you’d have anything to do with her.

Ethan: You two don’t know the first thing about Rachel nor my association with her. She’s-she’s just misunderstood, as is my relationship with her, it’s all strictly professional, nothing more. And furthermore…wait, why the hell am I even explaining myself to a couple of crack whores right now?

Abigail: Hey, that was mean.

Ethan: No, what’s mean is the way you drag Rachel’s name through the mud, the way you disrespect the Sinistry. And you two haven’t even begun to suffer for your disobedience. Just you wait until the full wrath of the GOOD Movement is unleashed upon the both of you. Which might just happen right here tonight.

Ethan has made his declaration, moving along and leaving Katelyn and Abigail to think on what’s been said.

Abigail: What did you ever see in him?

Katelyn: Well, to be fair, I was coked out of my mind, and he did have great hair.

Maxine: Abi…Kate!

The ladies welcome a change in conversation. Maxine Moore provides a perfect distraction.

Maxine: It’s Hurse….

Katelyn: Oooh lord.

Katelyn would actually rather go back to talking about Ethan at the moment.

Katelyn: What’s he done now?

Maxine: He’s headed for the ring….NOW.

Abigail: Yeah?

Maxine: And he wants to fight Silas World.

Katelyn: Greeeeat. As if I didn’t have enough weighing on my conscious.

Abigail: What?

Katelyn: Oh erm nothing.

We transition back to the ring just in time to catch the tracks of Hurse’s entrance theme bombarding the loud speakers. As the sounds of “GOOD MAN” stream through the building, Hurse storms to the ring. Cameras finds him already stomping up the steps leading to the apron with a steel chain wrapped around his fist.

Greyson: The One Eyed Warrior hitting the ring…

Sparkles: Funny, One Eyed Warrior is the nickname for my penis.

Greyson: Thanks for sharing…

Sparkles: Oh I have shared it, with many a young lady.

There is no delaying Hurse’s arrival to the squared circle, nothing impeding his progress, not the patch over his missing eye, not the bandages lining his scalp from multiple blows from trephines in recent weeks, and not the prospect of his pending match against Scott Cannon. He uses all of his injuries, and all of his pending injuries as motivation when speaking to the crowd. A steel chain remains around one fist, and a microphone is griped in the other. One item is put to use at the moment, and the other will find use in just a few seconds.

Hurse: Scott Cannon, you think that after everything you’ve put me through, and the way you dragged Katelyn Buehler’s name through the piss and shit, that I’d let you just walk away from this ring? That I’d let you carry on with your plans for the evening? Noooo. See, I had plans a couple of weeks ago on NewAge, plans involving me defeating Ba’al, and remind me, how did those plans turn out? Oh yeeeeaah, you stuck your big ole chin in the middle of my business, and dragged Lethal’s huge snoze into the situation as well. And the ensuing bitch-fit between the two of you cost me an opportunity at retribution against Ba’al….

The more he remembers, the angrier he grows.

Hurse: Then last week, you sat on your ass and watched as I was dragged away to be crucified, crucified by the Sinistry. You’ve disrupted enough of my plans, and now, I have the chance to disrupt yours. We’re scheduled for a chain match tonight, put together by our buddies in the Sinistry, and even though I refuse to be their puppet dangling at the end of their strings, I will be a pissed off athlete dangling your throat at the end of a chain. Come on Scott, hit this ring and you’ll have a whole new list of grievances for you and Tay to come out and bitch about.

The chain unravels from around Hurse’s fist, one end hitting the canvas and the other end wrapped about his fingers.

Greyson: Looks like we’re getting another match right now. A chain match no less between Hurse and Scott Cannon.

Sparkles: If they’re going to force people to wear chains can they at least be people with tits?

Greyson: Cannon and Hurse have been in quite a few run ins with one another in recent weeks. It was last month on NewAge when Hurse took on Ba’al in a non-title match, and Scott ended up costing Hurse that match. Then two weeks ago on this very program, Scott and Hurse were involved in a four way that broke down into chaos, and resulted in Hurse being carted off to be crucified by Cannon.

Sparkles: Why do you just repeat everything Hurse said?

Greyson: Because people get too easily confused around here and we need to hold their hands and explain every aspect of a match. It’s an accessibility issue.

Hurse paces the ring with chain in hand and Scott Cannon soon paces towards the ring with Silas Mason, Sienna Swann and Brittany Lohan pacing behind him. The fans have a largely mixed reaction directed at Cannon as he appears from the back to the tunes of ‘Bad to the Bone.’

Greyson: Scott Cannon and Hurse look like they are about to pick up where they’ve left off over the past few weeks.

Sparkles: Wonder if Scott is going to have the same effect on Hurse that he did on Lethal Weapon, and send another ‘legend’ packing.

Greyson: He’s going to find it hard to kick Hurse to the curb when the two are still attached to each other by a chain.

Sienna and Silas pause at ringside as Scott starts up the steps. He pauses on the apron and shakes his head in the direction of the former World Champion. Clearly Cannon does not agree with Hurse’s slant on the events that built into this match.

Scott: You’ve got this wrong, Hurse, soooo wrong. The only person to blame for your loss at NewAge was Lethal…

Hurse isn’t here for dialogue. He’s here for a fight. He rushes across the ring, throws the chain across the back of Scott’s neck and uses to pull him over the cables. Cannon goes flipping forward and crashing into the ring with Hurse dropping down beside him, fists flying across Scott’s forehead. The multiple punches leave a welt forming across Cannon’s forehead, a welt that is about to explode when a steel chain connects across it. Scott wraps the chain around his knuckles and swings, his fist slamming into the canvas. Cannon moves his head out of the way in the nick of time, avoiding having his head split in two by Hurse’s chain or Hurse’s fist.

Greyson: Hurse with some pint up frustrations it seems. The man who was manipulated and was played by the Sinistry for months, and he’s not about to let Scott and Silas World continue to warp his mind.

Sparkles: So he’s upset that one group of ladies in skin tight leather athletes played him, and now he’s being manipulated by another group of ladies in skin tight leather athletes? What is this man’s malfunction?

Hurse’s knuckles are ailing after the punch against the canvas and Scott’s forehead is ailing after the multiple hits his skull just took. He falls against a corner, blinking his eyes and trying to overcome the blows before another swings towards his face. Hurse employs the chain like a whip, swinging it towards Scott’s face only to have him clear out of the way. The chain hits the turnbuckle and Scott hits the bricks.

Cannon drops to the outside of the ring, and then reaches up, grabbing the chain that is still wrapped around Hurse’s hand. Cannon yanks on the chain as hard as he can, dragging Hurse down and through the ropes. Hurse ends up flipping forward and crashing across his back on the thin mats. He winces and reaches for his kidneys, grabbing at his damaged anatomy in the process of rolling to his feet. He stands just in time to have the chain wrapped around his hand grabbed and employed to send him whipping towards the barricade. The momentum of Cannon’s chain assisted Irish whip sends Hurse flipping upside down and smashing into the barrier.

Sparkles: Big chin had a little trouble getting himself out of the gates, but once he got his head out of his ass he’s started dominating.

Cannon yet again takes hold of the chain, employing it to drag Hurse up to his feet. Scott then wraps the chain around his wrist, binding both men together. Cannon then pulls on the chain and yanks Hurse across the mats into a modified Irish whip into the steps. Hurse’s shoulder takes much of the impact, his body bouncing off and rolling back to Scott’s feet.

Cannon rolls into the squared circle and looks down through the ropes at his ailing opposition.

Scott: Don’t buy into the propaganda Hurse, don’t believe the lies. Silas World is here to save this federation. We’re the only ones fighting for people just like you…

Suddenly Hurse takes up some of the excess slack in the chain and falls back away from the ring, dragging Scott down throat first into the middle rope. The collision closes Scott’s mouth and sends him rolling back to the center of the ring. He gasps for air while Hurse slides into the ring in front of Cannon, places him in a stunner predicament and then goes rushing at the ropes. He steps up them and flips back into the Sliced Bread Number 2. The back of Cannon’s skull is driven into the canvas with Hurse landing on his knees and taking deep breaths.

Greyson: Hurse with a biggie right there.

Sparkles: Why doesn’t Hurse just trust Scott? Why can’t he just get on board with Silas World? They have chicks who post pictures of themselves in bikinis, how can you NOT support that?

Silas, Sienna and Lohan are not fans of what’s happening in the ring, unable to express the same glee exhibited by the crowd. Swann is shaking her head and impatiently tapping her toes to the mats while Silas puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder, informing her that Fly Boy still has this match in the palms of his hands.

Although the only thing that looks to be in hand at the moment is Cannon’s head in Hurse’s palms. He pulls Scott’s head off of the canvas by his bangs, flinging a barrage of punches across Cannon’s forehead. He then rushes back into the ropes, ricochets off and leaps into the air. He swings his legs under him before ultimately coming down with a knee drop across Scott’s forehead.

Hurse rolls across the canvas and Cannon rolls away. Both men put some distance between one another with only the chain filing the gap that separates them. Scott drags himself up to his knees then Hurse drags him up to his feet with the use of the chain.

That same chain is further employed to drag Cannon forward into a spinning heel kick. Hurse’s heel cracks Scott across the face, knocking him to the canvas and sending him rolling in the direction of a turnbuckle.

The surprisingly dominant Hurse rises to his feet, feeding from the emotion of everything he’s endured in recent weeks. Though far worse is about to befall him at that very moment. Hurse gets to his feet and then leaves them when Scott pulls on the chain, dragging his opponent’s skull into the turnbuckle.

Hurse’s head bounces off of the middle turnbuckle pad and his body twists so that he’s seated against the corner he just smashed into. Hurse remains seated there for several seconds, just long enough for Cannon to grate his boot across the eye patch of his opponent. Scott then takes off across the ring, ricochets from the far ropes and comes back in with the Cannon Ball. The face wash knocks Hurse’s block off. Somehow his jaw remains attacked to his body in spite of his extremely vicious boot, which will not be the last Hurse endures.

Scott rushes into the ropes, bounces off and delivers another running face wash, this one even more crippling than the last. Drool begins to seep from the corner of Hurse’s mouth, a clear indicator that he may have suffered a concussion from these multiple kicks by Cannon.

After two Cannon Balls have been delivered, Scott begins to feel his confidence growing. He takes hold of Hurse’s wrist, pulls him away from the corner and wraps the chain around his opposition’s neck. All the slack finds itself around Hurse’s throat and Scott finds himself seated on the turnbuckle behind his opposition. Scott pulls up on the chain with enough force to heave Hurse up into the air, his legs kicking beneath him as he is suspended above the ring.

Greyson: Cannon turning the chain into a noose. I tell ya, there’s something just off about this guy. He doesn’t seem to be all there.

Sparkles: You would know a thing or two about mental instability. You are, after all, doing commentary with a puppet right now.

Cannon continues to choke the very essence of Hurse’s life away. At last Hurse comes back down to his feet though, but only because Scott has allowed it. Cannon takes the chain away from Hurse’s neck in order to wrap Scott’s own arm around it. He then leaps off and twists into a tornado reverse DDT. The back of Hurse’s skull crushes the canvas and his chest then finds itself submerged beneath Scott’s body.



Hurse manages to avoid a very costly defeat.

Sparkles: Can someone please explain to me why Hurse even TRIES?

Greyson: He’s had his fair share of losses in recent months, that’s for sure.

After Hurse kicks out, Cannon rises to his knees, taking labored breaths.

Scott: Hurse-Hurse-Hurse, you’re turning into Lethal Weapon man. Blaming the wrong people, fighting the wrong people. Your losing your focus.

Cannon employs the chain to pull Hurse up and over to his knees. Once positioned there Cannon wraps the chain around his knuckles and swings. The blow misses its target however, because Hurse drives from his knees and drives the top of his skull right into Scott’s gut, doubling him over. Hurse then stands up and pulls on the chain, dragging Cannon forward and into his shoulders. The screeching masses act like they’ve just seen the climax to a Marvel movie, with Hurse assuming the role of superhero about to thwart the ambitions of a supervillain by employing the More Than Meets the Eyes.

Hurse is just about to throw Cannon over into the modified GTS only to have Cannon avoid this calamity. He takes the chain and begins to wrap it around his elbow then swings it into the side of Hurse’s skull once, twice, three times, delivering as many blows as it takes to escape his plight.

Greyson: Cannon wearing out Hurse with the chain.

The chain assisted elbows finally cause Hurse to double over, allowing Scott to slip from his adversary’s shoulders, transition around into a front face-lock upon his adversary and fall to his feet. Cannon heaves Hurse into the air for the House Rules. The jackhammer is coming only to have Hurse wrap the chain around his fist and swing it upside Cannon’s forehead. The blow causes him to double over with Hurse landing in front of him, wrapping the chain around Scott’s neck and then tugging the links in order to pull his head under Hurse’s seat. He hooks both of Cannon’s arms, going for the pedigree.

Greyson: Hurse employing the chain just like Cannon and now setting him up for the pedigree.

Here it comes, the move that Hurse employed so often in the past to net him so many victories during his year-round World title reign. He is just about to leave his feet and plant Scott’s skull into the ring only to put his feet to another use. Hurse drops Cannon and rushes across the ring towards the man now standing on the apron. Silas has leaped onto the apron and is flailing his steston through the air in order to get Hurse’s attention. Mission accomplished, Hurse is drawn to Silas, who drops off the apron in the nick of time to avoid the wrath of the distracted athlete. Official Blacker is ALSO distracted, Silas drawing everyone’s attention to him and taking their focus off of Sienna. Which is NOT an easy task, considering Sienna DEMANDS attention.

She slides into the ring right behind Hurse, waits for him to turn around and once he does a flying knee smashes him directly under the jaw. Kiss of an Angel connects and rattles Hurse’s brain, sending him down to the canvas.

Greyson: Leaping knee right behind the referee’s back.

Sparkles: I would slurp the sweat off of Sienna’s knee any day of the week.

The knee crushes Hurse’s face and his chances of victory. He’s out cold, even as he’s dragged along to his feet by the chain bound to his wrist. Sienna leaves the ring just in time for Referee Blacker to turn around, and observe Scott pulling Hurse by the chain and then pulling him forward into the Snake Eyes. The bullhammer elbow wallops Hurse upside his skull, putting him on his back where he is then pinned by the Silas World representative.

Greyson: First a knee, now an elbow!

Sparkles: Hurse is going to be missing a few braincells on top of his missing eye.

The fans are rather antagonized at the sight of Cannon hooking Hurse’s leg



A knee, an elbow, and multiple chain shots, all collaborating to finally put Hurse down and giving Scott the victory in this chain match. Scott rolls away from Hurse and into the cables, pulling himself to his feet. He stares sideways at Hurse, who looks as if he’s suffered a serious concussion resulting from the numerous blows to the brain.

Scott detaches the chain from his wrist and throws it down onto Hurse’s stomach. He then bends down at Hurse’s side, sighing before patting him on his shoulder.

Scott: Sorry it had to end up this way, Hurse.

Hurse is barely cognizant of anything he’s hearing, not the words from Scott and not the words from Lohan. Brittany steps over the cables and insists upon the use of the microphone.

Lohan: And the most valuable lesson you should take from this, Hurse, is that you’re fighting for the wrong person.

Brittany crouches beside Steven, one hand on her knee the other on a microphone.

Lohan: You shouldn’t be fighting for Katelyn. She’s no good. Haven’t you accepted that yet? She’s manipulated you, just like she’s manipulated my sister. She’s hurt both of you. Don’t you realize that Katelyn drove you into joining the Sinistry, that you were right to take her children away from her? You were only doing what was best for her children.

Abigail: I really-really hope you don’t actually believe that, Britt.

Here comes Abigail Lindsey and Katelyn Buehler, and neither look happy with Silas World’s actions, or with Brittany Lohan’s words.

Sparkles: There’s Abi, someone get my comb ready.

Before Silas and his clients even have the chance to react, both Abigail and Katelyn are sliding into the ring. Normally most would shy away from a verbal confrontation with Lohan, but if there’s one person on the planet who can actually TALK to Lohan, and keep all their blood in their body, it’s her sister Abi.

Abigail: What’s wrong with you, Sis? How many times do I have to tell you, you’ve got Kate figured all wrong. She’s a good girl…a better woman than either of us could like ever hope to be. She would NEVER hurt me again. She would never betray me. When she made me that promise, I believed it, otherwise my finger wouldn’t be blingin’ at the moment.

Lindsey flashes the diamond studded wedding band around her finger.

Lohan: Biggest mistake of your life.

Abigail: No, when I pledged myself to Katelyn, it was the proudest moment of my entire life. I LOVE her, and I TRUST her.

The more Abigail expresses her loyalty to Buehler, the more distant Buehler becomes. She turns her eyes from Lindsey and finds them settled on Silas Mason.

Katelyn: Can’t you do something about this? You promised me….

Buehler gestures towards Lohan while her pleading eyes remain settled on Silas. At last a cavalier Mason approaches Lohan, putting a hand on the Blue Eyed Devil’s shoulder and whispering something into Brittany’s ear. With a sigh Lohan pulls back from Silas and speaks her words with sheer insincerity.

Lohan: I wish you both the best of luck.

Lohan throws down the microphone and exits the ring, followed by Swann, followed by Scott and on the verge of being followed by Silas. He lingers behind for a moment to chew some gun, smile towards Buehler and ultimately drag his sunglasses down to the tip of his nose so she can see him wink his eye. He then vacates the ring, leaving Buehler with some actual pigment in her cheeks. She seems to be turning yellow, and turning further and further away from Abigail. Though Katelyn doesn’t look in Lindsey’s direction, Abigail can still tell that something is amiss.

Marie: Well I’m afraid the three of us are not out here to offer up our best wishes for your future, Abigail..

The three individuals who clashed with Lindsey and Buehler over recent weeks in the ring, and have clashed over opposing ideologies, occupy the stage. Sophie and Mark O’Brian offer a disapproving shaking of their heads as they move to the stage behind ‘The Phoenix’ Marie Jones and Marie’s agent, Samantha Hodgson.

Abigail: Ooooh, hey gir….

Marie: Don’t even….Don’t even try to be loveable. Not with me. Not after what you did to me.

Abigail: But-but, Abi can do no wrong. Right people, right? You all don’t believe Abigail could be a bad girl, do you?

The crowd responds with an emphatic ‘hell to the no.’

Katelyn: I know you couldn’t be bad if you tried.

Sophie: Knock it off, Katelyn.

Sophie steps in behind Marie and snatches the microphone right out of her hand. A slack jawed Jones watches as O’Brian takes over.

Sophie: This has just become APPALLING. This act the two of you are putting on is disgusting, and I can’t believe these fans are not as repulsed by this ‘love’ as the GOOD Movement is.

Katelyn: What bug crawled up your kooch? And I’m not talking about the ones you got from playing around in Polly Norah’s va….

Sophie: Disgusting, everything about you is disgusting, including the way you pull the wool over Abigail’s eyes. The way you have my poor gullible former student eating out of the palm of your hand by playing on her desperate need to be loved. You are just as the Devil described you, a monster.

Marie: Exactly.

Sophie and Marie are presently in a tug of war over the microphone before at last Marie manages to force the device out of O’Brian’s hand.

Marie: But I think you’ll agree with me here, Sophie, Abigail isn’t innocent in all of this.

As speculated, Sophie nods in agreement.

Marie: She’s a user as well. I mean, she did use my twin sister Kimberly to keep me involuntarily imprisoned. And why? Because she and Kim are walking disasters. Their minds are nothing shy of train-wrecks….

Katelyn: I’m sorry, but did either of you have a point for being out here other than insulting us?

There is no tug of war over the microphone when it finds its way into the hands of Hodgson.

Hodgson: Ladies, my beautiful client, and her GOOD Movement associates will do far worse than insult you. Two weeks ago they began what will soon be finished. Abigail, your court case for aiding in my client, Marie Jones’, imprisonment begins next week on NewAge, and we are inviting cameras to the courthouse to film all the proceedings. We want the world to see you for what you are. But that will not be the last of the trials you’ll endure.

The microphone is returned to Jones, who is almost too excited to get her words out.

Marie: In just a few weeks Upping the Ante will be the venue for the greatest wrestler in the universe, yours truly, forcing Vanilla Skank to tap out, but it will also be the scene of another of your trials, AAAAABIII. Because we just received word from the head honchos. The scheduled six person tag match at Upping the Ante, where Tay will team with you two, will no longer pit you three pukes against the Sinistry, but a Sinistry, GOOD Movement collaborative front. And Sophie O’Brian has graciously offered her services as a member of the team that will oppose Taylor, you Kate, and you Abirenity.

The combination of Abigail’s name with her alter ego Serenity doesn’t offend Lindsey, she actually SMIRKS in response.

Abigail: Hey, I kind of like that.

Marie: But wait, theeerrreee’s more…

Sophie: It is my honor to announce that another trial has been arranged for you, Abigail, one to take place at the End of the Year Special. On that night we will finally witness a match that should have happened the very moment your conspiracy with Marie’s sister was revealed. At the End of the Year Special, it will be Marie Jones finally achieving recompense for your actions, Abigail, as the two of you collide one on one.

Marie: The future is looking so bright…soooo bright for Marie Jones, and soooo bleak for you, Abirenity.

Sophie: We look forward to meeting one another again very soon, ladies, and exposing you for exactly what the two of you are. That time is coming, much sooner than you suspect.

There is a surprising lack of violence given the levels of hate between these opposing forces. Abigail and Katelyn merely shake their heads in response, refusing to waste oxygen on the four individuals who pass to the backstage area. Even as Mark O’Brian points the baseball bat he stole from TPKid in Katelyn’s direction. He makes some pretty sordid comments as he backs through the curtains. Buehler chooses to ignore them, instead consuming herself with Hurse and his condition. She stoops beside her former mentor, who was spending this valuable time recovering after the beat-down he received from Silas World.

Katelyn: Steven, you NEED to stop this. You’ve got to stop trying to make amends. I’ve forgiven you.

Hurse: I haven’t forgiven myself, Kate, and I won’t until I’ve set things right. Which is why I’m going to make another challenge…

Katelyn: Oh dear lord no. Haven’t you learned anything from your challenges to Ba’al and Mika?

Hurse: In two weeks, Hurse versus Jessica Wilde…..

Katelyn: No Steven noooo.

Hurse: She’ll pay for putting those drugs in your house, for turning me against you…

Katelyn: I’m begging you not to do this.

Hurse: I HAVE to do it. I can’t live with myself until I’ve set this straight. Until I’ve made this RIGHT.

Prii: Can’t you just do me a solid and let me have the briefcase for five minutes?

Danny Darko has been left to weigh the pros and cons of many tough decisions in recent weeks, but the choice provided by Prii is an easy one to make.

Darko: I’m afraid my answer is still no.

A disappointed Prii Foote stands in the hall just outside of Danny Darko’s locker-room, making one last ditch effort to plead for the custody of the briefcase containing William Mason’s stolen Pure Championship. At the moment said case is nestled in the bosom of Pain & Pleasure’s dressing room, it sits on a chair between Mya Denton who is tinkering with a DVD, and Chris Davids who is rubbing his temples in concentric circles. Vanilla Skyy and Adam Chase are situated in the corner of the room, talking strategy, while Darko is standing in the doorway continuing to talk down Foote.

Darko: Listen, you’re not getting the briefcase, no matter how much you beg.

Prii: Awww come on, I promise I’ll give it right back. I just need it long enough to convince that William Mason guy I’m gonna give it to him, then when he gives me my reward for returning his prize, presto-bing-bango-whamo, you hit the ring and take the briefcase right back. We all win.

Darko: No, no we don’t. Ya’see Prii, that briefcase right there is my only leverage to get William to agree to the Three Stages of Hell stipulation. If he gets his grubby hands on it, I’m ruined.

Prii: Ooookay already, I don’t need to hear your life story. Was just a suggestion is all. Guess I’ll just have to be content with earning title matches the old fashioned way. Through the sweat on my brow.

Darko: That won’t be the only fluid pouring out of your brow if you don’t get out of my face.

The door swings shut and Darko turns back to his Pain & Pleasure associates.

Darko: Looks like their crawling out of the woodworks to capitalize on Mason’s bounty. Why am I not surprised at the lengths the man will go to in order to avoid fighting me?

Skyy: Because he knows you’ll just end up making an ass of him and force him to eat his words if you beat him in a straight up pure wrestling match.

Darko: There you are, putting things into perspective for me again.

Skyy: Just like always, just like always.

Darko: The guy holds himself up as some kind of wrestling paragon, a better grappler than anyone else, and sees me as nothing but a lowly scraper who has to rely on weapons to facilitate my victories….

Skyy: Just think of how nice it’s going to be when you refute ALL of those accusations at Upping the Ante. When you beat him in 3 Stages of Hell, first by using the weapons Mason cries about, and then by forcing him to tap out under pure rules, and then ultimately climbing the ladder, taking down the briefcase holding HIS Pure Championship and at long last shutting his big fucking trap.

Darko: So right…

Skyy: Just like always, just like always.

Darko: But who says I have to wait until Upping the Ante? Seems to me I’ve got myself a shot at shutting Mason’s mouth here tonight. And your opponent at the pay-per-view, is going to help me do it.

Chase: That’s right Daniel….

What? Did you honestly think that Adam Chase would STAY quiet? Your living in a dream world.

Chase: You’ve got your wife’s pay-per-view opponent in that ring in a matter of moments, and I don’t suppose I have to reinforce to you the importance of this match.

Darko: No, no you don’t. I know precisely how big this match is, how much is on the line. I not only have the chance to send a message to Mason, by showing how technically versed I am when I force Marie to tap out, but to bring a little pain to Marie, while providing a little pleasure for my wife.

Skyy: And she’s not going to like it.

Skyy leans in and kisses Darko while discreetly slipping the briefcase out of his hand.

Skyy: I think I’ll hold onto this for safe keeping. Don’t want to give Mason the chance to have you jumped in the ring and…

Darko: Say no more….You’re right…

Skyy: Jut like always, just like always.

She turns her lips from Darko’s face and her eyes to Chase’s grin.

Skyy: Let’s go grab ourselves a ringside seat so we can see first hand what William does to that fire crotch.

Skyy and Chase are out the door, on their way to the ring to scout Vanilla’s opponent at the pending pay-per-view as said opponent clashes with her husband this evening. As Skyy leaves Darko redirects his attention towards the two others occupying the Pain & Pleasure dressing room, most noticeably Chris Davids. Clearly Chris has a lot on his mind and is presently struggling with the weight of his thoughts, hence why he continues to rub his temples.

Darko: Something wrong, Christopher?

Davids doesn’t respond, he just stares off into space.

Mya: You’ll have to forgive Chris, he’s a little wigged out at the moment.

Darko: Why’s that.

Darko turns to the woman seated on the opposite end of the same bench that Chris is stationed upon.

Mya: I don’t think he’s a big fan of the Weapon’s Match tonight.

Darko: Is that so?

In a rare display of compassion, Darko reaches out and pats Chris on the top of his head.

Darko: Relax my friend.

Davids FINALLY looks up to acknowledge Darko.

Darko: I understand you’ve been under a lot of strain as of late. First with all this Sinistry non-sense, and now with taking up the fight on behalf of Pain & Pleasure. But know, you’re sacrifices do not go unappreciated. We do value your commitment to our cause, and we are in your debt for agreeing to take a stand against William Mason tonight, for agreeing to team with Mya to fight Mason and Karen McBride in that Weapon’s match.

Davids: Well, it really wasn’t like I had a lot of choice in the matter. The Sinistry FORCED me into this match, with weapons thrown into the mix just to see me get crushed and for Mya and I to potentially crush Mason and McBride in the process.

Darko: It’s a twisted situation we’ve found ourselves cast in the plot of.

Davids: But if this match means I have the chance to take William down a few pegs on your behalf, I’ll soldier on and do what’s best for Pain & Pleasure. I just hope Mya over there can keep her focus on the match.

Darko: And why wouldn’t she be focused.

Mya: Oh, he thinks I’m distracted by this…

A DVD is twirled between Denton’s fingers.

Darko: And what is ‘THIS?’

Mya: You’ll find out, hehehehe, everyone will find out very soon.

Before Darko can prod for further information, the door to the dressing room bursts open and Adam Chase enters, panting heavily.

Chase: Daniel-Daniel! QUICK, COME QUICK!

Darko: What’s wrong?

Chase: It’s Skyy, someone just attacked her…

Darko: What do you mean someone attacked….where is she!?!

Chase: She’s right out here…I swear I just turned my back for a second to answer a phone call…

Darko: Get out of my way!

Darko, David and Denton rush from the room, right past Chase who has to leap from their path. He watches wide eyed as the three bustle along into the hallway where Skyy is lying flat across the ground. Her hands cradle the back of her skull, hands now empty, no longer holding the briefcase containing the Pure Championship.

Darko: Who did this? WHO DID THIS!?!

Danny turns and grabs Chase by the lapel of his jacket, dragging him in close.

Chase: I-I-I don’t know. Like I said, I turned away for a second to answer a call and then when I spun back around Skyy was laying on the ground, I have no idea WHO attacked her.

Darko: Dammit Adam…DAMMIT!

Skyy sits up with the help of Mya and Chris who crouch at her sides.

Skyy: I’m okay, I’m okay, I swear. Just got the wind knocked out of me is all….Wait, where’s the briefcase?

Three mysterious enforcers of varying sizes and physiques stand shoulder to shoulder to shoulder in the hallway. Their backs remain turned to the office of Karen McBride, which Kloe Masters entered just a few minutes ago. These gentlemen, wearing all black, remain stationed here to ensure that no one can interrupt this important meeting, one that may be vital to the continued survival of the federation.

Desmond Drake: But I’m Desmond…Desmond Drake….THE DESMOND DRAKE.

The trio remain as stone faced as ever, unsympathetic to the pleas of the sawed off Principle Owner. Desmond stands at their knees, swinging his fists through the air and throwing his tie to the concrete.

Drake: I’M the PRESIDENT of this company, so if Karen and Kloe are having an owner’s meeting why I am not invited? ANSWER ME.

One of the three men who came here with Kloe tonight finally looks down at Desmond and smirks the type of smirk that would make the Grinch shudder.

Bodyguard: No one is going into that office…No one.

Taylor: Really?

Although Kloe’s bodyguards fail to react to Taylor Chase’s arrival, and the fire burning in her eyes, Desmond Drake does. He looks like’s about to suffer a heart attack when staring up into the knee that knocked out one of his front teeth. The gold tooth that replaced it grinds against the lower enamel as Desmond gives a whole new meaning to the term tuck tail and leave. He scurries away but Tay is not giving pursuit. Instead she stepping up into the faces of the bodyguards, no matter how imposing they might be.

Taylor: No one is getting in there, huh? Let’s put that to the test.


Marie: Why am I still waiting?

An impatient Marie Jones strides confidently across the canvas, her mannerisms as eager as her tone. Greyson and Sparkles barely even have a chance to get a word in edgewise given Marie’s impatience.

Greyson: Marie Jones STILL in the ring. We found out right before the commercial break that she and Total War have several huge matches down the pipe-line. With Sophie O’Brian of Total War becoming part of the Sinistry/GOOD Movement army set to face Team Tay at Upping the Ante, and Marie now scheduled to battle Abigail Lindsey at the End of the Year Special.

Sparkles: Yeah, but Marie’s got herself a pretty big match tonight as well.

Greyson: That’s right, she’s got an I Quit match against Danny Darko slated to go down right now. If Darko can make it after what happened to his wife backstage. We saw Skyy assaulted by someone who stole that briefcase holding the Pure Championship. So who knows what Darko’s frame of mind is going to be now headed into this match.

We know precisely what Marie’s frame of mind is, she doesn’t make any attempt to hide it.

Marie: I feel like I’ve been out here an hour waiting on my opponent. This is ridiculous, my wait is going to last longer than my actual I QUIT match against Darko. Just get out here already Danny..

Samantha Hodgson steps forward from the corner of the ring she had been occupying this whole time to request the microphone.

Hodgson: This beautiful creature should not be expected to wait. Her matches begin when SHE is ready for them to begin, not a second sooner, not a second later. Is that to be understood? So we insist that Mr. Darko come to this ring THIS very moment, without further delay and accommodate my prized athlete’s demand…

Prii: Scuse me….Sorry to interrupt.

Marie Jones was prepared for anything when scheduled to face a member of Pain & Pleasure, yet she is STILL surprised when spotting Prii Foote stepping through the curtains, with a BRIEFCASE in hand.

Greyson: Well Marie Jones had been waiting out here all throughout the commercial break in anticipation of facing Danny Darko in an I Quit match, but that is NOT Danny Darko.

Sparkles; You know how I know that’s not Darko? Because Darko has never made me drool before.

Greyson: That’s Prii Foote. And what does-what does she have in her hands?

Sparkles: My furry ass if she plays her cards right.

Prii slides into the ring with the briefcase in her palm.

Prii: I’m sorry Marie, please-please-please-pretty please excuse this interruption, but I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to the fanboys and smarks in attendance…Hello, most of you probably know me already, but the name is Prii Foote…

She waves in spite of having one hand occupied by a microphone, and the other by a briefcase.

Prii: I came here with a couple of ambitions bouncing around in my big old head, and my number one ambition is to make an impact. The only way to make an impact is to jump at any opportunity you see. Which is why Prii Foote is standing in the ring right now with THIS!

The briefcase is held high above Prii’s head.

Prii: William Mason, you made a promise on NewAge and tonight that you would use your power and influence in Prestige to get a title shot for whoever returned the Pure Championship that was stolen from you by that Devious Darko. Well it just so happens that I have your briefcase in my hand right now, which meeeeeeaaannnns Prii Foote gets herself a title shot right?

Greyson: So is Prii Foote admitting that she jumped Vanilla Skyy backstage to steal the briefcase holding the Pure Championship?

Sparkles: Wait, is it stealing if you stole it from someone who stole it before you stole it?

Greyson: I think I just lost several braincells trying to follow your logic.

The briefcase drops as Prii’s hopes rise.

Prii: Soooo before this match begins, how about you come out here William and stick to your word by announcing…


The tracks provided by Linkin Park have just hit the PA speakers, and they do not belong to Mason, instead they’re reserved for Darko.

Danny Darko is racing down the ramp and hitting the ring and then hitting Foote. His fists are inches removed from Prii’s head before she ducks it and dives through the ropes to the outside of the ring. In the process of her hasty departure, she leaves the briefcase sitting in the middle of the squared circle.

Greyson: Danny Darko coming to the ring in pursuit of retribution.

Sparkles: Geez, you’d figure most people actually appreciate having their wives shut up from time to time.

Greyson: Darko furious that Prii Foote has by all accounts ousted herself as the one who attacked Danny’s wife backstage to get hold of that briefcase.

Said briefcase containing William Mason’s Pure Championship remains stretched across the canvas behind Darko’s back. Danny is so fixated on Prii that he has lost sight of the case, not even noticing as it falls into the custody of Marie Jones.

She snatches up the case then stretches it between her hands while putting herself in an attack stance.

Greyson: Uh-oh, Darko, behind you. BEHIND YOU!

Sparkles: Red has the briefcase.

Darko is livid, especially as he turns back to his scheduled opponent and receives a shot from the briefcase right between the eyes. Marie swings the case and smashes Danny right in the skull, putting him straight on his back.

Greyson: The briefcase right into Darko’s skull.

Sparkles: I wonder if he’s regretting stealing that briefcase from my main man William Mason now.

Greyson: Let me reiterate this for the fourteenth millionth time, you and Mason are NOT boys.

The dented briefcase hangs from Marie’s hand while the crowd hangs on her every action. Referee Ficklebottom is on his way to the ring to officially start this I Quit match only to have Samantha Hodgson jump in his way. Marie’s agent begins to do some wheeling and dealing, attempting to keep the official out of the ring so that the match cannot be officially started.

This allows Marie the opportunity to continue utilizing the briefcase, and that’s exactly what she’s doing. She crouches behind Darko, who has blood dribbling down his face from a gash in his forehead. It takes some doing but Darko at last reaches his feet, turns around and finds the briefcase smashing into his skull for a second time.

Greyson: Wasn’t the first time bad enough Marie?

Sparkles: Not enough to keep Darko down.

The second blow across the skull is equally as devastating as the first, and has dropped Danny to his knees. He bobs from side to side yet remains upright…well upright for as long as it takes Marie to charge in and ram the briefcase over his head a third time. Wait, even THAT wasn’t sufficient enough to topple Darko. He stays on his knees and now suffers a FOURTH shot from the briefcase, and when that proves insufficient, Marie delivers a fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth shot across Danny’s head with the case. Though Darko’s scalp is bleeding profusely, and his skull looks just as warped as the briefcase, he’s STILL on his knees. This actually proves to be to Marie’s benefit rather than to her detriment.

Jones tosses the briefcase out of the ring and then drops to her back, pulling Darko down into the very same submission hold Skyy used to force Leviticus to tap out on NewAge. Marie locks in the triangle choke on the completely comatose Darko. Finally official Ficklebottom is PERMITTED to enter the ring, Hodgson clearing out of the way and allowing him to slip in at a moment most advantageous to Samantha’s client.

Greyson: And if bludgeoning Darko with the briefcase wasn’t bad enough, now Jones has him trapped in the triangle choke. That same submission Vanilla Skyy used on NewAge in her OWN I Quit match.

Sparkles: There ain’t no way Darko’s getting his ass out of this hold.

Once in the ring Ficklebottom is calling for the bell to start the match. He then turns around and steps in to ask if Darko submits.

Marie: Of course he submits, are you crazy?

Apparently the official isn’t all that cray-cray, because Darko hasn’t tapped out or uttered the words ‘I quit.’ Instead his arms are extended out to his sides and shaking. The fans can’t believe and Marie is more surprised than anyone that Darko has not submitted.

Sparkles: Is this guy just superhuman?

Greyson: He won’t go down,, he won’t submit. We saw this at Reawakening Day when he survived several attacks and several matches throughout his pursuit of the NHB Championship.

Darko’s arms continue to flail to his sides, showing that he has signs of life remaining even after the multiple blows with the briefcase. One of those hands now reach out for the ropes, falling just shy of them.

Greyson: Is he actually going to reach the ropes?

He reaches again but his fingers do not wrap about the cable, instead they fall limp to his side. In fact, Darko’s entire body finally goes limp, succumbing to the damage inflicted pre-match with the briefcase.

Ficklebottom steps in and grabs Darko by the wrist, lifting it into the air and watching as it falls limp to his side. The second Darko’s arm drops, Ficklebottom’s arm points to the time keeper, insisting he ring the bell. It chimes several times in the background, Marie picking up the win thanks to Darko passing out. Passing out thanks to the triangle choke and the multiple blows from the briefcase his skull withstood before he was placed in the submission.

Sparkles: Marie wins…Marie wins…Marie wins AGAIN!

Greyson: This is absolutely ridiculous. Marie knocked Darko out with the briefcase before the match even began!

Sparkles: No, she forced Darko to pass out. Isn’t that obvious?

Greyson: It’s obvious that I should have stitched together a brain to put in your head.

The hold is broken on Darko, allowing his split melon to fall away from Marie. As Darko drops Marie ascends, getting to her feet and throwing her hands into the air.


Much like Ethan Von Aaron earlier in the night, Marie Jones fails to get the crowd to chant along with her. With the exception of a vocal minority, who just can’t pass up on the opportunity to scream something, anything at this point. As said screaming continues, Prii picks up the briefcase from ringside, cradles it to her chest and hurries to the backstage area.


Jones leans down over Darko’s face as she continues this chant.


Hodgson climbs up to the apron, clapping her hands respectfully.

Hodgson: Breathtaking…Absolutely breathtaking.

The curtains in the gorilla positon open just as Prii Foote comes tearing through them, the briefcase holding the Pure Championship still cradled closely to her chest. A smile extends across her face, even though her eyes nervously scan her surroundings.

Comeau: Excuse me, Prii Foote..

Prii’s eyes widen and she instinctively clinches a fist as she turns towards backstage correspondent Mark Comeau. He approaches with mic in one hand and a half devoured bottle of cough syrup in the other. Another swig is taken before he proceeds with his questioning, words somewhat slurred at this point.

Comeau: Gotta say it, but what an absolutely SHOCKING turn of events…

Prii: Shocking? That’s good right? Shocking people? That makes an impact doesn’t it?

Comeau: I guess.

Another chug of cough syrup.

Prii: Awesome, mission accomplished then. I’ve made an impact, and now it’s time to be made a champion. William Mason…

Prii turns to the camera that was following Comeau.

Prii:…I still have your briefcase.

She slaps the mangled attaché.

Prii: Which means you still owe me a title shot.

Lohan: Wonder if Tay ever managed to get in and see Kloe?

The conjecture continues between Brittany Lohan and Sienna Swann as the two make their way down the corridor with their ultimate destination being the ring. Sienna is already sporting her black bikini style wrestling trunks and is putting the finishing touches on her ring gear, wrapping tape around her wrists.

Lohan: I hope she had more luck than Scott….

Sienna: Why are we still talking about that delusional Barbie Doll?

Lohan’s demonic blue eyes narrow.

Sienna: Should you not be offering me some last minute pointers. Have you forgotten that this is my debut here in IWC and that Taylor Chase has NOTHING to do with it?

Lohan: Of course I haven’t forgotten Angel. Seeing you go out there and compete is going to be one of the happiest moments of my career.

Sienna: Yes, but you seem so preoccupied.

Lohan: I just have a lot on my mind at the moment. What with Taylor and with Abi…

Sienna: I am sure she was so pleased and touched to receive your blessing for her marriage with that….whatever it was supposed to be.

Lohan: Katelyn Buehler.

Sienna: Yes…THAT.

Lohan: Yeah, I’m sure Abi was really…really….

Brittany sullenly speaks the last word of her sentence.


Silas: Oh she was…She was VERY touched. Ya could see it in ‘er eyes, Baby Blue. Yer approval, it met the world to ‘er.

Sienna is overjoyed to see Silas Mason occupying the gorilla position, back aimed to the curtains that Swann is about to step through. Brittany has a different reaction to Silas, unable to look at Mason standing before her with his Stetson taken from his head and placed over his heart.

Silas: Yer baby sister, she’s happier than she’s ever been in ‘er life. Don’t it make ya happy knowin’ she’s happy?

Lohan continues to look down at the floor.

Silas: Ya wouldn’t want to ruin that happiness for ‘er would ya? Naaah. Why would you want to go and do something that horrible to someone ya care about? So why don’t ya jus’ let yer sister and Baby Brown have their li’ marriage and stop tryin’ to rock the boat?

Brittany takes a deep breath.

Silas: Let’s give Baby Face the time and the attention she deserves, okay? Let’s be there to support ‘er, the same way ya supported yer sister. Understood?

Lohan: Yes Silas.

Silas: Sorry?


Silas: Superb!

Sienna is on her way to the ring and Silas would be following if Lohan wasn’t delaying his momentum.

Lohan: Silas….

Silas: What now?

Lohan: I know…

Silas: What is it ya think ya know?

Lohan: I know the truth about you…about you and Katelyn.

Silas: Ya know NOTHIN’ Baby Blue, and ya ain’t gonna say NOTHIN’ either. Not if ya want what’s best for yer sister.

Amanda: You BASTARDS!

The sound of a steel chair can be hear slamming against the floor, prompting Lohan to dive in front of Silas, pulling him along behind her. She becomes a human shield between Silas and the woman with the chair extended from her hands. A near homicidal Amanda Blayze is so eager to put that chair to use against Silas and his clients.

Lohan: You better be real careful Amanda.

Amanda: You don’t think I know what you two did? You screwed me out of the Queen of the Ring Championship a second time with your bullshit rumors and gossip.

Silas: What are ya talkin about? What gossip? What rumors?

Amanda: Don’t play stupid Silas, I’d much rather see you play dead.

The chair thuds across the concrete one last time.

Lohan: I would suggest you put down that chair, Amanda. You won’t like what I do with it.

Amanda: I’ll gladly go one more round with you, Brittany, if it means I get my hands on that agent of yours.

Sienna: NO!

Swann rushes back to the side of her mentor, Lohan, and the side of her agent, Silas. She looks with compassionate eyes upon Amanda, and does not fear the chair that Blayze holds at the ready.

Sienna: Please Amanda, won’t you calm down?

Amanda: Why should I?

Sienna: You’ve lost your cool…You’re lashing out at those who don’t deserve it…

Amanda: You honestly expect me to believe that Silas World wasn’t responsible for setting me up earlier? You want to ruin me before I face Cannon at Upping the Ante.

Sienna: That is the farthest thing from the truth, Amanda. Are you even listening to yourself and these crazy conspiracy theories of yours? You need to think clearly, you need someone to put things into perspective for you. Agree to meet me, Amanda, someplace beyond an IWC venue, where the two of us can sit down and talk, one on one, and I can make you understand that Silas World is not the enemy.


When “Cocky” plays through the speakers and Kellen Jeffries steps through the curtains, they’d rather get anything else. The fans would even settle for another Bob fashion show, or maybe even another appearance of LeTITicus as opposed to the smug face of Jeffries. He wears a predictably broad grin as he heads for the ring, being followed at a distance by Spencer Klein.

Greyson: Klein and Jeffries have already had a productive night haven’t they?

Sparkles: They have?

Greyson: Erm, yes. They laid out Lukas Montgomery earlier tonight and locked himself out of the cage, leaving Lukas’ partner Aaron Harrison trapped inside with three members of the GOOD Movement.

Sparkles: When did that happen?

Greyson: Like half an hour ago.

Sparkles: Really? Where was I?

Greyson: Literally right here beside me.

Sparkles: Oh, if Kordy was in the cage earlier how do you expect me concentrate on anything else?

Greyson: Fair enough.

Kellen and Spencer reach the ring where Klein is spotted removing something from beneath his jacket. A t-shirt that he tosses to Kellen. The smile on Jeffries face grows wider as he slips the shirt over his body, revealing the slogan stenciled across the front of the fabric.

The NEW Blacklist

If that’s not in bad enough taste, how about we throw in the words written on the back of the shirt to further repulse you.

2 Down, One to Go

The slogans obviously draw reference to the two members of the ORIGINAL Blacklist who have been assaulted by Kellen and Klein at Reawakening Day and here tonight. Not disgusted enough, give it time, because Klein is rolling to the exterior of the ring and grabbing a headset off the announce table.

Sparkles: Not ANOTHER guest commentator? I don’t share the spotlight very well.

Greyson: I have no idea why Klein is grabbing a headset at the moment. But it doesn’t look like he’s taking a seat here.

Klein: Is everyone catching on yet? Are we all singing along with the bouncing ball? Is the world beginning to appreciate Kellen Jeffries for the dominant and destructive force that he is? I think the fans are beginning to accept that everything I said on the last NewAge is the cold, harsh, unblinking truth. Jeffries cannot be stopped until he has removed the final remnants of the old and broken Blacklist. It started with Mika, it continued with Harrison, and at Upping the Ante, we move one step closer to eradicating what I built.

Sparkles: What is he rambling and ranting about?

Greyson: Honestly, I don’t even think Klein knows.

Klein: This evening Kellen drove the stake a little deeper into the weak puny chest of the OLD Blacklist, and for that I think Jeffries is entitled to a gift. His undying devotion to the destruction of Montgomery and Harrison should be rewarded. Which is why I was so adamant about seeing him included in this triple threat match tonight. Kellen is truly about to enjoy himself.

The headset is removed from Spencer’s ears and thrown onto the announce table.

Greyson: What’s that supposed to mean?

Sparkles: God only knows with these two. God only knows.

The Man-God licks his lips, fighting the urge to salivate even as Silas Mason steps through the curtains, microphone in his palm.

Silas: “Ya people need ta pipe down and show some damn respect ta the mastermind of professional wrasslin’! Now what yer gonna see is the REBIRTH of PERFECTION and a woman who is the REAL Perfect 10! Ladies and Gentlemen and I use that title loosely, pay homage to the most “Beautiful” woman in the world! From Johannesburg, South Africa, it don’t matter how much she weighs…..


The Crowd boos…..

The arena goes dark…..

Suddenly one lone spotlight shines in entrance where smoke begins to come out and surround the stage…..

“Beautiful’ by Akon begins to play throughout the arena, the Tron plays the Video of her various photo-shoots, training, fighting and walking through nightclubs with men gawking over her….

Then Sienna Swann walks out with her head down, Brittany Lohan behind her….

Sienna then extends her arms and reveals the large angel wings that are part of her hooded entrance robe, she looks around at the crowd and smirks making her way to the ring, she climbs up the stairs and climbs up to the top rope, she moonsaults into the ring and poses with her wings spread wide….

She looks up to the rafters as a gold spotlight like the light of heaven shines down on her….

Sienna smirks in spite of the lecherous eyes of Jeffries locked upon her.

Sparkles: I’m gonna lose it…I’m gonna lose it.

Greyson; Not here, not in public, Sparkles.

Sparkles: I need a bathroom, or a trashcan, something!

Greyson: Control yourself and try to get through Sienna Swann’s in ring debut.

Sparkles: I’m not making any promises.

Greyson: We saw Sienna crush Hurse’s jaw earlier tonight with that leaping knee, let’s see what she can do now in a SANCTIONED match.

Sparkles: I can already tell she’s talented…

Greyson: How so?

Sparkles: The fact that her trunks are so tight and tiny they could be used as dental floss.

Silas and Lohan continue to exchange tense stares at ringside while Swann and Jeffries exchange awkward stares in the ring. It isn’t until the opening rifts of “My Stalker” by Starsucker plays through the speakers that Swann finally takes her eyes off of Jeffries, but Kellen’s eyes are not veering anywhere else but Sienna’s curves. Prii Foote makes her way from the backstage area still holding the briefcase as she strolls towards the ring.

Greyson: Erm, Prii, I think you’re eventually going to have to put that briefcase down.

Sparkles: Yes, it’s totally blocking my view of her boobies.

Greyson: Hopefully that case is NOT brought into the ring again after the role it played in the outcome of Darko’s and Jones’ match.

Sparkles: I don’t think Prii’s giving that briefcase up until she’s met with my BFF William Mason and received her title shot.

As speculated Prii continues to hold onto the briefcase even as she stands in the corner and the bell chimes in the background. Though the match has begun with referee Blacker planted in the middle of the ring to officiate the contest, neither of the three athletes involved go after one another…at least not in a physical capacity. Kellen looks towards Spencer at ringside, who sighs before nodding in approval.

Jeffries’ grin broadens and he now steps to the center of the ring, and extends his hand towards Sienna. Though skeptical Swann steps in and allows her hand to be taken by Kellen, who then turns and outstretches his other palm towards Prii. Much like Sienna, Prii is naturally reluctant but eventually stretches her fingers into Kellen’s hand. He squeezes them in order to pull Prii’s knuckles to his lips, then does the same with Swann’s. He gives both ladies a little peck on the fingers, trying to woo them.

Jeffries: You know, we don’t have to have this three way in the ring.

The wooing is over.

Prii retracts her hand and reintroduces it to Kellen’s lips, in the form of a HARSH punch. Jeffries is sent spiraling towards ANOTHER punch to his mouth, this one delivered by Swann.

Sparkles: Kellen is a man after my own heart.

Greyson: He put the moves on Swann and Prii, but it looks like he’s not as suave as he thought.

Sparkles: He’s STILL the luckiest man on the planet.

Greyson: He’s getting his ass kicked by two ladies.

Sparkles: But their two of the hottest ladies on the friggin planet.

Prii employs more than fists across Kellen’s brow, she now swings the briefcase, almost crushing Kellen’s skull. However, unlike Darko, Jeffries is quick enough to duck the blow, causing the case to miss his face by mere inches. Foote’s momentum carries her directly into a boot to the gut from Swann, doubling Foote over.

She is then exposed to Jeffries, who swings in behind Prii and applies a rear waist-lock. It seems he’s on the cusp of delivering the German suplex…and he remains on the cusp of delivering the German suplex for what appears to be an eternity. Kellen maintains the rear-waist-lock for far-far too long, uncomfortably long at this point.

An incredulous grin forms on his face as he stands with his pelvis pressed to Foote’s rear-end. At last he’s detached from Prii’s body via the jumping side kick. Swann’s background in kick-boxing continues to be instrumental to her success, her boot now flying over Prii’s ducked head and ramming Jeffries across the forehead. He goes twisting away from Sienna, who rushes in and places him in position for a Russian Leg Sweep. At the same time Prii finally drops the briefcase in order to step to the opposite side of Jeffries, hooking his leg and his arm. Both Prii and Sienna drop back simultaneously delivering Russian Leg Sweeps on Jeffries.

Greyson: These two ladies are not receptive at all to the disgusting come ons of Kellen Jeffries.

Sparkles: In Kellen’s mind, this is probably the kinkiest thing he’s been involved in all week long.

Greyson: No, considering it’s Kellen, it’s probably the kinkiest thing he’s been involved in in the last twenty minutes.

Prii and Swann roll to their feet and then take off into opposite ropes, ricocheting off then diving into stereo elbow drops across Kellen’s pecs. He sits up wincing in pain while Sienna rolls over backwards to her feet. She then delivers a roundhouse kick that drills Jeffries to his chest and knocks him to his back. The second Kellen goes down, Prii goes up. She leaps into the air and ultimately comes down directly into Jeffries’ throat with her outstretched leg.

Greyson: Kellen continuing to be worked over by both ladies.

Sparkles: This is like my greatest fantasy. Or at least it would be if Sienna were wrestling in a French Maid outfit, and Prii were wearing a Girl-Scout costume.

Greyson: That’s disgusting Sparkles.

Sparkles: Really? Cause I haven’t even got to the part about the horse.

Funny Sparkles mentions horses, considering Kellen is being beaten like a dead horse at the moment. He’s now dragged along to his feet by Prii and hit with a snapmare, flipping him over to his seat. She then steps in and blasts him across the upper back with a roundhouse kick.

Silas: Nah’-nah’-nah’….

Silas is shaking his head as he approaches the apron from ringside.

Silas: Show ‘er how it’s dun right, Baby Face.

The Angelic Swann delivers the roundhouse kick of her own directly to Kellen’s kidneys. Prii won’t get into this battle of oneup-woman-ship. She blows off Swann and turns her focus back to her briefcase, approaching the container for the Pure Championship. She refuses to let it out of her sights, which could prove quite costly. The moment Foote stoops forward to grab the briefcase, Sienna charges in behind her and delivers another kick, this time right to the crease of Foote’s knee. The shot knocks Prii to her back with her legs extending to the air then being stepped through as Swann applies the sharpshooter. She turns Foote over to her chest then leans back into the hold, staring through the ropes at the proud smile of Lohan beaming back at her.

Greyson: Swann closing in on an impressive debut victory.

Sparkles: Yeah, but that all hinges on Foote submitting.

Prii will not relent even when suffering the strain of this submission, which is sending shockwaves of pain coursing through her legs and kidneys. She lifts her hand into the air, merely toying with the idea of tapping out. That’s before Kellen steps in and grabs said hand, placing another suave kiss on the knuckles.

Sparkles: This guy is awesome.

Greyson: This guy is sick.

Sparkles: This reminds me of the time I took advantage of an unconscious Mrs. Piggy. Let’s just say I did some pretty indecent things to her large snout.

Kellen employs Prii’s hand for slightly less perverse reasons, tugging on it and dragging her across the ring. Eventually Jeffries rolls under the ropes and pulls Prii’s hand into them. She wraps it around the bottom rope and official Blacker is forced to encourage Sienna to break the sharpshooter. With reluctance that precisely what Sienna does, refusing to be disqualified here in her debut match.

She breaks the hold but does not break her stride. She turns around, grabs Prii by the legs and attempts to drag her back to the center of the ring. ATTEMPTS. Swann does not succeed because Foote flops to her back, bends her knees and draws Sienna in close. So close that Swann is effortlessly able to flip over into the jackknife cover.


Prii manages to wrap her arms around Sienna’s waist and then bridge both of their bodies up off of the canvas. Foote then swings their frames into position for the backslide. However, Swann won’t lose her in ring debut by roll up either. She manages to break one arm free from Foote’s and then swing around so that both ladies are facing each other. Swann goes for the roundhouse kick that Prii ducks in the nick of time. Swann’s back then ends up facing Foote, who catches her by the arms and drags her down into the backslide. Rather Sienna likes it or not, debut or no debut, she’s on the verge of losing this match by pinfall.



Kellen now steps in and grabs Swann’s foot, using it to drag her backwards out of the pin. She ends up dropping over to her knees and Jeffries grabs her by the wrist, pulling her up to her feet. He then drags Swann forward into a short arm lariat that Sienna manages to duck under. She steps past Kellen with her chin still tucked to her chest and her body still stooped forward and her momentum carrying her directly into the waiting arms of Foote.

Prii catches Swann coming in and drags her down into the small package.



Jeffries takes hold of Prii’s tights and drags her off of Swann, breaking the small package. Shortly thereafter, Jeffries is dragging Foote to her feet, spinning her around and going for another short arm clothesline. This time it’s up to Prii to duck and duck quickly, stepping under Kellen’s arm and staggering forward into the waiting arms of Swann.

Sienna slips around Prii’s hip and drags her down into the school girl.



It’s Foote kicking out at this point and sending Sienna rolling away from her. Both ladies then end up on their feet just as Jeffries charges in and lays them both out with simultaneous clotheslines.

Sparkles: I think the honeymoon is over.

As Kellen gets himself into the driver’s seat in the squared circle, Spencer cups his jaw and nods his head approvingly at ringside. Jeffries now approaches Swann and Prii, crouching over the two with a gleam in his eyes.

Kellen: Ladies, my offer still stands.

His offer may stand, but neither of his opponents are. At least not until Jeffries drags Prii over to her knees then to her feet. He hooks both of her arms and lifts her up and over his shoulder. Eventually he drops to his knees, connecting with an over the shoulder back breaker.

Foote flips over to her side and now Jeffries rises to his feet, approaching the struggling Sienna. The confident Kellen takes her under the jaw and gently leads her up to her feet. Once Sienna stands in front of him, Kellen mouths the word ‘awww,’ and then pulls her into a Canadian Back-Breaker straight across his elevated knee.

Sparkles: What’s with Kellen’s motivation in this match? It’s all over the place.

Greyson: The same can be said about the man’s mind, especially with Spencer in his ear.

Kellen becomes a bit more flamboyant, yes that’s actually possible, as he stands and points at the t-shirt wrapped around his body. He directs everyone’s focus to the words ‘The NEW Blacklist’ stenciled across his sternum. He then turns his focus back towards Sienna, who has utilized the ropes to reach her feet. Jeffries shows not an iota of remorse in rushing across the ring and delivering the lariat across her throat that sends Swann flipping back over the ropes to the outside of the ring.

Jeffries then turns towards Prii, who is employing the cables on the opposite side of the ring to stand up. Her legs are buckling, and her back is hurting, but she remains upright just long enough for Jeffries to come barreling in with a lariat. Prii won’t be sent over the ropes though, getting her feet up and getting them directly into Kellen’s chest.

The boots to the sternum sends Kellen staggering backwards across the ring, turning towards the very ropes he just knocked Sienna over. Swann now leaps to the apron in front of him, reaches over the cables, catches the back of Kellen’s head then drops to the mats. Kellen’s neck bounces off of the cables and he goes staggering right back into a double knee back-stabber by Foote.

Kellen stands up straight, reaching for his kidneys and wincing in pain, but this agony is a precursor to greater anguish. Sienna rushes in from behind Kellen, grabs him around the neck and drops to her side, pulling Jeffries’ spine into the side of her body. The inverted head-lock back breaker connects.

Greyson: Jeffries having no luck with the ladies.

Sparkles: That’s a whole lot of lady in the ring to try and handle all at once. I’m lucky if I can juggle two simultaneously, which is why I normally just settle for 1 and a half.

Greyson: How can you have only half a woman?

Sparkles: It’s the better half, Lovejoy, the better half. And by that I mean the half south of the equator. You know, where the vagina and the pus…

Greyson: I’m sorry I asked.

Kellen rolls to the center of the ring while Sienna gets to her feet and finds herself caught from behind by Prii’s back-stabber. However, Swann reaches out and catches the top rope, refusing to be pulled over. Foote crashes to her back with nothing to show for her efforts save for the pain in her spine. An agonizing Prii turns to her elbows and knees, rising to her feet with Sienna swooping in from behind. Swann places her arm across Prii’s throat from behind and attempts the inverted head-lock back breaker. At the last second Foote manages to spin around though, turning to face Sienna’s back and then wedging a shoulder to Swann’s kidneys. Prii heaves Sienna into the back drop suplex only to have Swann float over, landing on her feet right behind her opposition.

Foote spins around and has the creases of her legs caught, Sienna going for the sharpshooter a second time in this contest. Before Prii can even be removed from her feet, she reaches out and grabs the arms of the stooped over Sienna, twisting her around into another backslide attempt.

Sienna desperately tries to block it, but it isn’t until Kellen staggers in that Swann finds her means of escape. She leans back into the spine of Prii, lifts her feet into the air, wedges them to Kellen’s chest then pushes back. She flips over Foote’s shoulders at the same time as she kicks Jeffries off into the ropes.

Kellen ricochets off the cables and comes back towards his opponents, one of which Sienna, placing the other, Prii, in a front chancery. She is setting up for some DDT variant it seems before Kellen steps in, grabs Prii by the belt, drags her back out of the front chancery and then throws her head first right into Sienna’s ribs, doubling her over.

After employing Prii as a battering ram, Jeffries turns her around into his own front chancery, prepared to connect with a DDT. That’s when Sienna rushes forward and delivers a basement dropkick straight to Foote’s backside. The blow causes Prii to push Kellen along with her shoulder wedged to his stomach into the cables, which Jeffries spills through. He ends up landing on his back across the apron while Prii staggers back into the waiting arms of Swann. She spins Prii around, traps her head in a front chancery and prepares to snap back into the DDT.

However, Prii has other plans that do not involve her being spiked on top of her head. She swings her skull out of the front chancery, steps around behind Sienna, wedges her hands to her spine and shoves her off straight into Kellen standing up on the apron. Swann crashes into Kellen and sends him flying off the apron, twisting down to the mats. Swann then goes stumbling back into Foote, who catches her with a rear naked choke.

Greyson: I heard Foote was well versed in technical wrestling, but this is her first real attempt at locking in a hold in this fast paced bout.

Sparkles: Nobody has been able to get in much in the way of sustained momentum thus far.

Greyson: Are you actually paying attention, Sparkles?

Sparkles: There are hot women in skin tight spandex in the ring right now Greyson. You don’t think I’d be captivated by that?

Greyson: Point taken you horny little bugger.

The choke is taking the fight right out of Sienna, who struggles via typical methods to escape. Once it becomes clear that she isn’t getting out of this hold in typical fashion, she employs atypical tactics. Sienna employs a mule kick to break Prii’s hold and double her over. Sienna then spins around and places Foote in a front chancery while Kellen is rolling into the ring behind Swann. He then rushes in and places Prii in a front chancery as well. As much as it disgusts Sienna to do it, she teams with Jeffries to deliver a stereo DDT, spiking Prii hard skull first into the canvas.

Greyson: Swann and Jeffries working as a team.

font color= 40D863>Sparkles: Alright, I’m calling for a team shower now. I’ll have the towels ready to administer some good old fashion locker-room grab assing.

Prii’s head ricochets from the canvas and her body flips over, finding herself stretched across her back in a prime pinning predicament. The only thing that opposes Kellen from completing the task of performing this pin, is Sienna.

Swann is rising to her feet at the same time as Jeffries, and the two now involve themselves in an exchange of forearms. In the end Jeffries eventually topples Sienna via the forearm across her temple. He then extends his hand out to his side, snapping his fingers in Klein’s direction. Spencer performs the task assigned to him, reaching into his jacket and extracting a taser, the very same one employed against William Mayne on NewAge.

Greyson: Uh-oh, there they are using the taser again.

Sparkles: The very same thing they used to ALMOST fry our friend, Mayne, like a piece of bacon on NewAge. Mmmm, suddenly I want bacon. I wonder if I still have Mrs. Piggy on speed dial.

Spencer will not satiate himself with food, he’ll indulge his needs through pain. He approaches the ring with the taser raised at the ready, prepared to slide it under the ropes and bestow it upon Jeffries. Kellen graciously awaits the opportunity to employ the taser, even if it will cause the ruination of several of the finer things he’s seen in recent weeks. Silas and Brittany are just now making their way around the ring to protect their client and their student, respectfully, but neither has to lift a hand. Instead all they do is watch as the barricade is leaped by Lukas Montgomery. He emerges from the crowd with something drawn out between his hands, a chain and a padlock.

Sparkles: What’s this?

Greyson: I believe they call this comeuppance.

Sparkles: Is that the technical term for masturbating towards the ceiling?

Greyson: Erm, no.

Klein has no idea that Montgomery is presently behind him with the very chain that locked Lukas out of the cage earlier tonight, now drawn between his hands. He steps in behind Spencer and employs the chain to bash him right over the upper back. The blow knocks Klein forward into the turnbuckle post, his arms cradling it. That’s when Lukas steps around to the opposite side of the post, wrapping the chain around Klein’s wrists and then latching it in place by a padlock.

Sparkles: What is this shit? Greyson, explain to me what we’re seeing?

Greyson: Turn about is fair play, Sparkles. Earlier tonight, Kellen and Klein locked Montgomery out of the cage and forced him to watch Harrison get beat down. So now he’s chaining Klein’s hands and keeping him from introducing that taser into this match.

That taser now finds its way into another set of hands, the hands of Montgomery. He holds the weapon up, eyes twisting from it to the man who has been shackled to the turnbuckle for all intensive purposes.

Greyson: Uh-oh, I see that look in Lukas’ eye.

Sparkles: Does he need to poop?

Greyson: No, he needs to get his revenge on Klein in more ways than one. I seem to remember a couple of weeks ago when Klein had Montgomery chained to the turnbuckle and tased him remorselessly.

Their roles have now been reversed, with Klein the victim, and Montgomery the predator. He approaches with the taser dancing around Spencer’s body, toying with his target.

Montgomery: You thought you were pretty clever? You thought you brought the Blacklist one step closer to the grave? Naaah, you’re only bringing about our resurrection.

The taser prongs hit Klein’s shoulder and sends currents shooting through his body.

Montgomery: You’ve inspired me, Klein. You’ve motivated me to lose my conscious and embrace the very madness and remorselessness you preach about. Thank you, Spencer, thank you.

The taser hits Klein again and again. He only stops shocking Spencer in order to turn, winks and wave towards Kellen inside of the ring.

Montgomery: The Blacklist sends its regards, Kellen. And we very much look forward to seeing you at Upping the Ante.

Lukas walks away from the victim he has now left hanging from the turnbuckle by his bound wrists. Spencer tries to shake off the effects of the tasings, even as his eyes roll into the back of his head and drool begins to seep from the corner of his mouth. Try as Jeffries may to remain focused, he can’t help but to experience anger regarding the fate just befallen his guide through the labyrinth of Kellen’s twisted mind. Jeffries is so flushed with emotion as he watches Klein suffer and Montgomery depart that he doesn’t even see the boot traveling towards his testicles before it’s almost too late. With referee Blacker yelling at Lukas at ringside, even SHE doesn’t see Sienna going for a punt to Kellen’s testicles. Jeffries finally DOES notice it, notice it in time to catch Swann’s boot before it nails him directly in the crotch.

Jeffries: Sorry sweetheart, that area is off limits, unless…

Before Kellen can finish anymore of his adulterous comments, Prii crawls in behind Jeffries and gives him a swift uppercut directly to the crotch. If Blacker hadn’t been out of positon, eyes turned to the departing Montgomery, the official would have seen the low blow delivered on Jeffries. He doubles over, grimacing in pain and cupping his testicles, turning around to face Prii, who delivers a scintillating superkick right to his temple. The shot sends Jeffries twisting around right into the Off the Rack, a particularly nasty roaring elbow variant by Swann.

The forearm smashes Kellen right across the temple, picking him up off of his feet and putting his back on the canvas. Swann then throws herself over Jeffries’ chest, while Prii drops down on top of him as well.

Greyson: Devastating shots unleashed on Jeffries’ head leading to Sienna AND Prii going for the pin.

Referee Blacker slips into position and makes the count with both of her palms swinging into the canvas.




The crowd is as pumped as the arms of a steroid juicing bodybuilder as Swann and Foote pin Jeffries’ shoulders to the canvas.

Greyson: Sienna wins her debut match.

Sparkles: And Prii wins too. Both ladies should sooo give each other a congratulatory kiss now. I’m talking on the lips, open mouth, tongues included.

Greyson: It’s been a very productive night for both of these ladies tonight.

Swann and Foote have their arms simultaneously lifted above their heads in recognition of this hard fought victory. However, it doesn’t look like either lady is interested in sharing this win, Prii detaching from the official and drawing towards the briefcase that remains situated in the corner of the ring. At the same time Sienna breaks away from the referee to rejoin her Silas World compatriots waiting for her outside of the squared circle.

As Swann, Silas and Brittany make their way up the ramp, Prii remains behind, dropping into a corner and cradling the briefcase to her chest. Meanwhile Kellen is rolling under the ropes and staggering towards Klein. Somehow Spencer has recovered and is now fighting to get his wrists free from the chain.

Klein: Get me a microphone…

Kellen: What?

Klein: Did I stutter? Get me the damned microphone!!

Jeffries is still ailing from the lethal barrage of blows that culminated in his defeat this evening, yet he still follows Klein’s instruction, grabbing a microphone and bringing it to Klein’s lips. Spencer no longer tries to free himself from the chains, for now he embraces his shackles.

Klein: Do you see, Lukas? Do you see?

Kellen consumes himself holding the microphone to Spencer’s lips while Klein consumes himself methodically maligning Montgomery.

Klein: You came to this ring in search of retribution. You thought shackling me and keeping me from helping Kellen in the same way that he and I chained the cage door and kept you from helping Harrison earlier tonight, would be justice. That it would be a fitting retribution. But look at us, Montgomery, do Kellen and I look like we’ve been hurt? Like we’ve been effected? Like we’ve been shaken the same way YOU were shaken earlier tonight? No, we’re not. Your actions haven’t phased Kellen and I in the slightest, and you want to know why that is? Because unlike you and Harrison, Kellen and I share no real emotional attachment to one another. We’re not weak, we’re not burdened by feelings of friendship, family or camaraderie. The only thing that bonds Kellen and I, is our mutual desire to see the old Blacklist burn…..and we will watch it burn before we swoop in and FEAST ON THE CARRION!

We are men without attachment, so don’t think you can play us off of one another, don’t think you can shake us to our core by forcing us to watch one another suffer. Because Kellen and I, we suffer PROUDLY if it means we bring the OLD Blacklist closer and closer and closer to its demise.

Vanilla Skyy has finally reached her feet, yet she is still very imbalanced. She seems as unstable physically as she is mentally at the moment. The assault upon her earlier tonight burdens her body, and the assault upon her husband burdens her mind.

Chase: I know I’m not going to be able to talk you down, but please use that massive brain of yours for what it was intended for. THINK before you go to that ring.

Adam Chase is right at Skyy’s heels while Mya Denton and Chris Davids follow at a distance. They offer some platitudes of their own in an attempt to dissuade Skyy from rushing to the ring and assaulting the woman, Prii Foote, still inside of it.

Davids: He’s got a point, Skyy. You don’t want to end up in the same position I was left in two weeks ago by the Sinistry.

Chase: Listen to us Skyy, Darko wouldn’t want you to go out there in your present condition without a course of action in mind.

Skyy: Oh I have a plan…

Chase: Thank God.

Skyy: It’s called fucking up the bitch who stole my husband’s briefcase.

Skyy will listen to nothing more at this point than Prii’s screams. The intense Skyy makes her way towards the ring with Chase insisting that she put together a better strategy, while Denton and Davids pause and watch.

Mya: What should we do?

Davids: Not much we CAN do at the moment. Skyy is obviously pissed over what happened to Danny and there’s nothing we can do to keep her from getting some payback.

Mya: I just wish we hadn’t been so preoccupied with my video…

The DVD is STILL twisting about her fingers.

Mya: Maybe we could have been there to protect Danny otherwise.

Davids: Don’t kill yourself with hypotheticals, okay? What ifs, will get you nowhere. We were helping Skyy, we couldn’t be there to help Darko at the same time. And besides, that tape in your hand, it NEEDS to be played tonight. So you go and take care of this video, and I’ll go out and have Skyy’s back.

Mya: Are you sure?

Davids: Yes.

Nothing more needs to be said, Davids can’t spell it out any clearer. To punctuate his point Chris takes off running after Skyy, leaving Mya standing there with the DVD lowering from her fingers into her other palm.

Mya: It all comes down to this April, it all comes down to this.

She smiles and nods to HERSELF before taking off in the opposite direction as her teammates.

Karen: Well let’s hear it.

McBride has been waiting all night long to hear what Kloe Masters was going to say when she showed up at the building. But that’s not to say that Karen was exactly GIDDY to hear Kloe’s words, actually she’s been dreading them. That’s why she sits in a chair with the width of her desk separating her from Masters, who remains standing, refusing to get comfortable.

Kloe: You want me give you an honest job evaluation?

Karen: More like I’m eager for you to get it over with.

Kloe: Probably wise, because you’re not going to like what I have to say.

Karen cringes.

Kloe: Really Karen, what were you thinking? Giving William a championship? Giving yourself a World Title opportunity? Did you think that would sit well with the roster?

Karen: I was only thinking about one thing, Kloe, the World Title match that was PROMISED to me when I made my business arrangement with Desmond Drake.

Kloe: Another decision you should have thought out a bit clearer. It’s because of your investment in Desmond’s buyout that we now have the Sinistry running this company into the ground.

Karen: Oh great, now your gonna blame me for that too?

Kloe: No-no. You had no idea what Desmond was going to do when he came into power. All you were thinking about was getting yourself on television, right? With exposure?

Karen: I just wanted an opportunity, Kloe. That’s all. Opportunities that you and Orlando weren’t giving me.

Kloe: In hindsight, Orlando and I probably shouldn’t have overlooked your talent, but that gave you NO excuse to delay Taylor Chase’s World Title opportunity just to give yourself a moment in the limelight at Upping the Ante.

Karen: I know that now, Kloe. I do. But there’s no quick fix here. I made a decision I’ll have to live with, the whole company will have to live with.

Finally Kloe DOES take a seat.

Kloe: I’m glad to hear that you’re willing to fall on your sword. Far too many in power refuse to accept culpability for their mistakes.

Karen: I admit it, I’m young, I’m inexperienced. I’m learning as I go. But I’m learning quick.

Kloe: NOT fast enough I’m afraid.

Karen: Just give me one more opportunity to fix things. I have an idea for a match that will allow Taylor to work out her frustra….

The door to the office opens and through it steps one of many disgruntled employees. Okay, she’s more like the matriarch of disgruntled employees. Taylor Chase enters the room with the three security guards TRYING feebly to restrain her arms.

Bodyguard: I’m sorry Mrs. Masters, we TRIED to reason with her.

Taylor: Take your fucking hands off of me.

Chase pulls her arms free from the powerful hands of Masters’ protectors.

Kloe: Alex, Zak, Nate….

At last we can now stop referring to this trio as bodyguards, they actually do have names, imagine that.

Kloe: It’s okay, let her go.

Zak: Are you sure, Mrs. Masters?

Kloe turns in her chair and nods with a gentle grin on her face.

Kloe: Yes, it’s fine. Let Taylor in, I’ve actually been needing to talk to her.

The three men back off of Taylor, who brushes their filth from her shoulders.

Taylor: How kind of you to FINALLY see me.

Kloe: Sorry I kept you waiting so long. But you’re here now, so sit, let’s talk.

Taylor: Sit where?

An annoyed Chase eludes to the fact that there are presently no unoccupied chairs in the room.

Kloe: Karen…Would you mind terribly giving Tay your seat and leaving the office so she and I can talk?

McBride is stunned by such a request, stunned and insulted. Yet she gets over it, rising from her chair and offering it towards Chase.

Taylor: No thanks, I’ll stand then.

Kloe: I really wish you would sit, Tay, because the two of us have A LOT to discuss.

The briefcase, which has now reached infamous status, is placed under Prii’s backside. She sits on top of it, with one leg crossed over the other, her elbow placed to her knee leading to the palm that supports her chin.

Prii: Mr. Mason…Are we going to get this done any time tonight?

Foote taps the briefcase under her bottom while Sparkles and Greyson make their comments at the announce table.

Sparkles: You know I never thought I’d be envious of a briefcase.

Greyson: Funny, because between shows you DO live inside of one.

Patience is a virtue, and it’s one that has been tested time and time again for Foote here tonight.

Prii: How many times do I have to say it? I have your briefcase and that entitles me to a shot at a championship, right? That’s the bait you were hanging above the roster’s head, right? So you’re gonna come out now and we’re going to make this exchange, right?

William: Mrs. Foote, you are as right as you are beautiful.

The fans are less than forgiving, actually if they could light firecrackers and throw them into William Mason’s underpants they would. Mason ignores their animosity as he swaggers eagerly down the ramp with JaMarcus Avery following right along behind his employer. The two reach the ring and William almost giddily enters it.

Sparkles: There’s the man. There’s my homebody. There’s my headcheese.

Greyson: Mason and Avery out here to uphold their end of the bargain it seems, regarding the bounty placed on Danny Darko on NewAge.

Mason slaps his hands together and rubs them with the glee of a child about to dig their palms into a crate of toys. Those hands reach out towards the briefcase in Prii’s palm.

William: I’ll take that.

Prii: I’m sure you’d like nothing better than for me to fork this case right over. But that’s noooot gonna happen.

The mangled case pulls away from Mason’s eager fingers.

Prii: I want to hear you say that I get a future title shot THEN I’ll give you the briefcase and your championship inside of it.

William: You are a shrewd, shrewd negotiator. I respect that. So you know what….I’m officially announcing that you are…

The moment Prii has been waiting for all night is FURTHER delayed when ‘U and Ur Hand’ tears through the PA system. The curtains then tear as well, opening to accommodate the arrival of Vanilla Skyy. With Adam Chase and Chris Davids trying their best to keep up with her, Skyy goes barreling down the ramp and sliding right into the ring. Immediately Prii drops to the outside of the ring, looking to avoid another fight after having just endured a grueling triple threat match. All but one part of her body makes it through the ropes and out of the ring, her hand holding the briefcase is still extended into the squared circle. Skyy latches on, or at least latches onto the briefcase, pulling back until it is torn right out of Prii’s hand. Foote drops to the outside mats and now watches as Skyy backs up with the briefcase once again in her possession.

William whispers into Avery’s ear and directs him to attack and take back the briefcase only to have Davids and Chase enter the ring, ensuring that that assault does NOT happen. They form a wall around Skyy, the two men staring down Mason and his massive subordinate.

William: Why am I not surprised? How shocking that Danny Darko hides behind his wife’s skirt? You know Skyy, I’ve been meaning for the two of us to have a sit-down, because I realize you’re a bit more level headed than your husband, but now is not the time for that meeting. I was right in the middle of business before you….

Marie: Level-headed? LEVEL-HEADED!?! Did you honestly just imply that Vanilla Skyy is more level-headed than her husband?

Admit it, you’ve yet to receive your Marie Jones quota for the night. She makes her way to the stage side by side with Samantha Hodgson yet again.

Marie: I think anyone who implies that they are a better wrestler than yours truly, is a little…what’s the word I’m looking for…ah yes….CRAY-CRAY!

Vanilla is right on the cusp of showing the world just how ‘CRAY-CRAY’ she can become, tossing the briefcase down to the canvas in the process of storming towards the ropes, giving Jones no time to run her mouth before Skyy has the chance to ram Marie’s teeth down it.

Marie: I proved who the better athlete is at Reawakening Day, and I will enforce my dominance over Skyy and everyone else in this federation when I make Vanilla tap out in our I Quit match at Upping the Ante. If she thinks there will be any other outcome, then she’s as LEVEL as a geriatric’s boobs.

Skyy is right on the cusp of making a boob out of Jones, but presently the only one who feels like a boob is the man snatching up the briefcase in the ring. Mason slips in behind the backs of a distracted Davids and Chase, picking up the case and excitedly backing towards his bodyguard. The two then begin to open it as the dejected eyes of Foote watch on from ringside.

William’s grin is so huge every tooth gets a moment of the spotlight. It isn’t until William truly begins to examine the briefcase that that grin starts to fade.

William: Wait a minute….This isn’t my briefcase.

Mason at last realizes that the case is slightly different in weight and in color. He drapes the attaché across the outstretched forearms of Avery and then pops it open. His face goes as red as the velvet lining of the case’s interior. His eyes glow as bright as the replica Evolution Title belt he takes out of the casket, that still has a price tag from the concessions stand hanging from it.

William: This isn’t my Pure Title….

William throws down the belt and the briefcase, all the while glaring towards Prii on the mats below.

William: What-what-what did you do? Did you just-did you just-did you just buy a title and a briefcase from the gift shop and try to pass them off as MY briefcase, MY title?

Prii holds a finger up to her lip, lowers her eyes and twists from side to side.

William: You lying little…

Mason now kicks the briefcase out of the ring, flustered beyond the point of being cajoled.

William: Who has my briefcase?

William’s questions are directed to a shrugging Avery.

William: Who has my Pure Championship?

And who attacked Vanilla Skyy to do it? She doesn’t much care right now, her wrath is directed at the Phoenix, who is ready for round two in their ongoing war. And just as they are about to pick up where they left off at Reawakening Day….”BREAK” by Three Days Grace streams through the speakers and puts a BREAK on the pending fight between these two. Everyone, including the athletes in the ring, gathered around the ring, and on the ramp, all react with shock and surprise at the sight of Jackson Adams stepping to the stage holding the briefcase he stole from Vanilla Skyy earlier tonight.

Adams: You want to know the answer to your question William? Then look no further than right here.

Jackson extends his arm into the air with the briefcase hanging from it.

Adams: I proudly admit to being the one who took the PURE Championship away from Skyy earlier tonight after giving her a little love tap on the back of the head.

The little love tap has Skyy presently surging with hate.

Adams: And do you want to know why I took this briefcase? Because sitting inside of this is a title that reflects EVERYTHING that APOCALYPSE is supposed to stand for. Tradition, honor, respect and dignity. Do you remember those principles Marie? The principles WE founded Apocalypse upon here in the IWC?

Jones stands at the top of the ramp but is still a few inches removed from the man who scolds her.

Adams: Because it seems to me that you’ve forgotten those principles. That you’ve forgotten EVERYTHING that Apocalypse was supposed to be. You’ve totally disgraced the reputation of what was one of the greatest and most prestigious stables in ALL of wrestling by allowing it to be assimilated into the GOOD Movement.

Adams spits on the ground in disgust.

Adams: In this case is a reflection of what was and could have been if you had stayed the course.

Marie: This same old song and dance? Change the record, JA. Everyone is sick of hearing you bemoan about the Apocalypse. The group and everything it stands for is inferior to the GOOD Movement and the message we’re sending to the impressionable minds of those searching for heroes.

Adams: You WERE a hero, Marie….But it’s not too late for you to go back to being one. I’m going to show you that the Apocalypse is stronger than ever, and I’ll do it on NewAge. I’m officially challenging Vanilla Skyy, one-on-one, PURE wrestling match. If she beats me, I’ll give her husband back the briefcase. If she can’t defeat me, the case returns to William Mason.

William: I’m not agreeing to that, no way am I agreeing to that!

Skyy: There’s so many cunts to kick, so little time. Might as well as get started now.

Skyy barrels up the ramp directly into Jones, the two coming mono a mono, picking up where they have left off on NewAge. The two brawl while Mason scowls, Prii shrugs, Davids and Chase groan and Jackson lifts the briefcase on the stage one last time. He raises the very source of so much contention, so much animosity, and so much CHAOS.

The production truck is normally a safe haven for the most socially awkward of individuals. So the former presidents of the audio visual club find themselves shying away from the presence of a woman. An honest to GOD woman standing outside of their private sanctum. She stands on the steps leading to the door of the production truck and consults with one of the workers peeking out.

Mya: So you’ll play the footage for me when I ask, right sweetie?

The DVD that Mya has been twirling through her fingers, now finds its way into the sweaty palm of one of the technicians.

Tech: Um, erm sure.

Mya: Awww, thanks cutie.

She pats him on top of his head and the tech goes as red as Marie Jones’ hair.

Karen McBride isn’t happy. And who would be under the present circumstances? Not only is she headed for the ring dressed for competition against Chris Davids and Mya Denton, but she was kicked out of her own office. She tries to remain cool, calm and collective in response to all of the challenges she’s faced, and all the obstacles that still lie ahead. She slips her elbow pad up onto her arm right as she is on the cusp of stepping through the curtains leading to the squared circle. It isn’t until the elbow pad is securely in pace that Karen looks up and notices the three individuals blocking her access to the ring.

Drake: It doesn’t look like your pow-wow with Kloe went very well.

McBride groans when realizing that she’s standing in front of Desmond Drake, Jessica Wilde and Executioner, the trio staring down Karen while their backs are turned to the curtains that lead to the entrance ramp.

Karen: I swear to God, I don’t need this right now, Desmond.

Drake: No, this is EXACTLY what you need. I’m here to set your mind at ease.

Karen: Out of morbid curiosity, and probably because I’m not thinking very rationally at the moment, I’ll indulge you. HOW do you intend to set MY mind at ease?

Drake: By providing you the greatest advice one can possibly give another.

Karen: This should be rich.

Drake: You want to be taken seriously? You want to stop having your authority challenged? You want Taylor Chase and all the rest to fall in line? There’s only one way you’re going to do that, Karen, and it’s not by trying to play peace maker, and being everyone’s best friend. You’ve got to be willing to rule with an iron fist. It’s just like Ba’al said at the start of the show, you have to plunge your hand into the chest of this company and squeeze it’s still beating heart.

Karen: So what? You think I should turn into some power mad despot?

Drake: That’s not what I’m saying, Karen. What I’m telling you is this, if you want respect, you’ve got to demand it, and you’ve got to be willing to do anything to ensure it. And really, if you think about it, there’s only way you can do it, Karen. Join us, let the SINISTRY back you, just like you backed me all those months ago. If we consolidate our power, we can oppose Kloe Masters, we can make sure she doesn’t go out there tonight and challenge our authority. You’re 25% power combined with MY 25% power will be enough to fight Kloe’s 50% majority ownership.

Karen: Desmond, you’d have to be crazy to think I’d take you up on this offer.

Drake: No Karen, you’d have to be crazy NOT to agree to my terms.

Try as she may not to do it, Karen can’t help but to listen.

Drake: You want to keep your position in SIN, you want to influence the direction of OUR company, then go out there tonight and stand beside me. It’s the only way you’re going to keep your job.

Karen: I’m better than…

Drake: What? You think YOUR better than me. Come off it, Karen, don’t give me this routine, you gave yourself a World Title shot, you gave William Mason, your best bud, his own championship. So don’t stand there trying to convince yourself that your any different than I am.

Karen: I am, Desmond, I am.

Drake: Keep on telling yourself that Karen, keep on telling yourself that.

Karen: I have a match….

Drake: Then by all means, don’t let us stand in your way.

Desmond and his surprisingly silent subordinates, step aside to allow Karen to make her way to the ring.

Drake: Best of luck, Karen, you’re going to need it in your match, and when Kloe comes out to make her announcement regarding your future in this company.

McBride pauses right between Executioner and Wilde, her spine stiffening in response to Desmond’s cleverly chosen words.

Wilde: Do we strike now?

Questions the Sinistry servant, Wilde.

Drake: No-no….Not yet. Not until everyone is at their most vulnerable.

Executioner: Grrrr.

’American Dreamgirl’ blares through the speakers and the track hypes the arrival of Karen McBride. She steps through the curtains with her head lowered, in deep, solemn thought. She heads for a ring filled with a number of individuals who are just as burdened by their thoughts as McBride. William Mason and his bodyguard have not gone anywhere since the previous in ring segment, and have not changed their reaction to it. Both men are very bitter over the way they were played by Prii Foote. Chris Davids is also in the ring, staring down Mason and contemplating his forced inclusion into this contest.

Greyson: Before the commercial passions exploded….

Sparkles: And I exploded in my pants.

Greyson: You’re not even wearing pants.

Sparkles: Well then, that just makes this all the more awkward doesn’t it?

Greyson: We found out Jackson Adams was the man who stole the briefcase from Skyy earlier tonight, and we also found out that Prii Foote was playing everyone with a fake briefcase, one she bought from the gift shop.

Sparkles: That was actually hysterical.

Greyson: Not if your William Mason, who is going to have a hard time concentrating on this match, as if his partner, Karen, our Principle Owner looking quite burdened by her meeting with Kloe Masters.

Karen channels her frustrations towards her opponent in the ring.



William sets aside his own issues for a moment, stepping towards McBride and questioning her regarding her meeting. She slips through the ropes and puts a palm on Mason’s chest, informing him that all went well, and that they need to focus, primarily upon the man standing opposed to them. Davids is stretching on the ropes and anticipating the arrival of his tag team partner. The anticipation isn’t long, Mya Denton’s music is streaming through the speakers and she’s now skipping towards the ring.

Greyson: Looks like all the pieces are in place for this one…

Sparkles: Yay, Mya is finally here. Wonder what she was doing in the production truck earlier? Or more accurately, WHO she was doing in the production truck.

Greyson: Don’t cast such aspersions on this beautiful young lady.

Sparkles: She slept with our boss for Christ sakes.

Greyson: There remains some ambiguity regarding Mya’s and Desmond’s FLING from a few weeks ago. She still claims that she was sexually assaulted by Desmond. But right now, the only assault she should have to worry about, is the one coming from Prestige.

Denton climbs up the steel steps and slips into the ring in front of Davids.

Davids: Is everything taken care of?

Mya: You betcha.

Davids: Good, let’s get this over with then….

Suddenly a double axehandle slams into the back of Davids’ head, silencing his comments. The blow is delivered by William Mason, a vengeful spirit. Chris is knocked into Mya and the two fall into the corner. Denton lands on her seat and Davids leans on the turnbuckle, Mason blasting him repeatedly over the back with forearms.

The last person anyone would suspect to intervene on behalf of Pain and Pleasure is McBride, but she actually approaches the emotionally wrought Mason and grabs her partner by the arm. She drags William back towards the center of the ring.

Karen: Calm down, William. Keep your head on straight. The bell hasn’t even rung yet. This is NOT the type of message we want to send ot the roster.

Suddenly Mya rushes in behind Karen, leaves her feet and delivers a dropkick to McBride’s back, knocking her into Mason and sending both members of Prestige staggering into the corner. Karen spins around, wide eyes fiercely locked on Denton.

Mya: You already made an impression on this roster, McBride, one that is going to haunt you until the moment Masters come out here and shit-cans your ass.

Karen has tried, lord knows how she’s tried to handle all the disrespect and attitude she’s received since her nuclear bomb was dropped, but there’ sonly so much one woman can take. In an uncharacteristic flash of anger, McBride rushes out of the corner and leaps right onto Mya, hitting her with a lou thez press that takes both athletes down to the ring,

Greyson: Karen has lost it!

Sparkles: Her bra?

Greyson: No, any sense of composure.

Sparkles: Don’t get my hopes up like that.

Jabs nail both sides of Mya’s face, Denton suddenly becoming the embodiment of all of McBride’s animosity. Davids brings an end to this beat-down, charging in and grabbing Karen by the hair, forcing her up to her feet. He then wedges his shoulder to the Principle Owner’s ribs and shoves her backwards right into the turnbuckle where Mason is standing. McBride is driven into Mason, the two sandwiched into the corner. Davids then drops back into a roll, ending up on his feet then rushing in with a clothesline to both of his opponents’ throats.

Chris then takes Karen by the wrist and whips her out of the turnbuckle right into Mya, who dives into the air, twists through the air, and eventually puts her heel across Karen’s forehead. The spinning heel kick connects, putting McBride down while Mya rolls along to her feet. Chris now grabs hold of Mason’s wrist and looks to repeat the success of his team. He launches William out of the corner right into another dropkick by Denton, knocking Mason to the ring.

William rolls towards McBride, the two struggling to reach their feet with the aid of the cables. Davids and Denton step side by side, swing their arms through the air and rush directly towards Prestige.

Greyson: Pain and Pleasure about to take a stand against Prestige.

Chris rushes in and Mya rushes in, the two going for clotheslines that are avoided by their Prestige targets. William launches his boot into the air, aimed at Chris’ face, and Karen goes for a standing roundhouse kick that Denton ducks under. Both members of P&P drop into baseball slides under the attempted bows of their adversaries. They end up sliding right under the bottom rope, ending up at ringside, grabbing the tarp hanging from the apron and reaching beneath the squared circle.

Greyson: Looks to me like Davids and Denton are introducing the weapons already.

Steel chairs are removed and held in front of Davids and Denton. The two prepare to use the weapons as they approach the ring when Karen and William come rushing in and deliver baseball slide dropkicks directly to the chairs. The steel is knocked right back into the faces of Mya and Chris, knocking the competitors to the mats.

Pain and Pleasure struggle towards their feet after receiving a bludgeoning from the chairs they intended to put to use. Chris rises to his feet and helps Mya along as well. They then lean against the barrier and watch as JaMarcus grabs something from beneath the squared circle, dragging out a trash can. The Prestige enforcer throws the can over the ropes and into the ring.

Greyson: Avery already introducing some weapons into his equation. I was actually surprised to see Davids try to use a weapon, seeing as he seemed to abhor this stipulation on NewAge.

Sparkles: Did you just imply that Chris Davids was a whore?

Greyson: I said abhor.

Sparkles: Is there a difference?

JaMarcus takes the liberty of introducing even more weapons into the match. He now grabs a stop sign and slides it into the ring, before then retrieving a toaster oven and slipping it beneath the cables.

Sparkles: A toaster? Really? What are they going to do? Lego someone’s Eggo?

The introduction of weapons ends when Chris rushes around the ringside area and goes after Avery. He charges at JaMarcus, who backs away from the ring with palms defensively raised. For once JaMarcus employs words rather than fists to get himself out of this precarious predicament, but only because he doesn’t want to interfere in front of Karen’s eyes.

Karen and Mason take notice of their bodyguard’s predicament, in the process removing their focus from Mya, who rolls into the ring with the chair in hand. Mya rushes in behind Mason, swinging the chair and cracking him over the spine. He arches his back and stumbles past McBride, who turns and finds the chair traveling towards her skull. The steel is swatted aside before it can slam into Karen’s face. Instead the chair connects with her foot, McBride delivering a big boot to the weapon. The chair drops out of Mya’s hands and her back turns towards Karen.

McBride takes Mya’s wrist, drags it through her legs, hooks the other arm and now heaves Denton up into a pumphandle slam right across the chair. The crowd screams at the top of their lungs while Mya bows her back from the chair. Karen then falls over Mya’s chest and hooks her leg, looking to bring a quick resolute ending to this Weapon’s Match.



Denton gets her shoulder up and out from under McBride JUST in time.

Greyson: McBride getting into this match format now. It’s offering her just the outlet she needs to work out all of these frustrations.

Davids continues to warn Avery, and the fans continue to warn Davids regarding the toaster oven traveling towards the back of Chris’ head. William rushes in behind Davids and smacks the toaster over the back of his skull, knocking Chris forward into Avery’s waiting arms. JaMarcus catches Chris around the waist then drops back into a release over-head belly to belly suplex. Chris slams against the mats and bridges his spine from them, grimacing in agony.

At the same McBride is giving Mya cause to grimace in agony, swinging a Stop sign right down over Denton’s back.

Greyson: McBride and Mya no strangers to one another. Remember these two fought as part of that five way Queen of the Ring Title match at Reawakening Day. They still have some hostilities towards one another resulting from that bout.

The stop sign is now taken and wedged between the ropes in the turnbuckle, set in place so that Mya’s body can go crashing through it. McBride is about to make sure that happens, stepping towards Denton, grabbing her by the back of the head, forcing her to her feet then charging her at the weapon. But at the last second Mya launches her foot into the turnbuckle, wedging it to the middle rope and blocking her skull from going through the stop sign. Now Mya delivers a back elbow right into Karen’s ribs, doubling her over.

Denton then turns, grabs Karen by the wrist and pulls her forward for a bionic elbow. However, Karen manages to avoid the elbow and instead launch her knee into Mya’s ribs, doubling her over. McBride then places Denton in a front chancery before Karen turns her back to the turnbuckle housing the stop sign. McBride climbs up the corner, holds Mya in the facelock then leaps through the air right into the tornado DDT.

However, Denton manages to get her hands to Karen’s stomach and shove her off. Karen flies through the air, lands on her feet and does not connect with the tornado DDT, her face lock broken by Mya’s shove. McBride then comes rushing forward only to have Denton catch her with a drop toe hold that sends Karen’s face crashing into the stop sign.

Sparkles: Red means STOP for a reason ladies. Hehehehe, ain’t I clever?

Greyson: You’re about as clever as you are close with William.

Speaking of getting close with William, that’s precisely what Mya is about to do. She climbs up the nearest turnbuckle behind Mason and Avery, who are busy congratulating one another with a double knuckle bump, then launches herself off into a flip forward senton. Mason and Avery stomp bumping knuckles and start bumping into Denton, who crashes upside down back first into their bodies. All three athletes hit the mats amidst an absolutely explosive roar of elation from the crowd.

Davids uses this time and uses it wisely to recover. He staggers along into the ring, rolling in under the ropes while holding the back of his head. Karen is in just as bad of shape, staggering along towards Davids, draping a leg across the back of his head and taking him by the wrist. Karen looks to be going for an overdrive on the man as equally as damaged as she is. She spins through, but Davids manages to swing out of position for the move at the last second, twisting around behind McBride and then throwing a lariat at the back of her neck. Karen turns and catches Chris’ arm though, now attempting to go for the White Collar Crime.

She twists behind Davids and struggles to get his arm across his throat. But Davids has a counter for Karen’s rendition of the Crossface Chickengwing, dropping to his knees and flipping McBride over his back. She rolls forward across the canvas onto her feet, turning her back and falling into a turnbuckle.

Chris leaps to his feet, scrambles across them and dives into the Break Thru on Karen’s ribs. The spear connects, with the STOP SIGN.

McBride steps out of the corner and Davids steps right through the spine that was situated between the ropes behind Karen’s back. Davids stumbles backwards, holding his skull and walking right into Karen, who catches her absent minded opponent with a reverse neckbreaker.

Greyson: Nice timing by McBride.

Sparkles: I thought you said we WEREN’T kissing anyone’s asses tonight.

Greyson: I’m not kissing McBride’s ass, I’m just pointing out the obvious.

Sparkles: Sure you are, Lovejoy, sure you are.

Karen is about to go for the pin, or at least she would have if it weren’t for Mya springing from the top rope at McBride’s side and flying into a knee strike. It connects right across Karen’s temple, sending her spiraling in a full circle. Eventually she turns, clearly confused, towards the waiting arm of Denton, who catches McBride around the head. Mya rushes at the turnbuckle, steps up it and pushes off the top rope, swinging into a tornado DDT. The move Karen was looking for earlier, comes back to haunt her as her skull slams off of the canvas.

McBride is out and Mya is just about to make the cover. Or at least that was Mya’s plans before Mason interferes via his running STO. He almost flips Denton completely over backwards, spiking her on the back of her skull right across the steel chair that was introduced earlier.

Mason then rolls away, holding his chest, holding the back of his neck and looking to be languishing in agony at this point. Yet he gets to his feet and steps across them, bending down to go for the pin on Mya, who has rolled off of the chair to her stomach. Just as William stoops down to pin Denton, Chris comes rushing in at Mason’s side and nails him to the back of the head with the axe kick. William’s face is driven down into the chair as a result.

Greyson: JESUS!

Sparkles: Yes-yes, Chris may look like Jesus, but he definitely is not. I’ve met Jesus, granted it was when I was really coked out of my mind, and it actually could have just been a nativity scene I was talking top, but anyway…

Greyson: Are you getting to a point any time soon?

Sparkles: Probably not.

Mason’s face crashes into the chair and his body flops over to end up laying spine first across the canvas, a perfect pinning predicament for Davids. At last a pinfall IS made, Chris throwing himself across Wiliam’s chest.

Referee Ficklebottom makes the count, definitely earning his income here tonight give the sheer volume of matches he’s had to officiate with injuries inflicted to Alex Ingelson and Patrick Fitzpatrick.



Mason gets his shoulder up in time to avoid taking the pin for his team. He turns away from Davids, who sticks three fingers in the official’s face, insisting that Arnie’s count was off. Ficklebottom ensures Chris that the match is still going, that Mason is still clinging to the hopes of victory.

Davids looks to dash those hopes, taking hold of the steel trashcan that was thrown into the match earlier. He approaches Mason, who is kneeling on the canvas and slides the object over William’s upper body.

Greyson; Oh no, Davids about to take out the trash.

Sparkles: What a platitude. Seriously. Your so lame you make Booger from Revenge of the Nerds look like the Fonz.

Mason kneels on the canvas with his upper body tucked under the trash can. A trashcan isn’t enough for Davids though, so he picks up the steel chair and he swings said chair right into said trashcan. William collapses to his stomach as the chair is swung into the can wrapped around his body. The chair is now swung into the trashcan again, and again and again. Davids, who is beyond fired up at this point, turns and throws the chair across the ring before slapping his chest with both hands.

Sparkles: Davids is going King Kong on my best bud’s ass.

Greyson: Davids all fired up and fueled with emotion after everything that has happened here tonight, Skyy being attacked, Darko being attacked, his issues with the Sinistry, it’s got Chris all worked up.

Sparkles: And Mason, my brother from another mother, is suffering as a result.

Chris steps past the trashcan that Mason is trapped inside of and scales the nearest turnbuckle. The crowd eagerly anticipates what they’re about to see next, as Davids stands on the top rope, steadies himself then comes flying off. He connects with the senton bomb right across the trashcan, squishing Mason inside.

Greyson: OOOOH!

Sparkles: Davids putting it all out there.

Davids rolls across the canvas griping the back of his neck while Mason finally manages to finagle his way out of the warped can that was wrapped about him. Both men are hurting, but Chris has the presence of mind to reach his feet. He then spots Mya standing up in front of him but doesn’t spot McBride standing up behind him. Karen rushes in and grabs Davids around his waist, dropping back and trying to catch him with a roll up. She successfully navigates Davids down to the canvas, ending p seated on the back of Chris’ thighs, folding him up under McBride’s body.

Ficklebottom is about to make the count before Mya rushes across the ring and launches herself into the Demented.

The shining wizard knocks McBride back off of Chris’ thighs and onto Chris’ chest. He reaches up and wraps his arms around Karen’s neck, then rolls to his side. McBride ends up on her knees with Davids straddling her back, applying the crossface chickenwing that Karen was looking for earlier.

Greyson: Is Karen gonna tap? Is she going to give Pain and Pleasure this huge tag team win?

Karen tries to hold on, tries to fight through the hold being locked in on her by the man stooped over and applying the chickewing. However, that stooped forward posture ends up coming back to haunt Davids, because it puts his head in perfect position for Mason and his Perfect Driver. William steps in, steps over Davids’ head and drags him up and into the Perfect Driver.

Greyson: And now the Perfect Driver connecting on Davids.

Sparkles: My BFF comes to the rescue.

The piledriver proves an effective method of breaking up the crossface, but William is incapable of going for the pin. That senton bomb he received earlier in the match leaves Mason feeling in worse shape than a circus performer who takes cannonballs right to the gut. He drags himself up to his feet with the use of the ropes and then stumbles towards the steel chair. Mason’s eyes widen at the sight of the weapon he slowly and methodically picks up. It almost appears that William has entered a near trance like state as he looks into the chair and now into the body of the man he prepares to use it upon.

Greyson: Now it looks as if Mason has entered another world.

Sparkles: We heard him say earlier that hardcore matches have an effect on William’s mind.

Mason slowly turns towards Davids, intent on employing the chair against him, to get revenge for the earlier barrage that William suffered. Mason approaches his target and begins to ready the chair for proper usage when Mya comes springing off the top rope at William’s side, flying into a knee strike. Mason side steps the blow though, refusing to fall victim to it like McBride did. As a result Mya lands on her feet in front of Mason, who lifts the chair above his head and charges in for a devastating, skull shattering shot. And a skull shattering shot is exactly what follows, because Mya instinctively reaches back, catches William coming in and then flips over into the standing Shiranui.

The Cra-Cra connects, driving the back of William’s skull directly into the canvas.

Greyson: What the fudge was that!?!

Sparkles: Mya making Mason’s life miserable.

William grabs at his skull, which has to be killing him at the moment. Though it’s his mid-section that suffers greater strain when Davids limps past him, hits the nearby turnbuckle, flips up onto it and then takes to the air. Davids twists into and connects with the Who Wants to Live Forever. The modified moonsault slams into Mason’s mid-section and now Chris DIVES into the cover.

Greyson: Who Wants to Live Forever delivered!

Sparkles: No, it can’t, don’t tell me this match is gonna end with Mason taking the pinfall.

Though Davids has done the damage necessary to make the pin, he’s still too shaken up by the Perfect Driver to crawl into the cover. He rolls over to his elbows and knees, shaking off the effects of the numerous blows he’s withstood to the body…and there are about to be a few more to add to his ailments.

The crowd is explosive in their rage at the sight of Jessica Wilde and Executioner sliding into the ring. At once both athletes are all over Davids, crawling in at Chris’ side and delivering punches and knees to his body.

Greyson: It’s the Sinistry’s followers, their all over Davids AGAIN. Guess they didn’t beat him down enough two weeks ago by putting him through a table.

Sparkles: All in retaliation of Davids attacking Rachel Frost all those weeks ago, right? Right?

Greyson: Right Sparkles. Right.

Sparkles: Yippee.

Wilde grabs Davids by the shoulders, leads him along to his feet and holds his head down so that Executioner can deliver a straight uppercut across his jaw. Chris is taken down to the canvas and now subjected to repeated stomps by Wilde.

Mya finally intervenes, and does so with a trashcan. She rushes in behind Wilde and slams the can right across the back of her neck. Jessica collapses to the canvas and now Denton turns towards Executioner, rushing at him with the can lifted above her skull. However, Executioner catches Mya across the throat and now heaves her into the air, delivering a chokeslam that puts her down spine first into the very weapon she was about to swing into the masked giant’s face.

Greyson: Chokeslam right on top of the can.

Sparkles: And Mya’s can doesn’t deserve this type of treatment.

Greyson: I was referring to the trashcan actually.

Sparkles: Oh, well can you blame me for being so fixated on Mya’s can?

Denton lays stretched across the mangled trashcan looking comatose while Executioner reaches out for her throat once again. His fingers stop just shy of Denton’s throat, hesitating only because of the arrival of an all too familiar individual. Jacob Laymon comes sliding into the ring, the former General Manager and Sinistry stooge leaps through the ropes and urgently compels Executioner to give him his undivided attention.

Greyson: Jacob Laymon?

Sparkles: The guy who helped kidnap Rachel Foxx’s kids? I felt so bad for Foxx, I so just wanted to give her a crotch to cry on.

Greyson: SPARKLES!!

Laymon continues to play at Executioner’s ‘conscious,’ trying to reason with his former bodyguard.

Laymon: Ex….Brother, open your eyes already man. You’re just being used, like I was being used. Leave the Sinistry, join me as my bodyguard and help me fight back, fight back for the IWC.

Executioner lowers his head, dwelling on all he just heard, contemplating every syllable uttered by his former employer. After several moments Executioner FINALLY gives his response, reaching out and slapping his hand around Laymon’s throat.

Sparkles: Laymon should have kept his big gob-stopper shut.

Greyson: Well the masked giant is about to close it for good. Laymon has been trying to reason with Executioner for weeks, ever since Jacob left the Sinistry at Reawakening Day, and now we’re seeing the cumulative effect of all that manipulation.

Laymon slaps at the wrist of the monster about to chokeslam him through the canvas.

Laymon: Snap out of it Ex. Remember man, remember how close we USED to be. Remember, I was the one who gave you your job.

The last sentence will not be the final words spoken by Laymon, but they will be the words that shatters Executioner’s cold and chilling façade. Executioner removes his hand from Laymon’s throat and slides it into his hair. He just begins to brush the hair back out of his face before finding his ribs thrown back into his organs by the Break Thru. Davids rushes in and delivers a powerful spear that removes Executioner from his feet and drives him down into the canvas.

Sparkles: Jesus has had enough. Now transform Executioner into bread.

A stunned expression settles across Laymon’s face as he follows the rolling Executioner out of the ring. The two fall to the mats and Laymon is in Executioner’s unconscious ear, trying his best to reason with the masked seven footer. But there will be no reasoning with Wilde, who picks up a trash can and rushes right into Davids, or more accurately, right into his spear.

Greyson: Another Break Thru delivered! Davids is absolutely on fire right now.

Sparkles; His epic Jesus beard is giving him the advantage.

Greyson: How so?

Sparkles: I don’t know. I just want to keep ripping on Davids for his Jesus look.

Greyson: Fair enough.

Chris is all amped up as he lunges to his feet and prepares to lunge with his shoulder. He looks for another target to hit with the spear, turning and targeting McBride. He goes rushing right at the woman who has her back aimed in his direction. He then leaps into the Break Thru, his shoulder and his face colliding with the steel chair that McBride swings around and blasts upside his skull.

Greyson: Say hello to McBride’s little friend.

Sparkles: It isn’t one of those Crying Game type ‘little friends’ is it?

Greyson: No Sparkles. No.

Sparkles: Thank God, now I don’t have to feel ashamed of that masturb….

Greyson: SPARKLES!

Two spears have devastated the Sinistry, but a third will not devastate Prestige. Davids is knocked to his back by the chair shot, while McBride turns to employ the steel a second time. That’s not happening, not if Mya has anything to say about it. She comes spiraling around and delivers a back kick directly to Karen’s ribs, doubling her over. McBride drops to her knees and Mya rushes in for another Demented. However, McBride has it scouted this time, reaching out and catching Mya’s legs across Karen’s shoulders. She stands up and heaves Denton into the air, going for a sit out powerbomb on top of the chair.

Here comes the final shot in this contest, and it’s not delivered by McBride. Instead Denton reverses into the face-buster, dropping down into a X-Factor that drives Karen’s skull into the chair. McBride flips over to her back, engulfing her face with her palms and looking prime for the pin. But Denton isn’t going for the cover, no, she’s determined to hurt a member of the Prestige and do so by method of the Demented. She rolls over backwards to her feet, slaps her shin and screams towards the rafters.


Denton rushes towards McBride on the cusp of cracking her face with the shining wizard. She leaps into the air to deliver the move only to have Mason charge in front of her, catching Karen against his shoulder. He is on the cusp of delivering the spinning spinebuster only to have Mya catch him around the neck and counter into a SECOND tornado DDT.

Greyson: Can anyone stop this woman? ANYONE at all!?!

Apparently not Prestige. Mason flips over to his seat, looking disorientated as he sits beside the crawling McBride. The only one on their feet in the ring at the moment is Mya, who steps back slapping her shin several times.


Mya rushes forward and lunges into the Demented on Mason only to have McBride rise to a kneeling base and throw a trashcan directly into Denton’s knee. Mya grimaces in anguish, doubling over and grabbing at her leg, putting her in perfect positon for Mason, who pops up to his feet and connects with the Perfect Driver. Denton’s skull crashes into the trashcan and her body goes limp beneath William’s chest.



After all the chair shots, trashcan shots, stop sign shots….shots of any and every variety, Prestige manage to BARELY survive this war.

Greyson: What a grueling outing by both of these teams.

Sparkles: But my homeboy, my bosom buddy, my blood brother…

Greyson: Oh lord.

Sparkles: My corrupt backer, my partner in crime, the Robin to my Batman, the Abbott to my Costello….

Greyson: Stop, just stop.

Sparkles: The Howard to my Leonard…William Mason…my comrade in arms, has just won this match.

Greyson: Prestige surviving an absolute battle.

It’s been a bad night for Pain and Pleasure, but things can only get better from here, right, RIGHT!?! Davids crawls towards Denton, trying his best to help her up. All the while Mason and McBride find themselves supported by Avery. The massive JaMarcus enters the ring and aids his Prestige associates to their feet, holding them up as all three stumble out of the ring.

Davids: Mya, Mya. Heeeellloooo.

Davids presently finds himself kneeling in front of Denton and snapping fingers in front of her face. His words and his gesticulations fail to elicit even the slightest response from Mya, who sits in silence, eyes not blinking or showing even the slightest hint of conscious thought.

Davids: Are you in there Mya?

Denton’s paralysis ends when she fulfills her need for a microphone. Ring Announcer Thomas Boll hands her the microphone as Mya drops to her knees, brushing her bangs back out of her face.

Mya: Proof. Evidence. That’s what the world wants, huh? They want to see it for themselves, they want to see Desmond Drake sexually assault me. Well, you horny goats, you doubting Thomas’, it’s time for some show and tell. PLAY THE FOOTAGE!

Denton points to the Cartel-tron, insisting the DVD she handed to the production crew air and air at once.

Lilith: Don’t do this, Mya.

Plenty of people could have interrupted Mya, but her former friends, Lilith Evans and Ian Kilgore were NOT the individuals she suspected to cut her off. The pair makes their way down the ramp, Evans leaping to the apron but going no further. Davids has snatched up the mangled trashcan and threatens to use it on anyone who might try to PHYSICALLY impede Mya’s airing of the ‘footage.’

Lilith: Didn’t you learn anything two weeks ago? You were involuntarily committed for a reason, you’ve absolutely lost your mind.

Denton tilts her head and grins.

Lilith: Putting yourself in a position where you COULD be sexually assaulted by Desmond just goes to demonstrate my point. You’re not thinking clearly. You’ve completely lost your touch on reality. And if you keep doing this road, it’s only going to end with a sharp curve you’ll go flipping over. Stop now, Mya, stop before this goes any further. I’m begging you.

Evans continues her impassioned pleas that lead to a compassionless response from Mya.

Mya: I SAID, air the footage!

Drake: I don’t know what incriminating footage you THINK you have, because you’ve got no dirt on Dessie.

The crowd is equally as compassionless as Mya when faced with Desmond Drake. The co-co-President of the IWC/SIN makes his way to the stage in his vest and tie.

Drake: I did absolutely NOTHING wrong, Mya, and any footage you were to play would only illustrate that fact.

Mya: Ohhh Cupcake, prepare to eat your words. Footage….NOW!

The Cartel-tron suddenly flashes to life, and the video FINALLY plays…a video extrapolated from a security camera stationed outside the office of Desmond Drake. Both Mya and Drake stand in the hall, talking.

Drake: You have a great upside, Mya, and I think the Sinistry can help you capitalize on your potential.

Mya: Okay Cupcake. Let’s hear your plans.

Drake: Step inside and we’ll talk.

Desmond shoves the door aside and directs Mya into the office.

Mya: Let the three of us make this quick.

Drake: The three of us?

Desmond takes a deep breath, slides his hand down the bumps in his skull and follows Mya into the room.

Drake: Forget it.

The door no sooner closes behind Drake’s back then a figure comes strolling in its direction. The gentlemen, fashioned in a ball cap and sporting a very thick beard that conceals most of his face, approaches the door with a bottom of champagne chilled in a bucket of ice. He juggles the bottle while also knocking at the door.

Drake: Hey yo.

Drake opens the door and looks up at the ice bucket and champagne bottle.

Drake: Jesus Christ, took you long enough.

He takes the bucket of ice and the bottle inside from the hands of the hairy caterer.

Drake: Here’s your tip.

A handful of pennies is extracted from Desmond’s pocket and dropped into the bearded man’s palm. The door closes again and now we get some time lapse footage. After an hour has passed we see two figures stepping towards the room, Executioner and Jessica Wilde.

They enter the room with urgency and then after even more time elapsed footage we see the pair re-emerge with Mya Denton between them. Her toes are dragging across the floor, unable to place any weight on her feet. She looks comatose, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She also looks quite disheveled, her clothing in disarray and her hair messed.


We’re back to the ring where Mya is still kneeling and Davids is pacing in disgust over what he just witnessed. The footage aired leaves Desmond chuckling, putting a hand over his face and shaking his head back and forth. Drake is just as disgusted, as are the two individuals kneeling on the ramp at his sides, Executioner and Wilde clutching their speared ribs.

Drake: What proof? What evidence? That-that-that didn’t prove anything. Is it my fault that you’re such a lightweight when it comes to champagne? I’m sorry if you can’t handle your alcohol, Mya. And what your ‘evidence’ doesn’t show, is that I was just as hammered as you were. So it’s not like I took advantage of you like I was some kind of oversexed frat boy.

Mya: That footage shows you DRUGGED ME and then you RAPED ME.

Drake: It shows nothing. The footage shows nothing. I am not a sex offender. I am not a rapist. You had just as good a time as me in that office, admit it.

Mya: Listen here you perverted little Jawa, you’re not going to get away with what you did to us. You’ll answer for violating our body.

Drake: US? OUR!?! What the hell is wrong with you, Mya? Honestly? I was really hoping the doctors that treated you at the asylum could diagnose you and keep you properly medicated.

Mya: You’re going to be in need of lots of medication when I’m through with you, Cupcake. I’ll have my evidence and it’ll erase any doubt in the minds of the authorities. And when you answer for what you did to me, there won’t be enough medication in the world to help you deal with the agony I leave you in.

Davids: While we’re on the subject of pain…

Davids has acquired the use of the microphone and is currently pointing into the faces of Executioner and Wilde.

Davids: I was bound to get my hands on the Sinistry before, but now that I see the part they played in this whole DISGUSTING situation, I’m more determined than ever to see you all suffer. Hurse made a challenge earlier tonight to the Sinistry, so monkey see, monkey do. I’m making a challenge to the Sinistry as well, I want Wilde, I want Executioner, I want Rachel Frost, I want Aiken Frost, I want Desmond Drake, I want every damned member of the Sinistry and I want them at Upping the Ante.

William: So about the briefcase….

Karen: Later, William, later.

McBride is obviously in no condition to deal with the added strain of William Mason and his stolen briefcase. She’s already got enough burdens, both mental and physical to contend with. She holds the back of her neck, still battling the effects of the Weapon’s Match she and Mason just competed it. The two are flanked by JaMarcus as they step into the gorilla position.

William: Okay-okay, I’ll give you time to process your thoughts, but the theft of my Pure Championship is just another display of the disrespect Prestige has been getting since we took over the reins of this company. If we want law and order we need to come down on Pain and Pleasure, and come down on them harshly.

Karen: That’s NOT what we’re about, William. We’re not here to use our positions of power to target our enemies. If we did that, we really would be as bad as the Sinistry.

William: Well maybe a little bad….can be good.

Once again Karen can’t help but to hear and process the words of her confidante, all the while rubbing the cheek that received a vicious slap from Vanilla Skyy moments ago.

Kloe: Going somewhere?

McBride and Mason turn towards Kloe Masters and the trio that follows her. Alex, Zak and Nate, her assigned protectors are gathered amassed behind Masters on her way to the ring.

Kloe: I wouldn’t be so eager to walk away from the ring just yet.

William: Oh great, you mean to tell me we have to go back out there?

Kloe: No, YOU don’t William, but Karen. I’m afraid I do require your presence in the ring, we’ve got business to finish. And by we, I mean, you, I, and Taylor Chase.

The trainer’s room is at the forefront of the camera and both Vanilla Skyy and her agent Adam Chase are drawing nearer to it. The pair looks exhausted, Skyy still hurting from the blindside assault by Jackson Adams, and Adam is just winded trying to maintain peace.

Skyy: I’m going to rip Jackson’s spleen out of his body.

Chase: He definitely deserves to have a Mortal Kombat fatality pulled on him.

Skyy: He’s a joke. He claims to stand for honor and respect, yet he attacks me from behind backstage? What an ass.

Chase: I’m guessing Marie is going to have more than just a spleen torn out of her body.

Skyy: You guessed right.

Chase: You’ll prove to her that you are unquestionably the best wrestler in the universe, and honest to God, I’ve never been so anxious to see someone tap out in my entire life.

Skyy: Marie will do more than tap. By the time that match is over, she’ll be BEGGING the referee to stop the match.

Chase: As much as I enjoy hearing about Marie’s pending misfortunes, let’s…

Skyy: Yeah-yeah, let’s focus on my husband.

Said husband, Danny Darko, is currently being tended to in the trainer’s office that agent and client are nearing.

Skyy: I swear, if Marie injured him…

The words Skyy wants to say are even too vile for her to speak out loud.

Chase: Use it, Skyy, use it.

All that rage is channeled into Vanilla’s will to bring down a Phoenix and ensure the fire bird will never rise again. She and Chase step into the room, and as one door closes another opens. Across the hall from the trainer’s room we see Brittany Lohan exiting a dressing room with Sienna Swann following.

Sienna: What’s wrong with you? Why are you so hesitant to go to the ring with Silas? You know he’ll need our protection when he tags along with Taylor for their business meeting with Kloe.

Lohan: Yes, I DO know that, I know a lot actually, too much.

Sienna: What do you mean?

Lohan: You don’t want to know Sienna. You don’t want to know.

Sienna: Sure I do.

Lohan: I don’t want to drag you into the middle of this.

Sienna: If it involves you that means I’m already in the middle of it.

Lohan: You need to know something about Silas.

Sienna: Yes?

Lohan: His help never comes without a price. So I’m sure Katelyn had to pay a steep one in order to get Silas to help her get her kids back…

Sienna: How did Silas help Baby-Bitch get back her kids?

Lohan: He instructed her to join the Sinistry knowing the best way to get her kids back was by playing the group from the inside and manipulating their weakest links, Hurse and Laymon.

Sienna: And what price did she have to pay for Silas’ help?

Lohan: Use your imagination.

Given Silas’ predilections when it comes to the treatment of women, one doesn’t have to put much strain on their imaginations.


The crowd comes out of its seat, their arms go up into the air, their bodies sway in the stands in conjunction with the lyrics paying fitting tribute to the departing Orlando Cruze. The person who has been chosen to take up his battle now makes her way through the curtains, Kloe Masters followed by her bodyguards.

Greyson: Did the announce table just rise?

Sparkles: You bet it did.

Greyson: Sickening. But even your perversion is not enough to sour the atmosphere in the building right now or dampen my excitement for Kloe Masters. I can’t wait to find out how she intends to deal with all these issues here in the IWC, primarily Taylor Chase and her contract status.

Sparkles: And I can’t wait to see Kloe and Taylor and Karen all three in the same ring at the same time. It’s a personal mark out moment for me.

Greyson: I won’t even dare ask why.

Sparkles: Smart move, Lovejoy, smart move.

Kloe is not only followed by three mercenaries, but by McBride as well. Karen continues to wear the wounds of her physical Weapon’s Match from moments earlier as she trails behind the four presently slipping into the ring.

Zak steps around to one side of the squared circle, Nate occupies the other side, and Alex stops at the end of the ramp, turning to stare up the ramp.

Greyson: Who are these guys?

Sparkles: I don’t know, but they have some pretty imposing physiques. Almost as imposing as my own.

Greyson: They’ve done a pretty superb job of using those physiques to protect Kloe tonight, hopefully that trend continues right here and right now.

Masters is going to need a lot of protection now that she’s about to stand between McBride and Taylor Chase.

Kloe: Not going to beat around the bush here or further delay what needs to be said. Taylor..Taylor Chase please join Mrs. McBride and I in the ring.

Insanity commences in 3…2….1!

”Whore” by In the Moment plays through the speakers and the scene everyone has been anticipating finally comes. I Taylor Chase makes her way through the curtains, providing the fans with a visual feast. She heads for the squared circle, followed predictably by Silas Mason, Angelica Jones, Scott Cannon and Lenore-Price Mason.

Greyson: And here we go.

Sparkles: Powder keg baby, powder keg about to blow right here.

Greyson: I shudder every time I hear the word ‘blow’ come out of your mouth.

Sparkles: Can’t imagine why.

Greyson: Taylor Chase and Karen McBride, they’ve not been on good terms since Karen made the mistake of inserting herself into the title match at Upping the Ante, and although McBride backed out of that commitment, Chase is still not happy.

Sparkles: How can someone who brings such happiness to my penis always be so miserable?

And Taylor is about to be even more unhappy when Nate, Zak and Alex gather in front of Cannon, Lenore-Price and Angelica, refusing to allow the three into the ring. Silas is the only member of Chase’s entourage permitted to accompany her into this important meeting.

Though Silas would like nothing more than to protest this decision to have his clients barred from the ring, he remains surprisingly silent.

Surprisingly Taylor doesn’t even notice, she just stares intensely into the face of McBride, who does NOT look away. Wisely Kloe turns herself into the buffer between the number one contender and the principle owner.

Kloe: Ladies, I expect us to conduct this business with civility.

McBride nods, Taylor doesn’t.

Kloe: As announced earlier this week, Orlando Cruze, 50% owner of the IWC has stepped down as acting President, and his powers have been transferred unto me in his stead.

Taylor finally DOES react, batting her eyes in response to the revelation that her husband has stepped away from the company. And Silas reacts as well, hiding his smile beneath his gloved palm.

Kloe: However, in the interim, while this power transfer was taking place behind the scenes, before the cameras things have devolved into chaos and disorder. The terms ‘mess,’ and ‘train-wreck’ have been thrown around all over Twitter when describing the IWC. Many have even been questioning rather the IWC will continue to keep its doors open through this whole awkward transitional period. Well I’m here right now to confirm that the IWC is NOT going anywhere. It will NOT be closing its doors. It will be here long into the future, and I hope, Tay, that you’re going to be part of that future.
<PTaylor: Don’t set your hopes too high.

Taylor mumbles.

Kloe: Tay, I know that many of Karen McBride’s decisions have left you…

Taylor: Pissed?

Kloe: Yes.

Taylor: That’s understating it.

Kloe: Well I’m here to inform you, Taylor, from this point henceforth I will be keeping Karen on a very tight leash. Any decision she makes will be run past me first.

Taylor: Kloe…

Chase audaciously plucks the microphone right out of Kloe’s hand.

Taylor: With all due respect, that’s not good enough.

Kloe: Well what will be good enough in your opinion?

Taylor: How about the opportunity to put my knee right upside Karen’s face?

McBride sighs and rubs the connective tissue between her eyes.

Taylor: Followed by reinstating my title match at Upping the Ante instead of FORCING me to wait until the End of the Year Special.

Masters grabs ANOTHER microphone, refusing to get in a tug of war with Taylor over the one that Chase stole.

Kloe: While I don’t agree with the decisions that Karen brashly and impulsively made after she was announced Principle Owner, I’m afraid we’ll have to live with those decisions. Your match against Ba’al for the World Championship is scheduled for the End of the Year Special and there is no changing it. But what I can change, is your opinion of Karen McBride. I think this young lady deserves the benefit of the doubt, Tay. She’s made mistakes, as we all have, mistakes that have impacted all of us, but she admitted to me earlier that she’s learning from those mistakes.

Taylor: Bullssshiiiit! Kloe, come on now, if you think she’s learned a thing, then look at what happened with Kels. You saw it, everyone saw it, my best friend, maybe my only true friend, Kelcey Wallace got attacked last week on NewAge, and Karen hasn’t done a thing to bring the culprit behind that attack to justice. Instead of spending her time finding out who blindsided Kelcey, she’s been kissing your ass all night.

Kloe: Come off it now, Tay, we can’t hold Karen responsible for what happened to Kelcey…

Karen: Wait Kloe…

Another microphone is snatched out of Masters’ hand, this time by McBride.

Karen: Tay is right, I HAVE made mistakes, and I should be held accountable for them. I think the only way Taylor is ever going to be able to look past what I’ve done to her, and her career, is by giving her a match on NewAge. Taylor Chase versus Karen McBride.

An aggravated Kloe is forced to grab another microphone.

Kloe: What are you saying, Karen?

Karen: That I SHOULD pay for my errors, how else am I ever going to learn from them?

Kloe: So you actually WANT to face Taylor?

Karen: No, I don’t want to face Tay, but Tay NEEDS to face me. If fighting me will make the different between Chase going or staying, then I will gladly sacrifice my own body to keep Tay on the roster.

Taylor: Pfft, yeah, so you want the chance to make a name for yourself by cheating your way to victory over me? Pathetic.

Kloe: That’s enough, Tay.

Karen: No, she’s right to question my motives, but I promise you, I promise her, I promise everyone, that this match would be contested without outside interference with my only agenda being to earn Taylor’s respect.

Taylor: Not happening.

Kloe thinks on it for a moment and then finally gives her verdict.

Kloe: Alight, if that’s what you two truly want, then I’ll make it official, Taylor Chase versus Karen McBride, next week on NewAge.

The crowd is losing its shit. Chase finally has cause to smile, taking a small morsel of satisfaction in the opportunity to beat Karen McBride half to death for her decisions that have so negatively impacted Taylor’s career.

Kloe: To make sure there are no hidden agendas in that match, I’m adding the caveat that the gentlemen who joined me here tonight…

Kloe’s bodyguards, the three stationed at ringside, do not even blink as their put under the figurative spotlight.

Kloe:…will surround the ring and ensure there is no outside interference.

Karen nods, and at last, so does Taylor.

Kloe: The more I think about it, the more I’m warming up to this match. It gives the two of you the chance to work out your issues, and maybe you’ll even walk away from it with a newfound appreciation for one another. Furthermore, it gives me the chance to truly evaluate you, Karen. To decide if you’re the one I want to leave running this show in an official capacity while I handle the business side of things.

McBride takes a deep breath, feeling some unease over being under the microscope.

Kloe: Now moving onto the matter of the proposed six person tag at Upping the Ante where Taylor is slated to team alongside both Katelyn Buehler and Abigail Lindsey to face the combined efforts of the Sinistry and the GOOD Movement….

Taylor takes a deep breath, feeing TREMENDOUS unease concerning the prospect of teaming with two ladies she does not trust, and for valid reason.

Kloe: I’ve thought long and hard on this matter and I’ve officially decided that….

Taylor’s intrigue is heightened, cajoling herself with the notion that maybe someone is FINALLY standing up on her behalf instead of standing up for themselves.

Silas: Hold on just one second there, Baby Rose.

And now there’s nothing that can cajole Taylor.

She watches with disdain as her agent, who she has been forced into indentured servitude under, interrupts Masters’ decision.

Silas: Before you go and make a decision you’ll end up regrettin’, and Baby Doll will go on pissin’ and moanin’ and bitchin’ about, ya need to think on this. Really think hard, and then you’ll understand how Baby Doll teamin’ with Baby Brown and with Abigail Lindsey benefits everyone.

Taylor: Silas, I swear to God…

Silas: Ya shut your flap before I go and slap the taste out of it again.

Chase clinches her fists and would so like to swing them into the face of the man who holds her freedom in his hands.

Silas: Baby Rose, it’s time to live up to the vow I made at the end of Reawakening Day. I promised the WORLD that I would get Baby Doll on the same page as Baby Brown and Lindsey. That ole’ Silas would build an unstoppable army that would create a UTOPIA. And now that the GOOD Movement has joined up wit the Sinistry, it’s more important than ever that we get all these ladies eating from the same chow line so we can fight them

Kloe: I see your point, Silas.

Silas: I knew you would Baby Rose, I knew you would.

Kloe: But I also see how you mistreat Taylor, and that’s not something I’m going to stand by and watch.

Silas: Yer a smart girl, Baby Rose, smarter than most plastic tittied….wait, what?

Kloe: Silas, if I see you threaten Taylor one more time, then I will have no scruples about permanently banning you from all further IWC events.

Silas: Baby Rose…

Kloe: This will be your only warning, Silas.

Silas: I’m sorry Baby Rose, but when it comes to keeping this company strong and moving forward, I tend to get a little emotional.

Kloe: And I tend to get a little emotional when you threaten to slap one of my best frie….

Sienna: Silas! SILAS!!

The tense situation only gets tenser….naturally. Everyone turns to the entry way where Sienna Swann is leaping through the curtains and flailing her arms through the air.

Sienna: HELP!

Cannon, Lenore and Angelica turn from the base of the ramp to look at Sienna on the stage.

Silas: What’s wrong Baby Face?

Sienna: Brittany, they’re attacking BRITTANY!

Silas: Say what!?!

The cartel-tron suddenly lights up, revealing Brittany Lohan trying her best to fend off the combined onslaught of Mika Kozlov, Red Rayne, Silk, Executioner and Jessica Wilde. Lohan throws a shot into BMW’s ribs, doubling her over before she retaliates by gouging Brittany’s blue eyes. Just then Silk steps in behind Lohan and clips her in the back of the knee with a shoulder block.

Silas: Oh no….oh my….

Cannon and company turn towards Silas in the ring, waiting and waiting and waiting, and then waiting some more to find out what he wants them to do.

Silas: Well, go help her.

Though he is unenthusiastic about it, Silas sends his forces to the back to assist Lohan during this gruesome assault. Cannon leads Lenore and Angelica right past Sienna, before they all bolt into the backstage area.

Greyson: Silas World running to the back to save Lohan.

Sparkles: That big shoulder beauty is getting her ass stomped by the GOOD Movement and the Sinistry. What an odd united front that is.

The second Silas World disappears to the back, several figures take their place at ringside. Sophie O’Brian, a baseball bat wielding Mark O’Brian, and Polly Norah jump over the barricades and go sliding into the ring.

Greyson: And even more of the GOOD Movement assaulting those in the ring.

Sparkles: After they lured Silas World away from ringside by attacking Big Shoulders backstage.

The GOOD Movement slide into the ring and attack all those unsuspecting individuals in the ring. Taylor turns around just as Sophie comes barreling into her ribs with a spear, knocking her to the canvas. Both ladies then roll around on the canvas exchanging shots. At the same time Karen is rushing in to meet Polly with forearms across Norah’s chin. However, Norah responds by throwing the top of her head directly into Karen’s ribs.

Silas makes a quick exit from the ring, abandoning all three ladies, Kloe included, to the wrath of the GOOD Movement.

Sparkles: This is insanity.

Mark now steps in behind McBride, baseball bat held back and about to be swung directly into the Principle Owner’s spine. Before he can deliver the blow he finds the bat slipped right out of his palms. An outraged Mark spins around, eyes burning a hole into Kloe, the woman who just took the bat from him and is now depositing it in the corner of the ring.

Greyson: Kloe showing no fear.

O’Brian points at Kloe and shows no fear himself by threatening the majority owner. In the process he exposes his back to Karen though, who breaks away from Norah and throws a double axehandle across Mark’s upper back. McBride then finds herself hit with a clothesline to the back of the neck by Polly.

Sophie finally manages to get her nails into Taylor’s eyes, raking them just like Lohan’s pupils were poked backstage. Chase falls to her back, Sophie stands up and then reaches into her jacket, removing a small steel pipe. She pulls back, ready to swing it down and into the face of Chase when Kloe intervenes yet again. Masters grabs the pipe and tears it right out of Sophie’s hand.

Sparkles: Is Kloe crazy!?!

Masters throws the steel pipe out of the ring before being grabbed by the shirt and spun around to face down both members of Total War. Mark and Sophie are right up in Kloe’s face and her threats of suspending them do nothing to restrain their fists. The only thing that keeps them from knocking Kloe’s pristine teeth out are the actions of the three men at ringside. Zak, Alex, and Nate enter the ring and rush to the aid of Masters.

Sophie spins around just in time to be hit with a spinning heel kick by Zak that knocks her down to the canvas. Mark then charges right at Nate only to be lifted off of his feet and driven into the ring with a powerful spinebuster slam. At the same time Polly is trying to race to the aid of Total War only to have Alex catch her with a spinning back kick to the ribs. Norah no sooner doubles over before Zak is leaping into the air, catching her around the neck and driving her down forcefully against the canvas with a diamond cutter.

Greyson: Who the hell are these guys!?!

Sparkles: More than mere bodyguards it seems.

The O’Brians and Norah roll out of the ring with Zak, Alex and Nate standing tall around Kloe, who is no longer holding a steel pipe or a baseball bat. She’s got a microphone in her palm, lifting it to her lips.

Kloe: Sinistry, GOOD Movement, allow me to introduce you all to the stabilizing force that will bring balance here to the IWC…The CARTEL!

The trio remove their jackets and their ear mics, throwing them to the ground to show off their impressive physiques. They demonstrate that their more than muscle though, rolling under the ropes and going right after Total War and Norah at ringside. All six athletes brawl while Kloe watches with pride from the apron. Meanwhile, behind Kloe’s back, Karen has grabbed hold of the baseball bat that Mark was about to use. She slowly turns and finds her eyes set on the back of a recovering Taylor Chase.

Greyson: Wait a minute Karen….

Sparkles: It looks like the pressure has finally got to her.

McBride has taken so much from Taylor, and now she has the perfect opportunity to give some back. She squeezes the bat, putting such friction on her palms and on the weapon that could finally shut Chase up for good. Before Karen can further weigh the pros and cons of lashing out at Chase, McBride’s attention is redirected to Silas.

Mason rolls into the ring and rushes towards Karen, stepping between McBride and Taylor’s back.

Silas: Don’t go all menstrual now.

Karen allows the bat to be slipped out of her palm and thrown to the outside.

Silas: Not when we’re so close, so close…

Taylor turns around upon hearing Silas’ words, glaring between her agent and the woman he has palms draped over.

Silas: Thank you, Karen, for agreeing to face Baby Doll like I suggested earlier tonight. The two of ya going one on one…(He turns to look at Chase as well)….Brings us one step closer to ending this and to bringing about a perfect Utopia. And I’m not going to rest until the WORLD is mine…I mean…OURS.

Ba’al: The world will not be YOURS Herr Mason.

The curtains open to reveal The Sinistry and the GOOD Movement making their way to the stage. Ba’al, with the World Title over his shoulder, stands side by side with Ethan Von Aaron. Rachel Frost, with the NHB Championship around her waist, stands side by side with Alana Starr, the X-Class Title hanging from her hand. Aiken Frost is followed closely by his sister Jaina, Franklin Paradise, Hunter Locke. Marie Jones steps out, standing right beside Samantha Hodgson. Rachel Foxx is present, standing right beside Decay. This impressive force occupies the stage, pausing there so that Ba’al can speak on their behalf.

Ba’al: The world is already dominated by our perfect order, a family unburdened by the corruption of sin and unified under a common belief in GOOD. It does not matter how many shares one owns, how much stock they have control of, and what positions they hold, for there is no denying, there is no stopping, there is no disobeying the force that we have assembled. Our grip will not be broken, for in our hands the beating heart of this federation is held.



Recap time.

We get some run of the mill orchestra style tune meant to inspire that feeling of pending calamity. Just as goosebumps begin to form, or at least we’re hoping they’re goosebumps and not something that needs to be treated with Acylclovir Cream, we’re taken from the pitch black to the vivid violence that occurred on the last edition of NewAge. And who is at the epicenter of said violence? All the usual suspects of course.

We see Taylor Chase presently in the ring, microphone in hand and emotion surging through her every word.

Taylor: I want my sister back!

Black and white footage as filmed by a surveillance camera, time stamped to the same date as Reawakening Day, captures the very parking lot where the ABDUCTION happened. A limo narrowly avoids plowing into Mika Kozlov, Taylor’s half-sister. She dives out of harm’s way and watches the trunk to the limo open, as well as the sunroof. Aiken Frost sticks his head out of the window and offers some chilling sentiment to Mika, distracting her just long enough for Spencer Klein, Mika’s former advisor, to swoop in from behind, grab her and toss her into the trunk. Klein then slams the trunk shut, trapping Mika inside and allowing her to be transported by Aiken and Aiken’s sister Jaina, to parts unknown.

We’re back to Taylor in the ring on NewAge, addressing the kidnapping of her adoptive sister, Mika.

Taylor: I’m not leaving this ring until Mika is set free and returned to me.

Aiken: I am afraid that you are mistaken regarding your sister, Mika.

The very man responsible for Kozlov’s abduction, occupies the stage and his femme fatales surround the ring. The glowing eyes of Red Rayne and Silk stare ominously into the ring at Taylor, who turns in anticipation of fighting off these lethal ladies should they stop standing at ringside and start climbing into the squared circle.

Aiken: Mika is no prisoner…and you will discover this when the two of you meet later this evening. I have arranged for you, Taylor…

A series of black and white images flash across the screen showing Chase hitting the TKO on Katelyn Buehler, Ba’al, Rachel Frost and so many others.

Aiken:…to meet with Mika later this evening.

A series of black and white images flash across the screen showing Mika hitting the Heart Punch on Gary Matt, Hurse, Kathryn Pearson and so many others.

Aiken: You shall reunite and Mika will show you where her loyalties now lie.

A series of black and white images flash across the screen showing Mika and Taylor smirking in one another’s directions as they deliver a stereo suplex on an unsuspecting opponent.

The footage transitions to Taylor apprehensively stepping into the room which will serve as her meeting place with her sister. However, when she steps in the chamber she finds it occupied not by Mika, but by Aiken sat behind a table.

Aiken: Please take a seat.

With each step Taylor takes towards Aiken we see past instances of violence between she and the Sinistry interspersed. Scenes such as Taylor being hit with a crossbody by Ba’al that takes them both down a flight of steps, scenes such as Taylor’s husband, Orlando Cruze being hit with a spiked Death in Tombstone by Rachel Frost on top of a crucifix. Scenes such as Taylor driving a chair over the skull of Ba’al.

Aiken: Bring her in.

We’re back to the tense stare-down between Chase and Frost, culminating to the door the room opening and Mika Kozlov stepping through, stuck between both Silk and Red Rayne.

Mika: Hello Malishka.

Taylor turns and the camera zooms in on her shocked expression numerous times and from numerous different perspectives. The disbelief and shock drawn across her features is amplified by these multiple camera angles and repeated close ups. The view then switches to the source of her distress. Mika Kozlov’s glowing black eyes are zoomed in upon several times and from several directions.

Taylor: I want my sister back.

Old family photographs of Taylor and Mika at various school functions bombards the screen, highlighting their long and storied history. We then transition back to Kozlov’s black eyes staring into Taylor’s alarmed face.

Aiken:…I have accepted her.

We segue immediately from the chaotic ending to NewAge, to what promises to be a chaotic start to Riot! Anarchy is all but guaranteed what with Aaron Harrison and Lukas Montgomery of the Blacklist parked inside of the ring with the added inclusion of a steel cage surrounding them.

The eager vocals of William Mayne from his perch behind the announce table are overheard to the chagrin of thousands.

William Mayne: Alright Mayniacs, we are LIVE from the Manhattan Center, and if you’re not Rutger Hauer in Blind Fury, you can see that the ring is surrounded by a steel cage….A FRIGGIN STEEL CAGE! And what remains of the Blacklist are right there in the center of it. Things are about to get violent.

Ya’ bet your sweet ass they’re going to get violent. That much becomes as clear as nipples on a Joel Schumacher Batman suit when a pacing Lukas Montgomery lifts a microphone to his lips. His words filter through the mesh walls that surround he and his Blacklist compatriot.

Montgomery: So the Sinistry believes that possession is nine-tenths of the law , right? That just because they abducted our Mika, that she’s now a member of THEIR family. That’s not how this works….

Lukas is clearly emotional, a rarity for a man who has worked so hard to distance himself from his conscious.

Montgomery: Sorry Sinistry, hate to spoil your little plans, but Mika is NEVER going to be yours. She is Blacklist through and through. Nothing is going to change that, and nothing is going to stop Aaron and I from returning her where she belongs, to OUR side.

It’s Harrison’s turn to chime in, holding his own microphone and being surprisingly methodical and monotone in the delivery of his words. If he possessed a soul, or feelings, they’ve seemingly been demolished by his loss of Mika, the only thing on the planet that he ever truly loved.

Harrison: Sinistry, you can send the Movement out here, you can have your private security detain us then throw us out of the building, but the only thing that’s doing is delaying the inevitable. Lukas and I are not going to stop coming after you until Mika has been returned to us. So here we stand inside of a Steel Cage, where Lukas was prepared to fight Rachel Frost for her NHB Championship, but we’re calling an audible. We want EVERY member of the Sinistry in this cage.

Once again Mayne comments on this open challenge with his closed mind.

Mayne: Did I just hear that right? Are Aaron Harrison and Lukas Montgomery actually requesting to fight the ENTIRE Sinistry inside of a Steel Cage? That’s like a pig putting an apple inside its own mouth and jumping on an open fire pit.

Fighting against the odds hasn’t stopped the Blacklist before and it isn’t about to stop them here tonight.

Harrison: You want to take Montgomery and I out of the equation, so you can have Mika all to yourselves, well you’re not gonna have a better chance to do it then right here and right now. Enter this cage Sinistry, and….

Klein: And then what?

The one person in the world neither Montgomery nor Harrison wanted to see presently makes his way to the stage. Spencer Klein weighs in on this whole situation, putting even more pressure on the already stressed nerves of the Blacklist. And if the words of Spencer weren’t bad enough, the sight of Kellen Jeffries just makes this whole interruption unbearable, stepping to the stage right alongside Klein. The man who burned Aaron Harrison’s face with fireball at Reawakening Day stares into that very face in this moment of absolute tension.

Klein: What are you going to do if the Sinistry comes out and steps in that cage? We all know exactly what’ll happen. You two will put up a ‘valiant’ effort only to be overcome by the Sinistry, beaten within an inch of your miserable, pathetic lives, and then left broken, bloodied heaps on the canvas. Hell, they might even throw in a crucifixion or two just for shits and giggles.

Montgomery: Wouldn’t that just make your day, Spencer?

Klein: No, no it wouldn’t. Because your destruction isn’t going to happen at the hands of the Sinistry. The right to finish the two of you off belongs to this man…

Klein extends his palm and pats Kellen’s shoulder.

Klein: He and I have been planning your demise for quite some time. I promised him revenge for what you two did to him a year ago, when you set his body ablaze and left him for dead. He and I agreed the only way he’d ever recover from that moment is by rendering the two of you lifeless, and that’s exactly what Kellen and I are going to do.

Montgomery: Well now, if you two want to get in the cage with us, that’s fine. The more the merrier.

Harrison: The quicker we put an end to the two of you, the sooner we can get back to saving my Mika from the Sinistry.

Klein: Now-now gentlemen, if Spencer and I were to head down that ramp there would be nothing left of either of you two to save Mika. Besides, we, the NEW Blacklist, don’t do things on YOUR terms. When we decide to strike, it’ll be at a time and place of our choosing.

Montgomery: No-no-no….You two are just as mistaken as the Sinistry…

Harrison: Obviously you guys don’t know how things really work either. Because you just don’t get to come out here, throw fire in my face, try to strip us of our Blacklist identities, aid in the abduction of our Mika, and then walk away unscathed.

Montgomery: Instead, Harrison and I are going to start this night off the way that Reawakening Day should have ended. With the two of us marching up that ramp, grabbing you by your throats, forcing you into this cage and beating the ever living piss out of you.

Harrison: Kelly….

Kellen tilts his head at a plotting angle.

Harrison: A year ago Lukas and I set you on fire, and that was back when we didn’t even have a beef with you so now that you’ve made this personal, just imagine what we’re going to do when we drag you kicking and screaming into this cage.

Klein: That’s not likely, because the NEW Blacklist has other plans regarding you two and Upping the An….

Montgomery: We could give one giant flying fuck what your plans WERE, because as of now, you’re getting in this cage with US.

The original Blacklist exits the cage through the door and prepares to take out the NEW Blacklist. They’re just like Coca Cola Classic, they refuse to be replaced by a new and different flavor.

Mayne: Here we go, Blacklist versus Blacklist and it’s gonna be inside of a FRIGGIN STEEL CAGE!

Here comes the fight everyone has been waiting to see, a fight that has been building since Extreme Fury, a fight with literally so much heat and hatred built up behind it. Spencer and Kellen prepare themselves for the two men intent on avenging everything that Klein and Jeffries have done in recent months. Each of Spencer’s attacks on Harrison and Montgomery is about to be avenged, from tasings, to burnings, to beer bottles over skulls.

Mayne: Alright Kellen, alright Spencer, you two might not have been planning to get Aaron and Lukas tonight, but it’s time to improvise. Settle this long standing issue with the Blacklist and do it inside of a FRIGGIN STEEL CAGE!

Finally, at long last Montgomery and Harrison will have the revenge they’ve been pursuing for the past several months. Their ready for payback, but not ready for their retribution to come to a halt thanks to the interruption of the last person they would expect to give Spencer a stay of execution.

Mika: Don’t do it Lukie, don’t do it my Cowboy.

Lukas and Harrison freeze like they’re held at gunpoint, the two staring with genuine shock at the black orbs glaring back in their direction. Mika Kozlov steps to the stage, diamond eyes rendered obsidian, and microphone held to her upturned lips. She grins in the direction of the two men she has shared her life with, but now the only thing she’ll share are her twisted thoughts.

Mika: You two miss me, do you?

Harrison and Montgomery are too stunned by Mika’s transformation to speak, hell, they can barely even breathe.

Mika: And you think hurting Spencer and Kellen will bring me back to you? I’m afraid your efforts our misguided, Cowboy. Destroying Klein would be amusing, but it won’t change a thing, Lukie. My fate has been decided, and there is nothing that can change fate.

Harrison: My Mika, what are you-what are you talking about? Just come back to us, come back to me.

Harrison finally breaks his stunned silence with an emotional plea.

Mika: Do not make this any more difficult on yourself than it needs to be. Walk away from this battle, and walk away from me.

Harrison: That’s NEVER going to happen. I’m NEVER going to give up on you…

Mika: I am LOST to you, Cowboy, the sooner you realize this, the sooner both of us can continue with our new lives.

Harrison: The only life I want to live, is one where your still by my side.

Aiken: Your stubbornness will not pay off, Herr Harrison.

Putting up with Spencer threats, Kellen’s stares, Mika’s transformation, and now Aiken’s arrival, has put Harrison in quite the state. Aiken steps to the stage and pauses beside Mika, before deliberately slipping his hands unto her shoulders. His other hand is occupied by a chain that leads to the collar around the throat of Aiken’s wife, the NHB Champion Rachel Frost. Her eyes are cast to the floor, unable to tolerate the same image that disgusts Harrison, Aiken’s hand on Mika’s body.

Aiken: You do not listen, Mika is no longer bent to your will, for she has been liberated from the Blacklist and SAVED by MY Hands.

Montgomery: What the hell have you done to her?

Aiken: What was required.

Aiken pulls Mika in and cradles her against his chest, stroking the side of her head repeatedly.

Aiken: And I would be far less concerned with what has happened to Mika, and more worried about what is about to happen to you, Herr Montgomery. For in a matter of moments you will collide with my wife, Rachel Frost, the most dangerous woman in this industry, and you will do so within that steel monstrosity known as the cage.

It’s apparent that neither member of the Blacklist knows how to react to this news nor the garish sight of Mika. Their confusion is exacerbated as Mika waves goodbye to them before being escorted to the backstage area. However, the confusion on the part of both Blacklist members is replaced by fury when Kellen Jeffries at last speaks. He no longer plays the part of silent observer, though the moment he speaks he’s going to wish he had remained just that, SILENT.

Kellen: Just think, Aaron, if I hadn’t thrown that fireball in your face, maybe you would have been there to prevent all of this from happening to your precious lil Mika.

The Man-God gives Harrison a pouty duck-face, and apparently Aaron isn’t a fan of waterfowl. In a white hot flash of rage, Harrison’s knuckles slam across Kellen’s face. Spencer watches this fight with surprise before he becomes an active participant in it. He is taken by the back of the head and before Klein realizes what’s happening, he’s being charged down the ramp, thrown over the mats and driven face first into the outside of the cage. Spencer goes twisting into a lariat across the throat by Montgomery.

At the same time Harrison is charging Kellen down that ramp and introducing his temple into the exterior of the cage wall.

Mayne: This is depraved. An unprovoked attack on the NEW Blacklist. Something REALLY needs to be done about Lukas and Aaron, these guys should be institutionalized.

The only thing keeping Kellen upright is the cage he just bounced off. He leans against it, but finds his legs increasingly unstable as punch after punch is delivered squared across his forehead. However, Kellen’s plight isn’t nearly as dire as Spencer’s, who is dragged around the cage then thrown inside of it by Montgomery. A traumatized Klein rolls to the center of the ring while Montgomery makes his way up the steps and through the open door into the steel abomination.

Mayne: We’re scheduled to see Montgomery and Rachel Frost in a cage match, not Spencer fighting off this savage and totally unwarranted attack.

Instinctively Klein crawls across the ring and under the ropes to the apron, slipping his fingers through the mesh wiring and employing the cage wall to desperately drag himself to his feet. The moment he stands up, Montgomery rushes across the ring and throws himself into a big stinger splash to the upper back of his former advisor, driving Spencer’s face into the steel mesh.

Kellen suffers just as much if not worse than Spencer, finding himself thrown into the cage with Harrison following behind. Before Kellen can get off of his back he finds his legs snagged in the arms of Harrison, who drops in reverse and turns himself into a catapult, launching Jeffries through the air, over the ropes and face first into the cage.

Mayne: Hasn’t the Blacklist done enough to this man? For Sinistry sakes, they took a year of his career away from him.

If Harrison and Montgomery have their way they’ll take more than just a year of his career, they’ll take his entire life. They might just accomplish that task when Kellen’s skull ricochets off the cage and his body goes staggering back into the waiting hands of both of his Blacklist rivals. Harrison and Montgomery grab him by the back of the head, charge him across the ring and throw him over the ropes forehead first against the cage. They spend little time commending one another for the punishment they’ve inflicted on Jeffries, the two far too preoccupied with forcing Spencer to suffer the same fate. Klein crawled to the middle of the ring and is dragged up from it into the waiting hands of his former associates. Lukas and Aaron charge Spencer towards the ropes, toss him over and send his face careening straight into the mesh wiring of the cage wall, his flesh grating against it.

Mayne: Why are they doing this to Spencer? For crying out loud, they should be thanking Spencer for helping to enrich Mika Kozlov’s life, not trying to injure him.

Blood is secreted from the scalp of Jeffries as he employs the turnbuckle to reach his feet. He then turns just as Montgomery comes rushing across it, lunging into a double axehandle. The blow aimed at Kellen’s forehead never connects, but the blow directed at Lukas’ body DOES connect. He is back dropped over the ropes and sent flying side first into the cage.

Mayne: Kellen’s survival instincts taking over before anymore of his blood can be spilt.

Spencer might not be as fortunate, finding his body dragged up and into position for the Hybrid Theory. He is just about to drive the back of Spencer’s neck into the ring and snap it before his attempt at the double underhook driver ends when a low blow lands straight to his crotch. The uppercut to the testicles is delivered by Jeffries and has Aaron doubled over, cradling his genitals in his palm. This exposes his skull into the hands of Klein, who takes him around the back of the head, rushes him across the ring and throws him against the cage wall.

Mayne: Payback is a mother.

The cage wall shakes and Harrison’s brain shakes in his skull. That skull turns from one cage wall only to be introduced into the opposite one. Jeffries grabs him by the hair, rushes him the length of the ring and eventually sends his forehead flying over the ropes and into the mesh. The steel grinds across Harrison’s face before eventually ricocheting off and falling to the canvas.

Mayne: You don’t put Baby in the corner, and you don’t put Spencer and Kellen in a cage, that’s just asking for trouble.

The multiple impacts with the cage have left Harrison susceptible to the Best Damn Finisher Ever. Kellen shoots an arm across Harrison’s chest and prepares to flip back into the Rock Bottom, all with a diabolical sneer across his face.

Mayne: Do it Jeffries, put Aaron to bed without super and with a nice warm glass of shut the fuck up.

Jeffries is about to silence Aaron PERMANENTLY with his version of the C4, only to have a fist to his crotch derail all his plans. Montgomery crawls in behind Kellen and nails him directly to the testicular region with an uppercut shot. The blow doubles Kellen over, hands clasping his groin and eyes filling with pain. But he’s about to endure true agony once Harrison and Montgomery step side by side, stomp their feet against the canvas then prepare to unleash a stereo superkick right onto Kellen’s jaw. The moment they elevate their feet Kellen is pulled off of his own, but it’s via Spencer’s hands as opposed to the Blacklist’s boots. The Man-God is the recipient of some divine intervention, or more likely, demonic intervention, Spencer grabbing Jeffries around the waist and pulling him out of the path of the superkicks directed at his skull.

Both Klein and Jeffries roll right out of the cage and find themselves either falling to the mats or into the barricade, reeling from the assault their bodies have just suffered.

Mayne: Montgomery and Harrison are two very lucky sons of bitches. They got a stay of execution from Klein and Jeffries.

Blood seeps down the face of Jeffries while his eyes focus on the man who’s throat he’d like to see blood flowing out of. Harrison is inviting him back into the cage to give Kellen just the opportunity to turn his macabre fantasy into a reality. However, at the behest of Klein, Jeffries remains fixed at ringside, merely glaring into the cage as opposed to entering it.

Lukas offers a similar invitation as his Blacklist brother, insisting that Klein re-enter the cage and suffer for his past transgressions. Apparently Montgomery is no Marlon Brando, because this is one offer that Spencer CAN and WILL refuse.

Aiken: Are you well, my dear?

Aiken directs his question to the newest member of his expanding harem, Mika Kozlov.

Their voices fill the gorilla position they have just passed into, the curtains leading to the ring still swaying behind their backs after having just stepped through them. Rachel follows at a distance, forced to observe her husband and his newest acquisition getting entirely too friendly with one another. She has no choice, as much as she’d relish the chance to be anywhere but here, watching this scene unfold her neck remains bound by a leash, and Aiken holds the chain that guides her.

Aiken: I trust your FORMER acquaintances did not put too much undue burden on your mind.

Mika: No, truthfully, my mind feels freer than it ever has before.

Aiken: Splendid.

Mika: I owe YOU for such feelings of liberation?

Aiken: I accept only a fraction of credit for the creature you have become. You must take some responsibility as well for the progress you have shown. You have broken free form the shackles and limitations that your sister has placed upon you, and I have offered you the opportunity to at least be free.

All the right words are spoken on Aiken’s behalf and his hands find their way into all the right places. One has slipped over the small of Mika’s back, guiding her through the corridor and guiding her towards Rachel Frost. The NHB Champion, the Sinistry member, and the WIFE of Aiken Frost, stands before her husband and his newest mistress.

Rachel: Lucien?

The NHB Championship sits over Frost’s shoulder and a look of woe resides in her gaze.

Aiken: Yes dear?

Even the presence of his wife fails to coerce Aiken into taking his hands away from Mika’s anatomy.

Rachel: I-I….

The words she truly yearns to say never pass through her lips.

Aiken: You wish to be free from your chains so that you might defend your NHB Championship? Of course. I do believe Herr Montgomery eagerly anticipates your arrival.

The chain binding Rachel’s neck to Aiken’s hand is elevated and the slack tightened.

Aiken: I am afraid this is where we part ways for the moment, my love. I have plans for my Russian and I. But dread not. I won’t be there alongside you, but my acolytes will fill the void I leave behind.

In steps the very same women who appeared on NewAge during Taylor Chase’s struggle to reunite with her sister, Mika. Silk and Red Rayne materialize behind Rachel, both ladies staring at the NHB Champion with their hollow eyes. The chain in Aiken’s hand is bestowed upon Rachel’s own sister, Red Rayne.

Aiken: My New Eden will ensure that your performance this evening lives up to my expectations.

Mika: Best luck to you, Mishka.

Aiken: Do enjoy yourself inside of that cage.


We segue from commercial break to a replay of what occurred when the Blacklist crossed paths with Kellen Jeffries and Spencer Klein inside of the cage. William Mayne’s voice reflects upon these events with a noticeable hint…no…a straight kick to the nuts of disgust.

Mayne: Just moments before the break we saw the Blacklist do what the Blacklist does best. Stir the shit and cause nothing but troubles. This time they caused trouble for Spencer Klein and Kellen Jeffries, two innocent bystanders they dragged into a cage and maliciously assaulted.

The two men who have been responsible for so many of Aaron Harrison’s and Lukas Montgomery’s frustrations are at last forced to pay penance. The multiple attacks at the hands of Klein and Jeffries come back to haunt both men, evident as their faces are sent flying into the cage walls. Harrison and Montgomery take a great deal of satisfaction in tossing their adversaries into the mesh and watching their skin tear from muscle. It all culminates to an attempted double superkick by the Blacklist that is narrowly avoided when Klein manages to pull Kellen out of the way of the boots encroaching his face.

We are transported from one series of traumatic events to another. The cage remains around the ring, and the Blacklist remain inside of it. Lukas Montgomery and Aaron Harrison embody the characteristics of feral animals eagerly awaiting their feeding. Their minds are occupied with violent images, and their hands are occupied with microphones.

Montgomery: Sinistry, we’re still here and we’re still waiting.

Harrison picks up right where his tag team partner left off, the two synchronized in their fury.

Harrison: Nobody is going to deter us, Aiken, not Kellen, not Spencer, not any member of this roster, or any member of the Sinistry. We’re not leaving until Mika is…..

Rayne: You should not be concerning yourself with Mika.

Red Rayne’s voice sounds positively blissful as she steps to the stage, holding a chain that leads the NHB Champion Rachel Frost along behind her. Silk is present and accounted for as well, her black eyes staring at the cage and the two vengeful spirits inside of it.

Rayne: She requires no saving. Mika is fine, YOU on the other hand, Lukas, are not. Because the time has come to let my sister off her leash, and allow Rachel time to play.

The microphone falls out of Rayne’s hand, as does the chain that was holding her sister, freeing Frost to inflict punishment on the two men currently waiting for her inside of the steel cage.

Mayne: My Liege is scheduled to defend her NHB Championship inside of the cage tonight, but last I checked it wasn’t slated to be in a handicap match. So why are BOTH of the Blacklist members still inside of the cage?

The Blacklist does not have the number’s advantage considering that it’s a three on two advantage in the Sinistry’s favor at the moment, seeing Frost is being accompanied by Silk and Red Rayne. These two ladies stop at the bottom of the steps and direct Frost up them. Their focus is misplaced however, spending entirely too much time coaching Rachel, when they should have been watching out for Harrison. The Manhattan Center reacts like they just snorted a bag of sugar straight up their nostrils when Harrison comes diving through the ropes, over the steps and ultimately crashing into both Rayne and Silk on the mats down below.

Mayne: The Blacklist assaulting more spectators. This is just crossing a line at this point. Wasn’t it bad enough that Harrison attacked Wayne when Jed was innocently standing at ringside during the Blacklist’s six person tag against the Sinistry at Reawakening Day? Does Aaron just get off on assaulting the innocent? And where the hell is Wayne by the way?

Montgomery overcomes that surprise in order to join in the fun, approaching the still open cage door and beginning to step through it. Obviously Lukas is intent on getting his hands on one of the women closely associated with Mika’s abductor.

The moment Montgomery sticks his head through the ropes his head starts to feel like an egg on a frying pan in an anti-drug PSA. The door to the steel cage is swung directly into the top of Lukas’ skull, and swung at the hand of Rachel Frost.

Mayne: The Violent Kind starting this match in the most brilliant, yet brutal way imaginable.

Skull and steel don’t mesh very well, it’s not like they’ll invite one another over for a game of Pictionary. Right now Lukas’ face is a picture of pain as he flies back, crashes into the canvas and rolls away from the cage door that just split his skull. After inflicting some instant trauma, Rachel prepares to inflict some sustained trauma. She steps into the cage and referee Michelle Blacker enters before calling for the bell to get this chaotic title match underway in an official capacity.


Mayne: Consider yourself fortunate, Montgomery, my Liege may pin you while you’re in such a stupor and spare you the brutality she WAS going to release on you.

That’s definitely NOT going to happen. It isn’t often Frost gets to defend her NHB Championship, and it’s even rarer to do so within the confines of a steel cage. Plus Montgomery has caught Rachel in a rare mood at the moment. She takes great pleasure in closing the cage door behind her and now getting to play within the confines of the barbaric steel structure.

Lukas climbs up to his feet with the aid of the ropes, face turned to the cage wall, and then face rammed into the cage wall. Frost steps in, grabs the back of Montgomery’s head and then begins to drive his forehead into the mesh once, twice, three times, four times…Frost and the fans losing count of each collision.

Rachel turns Lukas around and holds him by the back of the head before leading him across the ring, throwing him through the ropes spine first into the cage wall opposite to the one that Montgomery’s face just ricocheted off of multiple times. The very chain-links that just injured his body are now the only thing holding him up. Lukas sits up on the apron with his back wedged to the cage wall and Frost’s boot wedged to his throat.

Mayne: It’s so obvious that Frost is well at home in this type of environment. This has to be like Disney World to my Liege.

Lukas’ face goes blood red as the oxygen is deprived to his body, all oxygen cut off to his brain by the boot pressed to his esophagus.

The Violent Kind only takes her boot away in order to return it to Lukas’ body, delivering a front dropkick through the ropes, directly into Lukas’ face. The crowd cringes and Montgomery groans as his head is sandwiched between the boots and the steel wall.

Mayne: You should have left that cage after you assaulted your first group of fans, Montgomery, while you still could leave that cage on your own.

Frost rolls over backwards to her feet and then looks to put them into Montgomery’s face a second time. She rushes forward and dives into ANOTHER front dropkick, her boots traveling through the ropes, crashing into Lukas face and ramming the back of his head into the cage wall.

After the boots ricochet from Lukas’ face, her body goes rolling over backwards to her knees, watching from her crouched posture as Montgomery wills himself up to his feet. He continues to stand absent of thought but not short on pain, between the ropes and the cage. Frost takes advantage of his positioning, rushing across the ring and diving with her shoulder aimed at Lukas’ ribs.

Montgomery’s mid-section is sandwiched between Frost’s shoulder and the cage behind his back, resulting in a crippling effect on his body. He begins to break down, knees buckling and chest leaning over the top rope. He stays up just long enough for Frost to once again take advantage of his positioning. The Violent Kind rolls back to her feet, rushes across the canvas then dives into a second spear that connects…with the cage.

Mayne: YAAAH!

Lukas’ ribs move aside just in time to cause Rachel to go flying right past him and into the mesh. The crowd screeches as Frost’s head bounces off the wall and her body goes stumbling back to the center of the ring. Somehow the Champion remains on her feet, no, she doesn’t just stand, she manages to run. She bolts right back in at Lukas, who steps through the ropes into the ring and ducks just in time to catch Frost with a back drop over the ropes and into the cage.

Mayne: Allow me to reiterate that….YAAAAH!

Frost’s body ricochets off of the cage and then falls between the ropes and the wall.

In spite of these repeated collisions with the cage, Frost still manages to get to her feet rather quickly, no stranger to such physical wear and tear. The side of her head leans against the cage before her cranium is smashed between the mesh and a running Yakuza kick. Montgomery rams his boot right upside Frost’s head, squishing it.

Mayne: Why is the Violent Kind giving Montgomery this false glimmer of hope, it’s just cruel.

After Frost’s head bounces off the steel, her body goes twisting through the ropes, finding herself hung over the middle cable….a very bad position to be in, especially when Montgomery has another boot traveling right into the side of her head. A second Yakuza kick to the skull sends Frost into a spiral, her body twisting off the ropes and twisting to the canvas.

Mayne: For future references, whenever Lukas asks you to go out just for kicks, I would suggest avoiding him at all cost.

The kicks to the head leave Rachel unconsciously rolling to the center of the ring. Somehow she begins to compel herself to stand only for Lukas to stop her upward momentum, catch her around the neck, drag her head under his seat and then heave her up into position for the running powerbomb. But not just any powerbomb, this one is intended to put Frost’s body into the cage. He rushes the length of the ring with the intent of inflicting extreme internal damage on the champion. But what Lukas doesn’t realize is that Frost has brought along an insurance policy, and for once it’s not the massive Wayne, who is conspicuous by his absence. No, it’s the brass knuckles that have just slipped out of her waistband and over her fist. The brass knuckles swing down directly into Montgomery’s face.

Somehow the gleam of the knucks caught Montgomery’s eye, giving him just enough warning to duck his head and avoid the punch. As a side effect of ducking his head though he allows Rachel to go sliding right over it, landing on her feet behind the challenger.

Montgomery then rushes into the ropes behind the Violent Kind, ricocheting off and using his momentum to throw his boot into the air for a third yakuza kick.

Rachel hears the squeals of the crowd, giving her just enough warning to duck her head and avoid the kick aimed at her cranium. The boot flies over Frost’s head and Lukas’ momentum carries him into a full circle, turning towards the brass knucks now flying directly at his chin.

The punch would lay Montgomery out if his reflexes were just a little slower. Right before the knuckles can crush Lukas’ chin, his boot slams into her bicep, the yakuza kick connecting directly to Frost’s arm. Not only does the blow send the Violent Kind twisting away from Lukas, but the brass knuckles flying off of her fist.

This weapon isn’t deprived of an owner for very long. Lukas obviously believes that what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander, putting the brass knuckles to use himself, swinging them directly at the back of Frost’s head. But now it’s up to Rachel’s boot to save her. She leaves her feet and nails the Boot Licker directly to Montgomery’s jaw, knocking the brass knuckles off of his hand and Lukas off of his feet. He goes twisting around right towards the cage door, taking a fortuitous tumble over the middle rope, meaning his head now dangles over the steep steps and the outside mats.

Mayne: Boot Licker knocking Montgomery out….WAIT…he fell into the cage door. Turn around Liege, catch him, catch him before he climbs out.

It appears the Boot Licker has rendered Montgomery about as cognizant as a George Romero zombie, yet even with his limited mental capacity he still has the instincts to begin climbing through the opened cage door. Frost is none the wiser to the fact that she is moments from losing her NHB Championship, kneeling on the canvas with her back aimed towards the man seconds away from capturing her championship.

Mayne: He’s climbing out my Liege, he’s climbing out! DO SOMETHING!!

Montgomery extends his hands and wraps them around the steel steps, employing the stairs to begin dragging his body out of the cage. He hangs over the middle ropes, half of his body inside of the cage, the other half dangling above the steps and the mats. Harrison is kneeling on those very mats, and his hand is slapping that very set of stairs, trying to fill Montgomery with the motivation he needs to make that one last lunge from the cage.

Lukas is so close, yet so far away.

Frost finally catches wind of Lukas’ pending departure from the cage and then catches hold of the challenger himself. She scrambles in from behind, ensnares his waist with her arms then pulls him back off the middle rope. She rolls him over in reverse, ending up with Lukas’ shoulders pressed to the canvas with Frost seated across the back of his thighs, folding him up into a pinning predicament.



Montgomery kicks out, launching Frost off the back of his thighs and tossing her into the ropes. Frost spins in a circle, bouncing off the cables and then coming straight into Montgomery, who manages to catch her by the mid-section, throw her into the air and drag her down by the back of her head into his knee. The Nightmare Awakening nails Frost directly to the bridge of her nose and sends her flying backwards into the cage door. Her body twists around, falling across the middle rope with her upper half dangling above the steps and the ringside mats.

Mayne: Oh no-no-no…Montgomery’s knee right upside my Liege’s face in the most disgusting….WAIT….the most delightful moment I’ve ever seen. Lukas’ move has just knocked Rachel right into the cage door, she’s about to fall through and retain her NHB Championship!

The kick to the cranium may have left Frost on dream-street, and all of her dreams are about to come true as a result. Montgomery has no idea that Frost is mere seconds from falling through the ropes and to the outside of the ring, his back aimed towards the escaping champion and his front leaning against the cage wall for support.

Mayne: Don’t turn around Montgomery, just continue being smug and full of yourself.

Montgomery’s confidence grows although it’s moments from being shattered as Frost reaches out, wraps her fingers around the steel steps and employs them to drag her body out of the cage. She falls over the top step and then grabs the middle one, trying to will herself to inch a little closer to the mats. Every inch feels like a mile, which is why Rayne and Silk are there to help cut the distance in half. They crawl across the mats, still suffering the results of the suicide diving headbutt from Harrison at the beginning of this match, the ladies reaching the steps. But unlike Harrison, neither Rayne nor Silk are getting closer to the action JUST to offer moral support to Rachel, no, they go a step further and grab Frost by the wrists, PHYSICALLY trying to pry her form the cage.

Mayne: Superb work ladies, just use a little more of that freakish strength of yours and get our Liege out of that damned cage already.

It’s not like they’re not trying to do just as William demands. Rayne and Silk continue to pull on Frost’s arms until her knees now come down on the top step of the steel stairs, 75% out of the cage at this point. The two members of Aiken’s New Eden are about to give her one last tug to get that remaining 25% out of the steel abomination before Harrison interjects. He rushes across the mats, steps off the steel stairs and launches himself into a flying forearm on Silk and Rayne.

The ladies are forced to release their grasps on Rachel’s wrists, turn, and then catch the airborne Harrison with a double thrust kick, knocking him to the mats.

Mayne: These two ladies quite impressive, and not just because of their dominatrix apparel.

Frost is delighted at the sight of Harrison’s misfortune, but that smirk vanishes when she suffers some misfortune of her own. That 25% of her remaining in the cage consisted of her feet and ankles, feet and ankles finding their way into the hands of Montgomery. In spite of all of Frost’s thrashing, she’s pulled back all the way into the cage.

Mayne: Has Montgomery no true appreciation for the fact that he’s pretty much cliff diving into an active volcano by not allowing my Liege to escape the cage?

Frost continues to be dragged into the ring before Rachel turns and saves herself by method of bending her knees, dragging Montgomery towards her then shoving him off with feet wedged to his chest. Lukas goes flying back into the ropes, bouncing off then coming back in at Rachel with the Quieter.


The roaring elbow comes careening towards Rachel’s skull and threatens to shatter it on impact. However, Frost ducks her head, the elbow goes sailing over it, and his body finds itself twisting around right into a blow across the cheek with a pair of brass knuckles.


Frost managed to find the brass knuckles brought into the match earlier, pick them up, and slip them onto her knuckles just in time to put them to use across Montgomery’s skull. The blow instantly KOs Lukas, dropping him to the canvas like a sack full of kitty litter. Rachel falls to her elbows and knees beside an unconscious Lukas and now begins to crawl towards the cage door.

Mayne: I hope you enjoy having your food chewed before you can eat it, Lukas, because all your teeth were just knocked right out of your mouth.

With Montgomery laid out there is nothing that will stop Frost from escaping the cage. Though she doesn’t need it, she gets a little added help from Rayne. Red and Silk prove invaluable to Frost’s success, grabbing her by the wrists and beginning to drag her weary body to the mats beneath their feet.

Mayne: Come on Rayne and Silk, really put your backs into this time.

Rayne and Silk do put their backs into it, or well, it seems their backs have just been taken out of it when a steel chair cracks them in the kidneys. Harrison has snatched the chair from the crowd and now employs it to bow the lower backs of Aiken’s mistresses. Silk’s maniacal eyes are wider than ever as she staggers away from Harrison, who swings the chair a second time, nailing her in the upper back this time. He then swings at Rayne, cracking the laughing Tatum sister right in the spine. With New Eden taken out of the equation, at least momentarily, Harrison has a golden opportunity, one he takes immediate advantage of by twisting around and redirecting the chair across the top of Rachel’s skull. The resounding thud of chair to brain reverberates throughout the entire Manhattan Center and sends Frost stumbling back from the cage door to the center of the ring where she’s greeted by Montgomery’s elbow. The Quieter connects directly across the back of Frost’s head, sending her twisting through the air into a corkscrew.

Mayne: You cheating bastards!!

A chair and roaring elbow to the head are a lethal combination that leaves Frost capable of doing nothing more than twitching. IF Montgomery were able to follow up on the concussing blows he would, but at the moment the brass knuckles shot he received a moment ago is taking its toll upon him. Instead of going for the pin, Lukas crawls across the canvas in the direction of the cage wall. He reaches up and uses the ropes to reach his feet before slipping his fingers through the mesh, employing it to get his balance, and for so much more. He begins to scale the cage wall, nearing the top.

Mayne: He’s trying to escape the cage Master Frost, cut him off, stop him.

Frost is little capable of nothing save for drawing breaths into her exasperated lungs, let alone stopping Montgomery’s ascent of the cage. It seems that Lukas has the NHB Championship within his grasp, throwing his arm over the top of the cage wall with his leg following it. He begins to climb over before Silk jumps onto the exterior of the very wall that Montgomery is climbing. The Black Dragon climbs and climbs quickly, trying her best to stop Lukas, and she accomplishes just that. Montgomery pauses when spotting Silk making her way up the opposite side of the cage wage wall, but pausing is all that Silk causes Lukas to do. Unfortunately for Rachel’s helper, Silk’s hands never reach Montgomery’s body, because a steel chair crushes the Black Dragon’s lower back.

Harrison nails Silk with a debilitating blow, or at least it would be debilitating to a NRORMAL human being. Silk falls back off of the cage and onto her feet, landing upright, which gives Harrison another grand opportunity to swing his chair directly at her skull. This concussing collision never materializes, because Rayne manages to grab the chair before it could nail her associate in the skull. Harrison turns around to take back the chair that was stolen from him by the red headed menace who snuck in from behind. In the process he exposes his back to Silk, who grabs Aaron by the back of his head and charges him face first into the cage.

As horrifying a thought as it is, Rayne now has a steel chair in his hands and is now swinging it straight at her target, and it’s NOT Harrison. Rayne manages to leap just high enough to slam the chair into the knuckles of Montgomery that were slid through the mesh wiring and supporting his body weight.

Lukas bellows in pain, his hand falling to his side, fingers crushed by the chair. He ends up falling feet first onto the top rope, getting his balance and maintaining it with his one good hand interlocked around the chain-links of the cage.

Mayne: Once can only pray that Red Rayne just broke Lukas Montgomery’s fingers with that chair.

The prayers seem to have been answered, considering that Lukas’ fingers are presently bent at a very awkward angle, mangled by the chair. And his body is about to be mangled even further when Frost climbs up the ropes and steps to his side, grabbing the back of his head and swinging him face first into the cage wall. Rachel has regained her senses just in time to take advantage of her associate’s HANDiwork.

Rachel now drives Montgomery’s skull against the cage a third time, leaving him doubled over and ALMOST losing his footing. Rachel keeps her balance though and climbs the cage right past Lukas, nearing the top and preparing to escape.

Mayne: GO LIEGE GO! This is your grand opportunity.

Frost grabs the top of the cage wall and begins to drag herself over it before Montgomery suddenly reaches out, clasping hold of her ankle with both arms. He employs all of his strength to begin dragging Frost down off the cage wall and back first into his shoulder. The fans are screeching in anticipation of witnessing the super back drop suplex from the top of the cage. However, Frost manages to fight him off, delivering a back elbow into Lukas’ forehead, followed by another. As a result Montgomery turns his back to Frost, which actually proves quite advantageous. Lukas leaps from the top rope, catches Frost around the neck and drags the NHB Champion away from the cage wall into a super reverse neck-breaker.

Mayne: GAAAAAAH!!!

The back of Frost’s neck crashes into the canvas at such an awkward angle that the crowd legitimately cringes in response.

Mayne: I didn’t just see that happen, not to Master Frost, not to the greatest thing to happen to wrestling since the invention of spandex.

That DID just happen to Frost, who is now in no condition to stop Montgomery as he carries his wounded body in the direction of the cage door, moving at a snail like pace. Even though victory is within his grasp he finds it hard to employ the hand that was just damaged by the chair. But he’s not going to let some potentially broken fingers stop him from reaching the cage door, outstretching his arm and grabbing the edge of the apron.

He manages to drag himself out over the steps and now finds his upper half hanging above the mats.

Mayne: Oh Sinistry…ooooh Sinistry, where are you? Somebody do something about this before Montgomery manages to get his feet on the mats.

All it’ll take is Lukas getting his lower body through that door and putting them on the mats. Right now his whole body, save for those feet, are stretched across the steps, his palms hitting the mats.

Mayne: Someone, anyone, do something about this.

Montgomery’s palms are pressed to the mats and his lower body is just about to find their way to the exact same location. That’s when Rayne and Silk stumble in out of nowhere, reach down, wrap their arms around Montgomery’s legs and heave them up into the air so that his feet do NOT reach the mats. Instead he’s now elevated into a head stand, palms pressed to the mats with legs raised in the air, leaving him hanging upside down.

Mayne: This is…this is absolutely BRILLIANT. Silk and Red Rayne holding Montgomery up in that head stand and keeping her feet from touching those mats. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything like this before.

Rayne and Silk desperately try to keep Montgomery’s feet from touching the mats, but Harrison doesn’t make it any easier. He has reclaimed possession of the steel chair, stepping in and driving the top edge into Silk’s and Rayne’s ribs, desperately trying to force them to let Montgomery down.

Harrison pulls the chair back a second time, but in the process gets the weapon entirely too close to the cage. This puts the chair within reach of Rachel’s hands, Frost reaching through the ropes and snatching it right out of Harrison’s hands. She throws the chair down on the canvas at the same time that Rayne and Silk are pushing down on Montgomery’s feet, causing them to land on the stairs and his upper half to go flipping back so that he’s seated on the apron with his spine wedged to the ropes.

Harrison in the meanwhile has to contend with Silk jumping onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck, strangling him with a rear naked choke. Rayne stomps away at his mid-section in the process as all three combatants spiral around the mats.

Montgomery stands up on the apron and looks to aid his partner, about to leap off the apron and crash onto New Eden, taking Frost’s protectors out and in the process becoming the NHB Champion. All those goals are never realized, because the Violent Kind manages to grab Montgomery around the neck, twist him around and pull his head through the cables. Ultimately Lukas ends up receiving a rope hung DDT that drives the top of his skull directly into the chair that Frost just threw down to the canvas a few seconds earlier.


More like jaw breaking.

Montgomery rolls away from Frost, who sits on the canvas absorbing the boos from the crowd and processing the trauma flowing through her body. She slowly makes her way to her feet and stumbles across them towards the cage. She grabs hold of the wall and climbs one hand over the other, nearing the very top of the steel structure and finally throwing an arm over top of it.

Mayne: You’re so close Rachel, just throw your leg over and climb down.

Although her limbs are hurting, she still manages to employ them to reach over the cage and begin her descent. The NHB Champion climbs down the cage, nearing the mats only to find her progress halted when Montgomery grabs her by the hair.

The fans are screeching at the top of their lungs at the sight of Montgomery standing on the opposite side of the cage, reaching over and taking hold of Rachel’s hair. All of Montgomery’s strength is employed to drag Rachel back up and into a front chancery. A collective grimace forms over the faces of the fans at the sight of Montgomery on the brink of super-super-super-plexing Frost over the top of the cage all the way down to the canvas so far below.

Mayne: We need a little divine intervention here. Just a little…just a little!

Montgomery is on the cusp of pulling Frost all the way down to the ring which would surely buckle under the slam. Every bit of Montgomery’s strength is employed, rearing back only to have Frost grab hold of the cage, refusing to be taken over and potentially plummeting to her demise. Luckily for the Champion, her comrades/wardens have detached from one Blacklist member, and go after another. Rayne and Silk come sliding into the cage through the door and rush under Montgomery, reaching up and blasting him across the kidneys with forearm strikes. They then deliver more forearms until Montgomery’s front chancery is broken.

These strikes free the Violent Kind from a potential superplex, and frees her to begin climbing down the cage wall, looking to retain her NHB Championship.

Mayne: Thank you, Rayne and Silk, you’re services continue to prove invaluable to our rulers.

Frost is drawing closer and closer to the outside mats before she spots Harrison standing beneath her. It becomes clear to Frost that Harrison isn’t about to let her reach the mats, prompting her to leap off the cage and right onto Aaron, only instead of taking them both down, Harrison manages to CATCH Rachel on top of his shoulder.

Mayne: YES!…NO!!

Rachel finds herself elevated up and onto Harrison’s shoulder before he transitions her into a fireman’s carry, refusing to let her feet ever touch the mats.

Mayne: This is a total and utter violation of the rules. A criminal abuse of the rules actually. Why is Harrison allowed to commit such horrible deeds?

The Violent Kind flails her arms and kicks her legs as she remains stretched across Harrison’s shoulders and finds herself carried around the cage towards the door.

Rayne and Silk have no idea what’s going on until they turn away from Montgomery, who remains standing on the top rope with his back being nailed with forearm shivers, Rayne’s eyes finding their way to cage door. She looks towards it in time to see Harrison moving up the steel steps, standing on the apron then twisting so that he can deliver a death valley driver that throws the NHB Champion over the ropes back into the cage.

Mayne: This is a travesty, this is worse than the Montreal Screwjob, the Finger Poke of Doom, the debut of the Taskmaster, all rolled into one bundle of total injustice.

The DVD not only throws Frost back into the cage but it throws her down right on top of the steel chair that she DDTed Montgomery across earlier in this contest. Immediately after delivering this fatal move Harrison watches a move equally as devastating befall his partner. Montgomery is dragged away from the cage and nailed with a double powerbomb by Rayne and Silk.

Mayne: But New Eden manages to salvage everything by crushing Montgomery with the double bomb.

No one will be leaving this cage match unscathed, including those who simply accompanied the participants to the ring. Actually Rayne, Silk and Aaron have taken as MUCH punishment as the legal combatants, and they’re about to suffer even worse. Harrison is through employing steel cages and steel chairs, he’s now going to employ something else, his own two hands. Rayne and Silk come rushing across the ring towards Harrison, who still remains standing on the apron. He bends down and drives his shoulders through the ropes directly into their ribs, doubling them over. Aaron then steps into the cage, places Rayne in a side headlock and begins to subject her face to rapid fire punches. Silk rushes in from behind and delivers a double axehandle across Harrison’s neck and skull.

As one brawl takes place, another escalates between Champion and Challenger. The Violent Kind crawls towards Montgomery and does so with the steel chair in hand. She opens the chair and slides it around Montgomery’s skull then goes stumbling along into the nearest turnbuckle.

Mayne: My Liege about to crush the brain of this disbeliever, this transgressor, and at last put an end to this NHB Title match.

The fans are swept up into an absolute fervor at the sight of Frost climbing to the middle rope and then taking flight, stomping down at the chair wrapped around Lukas’ skull. But wait….no…Lukas pulls his head out of the chair, meaning that the steel is the only thing left abused by Frost’s stomp. She then goes staggering forward into the ropes, ricochets off and comes back in at Montgomery, who suddenly leaps to his feet, catches Frost coming in and then drops back into the fallaway slam. Rachel twists through the air with her back ultimately coming down right on top of the chair she just mangled with her stomp.

Mayne: You know, I should be more upset by the fact that Montgomery is inflicting such punishment on our precious Violent Kind, but I believe our coveted NHB Champion does enjoy such barbarity.

Montgomery sits up looking spent after what has been a grueling encounter with Frost thus far, one that he figures will end under one circumstance, the implementation of the brass knuckles. He grabs hold of the very weapon that was employed by Frost earlier in this match and now slips them around his knuckles.

Mayne: NO, those are Rachel’s brass knuckles, you put them down this instant.

Montgomery’s fist is directed towards the face of the woman who is dragging herself up to her feet with the use of the ropes. She leans through the cables separating her from the cage door. Before the Violent Kind can even think of employing the door to escape the cage and retain her championship, Montgomery swoops in from behind, reaches over the ropes and pulls back on Frost’s head.

The back of Rachel’s neck is wedged against the top rope and her jaw is held so that she’s staring up into the brass knuckles that come swinging down into her forehead. Frost is subjected to a series of punches that result in the opening of recently mended wounds resulting from her NHB title defense against Danny Darko at Reawakening Day.

Mayne: Does Montgomery know anything that ISN’T violence?

The brass knuckles nail Rachel across the face one more time, resulting in a dribble of blood rolling down her cheek. Once Lukas is through inflicting his brand of violence and achieving retribution against the Sinistry for their many assaults on the Blacklist, he begins to step through the ropes to escape the cage. He remains stooped as he puts his head through the ropes and is about to put both feet through them as well, ultimately leading him down to the mats. His forward progression is halted however, when Rachel reaches out, grabs the hinges of the cage door and swings it shut, driving the mesh right against Lukas’ face. She then pulls the cage closed a second time, ramming it against Lukas’ face once more. She then swings the door into Lukas’ face a THIRD TIME, FOURTH TIME, FIFTH TIME.

Mayne: Yes-yes, more-more!

The cage door is pulled into Lukas’ flesh a SIXTH TIME, resulting in the loss of his balance as he falls through the ropes and lands on the apron. Rachel now spots her window of opportunity, exiting the cage between the cables and standing on the apron in front of the seated Montgomery. She is just about to drop to the mats and retain her title only to have Montgomery clasp hold of her hair. Frost tries to pull free as she’s spun around, dragged back up the steps and placed across Lukas’ chest. The crowd is screaming as Montgomery prepares to deliver a fallaway slam that will send the Violent Kind flying back into the cage through the door and over the ropes. He throws her up into the air but Frost transitions, twisting around and catching Montgomery around the neck.

She falls back in an attempt to DDT Montgomery down from the apron all the way down to the mats below, but in the process SHE would be hitting the mats FIRST, meaning she retains the title in the process of destroying her opponent. Montgomery reaches back with his arms though, wrapping them around the top rope and preventing the champion from retaining, and most importantly, from ending his career.

He straightens his back, heaves Rachel up into the air and then turns, attempting to powerbomb her back into the ring. Frost flips over though, landing on her feet in front of Montgomery and then receives a forearm across the jaw. She staggers back and Montgomery slides into the ring in front of her just in time for Frost to snatch up the brass knuckles that have played such a role in this match and swing them straight at Lukas’ face. He ducks his head though, catches Rachel coming in across his chest and throws her back into ANOTHER fall-away slam, this time sending Frost corkscrewing over the ropes, through the cage door and ultimately to the outside mats.

Mayne: She did it! She did it! I mean, of course she did it.

The crowd is just as stunned as Montgomery when he hears Rachel’s theme blaring through the speakers. His disbelief is confirmed when he turns and spots Frost collecting herself on the mats, having just been thrown out of the cage and having just retained her NHB Championship. Montgomery has little time to deal with this surprise though before he’s nailed over the upper back with a forearm by Rayne.

Mayne: Frost retains her title in absolutely mind blowing fashion.

Indeed, minds have been blown like Bill Clinton in the oval office. Everyone finds this scene even more mind scrambling at the same time that Montgomery’s brain is being rattled by the forearms by Rayne. Red charges in behind Lukas and continues to fight with the Blacklist member.

Harrison in the meanwhile is battling his way out of the corner, exchanging fists between he and Silk.

As this battle goes on INSIDE of the cage, and equally as confusing scene transpires outside of it. Rachel has recovered in time to get to her knees, wrap her hands around her NHB Championship and then wrap her eyes around a man she had not anticipating seeing. Actually, NO ONE anticipated seeing him.

Ethan Von Aaron stands over top of Frost, surveying her condition.

Mayne: Why is Ethan Von Aaron here? Seriously? What business does he have with my Liege?

Legitimate concern is expressed by Von Aaron as he stoops to check on Rachel’s condition. However, she seems a little reluctant…a little WORRIED actually by Von Aaron’s caressing touch.

A table finds itself the fixation of the camera.

The wooden structure is drawn and extended between the hands of both Aerik Walker and Arcus Maxton, the giants dragging the weapon along through a corridor with its ultimate destination being the ring.

Garrett: If the Sinistry thinks their night is over, they’ve got another thing coming.

“The Genius” Paul Garrett stands out front, leading these two giants down the hall

Garrett: The Sinistry’s night has only just begun.

Walker: And we’re about to make it a lot more interesting.

The statement is punctuated as the enigmatic Arcus puts his huge palm to the lens of the filming camera and pushes it back.

William: Tonight is your night JaMarcus.

William Mason offers council and support to JaMarcus Avery, who hops in place, limbering up in anticipation of the biggest match of his young career. Although Avery attempts to keep his focus on his pending match, it doesn’t stop William from distracting his employee.

William: You go out there tonight and prove your tenacity and versatility as an athlete by beating seven other athletes to become number one contender for the Evolution Championship, then move on and decimate Andre Jordan. My God, doesn’t that sound so inspiring?

JaMarcus: Sounds pretty cool.

William: Pretty cool? PRETTY COOL? This is..this is…how do the fans put it? This is AWESOME! YOU become number one contender for the Evolution Title, I hold my Pure Wrestling Championship coronation ceremony, and all the paper work is pushed through for Karen McBride’s EPIC clash with Ba’al for the World Title at Upping the Ante. Could it get any better than this?

Mason is obviously enthused regarding the premise of officially being rewarded the Pure Championship.

William: Seriously? I’d like someone to tell me how, HOW we can properly improve upon the perfection of this night. Tell me Avery, cite ONE example of how this night could be better than just ‘cool?’

JaMarcus: Ummm, your wife tells you you can stop sleeping on the sofa?

Mason really wishes he had not been reminded of the dog house treatment his wife, the sister of current number one contender Taylor Chase, has subjected him to. Of course all of his spouse’s frustrations stem from Mason’s continued support of Karen McBride, the woman who has employed her standing as Principle Owner to swoop in and steal Taylor’s opportunity for the title right out from under her.

William: Wwwwhhy did you bring that up?

Avery is too busy shadow boxing to give a response.

William: Must you be such a Debbie downer?

Avery is too busy stretching his calves and thighs by method of launching his knee into his downturned palms to give Mason an answer.

William: I’d ALMOST be upset with you being such a killjoy if you weren’t about to make me so proud by becoming number one contender for the Evolution Ti….

Karen: He brings up a very valid point, William.

The Principle Owner’s silence is broken, her voice emanating from the corner of the room and capturing the attention of both Mason and his bodyguard. Avery DOES have time to listen at this point, ears attune to every word spoken by the recently revealed Principle Owner of the IWC.

Karen: You should temper your expectations.

William: Why? You’re not *gulp* reconsidering MY Pure Wrestling Title anointment ceremony are you?

Karen: No, but what I AM reconsidering are my World Title aspirations.

William: Wait-wait-wait-back it up sister. What do you mean you’re reconsidering your title aspirations?

Karen: Look at the strain my announcement on NewAge regarding the title has put on your relationship with your wife….

William: I’ll explain things to her…She’ll understand in the long run that you were OWED a title shot well before her sister ever became number one contender.

Karen: Yeeeeah, I think you’ll have an easier time convincing Taylor that’s the truth, then you will your wife.

William: Don’t let what Taylor said earlier over Twitter dissuade you from pursuing what’s OWED to you. Desmond PROMISED you a Title opportunity in order to get your financial backing to buy out SCW’s shares in the company. You’re only taking what’s rightfully owed to you.

Karen: True, but you heard what Taylor had to say, she’s threatening to resign. And I won’t have that on my conscious.

William: So what are you going to do?

Karen: I haven’t decided yet. I don’t want strife between the two of us and Taylor, but I also REALLY want my shot at becoming World Champion. I’m gonna go and have a little conversation with Taylor.

William: Do that. I’m sure you’ll help her come to her senses.

Karen: Once we’re through with this whole World Title situation we’ll get to the presentation of your Pure Championship and to the other changes I intend on enforcing here on Riot.

William: Know you said to temper my expectations, but if NewAge was any indication of what you have in store for the IWC, I seriously cannot wait to see what you announce here on Riot.

Karen exits the dressing room into the hall, where two more figures were waiting for the opportunity to corner her.

Desmond: Well-well-well, just who I was looking for.

McBride turns in the direction of Desmond Drake, who doesn’t approach his NEW business partner alone. Following behind Desmond at the moment is a man who will offer little in the way of defense for the pint sized President, considering that both his neck and his arm are currently braced. Martin Cohle, the therapist that Desmond keeps on retainer, is actually standing behind Drake for protection.

Drake: Was hoping to get a moment of your time.

Karen: Funny how you’re suddenly requesting MY time. How it’s feel for the shoe to be on the other foot?

Drake: Now-now, I know I didn’t exactly give you the time you deserved over the past few months.

Karen: You ignored me, Desmond, and you ignored all the promises you made to me.

Drake: Ignored you? NOOOO. I’m just a very busy man, Karen. You’ll soon learn that running a multi-million dollar federation such as SIN puts an extreme tax on your time.

Karen: That’s no excuse for refusing to give me the title matches and exposure that I was guaranteed upon ponying up half the cash you needed to buy-out SCW’s shares of the company.

Drake: Karen, you’re young, your naïve. You just don’t know the difficulties that come with running a wrestling organization. But you’ll learn, and then you’ll have a whole new level of respect for me.

Karen: I highly doubt it.

Drake: Really? Because it seems to me that you’re ALREADY gaining an appreciation and understanding for how I run this corporation. You know you can’t take the feelings of others under consideration, you’ve got to do what’s best for the company, and if it just so happens to benefit yourself in the long run, that’s just the icing on the cake.
<PKaren: What the hell are you talking about?

Drake: You know exactly what I’m talking about, Karen. You gave yourself a World Title shot cause ya know it’s what’s best for you. You’ve obviously recognized that with great power comes the opportunity to abuse the ever living shit out of it. Why have such power if you can’t have a little fun with it, am I right, or am I right?

Drake lifts his palm into the air, actually anticipating a high five from Karen. Needless to say, he doesn’t get one.

Drake: Come on Karen, don’t leave me hanging.

Karen: Why not? You left me hanging for months.

McBride puts as much distance between herself and Desmond as humanly possible.

Drake: Come on Karen, don’t be like that. You know the two of us are more alike than you want to admit.

Cameras return to the ring…no…not the ring, but the table set up inside of it…a table surrounded by “The Genius” Paul Garrett, the “Walking Nightmare” Aerik Walker, and the imposing Arcus Maxton. Though Paul is dwarfed in size by the two giants standing in the ring behind him, Garrett’s words tower above all others

Garrett: Reawakening Day….Reawakening Day…what can I possibly say about Reawakening Day?

Clearly Paul isn’t as enamored with the last pay-per-view as many in attendance seem to be.

Garrett: That night didn’t go exactly as my clients and I would have liked. Suuuurre, we got an awesome debut for Arcus Maxton, who just recently took me on as his agent. Suuuureee, Aerik Walker dominated like no other does. Suuuuree, my clients managed to leave William Mason and Danny Darko bleeding buckets just as Aerik promised to do. Suuuuureee, it was a profitable night for yours truly. But still, even with so much going right, things still went horribly wrong.

Paul’s face puckers like he just ate something sour.

Garrett: For months Aerik Walker fought tooth and nail, spilt blood and broke bones, to get his justly deserved NHB Championship match. After being shafted out of his title bout for months since he won the number one contendership at Invictus, Aerik FINALLY had his opportunity, FINALLY had what was denied to him by the Sinistry over and over again, FINALLY was going to get his shot at Rachel Frost. But much like in the months building into Reawakening Day, Walker found himself SCREWED yet again.

The side of Garrett’s fist strikes against the table that Arcus and Aerik have set up in the middle of the squared circle.

Garrett: Just when Aerik had the victory, once again someone swooped in and stole from him what he worked so hard to earn. It wasn’t Danny Darko or William Mason though, or even any member of the Sinistry who cost Walker what he deserved, it was…brace yourselves for this one….uppity members of the officiate staff. Yes, wrap your minds around that, REFEREES deliberately went out of their way to cost Aerik his NHB Title shot at Reawakening Day. In some misguided attempt at retribution on my client for his repeated ‘corrections’ of bad officiating in the past, two refs collaborated to make sure Walker would not leave the pay-per-view a champion.

Walker: But like any great agent, Garrett here had a back-up plan.

Aerik lifts his own microphone and makes this comment much to the chagrin of the crowd and the delight of Garrett.

Garrett: Oh yes, oh yes I did.

Walker: They don’t call the man a genius for nothing, and he reinforced his superior intellect by bringing Arcus into the equation during my Stairway to Hell match, and by looking over the fine print in the contract for my number one contendership to the NHB Championship.

Garrett: Oh yes, oh yes I did.

Walker: And what he discovered in his analysis of that contract is that I was guaranteed a straight up ONE ON ONE NHB Title match, and that no force on earth could strip me of it. So it didn’t matter if I lost to Mason and Darko in our Stairway to Hell match at Reawakening Day. It didn’t matter that Darko went on to challenge Rachel Frost for her NHB Title later that very night. All that mattered by the end of Reawakening Day is that Walker was STILL number one contender and IS still number one contender headed into our next pay-per-view, Upping the Ante.

Garrett: On that night there will be no more hoops jumped through or hurdles to clear, my client gets his NHB Title match, and now we know for certain it will be against Rachel Frost.

Walker: I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s fitting that I’m taking on a member of the Sinistry at Upping the Ante. They’ve done everything in their power to keep me from challenging for the NHB Title and to keep me subservient to their will. But it’s just like I told the GOOD Movement at the pay-per-view, I’m no one’s errand boy. The Sinistry wanted to treat me like nothing more than another of their minions, and they thought I’d be complacent with it just as long as they kept baiting me with a NHB title shot that was NEVER going to happen.

Garrett: Or at least it was never going to happen as long as you were still a member of the GOOD Movement, who seem to enjoy being nothing more than underlings to the Sinistry.

Walker: I don’t know why Ethan Von Aaron, the quote unquote LEADER of the GOOD Movement is so content with servicing the needs of the Sinistry, and honestly, I’ve given up trying to understand the whole situation. Ethan claimed to be my agent, and claimed to be out to elevate my standing in this company, but instead he bent over backwards to accommodate the Sinistry and throw me under the bus in the process.

For months that weasel got in my ear and convinced me to stay away from Rachel Frost, to do what the Sinistry were telling me to do, to sacrifice both my credibility and my NHB Title shot just so we wouldn’t damage ‘our’ fragile relationship with the powers that run this company. But Reawakening Day changed everything, I finally said ‘ENOUGH.’ Enough bending to the wills of others, enough doing what was good for Ethan Von Aaron, enough abandoning my ambitions just so I wouldn’t piss off the Sinistry, enough-enough-enough with all the bullshit. It’s time for me to stop catering to the GOOD Movement and start focusing on what’s GOOD for me and my career.

Garrett: And what’s GOOD for Aerik is receiving his long overdue NHB title shot at Upping the Ante, in a Tables Are Legal match.

Walker: For months the Sinistry has ordered me to put people through tables in order to retain my number one contendership, but now the ‘tables’ are turned. Rachel Frost is gonna feel the pain of everyone she’s put between the two of us. And everyone I had to put through a table to get to this match.

Ethan: Aerik, bro, I’m begging you to reconsider.

Six eyes shoot from the ring and hit Ethan Von Aaron with the force of a shotgun blast. The stares Porno Lad receives from his FORMER GOOD Movement ally, Aerik Walker, does not dissuade Ethan from making his way down the ramp. All the while he’s fixing his tie and the lapel of his black suit, everything agitating Von Aaron tonight. Commentator William Mayne is ALWAYS agitated, and now we can hear that persistent agitation in the background.

Mayne: Yawwwn, I just woke up, what’s been happening…OH look, it’s Ethan Von Aaron, knew there was a reason to open my eyes again.

Von Aaron pauses right at the edge of the ramp, stopping his forward momentum but never stopping his mouth.

Ethan: There’s a right time and a right place for everything. And this isn’t the time nor the place for you to pull stunts like these. And Upping the Ante, is no venue to challenge for the NHB Championship….no-no….Just all around wrong. As your friend and former advisor, I’m here to tell you that fighting for the NHB title at Upping the Ante would be a CRUCIAL mistake.

Walker: Mistake? For who? Me, or Rachel Frost?

Ethan’s mouth finally closes.

Ethan: Okay, obviously you’re talking crazy right now and you seem to be a little on edge. Well let me talk you down from that ledge my friend…

Walker: Don’t you mean talk me out of hurting Rachel?

Ethan: Wait-wait-wait, TIIIME OUT, why would I….heh-heh….be concerned with the well being of Rachel Frost?

Walker: Because it seems your more concerned with the well-being of the Sinistry than you are with your own friends.

Ethan: Are you listening to yourself, Aerik? You’ve lost it man, you’ve gone MENTAL. Why are you lashing out at me? We’re buddies, we’re like this…

He lifts his pressed together fingers into the air, a display of the ‘unity’ between he and Walker.

Ethan: So I’ve come out here to protect YOU, Aerik, just like I’ve been doing for months.

Walker: Me?

Ethan: Didn’t you see what Rachel did to Darko at the pay-per-view and to Montgomery here tonight? She’s a friggin killer. A monster. A remorseless machine. Do you really want to bring that type of punishment down on your head? Let’s face it, Aerik, you’re in your twilight years while Frost is in the prime of her life. You wouldn’t stand a chance against her. You’d NEVER be the same after you faced her. You need to reconsider this match at Upping the Ante, Aerik, STRONGLY reconsider it.

Walker: The only thing I’m reconsidering right now is why I never put YOUR ASS through a table.

An agitated Ethan grinds his teeth till the point that sparks threaten to fly from his mouth.

Walker: Your influence over me is OVER..

An agitated Ethan shivers like he just took part in an ice-dump challenge.

Walker: So walk away now Ethan, find yourself a real cozy seat and watch Arcus subject the two officials who cost me my Stairway to Hell match at Reawakening Day to the same type of treatment your Sinistry buds are going to suffer at Upping the Ante.

An agitated Ethan groans like a cast member in Grumpy Old Men.

Garrett: Patrick Fitzpatrick, Alex Ingelson, the two of you masterminded a plot to cost Walker an opportunity at the championship, and if you want to play in the big dog’s yard you had better be ready to get bitten. We’re not going to handle you rebellious referees with kid’s gloves, we’re gonna let the dog off the leash. I made the challenge on NewAge for Arcus Maxton versus Fitzpatrick and Ingelson here on Riot, and if you don’t come out here to take your lickings and force us to wait for revenge, the punishment is only going to be so-soooo much worse. You don’t want to make a rabid dog hungry…

An Agitated Ethan watches this scene unfold as intently as he scans the pictorials of a Hustler magazine. His attention only becomes more focused when Fitzpatrick and Ingelson actually have the gall to show up. The referees, adorned in their standard uniforms, reluctantly step through the curtains and apprehensively begin towards the ring.

Mayne: These idiots are actually coming out here? What makes them think they’ll be any challenge to this massive Arcus? Maxton has probably had bigger bowl movements than these two.

It’s pretty evident that neither Ingelson nor Fitzpatrick are here for the purposes of a fight. There is no wrestling gear affixed to their bodies and there is a clear sense of dread hanging over their faces. They don’t even raise their eyes to return the intimidating gazes beamed in their directions by Walker and Maxton, and their words are directed at Garrett, NOT his massive clients.

Garrett: I’m surprised to see that you two are bigger men than I thought you were.

Ingelson: Listen mate, this whole situation has gone a touch too far.

Garrett: Has it now?

Ingelson: We regret our unprofessional conduct at Reawakening Day, but a message HAD to be sent to your client. For weeks he’s repeatedly brutalized and berated the officiating staff, so we felt that steps needed to be taken to remind him who had the proper authority.

Garrett: And you decided to do that by method of SCREWING Walker out of the NHB Championship?

Ingelson: Again, we apologize for what happened at the pay-per-view, but it’s what NEEDED to happen. I think Mr. Walker will have a greater appreciation for the officials in his matches from this point on….

Garrett: Alright, enough, bored now….Arcus, show them just how much you and Aerik appreciate the referees.

A sinister grin enhances the aura of fear surrounding Arcus.

Ingelson: We didn’t come out here looking for a fight, mate.

Garrett: Too bad, because it looks like you’ve found one.

Official Ingelson is grabbed by the wrist and yanked into the tree trunk thick arm of Maxton. The clothesline is delivered with near decapitating effect, sending the referee corkscrewing through the air with his head just barely staying attached to his neck. Before Fitzpatrick can react he’s grabbed by the wrist and Irish whipped straight into Walker’s waiting big boot.

Mayne: What were these two thinking when they came out here? Did they actually think they’d talk some sense into Walker, Garrett and Arcus? That’s like trying to reason with a chainsaw.

And much like a chainsaw, Walker and Arcus are chopping down their targets, fines or suspensions be damned.

Right now their preferred method of destroying these officials does not involve chainsaws, but tables. Arcus grabs Ingelson by the throat, pulls him up to his feet and then heaves him into the air. Aerik grabs Fitzpatrick by the throat, pulls him up to his feet and then heaves him into the air. The crowd winces at the sight of Walker and Maxton delivering stereo chokeslams on their respective targets. The mangled bodies of both officials are crushed against the canvas, leaving their organs smashed and potentially pierced by their broken bones.

Mayne: Ingelson, Fitzpatrick, I’d suggest finding a new place of employment, maybe something less physical, like flipping burgers at Wendy’s or something.

Garrett, the mind behind the muscle, steps back and observes his clients draping Ingelson across the surface of the table that they’ve had sat and waiting in the middle of the ring. Arcus then drapes himself over the top of the nearest turnbuckle, sitting on the corner and waiting for a special delivery. Fitzpatrick is Fed Exed right up and onto Arcus’ shoulders, Walker planting him there then stepping out of the way. Hives and goosebumps are forming as Arcus stands up on the middle rope, holding a screaming Fitzpatrick on his shoulders before ultimately SUPER powerbombing him down through Ingelson and the table.

Mayne: Oooooh wow….just wow. I’m loving this for a number of reasons. For starters, I’ve never liked that limey Alex Ingelson, and I hate Patrick Fitzpatrick’s beard. Plus, Walker and Maxton putting their hands on the officiating staff means they can be subjected to suspensions, maybe even, if we’re lucky, the taking of Walker’s NHB title opportunity. Wouldn’t that be glorious?

Not only did Walker and Arcus put their hands on the officials, they put the two through tables. The bodies of the referees are left as fragmented and fractured as the chunks of table they lay on top of.

Arcus drapes the mangled carcasses of Fitzpatrick and Ingelson on top of one another, stacking them up and then throwing his own body over his victims. He makes the pin while Aerik strips away Ftizpatrick’s shirts and throws the collar around his neck. Walker points at the officiating jersey hung over his shoulders, and the smirk on his face before dropping to the canvas where he makes the count.




Mayne: And these two continue to make a total mockery of the officiating staff. I don’t think Walker has learned to appreciate our referees at all. But apparently teaching him anything is a lost cause. The man OBVIOUSLY never learns his lesson, otherwise he wouldn’t be continuing to bait and challenge the Sinistry.

Surprised expressions befall the face of the fans, who watch with slacked jaws as Arcus pins the officials and then rises triumphantly to his feet, obtaining victory in this totally unsanctioned match. Walker steps in and grabs him by his wrist, lifting his new associate’s arm into the air to further rub this ‘victory’ in all those stunned faces watching from the crowd, as well as the one watching from ringside. Ethan shakes his head and slides his hands into his hair, on the brink of tearing chunks right out of his skull.

He gets an even more ominous precursor of the fate that will befall the NHB Champion, when Aerik slides ANOTHER table into the ring. Arcus quickly sets it up on his partner’s behalf while Walker is forcing Ingelson up to his feet then into his shoulders, heaving him up into the fireman’s carry.

Walker: The first table you went through was for me, this one…well…this one is for Rachel.

Ethan can’t even watch, finding the whole scene to be too garish. He turns his back and storms up the ramp towards the back and Ingelson wishes he could do the same. Unfortunately, at the moment Alex is going nowhere but skull first through the table with the 747. The official suffers the same fate that could be awaiting Rachel Frost at Upping the Ante.

The actions of Aerik Walker and his thinly veiled threats aimed at Rachel Frost has Ethan Von Aaron continuing to react erratically. The more distance he puts between himself and the ring, where two referees have just been driven through tables, does nothing to put Von Aaron’s troubled mind at ease. He all but tears the curtains that serve as the entry canal right off their hooks as he storms towards the gorilla position. He might just start behaving like a gorilla the moment he overhears a familiar voice.

Katelyn: I want to put it on him.

Abigail: No-no-no, you always get all the fun. I get to put it on him tonight.

Ethan’s expression further sours as he approaches the oh so sweet Abigail Lindsey and the equally as delectable Katelyn Buehler. The two are playfully arguing with one another as they find themselves in a tug of war over a piece of fabric stretched between them.

Katelyn: Where’s Cassidy?

Buehler eludes to Cassidy Cage, one of her best friends and most trusted allies.

Katelyn: She’ll settle this for us.

Abigail: She and Maxine got stuck at some Chinese restaurant and the tarts totally lost track of time.

Katelyn: Damn. Is she at least gonna be here in time to help us defy the Sinistry and get out of this ridiculous triple threat match they’ve booked us in against each other tonight?

Abigail: With the way Maxine drives her Harley, they could be here any second. Or end up in the emergency room. Never can tell.

Katelyn: Awww, well that’s just…

Ethan: You whiney little bitches. Listen to the both of you. Crying like a bunch of sixteen year old girls who just gave birth to a baby in the bathroom at their prom.

Buehler sighs and Abi smiles, in fact, does she ever STOP smiling, as Von Aaron stomps towards them.

Ethan: Like either of you two have anything to complain about. For starters, Katelyn, you spent many a night, actually, more like five times a night, being drilled by yours truly. So you should be in perpetual ecstasy. And Abi, since Katelyn banged me, and your now banging her, that means you’ve banged me by proxy, so you should be happy too..

Abigail: Like ewwwww….GROSS.

Ethan: So I don’t want to stand here listening to the two of you bitching and moaning…well Abi, you can moan all you want….

Abigail: I’m starting to feel like I’m being eye raped right now.

Ethan: Anyway, the two of you don’t have it so bad, you don’t even know what bad really is. Bad is the prospect of being a valiant, beautiful champion put through a table by some geriatric monster with something to prove. So don’t go acting like you’re lives are so miserable just because you have to face each other in a triple threat match tonight. You wouldn’t even have to worry about facing each other if you showed just a little bit of loyalty to the powers that be, if you didn’t go out of your way to fuck over the Sinistry.

The thought makes Abi and Kate want to gag.

Ethan: Just look at me. I accepted the new hierarchy and I’m reaping the benefits. My career, and the careers of my clients have never been better. Marie Jones beat Vanilla Skank at Reawakening Day, and Alana Starr bested the Tattooed Hooker Biscuit to become the X-Class Champion. It don’t get no better than that. And the two of you might just have the same prosperity if you stepped in line and played ball with the Bosses.
<PKatelyn: You know Ethan, this is the first time we’ve really talked since we broke up over six months ago.

Ethan: Uh-huh.

Katelyn: And you just reminded me why I’ve went out of my way to avoid speaking to you.

Ethan: Hmmmm.

Katelyn: There are a lot of things I did wrong in the past that I wish I could fix, but pissing off the Sinistry isn’t one of them. Nooo, what I regret the most is that I didn’t hit you just a little bit harder with the KTFO on NewAge.

Ethan’s jaw still feels the sting of the roaring elbow he took from his ex-girlfriend a week ago, one he threw himself in front of in order to protect Rachel Frost.

Ethan: Rest assured ladies, the two of you are going to regret not paying heed to my warnings…..Now if you’ll kindly fuck off, I’ve got business to deal with regarding other ladies who piss and moan all over Twitter like their world is ending. I’m off to find Kordy.

Once Ethan’s words drift away and his body fades in the distance, Buehler and Lindsey continue where they left off.

Katelyn: Where were we.

Abigail: Uhhhh, oh yeah. I want to do it.

Katelyn: No…ME!

They continue to fight for possession of the fabric drawn between them.

Katelyn: You know it would probably be so much easier if we just went to McBride with our complaint about the three way.

Abigail: Yeah, but nowhere near as fun as going to Ba’al with our grievance.

Katelyn: True.

Abigail: Plus, I think Tay might appreciate the airing of our grievances to the Sinistry rather than Prestige.

Katelyn: Hmmm, I guess you’ve got a point there.

Abigail: So we’re agreed then. We’ll try to reason with Ba’al first and get him to reconsider.

Katelyn: Yep.

Abigail: And we’re agreed that I get to be the one who puts this on him?

The two look down at the fabric extended between their hands…that fabric being a strait-jacket.

Karen McBride’s attempts to smooth things over between all the parties involved in the twisted World Title situation is what brings her to the dressing room of Taylor Chase. She is on the cusp of entering the room and talking with the lady who threatened to resign after McBride ‘stole’ Taylor’s World Title opportunity at the upcoming Upping the Ante event.

Silas: Ya might not wanna go and do that.

Karen’s hand cautiously lingers above the doorknob, stopping shy of it when hearing Silas’ words and seeing his approaching face…a face that wears a mask of distress.

Karen: And why is that, Silas?

Silas: Cause I’m concerned for yer well-being. I pledged to keep ya protected, and I ain’t gonna be doin a good job of it I let ya go into that room with Baby Doll.

Karen: Is she really that upset?

Silas: The girl has dun went and blown her top. And try as I may to put things into perspective for her, she jus’ ain’t listenin’.

Karen: So she’s still determined to resign based on my decision to announce myself the challenger for the title at Upping the Ante? Doesn’t she realize that she’s STILL getting a title shot at the End of the Year Special?

Silas: Listen, BOSS, it jus’ ain’t safe for ya to go in there right now. Baby Doll too emotional at the moment. So how bout ya let Silas World do what we’ve pledged to do since day one, keep ya pretty lil’ self outta danger? I’ll go and talk to Tay, try to calm her down, and then maybe the two of ya can hash things out in the ring later tonight.

Karen: Well, I hope you have some success.

Silas: I’ll try my best, that’s all I can promise, but Baby Doll is pretty pig headed. She’s so convinced yer an underserving challenger, that Ba’al should be facin’ a stronger opponent at Upping the Ante, someone who will put greater strain upon ‘em to retain his title.

Karen: Ouch.

Silas: Baby Doll’s words, not mine. Plus, she says that the least ya could of dun is give her some incentive to coax her to agree to wait for her title match till the End of the Year Special.

Karen: Lesson learned.

Silas: But you jus’ let me talk to ‘er okay. I’ll work on straighten ‘er out.

Karen: Thanks Silas, I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.

Silas: Think nothing of it. I knew there was a reason Silas World was drawn to you all those weeks ago, we saw ya and yer potential nuclear bomb as something that would change this industry forever. And ya have no idea how good it feels for Silas and his clients to be on the ground floor for that change.

The smooth operator opens the door and steps into Taylor’s dressing room where a rather somber Chase sits and an eager Kelcey Wallace paces in front of her.

Kelcey: So Tay, jut want to make sure, you’re not going to go out there and make a big mistake right?

Taylor: I’ve had some time to think about things, Kels. And everything you’ve told me throughout the week is right. I need to calm down and think this out clearly before I give over to a brash and impulsive decision.

Kelcey: You have no idea how great it makes me feel to hear you say that.

Taylor: I worked too hard for this World Title match to throw it away by resigning. So I’ll let Karen have her little moment in the spotlight, and then I’ll…

Silas: That fuckin’ CUNT!

Taylor and Kelcey are jarred by Silas’ words and his flash of anger.

Kelcey: Who are you calling cunt? Don’t think I don’t have Kraven on speed-dial.

Silas: I’m talkin’ bout that damned uppity Karen McBride. Jus’ ran into ‘er outside yer dressing room, Baby Doll.

Taylor: Oooh really. I would have liked to have talked to her.

Silas: She wasn’t in any type of talkin mood, Baby Doll. In fact, she was here wit security to have ya dragged out of the buildin’.

Taylor: What?

Silas: That manipulative lil bitch said she wasn’t gonna let ya challenge ‘er authority. That she IS gonna challenge Ba’al for the World Title, and yer damned lucky to be gettin’ any kind of title shot at all.

Kelcey: Karen said all of that?

Silas: Oh she said a lot more than that. But my Momma brought me up right, and taught me to never use the type of vulgarities that Karen was spewin while I’m in the company of ladies.

Taylor: That does it!

Tay stands up and throws the magazine that WAS on her lap, across the surface of an inn table.

Taylor: Where does that bitch get off?

Silas: This is gonna sound very counter productive Baby Doll, given all the time and energy I’ve invested into yer IWC career, but maybe the time is right to resign.

Kelcey: That’s NOT the answer Tay.

Taylor: No, Silas is right. It’s the ONLY answer.

Silas: This place has toyed wit yer career for the las’ time, Baby Doll. It’s time ya put yer foot down in the middle of that damned ring and told the world like it was. Ya need to set the powers that be right and let ‘em know ya won’t be mistreated no longer…or else.

Taylor: For once Silas, your right, God help me, you’re right.


I WANT TO BE A GOOD MAN filters through the speakers, leading to the arrival of an individual who has created quite a bit of aggravation for the powers that be in recent weeks. The very man who found his conscious at Reawakening Day now storms towards the ring searching for something more than a soul, he’s looking for victory

Mayne: How could you fans cheer for this man? Seriously? HOW!?! He’s a friggin child abductor. He kidnapped the Sinisty’s children. And now he’s scheduled to fight in a four way pitting him against Ba’al, like he even deserves to stand in the ring with my Master.

This fact is rather debatable considering that the children who Hurse ‘abducted’ were actually the little girls of Katelyn Buehler, and he returned them to their rightful place. That’s why he’s getting such a sizeable pop at the moment, the crowd lauding support behind the athlete who finally came to his senses, discovering his back-bone just in time to have it broken. The moment Hurse stops on the stage, a gavel comes crashing across the back of his head.

Mayne: This guy is legitimately the biggest piece of slime I’ve seen since that floating green booger in Ghostbusters….I think his name was Rick Moranis. And furthermo…..OH GOLLY, IT’S OUR QUEEN!

That queen being Rachel Foxx, who acts with little regality as she delivers a concussing shot with the gavel right across the back of Hurse’s cranium. The shot knocks Hurse off of his feet and sends him rolling in the direction of the ring. All the while the Suicide Queen follows Hurse with a look of unbridled malice twisting her face and tensing her muscles.

Foxx: You took my children… took my CHILDREN!

Foxx stops employing the hammer and now grabs Hurse by the wrist, whipping him along right into the exposed turnbuckle post. Hurse bounces off of it and goes twisting to the mats.

Foxx: You stole my babies away from me!

Foxx, who’s actually showed some maternal instincts when in possession of Katelyn Buehler’s girls, now shows some homicidal instincts when encountering the man who took those children away from her to restore them to their proper place. Foxx pulls Hurse up to his feet and Irish whips him once again into the turnbuckle.

Foxx: What kind of monster takes another person’s children?

Foxx employs ANOTHER Irish whip, now sending Hurse rolling into the ring. Although the Suicide Queen would enjoy continuing her systematic destruction of her target, she stops at ringside and slams the gavel over and over again across the steel steps.

Foxx: You’re fortunate that you have a match against meine Liebe. I will delight in watching him finish what I’ve started.

The pending demise of Hurse looms in the very near future and no doubt the man making his way through the curtains will aid in that destruction. BAD TO THE BONE is playing through the speakers, Scott Cannon stepping through the curtains. Scott can’t help but to hide a grin at the sight of Hurse’s destruction. He can only smile for so long however, before his expression is transformed into a grimace. A double axehandle caves in his upper back, a double axehandle delivered by Decay, personal servant to Ba’al and the Sinistry.

Mayne: On top of being an all-around horrible human being, Scott Cannon has a bigger chin than Jay Leno, and I can’t wait to see Ba’al knock that jaw off of him come tonig…OOOH….now it’s Decay attacking Cannon. No doubt revenge for that shot from the World Title belt on NewAge last week.

Decay continues to bludgeon the man who bashed his head in with a belt on the last NewAge when Cannon SURPRISINGLY came to the defense of Lethal Weapon. The shot delivered over his upper back has Scott losing all control of his lower body. He goes rolling down the ramp and reaches the mats where Rachel Foxx is waiting, delivering a few stomps across the back of his skull. Decay then grabs him by the back of the head, drags Cannon to his feet and slams his face down against the apron.

Mayne: This is the smartest thing I’ve seen since I watched the show V.I.P. The Sinistry getting their retribution, and at the same time weakening Ba’al’s opponents.

Decay spins Cannon around, wedges a shoulder to his gut and powers him spine first directly into the apron. Scott groans from the pain that flows through his spine and lower back, the collision with the apron causing his legs to buckle as he falls to his knees. He then leans towards the ring, hand finding its way under the squared circle.

Foxx: Raise him.

Foxx makes this request with one palm upturned and lifting repeatedly, while the other hand clutches the gavel that she will surely put to good use. Decay straightens Cannon only for the Sinistry supporter to find himself doubled over when Scott removes a Singapore Cane from beneath the ring and swings it straight into the giant’s ribs. Decay doubles over and staggers back from Cannon, who wisely rolls into the ring and out of the way of the gavel that was swinging at his skull.

Although Scott begs either Foxx or Decay to get into the ring, there’s only one person about to step foot in the squared circle with him. The all too familiar lyrics of ‘Back in the Game’ by Airborne are playing through the speakers and Lethal Weapon is stomping through the curtains. The crowd is having quite the field day at the sight of Weapon, who gets a rather heroic welcome from the masses. He now comes strolling down the ramp before turning around abruptly to make sure no one is rushing through the curtains to get the drop on him. Luckily there is no one waiting in the wings to bludgeon Weapon, and if they were, Lethal would have rearranged their teeth with his flying superman punch.

Now that the coast is clear, Lethal turns back towards his targets in the ring, two weakened targets. He then starts down the ramp when a figure leaps out of the crowd and attacks him from the side. Before Weapon can respond, he’s being nailed directly to the chin by Hunter Locke….head of SIN security.

Mayne: Lethal Weapon has the biggest nose this side of Gonzo, seriously, I would expect him to be more at home playing the role of Cyrano de Bergerac than he would wrestling. HEY, it’s Hunter Locke….the UNSTOPPABLE Hunter Locke….and he’s just taken Lethal Weapon’s big nose right off his face in retaliation for that Golden Bullet Spear Locke received from Lethal on NewAge.

Weapon has been sent spiraling to the ground while Locke lays into his body with boots. The vengeful Hunter reaches into his pocket and removes a zip-tie, one that he is on the brink of wrapping around Weapon’s wrists, just like he did several weeks ago on Riot.

Mayne: Yeah, cuff those wrists and take him out of the building like you did the first night this bastard showed up on Riot.

Just before Locke can wrap Weapon’s wrists, Lethal manages to stand up and drive a shoulder directly into Hunter’s ribs. He powers him backwards right through Decay and Rachel before driving Hunter into the mats, both men rolling around exchanging punches. Eventually Lethal is able to grab Hunter’s arm and make an attempt to apply a Kimura Lock only to have Foxx and Decay drag their head of security out of the submission and up the ramp. Weapon rises to his knees at ringside, eyes smoldering with rage as they watch the Sinistry back up the ramp.

Mayne: Have you absolutely ZERO respect for authority, Weapon? That’s the head of security you just put your damned hands on.

The Sinistry forces back up the ramp while Weapon remains crouched at ringside. This stare-down at ringside is tense, but it’s nothing compared to the tension inside of the ring where Hurse is kneeling and Cannon is standing above him.

Many eyes draw towards the cane and the man holding it. Scott looks at the weapon in his palms, and Cannon begins to figure that it would be a shame that he doesn’t get SOME use out of it. So he steps forward, lifting the cane up and readying it for use on the back of Hurse, who remains turned away, ailing from the assault by the Suicide Queen.

Mayne: Yes Cannon, do it….DO IT!

Scott lifts the weapon over-head and is on the cusp of bringing it down onto Hurse’s skull, splitting it like an egg on the edge of a frying pan. But Cannon’s plot is scrambled and things don’t go over-easy when Lethal Weapon comes sliding into the ring.

Weapon: What are you planning to do with that cane, Boy?

Cannon’s motives suddenly change on the fly. He lowers the cane and extends his hand, patting Hurse reassuringly on the shoulder.

Cannon: Here you go pal, let me give you a hand. Dust yourself off and pick yourself up. We have ourselves a match to compete in old sport.

The Silas World supporter aids a barely conscious Hurse to his feet, though much of the former IWC World Champion’s weight is placed upon the ropes. As Cannon brushes debris from Hurse’s shoulder, Scott’s eyes focus on Lethal climbing into the ring.

Cannon: Why must you always be so distrusting?

Weapon: Cut the bullshit, Scott.

Lethal, who remains one of few on the roster who haven’t been manipulated by Silas World continues to call Scott out on his deceptive tactics. Over recent weeks Lethal has been forced to watch Cannon pull the wool over the eyes of the roster and the world, blinding them to the fact that Silas World was instrumental in allowing Orlando Cruze, Weapon’s former protégé, to be crucified by the Sinistry. Although Scott was in a position to stop that crucifixion from happening, he instead walked away and allowed it, allowed the Icon to be broken and bloodied above the ring. The images of that garish scene continue to haunt Weapon as he stares into that cavalier smirk on Cannon’s face.

Weapon: You may have all these people bamboozled, but I’m not daft. You’re only out for yourself.

Cannon: No one is accusing you of being ‘daft,’ Mr. Weapon. Maybe a little ‘delusional,’ but not ‘daft.’

Weapon: Shut it Scott, I gave you the chance to speak on NewAge….and what did you do, you fucked up the Hurse versus Ba’al match and let Ba’al get away with a victory.

Cannon: No, I did everything I said I would. I had your back against the Sinistry, and then YOU turned around, hit me with a Superman punch and cost Hurse his opportunity at revenge.

Both men are referring to the twisted situation in which saw Cannon serve as special guest referee, and Weapon serve as special guest ring enforcer for the match between Ba’al and Hurse at NewAge. Eventually their personal grudges caused them to lose sight of their mutual enemy, Ba’al, and allowed him to defeat Hurse in the process.

Clearly Hurse hasn’t lost sight of this fact either. Hurse puts an end to it all, rushing forward with his biceps crushing the throats of Cannon and Weapon, simultaneously silencing both men.

Hurse: ENOUGH!

Cannon and Weapon roll away from the infuriated Hurse, who has a legitimate gripe against both men based on their actions on NewAge, actions that contributed to Hurse being pinned by Ba’al.

Mayne: HAHA! Hurse looking for retribution on the two men who he ‘perceives’ to have cost him his match on NewAge. In actuality, he should be thanking Weapon and Cannon, they saved him from a further beating at the hands of Ba’al.

The infuriated Hurse grabs Cannon around the neck, dragging him up to his feet and unleashing vengeful knees across his face. The strikes stagger Cannon back as he attempts to get his arms in front of his face for protection. Hurse then delivers a punt kick right upside Cannon’s forehead, sending him spiraling backwards into the turnbuckle, which he leans against. He then grabs Weapon by the wrist the moment Lethal’s reached his feet, whipping him directly into Cannon.

Lethal spins around and crashes back first into Scott’s stomach, the two stacked up in the corner.

Hurse: I don’t care about Orlando, I don’t care about Silas World, I don’t care about anything but the revenge you bastards cost me on NewAge!

Hurse takes off across the ring and lunges into the air, leaping into a stinger splash that squishes both men.

The collision deflates the lungs of both of his adversaries. Hurse drops back to his feet, takes Weapon by the wrist and whips him off across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. Lethal crashes into the far corner and Hurse closes the distance between them, barreling across the ring, lunging into the air and delivering the step up knee strike directly to Lethal’s jaw. The stiff strike almost knocks Weapon down out of the corner, yet he remains as stubborn as a cinder block, and equally as hard to break.

Hurse steps down and looks across the ring at Scott, another man equally as culpable for costing him his match against Ba’al at NewAge. The furious Hurse puts all his energy, all his rage behind the step up knee strike that connects deliberately across Cannon’s jaw. Much like Weapon, Scott is NOT taken down however, he remains standing, as stubborn as a dug in tick.

Ba’al: Very good…very good.

Hurse has Cannon set up in a side headlock before his eyes averted to the ramp now occupied by the Prince of Sin. The World Championship hangs indiscriminately from Ba’al’s palm as he steps towards the ring, eyes examining the trio of adversaries slated to face him this evening. However, his gaze primarily focuses upon Hurse, the individual responsible for the abduction of ‘HIS’ children.

Mayne: It’s the Master, at long last it’s the Master? Where has he been? Oh no, please forgive me for questioning his whereabouts.

In spite of the fact that Ba’al is moving towards a ring full of ravenous animals waiting to tear his flesh from his bone he shows no trepidation. He passes by Foxx, Decay and Locke, momentarily instructing the trio to head backstage before turning his focus to those beset against him, primarily Hurse.

Ba’al: At long last it appears as if the Hurse we were attempting to coerce out of you has manifested, just in time to do our bidding.

Hurse maintains the side headlock on Cannon, but does not maintain control of his emotions.

Ba’al: You, Herr Hurse, and so many others on this roster claim that you stand in opposition to the Sinistry, but in one way or another, each of you continues to be in servitude to the Frost family. You just may not be consciously aware of it.

Even more control of Hurse’s emotions are lost, as well as his grasp on Cannon. Scott wedges his hands to Hurse’s spine and shoves him off of the attempted bulldog directly into the Flying Superman punch. Weapon lunges out of the diagonal corner and crushes Hurse’s face with his fist, almost knocking teeth right out of his mouth and sending them dispersing through the building.

Ba’al: Superb, Herr Harris, superb.

Ba’al raises the Sin Championship and throws it over his shoulder, watching Weapon with a condescending smirk on his face.

Ba’al: Save me the effort of having to crucify Hurse myself. Even you, in spite of your vehicular manslaughter attempts, continue to prove an invaluable foot soldier to the Sinistry efforts.

Weapon does NOT take kindly to this insinuation. His eyes, full of menace, twist towards the smirking Champion at ringside.

Ba’al: You believe you are unlike everyone else in the sense that you are not susceptible to deception? Yet here you are in the Sinistry’s ring vanquishing my foes. I need not lift a finger and yet I shall still witness the destruction of all those who oppose me, for you will be my FIST Weapon.

Rage surges through Weapon as he prepares to direct his next Superman Punch into Ba’al’s face. Those plans go awry when Weapon catches a glimpse of Scott staggering out of the corner behind him, Lethal delivering a back elbow square to his jaw. The strike sends Cannon crashing to the canvas. At the same time Weapon ducks under an inbound clothesline from a recovered Hurse. As a result a disorientated Hurse goes staggering along into the turnbuckle, falling with his back to the ropes. Weapon then comes rushing in only to eat two boots, Hurse launching his feet up into the air and getting his leather heels caught between Weapon’s teeth.

Lethal staggers back, disorientated by this shot across the jaw and ending up right in Cannon’s clutches. Scott sits up behind a dazed Lethal, catches him around the thigh then pulls him down into the school boy. He then transitions out of the pin into an elevation of both of Weapon’s legs, dropping back and catapulting him directly into Hurse.

Lethal flies through the air and crashes directly into Hurse, both men squished against one another in the corner.

Ba’al: Excellent, Herr Cannon, excellent.

Scott rises to his feet then spins around to glare at the ever so maniacal Ba’al, offering his take on all the action as he watches from ringside.

Ba’al: You believe you fight for the honor of Silas World, for the honor of Taylor Chase, for the honor of Orlando Cruze, but in actuality my child, you fight for the Sinistry. Your attempts to destroy Weapon and to destroy Hurse benefit only the Frost family.

Surprisingly Cannon remains relatively calm and as cool as someone’s head after a game winning dump of Gatorade. He shakes his skull at Ba’al, refusing to be undone by the champion’s statements. Focus then returns to his two ailing opponents both of which stacked against each other in the corner. Scott comes charging in, lunging through the air and connecting with a stinger splash of his own, against both of his opponents. Scott then finds himself shocked however when Weapon steps out of the corner and grabs Cannon by the back of the head, throwing him into the turnbuckle. Lethal then begins to deliver kicks to Cannon’s ribs, at the same time that Hurse is peppering them with blows from his fists.

Eventually Hurse’s fist works its way from Scott’s forehead to Lethal’s chest, nailing a knife edge chop. Weapon turns away holding his sternum while Hurse turns around and finds his face turned inside out by Cannon’s bionic elbow. Cannon then moves away from Hurse into a head butt directly to Weapon’s skull.

As the violence escalates in the ring, the smile on Ba’al’s face widens. He is truly enjoying this spectacle…from AFAR. However, he soon gets a very up close view of the action when a series of blows collide with his spine. It seems Ba’al will share in the same fate as the three other men participating in this match, the three men who were assaulted before the contest ever got underway. This time it’s two of Sinistry’s victims doing the assaulting rather the Sinistry victimizing others. The crowd is going nutter-butters at the sight of Abigail Lindsey and Katelyn Buehler getting the drop on the Prince of Sin.

Mayne: WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT!?! SERIOUSLY!?! How dare these lunatics attack Ba’al before he’s had a chance to get in the ring. Have they no shame? Lindsey and Buehler deserve to rot in hell for this!

The crowd is going absolutely bananas in pajamas at the sight of Buehler and Lindsey AT LAST gaining a measure of retribution on Ba’al for the many past misdeeds he’s committed against them, and they accomplish it by methods all too familiar to the figure head of the Sinistry. A strait-jacket falls out of Buehler’s hands and into Abigail’s clutches, the two stretching the coat over Ba’al’s body.

Mayne: What are you two twisted bitches doing? Stop that! STOP THAT this instant!! You don’t FORCE someone into a straight-jacket. It’s as un-kosher as trief.

The reaction from the masses is indescribable as Abigail and Katelyn manage to bind Ba’al’s arms to his chest and tighten the straps of the strait-jacket across his back. The World Champion’s eyes widen with anger as he struggles to free himself from the coat restricting his every movement. He does not take kindly to the fact that he’s being forced to endure the very same treatment he has inflicted on so many others. Katelyn slowly bends at the knees and gets face to face with her target.

Katelyn: Starting to reconsider your stance on that triple threat for later tonight between Abigail, Cassidy and I?

Ba’al says nothing, and if he did, he would not speak comments that are flattering for Buehler or Abigail.

Abigail: Awww, Kate, I think we made Kirian all grumpy. He looks like one sad panda.

Katelyn: Actually he looks kind of constipated to me.

Abigail: No, he looks a bit ‘unhinged,’ a little ‘CRAY-CRAY.’ Maybe we should give him some help, the same kind of help he tried to give me a few weeks ago.

Katelyn: You know what, you’re right. Let’s help him out.

Ba’al continues to remain silent, even as he is forced to his feet and thrown into the ring while his body is still trapped in the strait-jacket.

Mayne: This isn’t right, this isn’t right for the love of Pete! Someone, anyone, anywhere, DO SOMETHING! Where are the rest of the Sinistry? THESE BITCHES ARE RUNNIN’ WILD!

Katelyn and Abigail interlock arms and back up the ramp while Ba’al finds his arms pinned to his chest as he rolls into the ring. He gets to his knees spitting venom at the departing Buehler and Lindsey. But as soon as he rises to his feet, he finds his back turned to the three men ready to uncoil with serpent-esque strikes.

Mayne: Get out of the ring Master! Get out of the ring as quick as you can.

Ba’al does not move fast enough, and even if he could he still wouldn’t leave the ring. Instead he turns around and almost embraces what’s going to happen to him next. His eyes are focused on the faces of Cannon, Hurse and Weapon, who are no longer divided by their hatred for one another and now unified by their hatred for Ba’al.

In spite of the violence that is about to befall him, Ba’al drops to his knees and actually begins to smile.

Ba’al: This is your opportunity gentlemen, take your retribution…

Scott is the first to pull back his fist.

Ba’al: But know that each strike you deliver will be returned upon you ten-fold once my arms have been freed.

This threat does not stop Cannon fist from cracking Ba’al right across his face. Nor does the threat stay the hand of Weapon. All five knuckles wrap around the bridge of Ba’al’s nose. Weapon’s fist only moves aside so that Hurse’s boots can fly through the air and crack directly into Ba’al’s chin. The front dropkick knocks Ba’al from his knees to his back, sending him rolling into a nearby corner. Try as he may to open his mouth he finds himself silenced when Cannon barrels across the ring and slams his own boot directly into Ba’al’s lips. The Cannonball connects, leaving Ba’al twitching across the canvas.

But the face wash was only a fraction of what’s in store for him next. Weapon steps to the center of the ring and doubles over, hands to his knees in anticipation of lunging into the Golden Bullet on the ribs of the recovering SIN Champion.


Mayne: Shut up you sycophantic sadists.

Weapon has no problem giving into the demands of the fans, rushing across the ring the moment that Ba’al has gotten to his feet and diving in for the spear on his prone and defenseless target. However, at the last second Cannon pulls Ba’al out of position, causing Weapon to fly right past his original target and crack head first into the turnbuckle. Weapon’s skull bounces off of the corner while Ba’al’s skull is pulled into a front chancery. Cannon is setting up for the House Rules.

Mayne: This is as unacceptable as dry humping a washing machine.

Ba’al’s feet leave the canvas as he’s elevated in position for Scott’s take on the jackhammer. Just before he can connect with the move that would surely spell disaster for the trapped Ba’al, salvation for the SIN Champion comes in unlikely form. One calamitous predicament is traded for another. Hurse steps in and grabs Ba’al by the ankle, dragging him down out of the jackhammer and causing him to drop down across Hurse’s shoulders.

The crowd squeals as Hurse places the Champion in position for the More Than Meets the Eye, his GTS variant targeting the victim’s eye with his knee. Before he can deliver the death knell in Ba’al’s coffin, Hurse spins away from Cannon, causing the Sinistry leader’s feet to crash right into the bridge of Scott’s nose. The unintentional blow to the skull sends Scott spiraling into the ropes then spilling through to the outside of the ring.

As Cannon crashes into the mats, Ba’al prepares to crash into Hurse’s knee. The More Than Meets the Eye is just about to connect only to have Weapon step in, grab Ba’al by the ankle and pull him off of Hurse’s shoulders. The Champion lands on his feet, arms still affixed in the strait-jacket and face turning towards the knee that comes flying towards it. Weapon lunges into a leaping knee strike that Ba’al suddenly ducks. Hurse turns around and finds a knee crashing into HIS face. Weapon flies right over the Champion and takes out Hurse instead.

Mayne: The Master was right. His opponents are so bent on undoing one another that all he has to do is wait patiently for them to take each other out then swoop in and take the victory. Just like at NewAge.

Ba’al rolls away from his targets and into a turnbuckle, watching as Weapon comes charging in and eats a boot to the mouth. Amazingly Ba’al managed to get his foot up and stagger Lethal back, then the Champion managed to get his whole body up. He wiggles his way up and onto the middle rope then dives off, looking for God only knows what considering his arms are still pinned to his chest by the strait-jacket. Whatever he was prepared to hit becomes irrelevant the moment he falls onto Weapon’s shoulder and finds himself twisted into a bone jarring spinebuster.

Mayne: The injustice of it all is too much to bear.

Weapon immediately stands up and steps through Ba’al’s legs, attempting to apply the sharpshooter. Just then Cannon re-enters the ring and dives at Ba’al, landing beside him and applying a side headlock before subjecting his face to a series of lightning fast punches.

Lethal is unable to turn his rival over into the sharpshooter when his other rival is holding Ba’al down and destroying his face with punches. In a flash of anger Weapon delivers a boot square to the back of Cannon’s head. Scott rolls away and Weapon spins back to his original adversary. He steps towards Ba’al and grabs his legs, lifting them into the air then finally stepping through. The moment he tries to roll Ba’al over and into the sharpshooter, Hurse comes sliding in and grabs Ba’al’s neck, placing him in a dragon sleeper. Once again Lethal’s attempt at the sharpshooter is blocked by another individual intent on mangling the SIN Champion.

Weapon once again reacts with annoyance, breaking the sharpshooter then stepping forward with the intent of breaking Hurse’s face. However, Hurse catches the inbound boot, shoves it away from his face and causes Weapon to turn just in time to be hit with a powerful running lariat by Cannon. The clothesline knocks the back of Lethal’s knees into the side of Hurse’s body, causing him to be tripped over where he ends up landing on his spine.

Hurse quickly stands and spins towards the still elevated legs of Weapon, grabbing hold and then turning him over to his stomach. It’s not Weapon’s sharpshooter that victimizes an opponent, it’s Hurse’s liontamer that victimizes Weapon.

Lethal grimaces in pain but resists the temptation to tap out, extending his hand above the canvas.

Cannon isn’t about to let this submission happen and intends to break it in the process of breaking Hurse’s face. He rushes into the ropes at his adversary’s side, ricochets off and comes back in with the intent of delivering a big boot. However, Ba’al manages to scoot into positon, catch Scott coming back in and hit him with a drop toe hold that sends Cannon crashing right over the back of Weapon.

Scott rolls away griping at his mid-section while Ba’al runs towards strait-jacket griping to his body. In spite of having no use of his arms, Ba’al rushes forward, leaves his feet and connects with a back first senton splash directly across Weapon’s spine.

If Lethal weren’t considering tapping out before, he’s definitely thinking about it now. He is right in the midst of weighing that option, outstretching his hand in anticipation of submitting, the pain from the submission and the multiple blows across his spine taking their toll on him.

Thanks to the inspiration of the fans, Weapon suddenly finds the strength to ball up his fist instead of slapping the canvas with his palm. He hangs in there just long for Ba’al to rush in behind Hurse, deliver a kick to the back of his skull and force the submission to be broken. Hurse collapses to his elbows and knees while the strait-jacket wearing Ba’al charges in and delivers another back first senton splash. This time Hurse rolls out of the way though, causing Ba’al to crash into the canvas with nothing to show for his efforts.

The moment that Ba’al’s back hits the canvas, Weapon swoops in and grabs the Sinistry member’s legs. Lethal steps through then turns Ba’al over into the sharpshooter.

Mayne: Not now…not the sharpshooter….not Ba’al.

Ba’al has no use of his arms to reach the ropes, lying on his stomach with body trapped in both the hold and in the strait-jacket. Instead of breaking the submission locked in by Weapon, Hurse is intent on breaking something else, the body of Scott Cannon.

Cannon has reached his feet on the outside of the ring as Hurse barrels across the ring and drops into a baseball slide, boots aimed at Scott’s face. He side steps the kick and causes Hurse to land on his feet in front of him. Hurse then charges in, gets caught by the knee, elevated into the air and thrown down face first into the ring apron.

Mayne: FLAPJACK INTO THE APRON! More of that please.

Hurse’s face bounces off of the apron, leaving him in a state of momentary paralysis. However, Cannon is anything but immobilized, evident as he goes on the attack. Weapon is still twisting and distorting Ba’al’s body in the sharpshooter, so focused on his hold that he doesn’t even spot Cannon before it’s too late. Scott rushes in and grabs Weapon by the back the head and the trunks, charging him across the ring and throwing him through the ropes. But wait, at the last second Lethal reverses, twisting around to Cannon’s side and throwing him over the cables.

On the way over though Scott manages to grab the top rope and land on his feet across the apron, leading to a very hostile response from the inbound Weapon.

Lethal begins to dive through the ropes and into a spear on Scott’s mid-section but Cannon side steps him and then delivers a punt to Weapon’s face the moment it extends through the cables. The kick to the cranium causes Lethal to stand up straight, shaking the cobwebs from his head. But Weapon soon turns into a fly being invited into a parlor by a spider. Scott reaches over the ropes, grabs Lethal by the wrist and pulls him into his shoulders. The crowd rises all at once when seeing Cannon stand on the apron with Lethal stretched in a fireman’s carry.

Mayne: This is gonna be good. This is gonna be very good.

Cannon looks prepared to deliver the death valley driver on the apron.

Mayne: I delighted in seeing Weapon get the DVD on the outside mats at Reawakening Day, will we see Cannon deliver it on the apron this time?

Scott is just about to pull Weapon over and into the driver only to have Lethal deliver an elbow to the side of Cannon’s face, followed by another then another. Finally Scott is forced to drop Weapon down to his feet across the apron and stop his attempt at the DVD. Cannon staggers back and Weapon comes charging in only to be caught around the neck then dropped with a modified downward spiral. Cannon falls to the outside of the ring while Weapon’s face comes crashing down right into the apron.

Mayne: I was right, it was good.

Cannon has successfully taken out Weapon, but he failed to remove Hurse from the equation. The former World Champion leaps off the steel steps behind Scott and delivers a double axehandle across Cannon’s upper back. Scott doubles over, turns around and gets caught by the wrist, Hurse shooting him off into the barricade. Cannon is launched with such momentum he actually loses his footing, flipping over and slamming upside down against the steel. He’s turned completely inside out by this collision with the barrier.

Hurse turns away from his opponent and staggers towards the ring only to find his chest engulfed by two boots. The baseball slide dropkick knocks Hurse back and causes him to crash into Cannon and the barricade. Both men lean against one another at this point while Weapon drags himself up on the apron, shakes off the downward spiral he just received then leaves his feet. The crowd erupts as Weapon delivers a stinger style splash to the outside of the ring onto both Cannon and Hurse, driving their spines into the barricade.

Mayne: What the hell was that? SERIOUSLY!?!

Cannon, Weapon and Hurse writhe on the mats outside of the ring while Ba’al rises to his feet within the squared circle, shouting at the official to remove his strait-jacket. Blacker is initially resistant but the ref finally begins to undo the straps and free the champion’s arms. Once free of his restraints a joyous Ba’al spins around right into the Golden Bullet. The spear plucks Ba’al from his feet and drives him into the canvas.


The fans are as explosive as bowels after eating at Chipotle. Weapon has laid out Ba’al, but is unable to follow up, rolling away and griping at his shoulder. The moment he gets to his feet and plots to capitalize on his spear, Hurse swoops in from behind and shoves Lethal forward right into the turnbuckle. Weapon loses his footing and falls into the corner while Hurse falls into a lateral press on Ba’al, hooking both legs.

Mayne: Oh don’t let the Master be defeated, especially not by Hurse.

Hurse can feel himself on the cusp of conquering his greatest challenge.



But Ba’al has other plans, denying Hurse this chance at career redemption by barely getting his shoulder up in time. Hurse sits up with an exasperated expression on his face. That expression transforms as Hurse stands up, and gestures that the time has come for the More Than Meets the Eye, but instead all he meets is Weapon’s knee. Lethal leaps in, grabs Hurse by the back of the head and drags his face down directly into Weapon’s elevated kneecap. The face buster sends Hurse flying out of Weapon’s path….a path to the SIN Champion. He is just about to make his way towards Ba’al, before the Prince of SIN cuts the distance between them, grabbing Lethal around the thigh and drags him down into a school boy….a school boy that transitions right into the Cattle Mutilation. Weapon ends up on his stomach, with both of his arms subjected to this bridging double chickenwing variant that has him moaning at the top of his lungs, but NOT giving into the pain. He will not expire, he will not submit, instead he will scoot across his stomach in the direction of the ropes. His foot outstretches towards the ropes but falls just shy

Weapon’s close proximity to the ropes puts Ba’al in enough distress to flip back onto his knees, maintaining the hooking of both his adversary’s arms. He delivers headbutt after headbutt between the shoulders and the back of Lethal’s neck. Once weakening his pray sufficiently, Ba’al flips forward into the submission….or at least that was his intent. He moment he flips forward he finds himself in a head stand….why…because Hurse has stepped in and caught Ba’al around the waist, holding him upside down and dragging him out of the Cattle Mutilation attempt. He pulls him to the center of the ring and sets up for the styles clash.

Mayne: We haven’t seen this move out of Hurse in years, why must Pirate Steve bust it out tonight?

The styles clash seems imminent up until Ba’al manages to free his arms, and sit up, finding himself seated across Hurse’s shoulders. He then tucks his chin to his chest, flips over Hurse’s head and slides down his back. He wraps arms around Hurse’s waist and pulls him over into a sunset flip…..a sunset flip that transitions into Ba’al standing up with his shoulders still wedged to the creases of Hurse’s knees and then dead lifting him up into a running buckle bomb.

Mayne: That was a thing of beauty….Honestly, I think that might have been more gorgeous than the entire cast of Gossip Girl. Not-not-not that I watch that type of thing. OKAY, it was Wednesday night, and there was nothing else on.

The buckle bomb leaves Hurse incapacitated, stumbling out of the corner right into Ba’al’s waiting arms. A kick doubles Hurse over and Ba’al drags his head under his seat then prepares to heave him up into a SECOND buckle bomb. The very move he employed to inflict so much damage on Abigail Lindsey at Reawakening Day will serve him so well here tonight. He goes to lift Hurse only for Ba’al’s head to be lifted from his shoulders when Cannon comes rushing into the ring and delivers a twisting lariat right across the throat. Ba’al drops back as a result, falling to his spine with his legs still extended into the air and trapped under Hurse’s arms.

The buckle bomb he just received is tolerated so that Hurse can force Ba’al over into the liontamer.

Mayne: Stop doing that Hurse, stop it this instant!

The liontamer is mere seconds from being locked in before Ba’al manages to counter, wedging his feet to Hurse’s gut and pushing him back. Hurse goes staggering right into Cannon, both men hitting each other then hitting the turnbuckle. They are stacked against one another while Ba’al rolls back to his feet, rushes across the ring and leaps into a stinger splash, driving both men into one another and into the corner.

Mayne: Ba’al showing the world how to do the stinger splash right. Now that he’s free from that ridiculous strait-jacket he’s giving all of these bottom-feeders a wrestling lesson.

Ba’al stumbles back after successfully hitting the splash and then decides that it served him so well the first time, so why not do it again? Ba’al lunges into a second splash only to have Hurse clear out of the way and leave Cannon behind to suffer the blow. However, Scott will not suffer anything, he reaches out, catches Ba’al across the chest and sweeps his leg, delivering a standing STO slam out of the corner. Ba’al crashes forcefully against the canvas, rolls back over to his elbows and knees and then Cannon steps out of the corner and grabs his adversary around the neck, dragging him up and into position for the House Rules.

He strains every muscle in his back to hoist Ba’al up into the jackhammer only to have the Champion surprise him by shifting his weight and falling back to his feet. He pulls Scott down into a small package in the process.



Cannon manages to get his shoulder up, rolling along to his elbows and knees while Ba’al rises to his feet. The Prince of Sin goes after the Silas World representative but never catches up to him, instead all he catches is Weapon’s fist. The crowd screeches like they just sat on tacks upon witnessing Weapon rushing across the ring, stepping off of Cannon’s back and launching himself into a Superman Punch that DEMOLISHES Ba’al’s face.

Mayne: How do I manage to hate Weapon just a little more with every single passing second? He grows on you like fungus between your toes or a rash on your balls. Not-not that I would know ANYTHING about having a rash on my testicles. OKAY, so there was that one time I had to buy Denavir cream, but it was for a friend, I swear!

Ba’al is sprawled across the canvas and Hurse looks to take advantage of his adversary’s condition. He staggers across the ring and picks up the Singapore Cane that Cannon attempted to utilize at the onset of this match.

At the same time Weapon is turning around, glaring at the struggling Cannon, who is fighting to reach his feet. Lethal crouches, letting the crowd know precisely what he has up his sleeve, a Golden Bullet. Though Cannon has avoided the spear in recent weeks, tonight might just be different.

As Weapon prepares for revenge on Cannon, Hurse prepares for revenge on Ba’al. He steps in with the cane elevated above his skull, finding himself on the cusp of taking out one of the Sinistry’s most potent weapons.

Who will achieve their retribution first, Weapon or Hurse? How about NEITHER!

Lethal barrels into the spear but Cannon clears out of the way at the last second, shooting Weapon’s shoulder along right into Hurse’s ribcage. The spear mangles Hurse’s mid-section, twisting him completely inside out.

Mayne: He did it again! Weapon just took out another bystander with the spear!

Though Hurse is NO bystander, considering he’s a legal combatant in this match, he DOES suffer the same fate as Kloe Masters at Reawakening Day. The spear that Weapon attempted to crush Cannon with, instead takes out another unsuspecting victim that was NOT Lethal’s original target. Furthermore, Weapon has just cost Hurse the chance at retribution. In aggravation Weapon rises to his feet and turns just in time to be hit with a boot to the ribs, followed by being placed in a front chancery and heaved into ANOTHER House Rules.

Mayne: And now Weapon falls prey to the House Rules once more.

Cannon crawls past Weapon and into a cover on Hurse instead, hooking both of his legs amidst screeches so loud you’d think the fans were witnessing Michael Madsen’s acting in BloodRayne.



The hand at last finds its way to the canvas and Cannon is thusly anointed the victor, or at least he would have been if Ba’al hadn’t stepped in and swung the Singapore Cane right into Scott’s spine.

Mayne: Brilliant, our master punishes another transgressor!

The cane slams against Scott’s flesh and the bell chimes immediately in response. Blacker now has no other alternative but to call for the end to this contest.

The blow elicits diverging reactions from the fans, and within Weapon as well. As much as he enjoys seeing Cannon suffer, he won’t allow Ba’al even a single opportunity to prosper. He decides to bring an end to that prosperity by snatching the Singapore Cane out of Ba’al’s hands and then turning around and swinging directly at Ba’al’s skull.

Cannon catches a glimpse of Weapon holding the cane from the corner of his eye, a smile gracing his face in response. Why is he grinning? Not because he wants to watch Ba’al be destroyed by the cane, no, because another opportunity has now presented itself. Scott grabs Ba’al by the wrist and pulls him out of the way, Cannon taking his place and taking the shot across the brow from the Singapore Cane.

Mayne: OOOH ME! Weapon just DELIBERATELY nailed Cannon in the skull with that cane.

The Singapore Cane cracks over Cannon’s skull, sending Scott to the canvas and shards of wood dispersing through the air. Weapon takes a deep breath, unsure how he should react to just bashing Cannon in the head with the cane. He decides enough is enough, especially when hearing several fans in attendance actually heckling him. His hands slide into his hair and his head begins to shake, completely overwhelmed with emotions at the moment. So overwhelmed he just decides to leave the ring before he can be responsible for any further accidents.

Cannon struggles in a valiant attempt to reach his feet, all the while crying out towards the departing Weapon.

Scott: Come back Weapon, I forgive you…This is our chance…

Now that the match is over Ba’al’s reinforcements are free to return. Rachel Foxx, Decay and Hunter Locke come sliding into the ring, with the gavel yet again hanging from the palm of the Suicide Queen.

Mayne: I think we’re in for another crucifixion, and isn’t it funny, we have Lethal Weapon to thank for all of this.

Cannon finds himself in the most precarious predicament imaginable, being circled by blood thirsty sharks. Ba’al drops to his knees beside Cannon and extends his arms out to his sides, pantomiming a crucifix pose.

Ba’al: You pity Orlando?

Though barely conscious Scott is STILL able to hear every chilling phrase spoken by Ba’al.

Ba’al: You sympathize with Orlando?

Ba’al continues to rub Cannon’s support for Orlando in his smug face.

Ba’al: You feel Orlando’s pain and suffrage? How fitting….

Ba’al’s eyes shift towards Decay.

Ba’al: Tis a shame, Herr Cannon, you could have been such a valuable cog in the Sinistry war machine. But now you have made yourself into nothing but a rusted gear. Your disloyalty shall be dealt with. Prepare the cross for another crucifixion.

Cannon will not find his salvation upon a cross, instead he finds it in the form of Hurse’s fists. To the delight of everyone, Hurse lunges across the ring and jumps right on top of Ba’al, forcing him down to the canvas and forcing his fist upside his face. Punches drill Ba’al to the cheek and temple repeatedly. But with each punch comes louder laughs from the SIN Champion.

Ba’al: You believe that hurting me frees you from a lifetime of regrets, unburdens you the shame of your actions? There is no escape from your grief, it will plague you until the day of your death, which is coming all too soon for your disobedience.

Hunter swoops in and grabs Hurse by the arms, prying his fists away from Ba’al’s face. Locke then heaves Hurse into the air and takes him down with a basic but effective amateur wrestling back to belly slam. This is immediately preceded by a float over, Locke finding himself seated across the small of Hurse’s back while applying a zip-tie to his wrists.

Mayne: Hunter Locke strikes again.

And no one, not even Cannon, will stop Locke.

Scott has rolled into a corner, holding his forehead and watching as Hurse is dragged to his feet by Locke and Decay.

Hurse is stood up in the middle of the ring, wishing he was holding Ba’al’s throat in his hands.

That desire to maim Ba’al only becomes stronger when the SIN Champion speaks.

Ba’al: Let us give you the solace you seek.

Ba’al rises to his feet and dusts himself off as he glares into Hurse’s one eye.

Ba’al: Allow us to purge you of your grief.

The sinister statements of Ba’al are now focused upon his associates.

Ba’al: Take him to the back, for tonight shall culminate with ANOTHER crucifixion.

Foxx: I think this one deserves worse than a crucifixion.

Ba’al: Oh, you have something more fitting in mind?

Foxx: One word…

Rachel’s lips near Hurse’s ear, her breath felt against the lobe.

Foxx: Mika.

We now get another image worth salivating over, a view of Taylor Chase making her way down a corridor, eyes fixated on the IPhone in her palm. Obviously Chase has a lot on her mind, TOO MUCH on her mind actually, and what she just witnessed transpire in the ring via the LCD screen on her phone only further overwhelms her.

Kelcey: Tay, please stop and talk to me…PLEASE.

Kelcey FINALLY manages to catch up to Taylor, but not in time to keep Chase from viewing Lethal Weapon walking out on Scott Cannon, leaving him to the mercy of the Sinistry.

Taylor: That does it!

The phone is stuffed back into Taylor’s pocket before she can impulsively shatter it against the ground.

Kelcey: What now?

Taylor: You don’t even want to know what just happened out there, something that proves that resigning from this company is the single smartest career choice I’ve ever made.

Kelcey: You can’t believe that.

Taylor: After what Katelyn did to me…

The betrayal.

Taylor: After the way I’ve been played….

The manipulation.

Taylor: After the way the Sinistry took my sister….

The abduction.

Taylor: After the way Karen took my title shot…

The theft.

Taylor: And after the way my husband supported the man who has berated me…

The Lethal Weapon.

Taylor: I’m left one option and only one option. Time for Tay’s nuclear bomb…

Kelcey: You can’t take your ball and go home, Tay. You can’t do this!

Taylor can, and Taylor will.

The moment that Cassidy Cage and Maxine Moore arrived at the building tonight, they probably started kicking themselves for missing out on all the fun. That’s precisely why the two are in the midst of a light hearted argument in the locker-room.

Cassidy: You know it’s ALL your fault we missed our chance to put Ba’al in a strait-jacket tonight.

Cage informs while extracting her belongings from a gym bag and throwing them on the hooks in her locker.

Maxine: MY FAULT?

Cassidy: You were the one who INSISTED I try that Chinese restaurant you were bragging about…

Maxine: How did I know the service would be so damned slow? I thought we’d still get here in plenty of time to have our girls’ backs.

Maxine SHOULD be upset, as protecting Abigail and Katelyn is far more important than filling her stomach with eggrolls.

Cassidy: It took us two hours just to get a seat…with that annoying little maitre’d’ telling us five more minutes, five more minutes.

Maxine: Yeah, and then you get us kicked out of the place for stealing an eggroll off someone’s plate.

Cassidy: I was STARVING, besides, I gave ‘em fifty bucks for the eggroll.

Maxine: Let’s just put that whole experience behind us. We’re here now, meaning we can get this whole triple threat between you, Katelyn and Abigail cancelled tonight.

Cassidy: Sounds good.

A knock at the door interrupts their whole conversation.

Maxine: I think Abi forgot how to open a door.

Cassidy: I’m pretty sure she’s use to having people opening doors for her.

Moore stands up and approaches the door, popping it open to reveal someone who is NOT Abigail Lindsey. Although she is equally as blond, and as beautiful.

Lady: Hiiiiii.

This stranger extends her hand towards Moore.

Maxine: Can I help you?

Lady: The names Prii….Prii Foote.

Maxine: Okay.

Moore notices that Prii’s hand is STILL extended and won’t lower until it’s shaken.

Maxine: What can I do for you?

Prii: Not a thing….Just making the rounds. I’m new here.

Cassidy: We can tell.

Cassidy steps in behind Moore, observing Prii with wide mystified eyes. Obviously captivated by Foote’s beauty.

Cassidy: But no introduction is needed. We’ve heard about you.

Prii: Really? I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing that my reputation precedes me. Anywho, been hearing a lot of things about you two as well. Really looking forward to the opportunity to work with you ladies.

Cassidy: The feeling is mutual.

Cage says while TRYING to keep her tongue from wagging, and fighting to keep her eyes from drifting south of Prii’s neckline.

Prii: I have to skiddattle, just wanted to say hi is all. Sure we’ll be seeing more of each other.

Cassidy: I certainly hope so.

Maxine nods politely before noticing that Prii’s hand is STILL extended. FINALLY Moore shakes it and with that Prii is off, walking down the corridor while Cassidy’s eyes follow.

Cassidy: Wow.

Maxine: I think you just drooled on my shoes.

Cage brushes the back of her fist against her lips to make sure there’s no saliva. She and Moore return to the dressing room, the door closing just as another opens. From a room across the hall from the one Cage and Maxine occupy, steps Tina Valentine. The Queen of the Ring Champion, and Cassidy’s arch rival, wears not only a belt over her shoulder, but a plotting grin on her face.

Taylor: Decisions-decision-descicions.

More Taylor Chase, more cause to drool.

The former World Champion paces the ring with microphone squeezed in her palm and agitation latent in every word she speaks. Though she seems to still be rather sullen, at least in comparison to her normal disposition, she at least manages to show some fire and emotion while continuing her monologue.

Taylor: We’ve seen a lot of people making some pretty DUMB decisions lately.

Mayne: Yeah, like you thinking anyone cares what you have to say. You must be dumber than the millions of people who lit up social media under the Sharknado hashtag.

There was Mayne again, giving his usual pessimistic slant on current events from the safety of his announce table.

Taylor: Like Mika’s decision to turn her back on her family. Like Aiken’s decision to abduct Mika. Like Spencer Klein’s decision to threaten to take my freedom, and to literally take Mika’s. Like Karen McBride taking MY title shot.

Chase takes a deep…DEEP cleansing breath to keep her head level instead of flying form her shoulders and launching into the air.

Taylor: What the fuck are these people thinking? REALLY? They’re choices have been so epically retarded! I seriously just want to bash my head against a wall over and over again each time I TRY to make sense out of it all. But I guess that was my number one problem, I failed to recognize that this company is just all together senseless.

Chase’s only recourse when faced with this truth is a full on face-palm.

Taylor: Everyone here is absolutely fuck-tarded, and I can’t deal with it anymore. See, I actually DO think things out. I DO use a little something called ‘foresight.’ And right now, my foresight is telling me that this company is NEVER going to wise up. People are going to continue making bone headed decisions that affect me personally and professionally. I won’t put up with this shit any longer. So that’s why I’m here now to make a SMART decision, one that will save me from any further abuse….

”American Dreamgirl” by Tara Slone plays through the speakers right at the opportune time to cut Taylor off. Chase clearly doesn’t take kindly to this interruption. Her feelings overtake her all at once at the sight of Karen McBride making her way down the ramp. The new Principle Owner is wearing her power suit as she prepares to enforce actual power.

Mayne: Well there’s the NEW Principle Owner of SIN, and there just went my sex drive.

Taylor finds it harder and harder to bottle her emotions as Karen enters the ring. Though McBride WISELY maintain a gap between herself and the Scarlet Socialite.

Karen: Mrs. Chase, I believe a face-to-face meeting has been long overdue between us.

Taylor: Has it now?

Karen: I think if the two of us just talked….

Taylor: Talk? What makes you think anything you have to say is going to change my opinion of you, and my decision.

Karen: For starters, the fact that I’m out here WILLING to speak to you as opposed to sending a barrage of goons and mercenaries to cripple you, should show that Prestige is at least better than the Sinistry.

Taylor: You mean the fact that you came out here to glory hog and showboat at my expense? Yeah, way to change my perception of you.

Karen: Taylor, come on now.

Taylor: No-no-no, you were right Karen, you’re not as bad as the Sinistry, your worse.

Karen: Me, worse the Sinistry, not even remotely possible.

Taylor: Says the woman who stole my title shot.

Karen: I didn’t STEAL anything. I’m taking what’s owed to me. I was PROMISED a title match when I made my deal with Desmond Drake. And besides, you’re still getting your title match at the End of the Year Special.

Taylor: So in other words, I have to wait in line? And you expect me to just be COOL with that? I’m not one who goes with the flow.

Karen: And I’m not Orlando Cruze…

Taylor: What’s that supposed to mean?

Karen: That you can’t send me to the doghouse and get your own way. I’m not some love-struck puppy dog who will bend to your every demand.

Taylor: OH PLEEEEASE. Get some new fuckin’ material, Karen.

Karen: All I’m saying is that I’m NOT a pushover. I will get what I’m entitled to, and that’s a title match.

Taylor: Thanks for just reinforcing my reason for wanting to get the hell out of this place, and away from ego-maniacal bitches like yourself….

Karen: Then you’ll be making a colossal error in judgment, because rather you believe it or not the IWC is getting back on the right track. The future is looking brighter than ever, and I really hope you’ll be part of it. Because unlike the other owners of this company, I DO listen, and I can admit when I’ve made some mistakes.

Taylor: Are you going to get to a point? I’ve got a car waiting to get me out of here…

Karen: You think it’s a bad idea for me to challenge for the World Title in the main event of a pay-per-view, that it paints the IWC in a bad light….

Taylor: Duh.

Karen: Fine….I’m officially removing myself from that title match.

Taylor: Why am I not fucking surprise…wait what?

Karen: Just to show you and the world that the Prestige will be different than the Sinistry, and that there IS hope for this company, I’m removing myself from that title match at Upping the Ante, and a new opponent will be selected…no…HAS been selected to face Ba’al at the pay-per-view.

Taylor: Reeeeeaallly? William Mason? JaMarcus Avery? Your sister Melanie?

Karen: No, Tay, none of the above. I’ll wait to drop my next nuclear bomb later this evening.

Taylor: Go figure.

Karen: And before you chew my head off, Tay, I know what you’re thinking….

Taylor: You don’t want to know what I’m thinking.

Karen: You think I should insert you back into the main event at Upping the Ante, and in a way I am, just not in the main event your thinking. Tickets have already gone on sale for the End of the Year Special, and fans have been promised a main event that sees you challenge for the World Championship. I will NOT spit in the faces of all those paying fans. That’s just bad business. So you will fight for the title at the End of the Year Special against WHOMEVER the Champion may be at the time, and I’m giving YOU the right to name the stipulation for that match. So you see, youyou’re your incentive now for waiting for that title match.

Taylor: You honestly think that’s going to win me over?

Karen: Of course not, and my next nuclear bomb probably isn’t going to make you any happier, but again, it’s what’s best for the company. At Upping the Ante, I’m announcing that you will participate in a six person tag team match. It’s going to be Taylor Chase and two partners of your choosing, facing three members of the Sinistry. You want revenge for them taking Mika, this is your chance.

Taylor: You’re making a lot of assumptions here. For instance your ASSUMING that I’m going to be with the company headed into Upping the Ante.

Karen: Don’t delude yourself, Tay. You know you’re going to stay. You can’t give up on Mika, and you can’t give up on this federation. You won’t walk away from this chance at retribution. Your sister and the World Championship mean more to you than you’ll ever admit, and you won’t leave until you’ve liberated them both.

Taylor: Awww, you’ve got me so pegged, don’t you?

Karen: You need your revenge, you need your redemption, I know that much. So at Upping the Ante…

Suddenly Karen feels Taylor’s pain, finding herself interrupted in mid-sentence. Her face twists in the direction of the stage when “SATISFIED’” by Social Code bombards the PA system. Every fan spins in their chairs, eyes glued to the entry way where Katelyn Buehler and Abigail Lindsey are now standing. However, it’s Taylor’s eyes that follow these two ladies the closest.

Mayne: OMS…oh my Sinistry…seriously? Are these two suicidal? They should know better than to get in the ring with Taylor Chase. Kill them Taylor, kill both these dreadful, awful, disgusting whores.

Abigail and Katelyn do know better than to get in the ring, but they just don’t care, entering the squared circle with Taylor is something that the two need to do. So Abi enters and Katelyn remains on the apron, staring over the ropes into the very face she pulverized with a KTFO several weeks ago. Taylor has not forgotten, and she is not a forgiving individual. It takes everything in her power to keep from accomplishing what she promised to do on NewAge, force Buehler to TRULY pay for her betrayal.

Karen: Ladies, this is NOT the time.

Abigail: Sorry girl, we didn’t mean to interrupt you. You’re not mad at us are you? Tell me you’re not mad.

Karen: I’m not mad, I’m agitated.

Abigail: Awwwww….want a hug?

Karen: No, I want you two to get on with what brought you out here so that I can finish handling business.

Abigail: This is business…BIG business. Kate and I want to make nicey nice with the both of you, and we’re gonna do it with a BIG BUSINESS proposition.

Katelyn: Karen….

Buehler looks surprisingly meek when turning to direct her comments at Tay, knowing that Chase wants to bust her teeth out of her mouth before Katelyn can start flapping her gums.

Katelyn: Taylor….

The moment Chase’s name passes through Buehler’s lips Taylor loses her shit. She storms across the ring only to be cut off by a pleading Abigail, putting her hands on Chase’s shoulders and ultimately having them swatted aside.

Katelyn: Before you go and give me another beating for what I was FORCED to do to you…

The KTFO Katelyn gave Chase still haunts both ladies till this very moment, hence the tension thickening the air.

Katelyn:…Please hear me out. At least give me the chance to say what I should have said to your face the night of Reawakening Day.

Buehler finds the courage to look Tay directly in her eyes and even take a few steps in Chase’s direction.

Katelyn: Taylor….I’m sorry.

Taylor: You’re sorry, YOU’RE SORRY!?! So that makes up for everything? That makes up for the crap you put me through?

Katelyn: No it doesn’t. Nothing I ever say is gonna fix what I did to you.

Taylor: No it won’t.

Katelyn: So maaaaybe something I DO will make you trust me again.

Taylor: It’s never going to happen, Katelyn.

Abigail: Give her a chance, Tay…

Taylor: No, I trusted the bitch before and she betrayed me.

Abigail: To get her girls back, Tay….it was for her children.

Taylor: Oh I am so freaking sick of hearing Kate use her girls as an excuse.

Abigail: Come on Tay, don’t be so rough on her. She’s trying her best. I mean, she betrayed me TOO, and I’m able to forgive her.

Taylor: You’re not the one she hit with a KTFO.

Katelyn: I can’t take back what I did…

Katelyn is through letting Abigail do her talking for her.

Katelyn: All I can do is try to make amends, and that’s exactly why Abi and I are out here. If you need partners to face the Sinistry at Upping the Ante, you’re looking at them.

Chase outright laughs off the idea of ever teaming with Abigail and Katelyn. Taylor’s trust being hard enough to earn, so you better believe it’s an uphill battle on roller skates while pulling a truck behind you by your nipples to REEARN that trust.

Katelyn: You hate me, you don’t trust me. I get that. But you know there are only two people on this planet who hate the Sinistry more than to you do, who will be more determined to take them out.

Abigail: They did kind of give me a major boo-boo at Reawakening Day, and screw me…screw me HARD out of the World Championship.

Katelyn: And they took my children and forced me to do their bidding to get them back. So you see, we’re more dedicated than anyone to get revenge on those bastards.

Abigail: You may not like it, Tay, but we’re your smartest choice.

At last Chase’s mind is no longer ravaged by vengeful thoughts, instead, as inconceivable as it sounds, she’s actually weighing the pros and cons of teaming alongside two ladies she hates about as much as the Sinistry.

Taylor: I hate to admit it, but you two do have a good point.

At last.

Katelyn feels the weight of the world come off of her shoulders upon hearing Chase accept the possibility of trusting Buehler once again.

Taylor: So I guess it’s time to make a dumb decision of my own.

For the first time in as long as the three can remember, they share a smile in the middle of the ring. Buehler feels such relief, before feeling such pain. The moment Abi backed out of Taylor’s path, is a moment Abi is going to be beating herself up for for the rest of the night. Chase rushes across the ring and nails a spear right into Katelyn’s ribs, knocking her to the canvas with Tay coming down on top.

Taylor: I’ll never team with you again! I’ll never team with you you bitch!

Punches deliberately ram against Katelyn’s lips and forehead with such force and such malice. And how does Buehler respond to this succession of punches? She just takes it, she just accepts her penance until Taylor has worked this out of her system. Unfortunately for Katelyn no amount of punches delivered will give Tay the solace she seeks, so she keeps swinging with no intention of slowing or stopping, at least not until Abi finally interferes.

Abigal: Girls-girls-girls…This isn’t very nice.

The moment Abi grabs Tay’s shoulder is a moment she’s going to be feeling for the rest of the night. Chase spins around, grabs the creases of Lindsey’s legs and tears them right out from under her. Abi collapses to her back and Tay scoots up to her side, unleashing punches across her brow as well.

Karen: That’s enough…security….SECURITY!

At the behest of McBride security comes pouring into the ring in droves. And it takes droves of them to finally pull Chase away from Abigail.

Mayne: Damn you McBride, how dare you ruin this! Let Taylor tear these two wretched, flea bitten bitches apart. If only I were a wrestler, I’d get in that ring and maim the two of them myself.

The overweight and out of shape guards breathe a sigh of relief when they at last get Taylor off of Abi. But those sighs turn to groans of distress when Chase breaks out of the hands of security and dives on top of a recovering Buehler. She lands on Katelyn and begins to thrash her yet again with slaps and punches.

Taylor: You’re gonna get what you got coming to you. I don’t care what Silas has to say.

Although Silas implored Buehler and Chase to get back on the same page at the conclusion of Reawakening Day, after the two girls had just gotten through murdering one another in the ring, its obvious now here on Riot that these two are not even in the same universe.

Karen: Please Tay, stop this….

It takes an entire army to quell Taylor’s desires for retribution. They finally compel her fist to back off of Buehler’s face and twist Chase’s arms behind her back. So now she employs her feet, stomping at Katelyn until security at last gets hold of Taylor’s knees. And so that only leaves Taylor’s mouth to inflict damage, hurling insults at both Buehler and Lindsey as she is dragged out of the ring.

Mayne: Let her go, let her destroy them. I would so delight in the sight of Buehler and Lindsey bleeding all over this ring just like Abi did at Reawakening Day.

A stunned Abigail crawls towards an equally as shocked Katelyn, taking her girlfriend’s head into her arms and then cradling it against her stomach. Lindsey slides her hand over Katelyn’s hair, smoothing it back.

Abigail: Yeah, that DIDN’T go well.

The bruises and welts on Katelyn’s forehead are evidence of just that.

Karen: Are you two okay?

McBride might have been annoyed when she was interrupted by Buehler and Lindsey, but at the moment she doesn’t show agitation, she shows compassion. She stoops beside them and checks on their conditions, all the while putting her ears in close enough proximity to hear both their groans and their comments. Comments that make McBride happy that she was ALMOST sitting down.

Katelyn: You’re not responsible for what Tay just did to us, and she’s not responsible for her actions either. It’s all my fault.

Abigail: But YOU, Karen, will be responsible if Kate and I are forced to fight tonight.

Karen: Are you talking about the triple threat match that SIN booked between you two and Cassidy for later?

Katelyn: You’re now in a position to change it.

Abigail: Yeah, can’t you do something? Anything?

Karen: I might be able to pull a few strings.

Abigail: Meaning?

Karen: Meaning that if you two still want to team with Taylor at Upping the Ante, though I can’t imagine why you would after what she just did to you, I’ll change your triple threat to a six person tag match. That should show what the two of you bring to the table. But you better recover fast, and Cass had better get her butt out here, because I’m gonna make that tag team match happen as soon as I go backstage and find you some opponents.

Ethan: Boy were you ever right about that Abigail.

Starr: Am I ever wrong about anything that has to do with the Lohan sisters? Unfortunately, I’m kind of the foremost expert on their entire family.

The newly crowned X-Class Champion Alana Starr belly aches. Though she’ll literally be belly aching when she tastes the extremely stale black coffee she just poured herself from the catering table beside she and her agent Ethan.

Ethan: If only I had taken your warnings about Brittany a lot more seriously, I wouldn’t have ended up spending much of the night of Reawakening Day in a hospital. I’m not going to make that mistake again.

Starr: Yeah, I mean, because of Brittany Lohan, you weren’t even there to see me defeat the Tattooed Hooker Biscuit and get the Alana Starr Initiative into full swing.

Ethan: I will have my revenge, no, OUR revenge. And I’ll do it by employing the very tactics that served you so well building into your match against Brittany at Invictus. By going after her family. There will be no better way to hurt Brittany AND Katelyn, then by targeting their heart, the only person they care about.

Marie: I think we can be of help in that department.

Alana and Ethan pull an about face, twisting towards their GOOD Movement compatriots, Marie Jones, and her co-manager Samantha Hodgson. While Samantha is her usual fashionable self, adorned in her long skirt and business jacket, Marie is dressed down on the occasion, in the sense that she’s wearing her wrestling gear.

Marie: Allow us to help you deal with the Katelyn and ABI issue.

Starr: How nice of you to volunteer your services to help crush the exes of Ethan and I. Though given enough time, the two will probably end up destroying each other.

Ethan: Time is not a luxury I can afford. In other words, I’m the ‘now-now-now’ type. And right now, I want to see Buehler and Lindsey squirm.

Starr: You and I both.

Marie once again becomes the focal point.

Starr: How do you intend on dealing with the two on our behalf?

Marie: I have to be honest, because lying is never GOOD. I do have some ulterior motives for wanting to dish out a little pain and suffering when it comes to loveable lil Abi. She did help my twin imprison me and take my identity.

Ethan: No need to explain your motives, we know their pure and noble. All we want to know are your methods. How ya gonna fuck these bitches up?

Marie: It’s simple really, reeeaaal simple, Karen McBride has just presented me with an opportunity I couldn’t possibly pass up on.

Kordy: Big Daddy?

Before any further plans can be plotted, all the schemers turn towards Kordy, who steps down the corridor the GOOD Movement occupy.

Kordy: You wanted to see me?

Ethan: Yes, yes we did.

Scott Cannon sits on the concrete backstage, his spine wedged to a wall and his hands cupping his skull. He is obviously feeling the effects of the assault at the hands of the Sinistry tonight, the Totalis leaving his neck suffering whiplash.

Comeau: Excuse me, Mr. Cannon.

The sullen Comeau approaches the sunken Cannon. The backstage correspondent stops beside Scott, who looks up from his damaged ribs to Mark Comeau’s drug addled face and the microphone in his hand.

Cannon: Tell me you got some kick-arse pain killers in that infamous fanny pack of yours.

The black market medicine cabinet wrapped around Mark’s mid-section is given a nod by Cannon.

Cannon: I need something, something STRONG.

Comeau: Sorry, wish I could help, but the Sinistry has kind of cracked down on my narcotic distribution.

Cannon: How sad.

Comeau: I agree. And speaking of sad, what the hell was all that about in the ring a few minutes ago? I admit I have trouble concentrating on things when I’m not taking my Adderall, but I don’t even think pills would make it any easier for me to understand that whole situation between yourself, the Sinistry and Lethal Weapon.

Cannon: You’re right to be confused mate. Lethal’s actions have confused me too.

Comeau: Lethal’s actions?

Cannon: I have trouble grasping the man’s logic, I truly do. He says he wants to fight for the IWC, that he wants to save it from the peril of SIN, but every chance he’s been afforded to fight the Sinistry has resulted in him coming after Silas World instead. And I don’t understand WHY.

Comeau: Uh-huh.

Cannon: Silas World has gone out of its way to try and back Lethal Weapon, even after he started spreading all these disgusting rumors about the relationship between Taylor and I, and how does he return the favor? He abandons me to the Sinistry. I watched his back on NewAge, and then he turns around and leaves me to be beaten down here tonight. What planet is the man living on?

Silas: Oh my lord…Fly Boy, ya alright?

Scott’s agent, the infamous Silas Mason, hurries along to his client’s side before crouching down.

Silas: Get that damned camera outta his face….

Silas palm shoots towards the camera and then towards Mark’s lips.

Silas: Can’t ya see the man is in no condition for an interview after what Weapon did to ‘em? The sun-a-bitch gave an unrestrained shot to Fly Boy’s head with a gosh darn Singapore cane. Have some compassion for poor Fly Boy in his time of recovery.

Per the request of Silas, Comeau backs away, leaving Cannon alone….as alone as Cannon can be with Silas still stationed at his side. Once Mark is out of view, Silas’ alarmed features produce a big smile.

Silas: Well done, Fly Boy…very well done.

Cannon: I thought you might like that.

Silas: Nah, I loved it.

A shadow is suddenly cast over the two individuals gathered in such close proximity to Silas World’s locker-room. The darkness that crosses their bodies extends from the passing Taylor Chase.


Chase sincerely wishes she had gone unnoticed. She stops outside of the door where personal belongings are stashed and ready to be whisked alongside Tay’s body to a destination anywhere but here.

Silas: Are you okay, I take it ya saw what happened to Fly Boy.

Taylor: I saw it…

Her anger is not reflected in her tone when talking to Cannon seated below her.

Taylor: Are you okay? You took quite a shot to the head out there.

Cannon: I’ve survived worse. Honestly, Weapon’s betrayal caused me more pain than the Singapore Cane he struck me with.

Taylor: That fucking bastard. I know how painful betrayal can be.

Silas: Enuff about da ole’ man, let’s talk about what you went out there and did, Baby Doll.

This topic of conversation is EXACTLY why Tay wanted to avoid Silas all together. She closes her eyes and waits for the lecture.

Taylor: Go ahead, Silas…

Silas: Ya’ played that perfectly Baby Doll. Ya got Karen to eat right outta the palm of yer hand.

Taylor: I did?

Silas: Of course ya did. Ya got everything out of McBride ya wanted and then some. Ya played ‘er like a fiddle. Well dun Baby Doll, very well dun.

Silas palm falls onto Taylor’s shoulder and makes her skin want to leap right off of her body.

Silas: Yer finally startin’ to learn, Baby Doll, what it really takes to be the best in this ‘ere business. Not what Baby Girl has been fillin yer head wit, what ole’ Silas been tryin’ to teach ya for so long.

The hand continues to caress Taylor’s shoulder.

Silas: Ya made me REEEEAL proud, Baby Doll….real proud.

Taylor: (Sarcastically) Wow, I could die happy right now.

The ring remains occupied by Katelyn Buehler and Abigial Lindsey, the two still recovering from the onslaught of Taylor Chase. Their jaws feeling swollen and their lips busted, but these injuries are light compared to the physical and emotional pains they’ve suffered in recent weeks.

Mayne: I know Ty Burrell just won an emmy for best comedic actor, but even he could learn a lesson from the sheer comedic genius that was the beat-down Taylor Chase gave both of these ladies. It was… was hilarious. And seriously, it needs to be replayed AT LEAST a dozen times. I’m gonna Youtube the shit out of it the second I get home tonight. Which will cut into my masturbation time, but it’s a small sacrifice worth making.

Referee Arnie Ficklebottom is already in the ring, checking on the conditions of both athletes as Abi and Katelyn convalesce in the corner. Lindsey is trying to encourage Buehler to keep the faith in spite of the fact that the woman she just tried to reconcile with beat the crap out of her.

Abigail: We all have our little set-backs baby.

Katelyn: Do you think she’ll EVER trust me?

Abigail: Time baby….time.

There is no time at the moment for reconciliation considering that Cassidy Cage is already headed down the ramp. As her entrance music blasts through the speakers Cage finds herself heading for the squared circle to join the two ladies who will now be her partners, even though they started out the night booked to be her opponents. Cage won’t argue with these changes as she heads for the squared circle with Maxine Moore following behind. Maxine may have gotten here too late to watch Abi’s back during Taylor’s onslaught, but she’s here now and she will guarantee no further harm befalls her associate.

Mayne: I hope these two ladies get poisoning from that horrible Chinese food that caused them to show up so late to the building tonight. Nice to know that their priority was stuffing their fat faces and not being here to watch the backs of these nasty, freak-show looking sluts. Shouldn’t surprise me, they’re all scoundrels, and that’s just the way scum operates.

Once inside of the ring Cage is immediately checking on her friends and tag team partners.

Cassidy: Are you two gonna survive?

Abigail: Awww come on now, you know we’re tougher than that, Cassi.

Cassidy: I wasn’t talking about surviving physically.

Katelyn: I’ll recover, but I can’t guarantee whoever Karen sends out here to fight us will.

Abigail: Eewwww, I’m starting to get a little friiiiisky.

The trio turns in the direction of the stage, anticipating the arrival of whomever has been selected as their opposition in this impromptu six person tag.

Mayne: I can’t stand this. I really-really can’t stand it. These three were supposed to destroy each other in a triple threat match booked by the Sinistry, but instead, they went right over the Sinistry’s head and appealed to that gullible Karen McBride. Though I guess I should be a little thankful, considering they took McBride’s focus off of me. It was bad enough she had me replaced as commentator on NewAge, I don’t know what I do if she replaced me here on Riot as well.

The mystery surrounding who the opponents will be for these three combatants at last comes to an end when…..


A robotic tone speaks this word with nauseating redundancy through the loud speakers, leading to the arrival of the automated death machine known as the IWC Dalek. It comes rolling to the stage, but it doesn’t roll alone. Following behind Dalek is the dynamic duo of Sparkles and Greyson Lovejoy, puppet and ventriloquist. Though Greyson is only wearing a jogging suit, Sparkles is adorned in wrestling gear.

Mayne: OH COME ON!! No way! Tell me these are not who Karen McBride found on such short notice to fight Abi, Katelyn and Cassidy. There weren’t some janitors idling about she could have gotten hold of. How are these three a challenge? I wanted to see these ladies get their heads caved in, I was sooo looking forward to it.

The Dalek, Greyson and Sparkles start down the ramp towards the ring where there opponents are waiting. Cassidy, Katelyn and Abigail clearly have no idea what to expect next.

Mayne: Again, let me just go on record and say that Karen McBride is the WORST owner in the history of professional wrestling. She not only lets people talk her out of World Title opportunities, but then she shows BLATANT favoritism to these three bimb-twats in the ring by…

Karen: Ahem, excuse me IWC fans.

All eyes are immediately pulled to the Cartel-tron and Karen McBride’s face. She speaks from the confines of her office, where William Mason and JaMarcus Avery can be seen still training for the Gauntlet later tonight.

Karen: As you can see the originally scheduled triple threat between Abi, Katelyn and Cassidy has now been changed to a six person tag. You can also see that I’ve picked TWO members of the team opposing those three ravishing young ladies. So who’s gonna be the THIRD MAN?

Mayne: Karen McBride makes me sick. Listen to her, so full of herself. So smug in her self-confidence, it’s appall…


Mayne: She claims to be of class, but all I ever see is her big fat ass….wait…what did she just say?

Karen: William Mayne, YOU will be the third member of the team opposing Cassidy, Abigail and Katelyn. Time to test what your blind loyalty to the Sinistry has earned you. Something tells me it’s not what you were expecting.

Mayne: You-you-you can’t be serious. You can’t!

Karen: You either get into that ring or I’ll make sure you never look at a ring again, because your commentating career WILL be over.

Mayne: This is bullshit! This is BULLSHIT!

Tears of fear almost stream down Mayne’s panicked face as he rises and throws his head-set onto the surface of the announce table. He now reluctantly makes his way around it in the direction of three ladies who will SO delight in getting him inside of the ring.

Cassidy: Come to Cassidy, come now.

A terrified Mayne makes his way up the steps and to the apron, refusing to leave his team’s corner. Obviously he will not start the match for his team, humbly respecting Sparkle’s desire to do so.


Sparkles whispers something into Greyson’s ear, prompting the backstage correspondent to groan before removing a bottle of breath-spray from his pocket. A few squirts are shot into the mouth of his puppet. Katelyn, Cassidy and Abigail watch this whole scene with puzzled expressions on their faces and find their confusion only growing when Sparkles’ arm is extended into a Hogan inspired “YOU” point. The puppet’s finger is aimed STRAIGHT at Lindsey.

Fans: YOU!!

Abigail shrugs, starting the match for her team against the very puppet who interviewed and hit on her oh so shamelessly at Reawakening Day. Said puppet now hits something else, the canvas. His back nails the ring, all limbs stretched to his sides.

Sparkles: PIN ME!?! Please for the love of God pin me…

The quasi sexual tone of Sparkle’s voice is entirely evident to everyone in the building, Abigail in particular. She steps back twirling one of her blonde locks around her finger and glancing back and forth at the crowd, asking them what she should do.

Sparkles: Just make me the happiest puppet in the world and lay on top of me for three seconds. That’s all I’m asking, and that’s all the time I’ll need.

Abigail drops to the canvas across her palms and knees and at last begins to crawl towards the puppet. Everything about said crawl is ever so seductive, exuding a primal sexuality.

Sparkles: Oh please flip your hair like Tawny Kitaen…PLEASE!

Abigail: I’ll make a deal with you, small bright and fuzzy….

Lindsey pats Sparkles on top of his head.

Abigail:….I’ll let you comb my hair later on if you make the tag to Willie over there.

Sparkles: GREYSON! You know what to do!

Lovejoy assumes the role of quarter back, rushing towards Sparkles, picking up his puppet and assuming the three point stance. He then hikes the puppet between his legs, through the air, and ultimately right into an unsuspecting Mayne’s shoulder. William reacts to this unorthodox tag with a dropped jaw and bulging eyes.

Mayne: Hold on-hold on-no-no-no-no!

Referee Fitcklebottom orders Mayne into the ring in spite of his pleas and protests. When his eyes turn towards the smiles on the faces of Cage, Buehler and Lindsey, Mayne feels like he needs a change of underpants. If he didn’t require a change of underwear before, he will the moment Lindsey grabs the top rope William is holding and yanks back on it. As a result William is flipped over the cables and into the ring.

A horrified Mayne scrambles across the ring towards Greyson and Sparkles insisting that they tag him. Unfortunately for Mayne, his partner isn’t about to make a tag, Sparkles is uninterested in returning to the ring and only interested in returning to the commentator’s table. He and Greyson abandon the ring and approach the booth, sliding into the chairs left empty by the abduction of Suzanne Moore and the fact that Mayne is presently forced into competition.

Sparkles: Gosh dammit Greyson, why are we out here at the commentator’s table as opposed to being in the ring with Abi?

Greyson: Cause call me crazy, but I kind of want to avoid being ritualistically slaughtered. The last two times you dragged me into a ring to act as your corner man, I was left beaten and bludgeoned.

Sparkles: Cause you’re a puss and not a real man like myself. Which is why the ladies like Abi and Katelyn and Cassidy gravitate towards me. And now you’ve taken me away from them, you’ve taken away their opportunity to fondle and roll around on the canvas with me.

Greyson: Believe me, you’ll thank me in the long run.

Sparkles: Well I’m sure as shit not thinking you right now.

Now that it’s clear that Mayne can’t rely on either Sparkles or Greyson, he twists instead towards the Dalek. The machine is stationed in the corner, silently observing this action.

Mayne: Oh thank Sinistry, you’ll help me…you are a mobile death machine right?


Mayne: Then get off your fat robotic hind-parts and do it! EXTERMINATE!


Much like at Extreme Fury the machine begins to fizzle and spark, suffering some eternal complications.


One of the mechanic arms protrude from the interior of the Dalek, holding a navy blue dress featuring a white stain on the surface.

Mayne: What the hell is this?


A black leather glove with a red substance on the surface is extended from within the Dalek and falls at a flabbergasted Mayne’s feet.

Mayne: You stupid machine.


A syringe stretches from the machine, digs into Mayne’s shoulder and injects him with something.


An infuriated Mayne rubs his shoulder while kicking the machine with his foot…..BIG MISTAKE. Mayne has inflicted some serious damage on his toes, stubbing them against Dalek’s metallic hide. He hobbles away from Dalek right into a thrust kick directly under the jaw. Abigail has seen enough and you best believe she’s heard enough from the Sinistry’s biggest kiss-ass. The suck up falls to the canvas, cradling his jaw in his palms, finally silenced.

Sparkles: Awww, that could have been me who got a taste of Abigail’s foot.

Greyson: Don’t get me started on your Swedish foot fetish obsession again, Sparkles.

Lindsey has a pronounced smile on her face as she twists from her adversary and into a tag on the hand of Cage.

Cassidy immediately starts up the turnbuckle, reaching the top rope, balancing herself then taking to the air. When she crashes into William with the frog splash the fans collectively lose their minds.

Mayne is flopping around while Cassidy is rolling along right into another tag, this one to Buehler.

Katelyn makes her way up to the top rope, the crowd getting as excited as a teenage boy who just discovered the joys of internet pornography. The crowd blows up when Buehler sails through the air and ultimately drives her elbow directly into Mayne’s heart. She then rolls away and makes the tag to Lindsey. She makes her way up the turnbuckle to a reaction that is so rousing it rivals the response from New York Times Square during the dropping of the New Year’s Ball. Lindsey makes her epic descent, flipping through the air into a 450 splash that drives all the air straight out of Mayne’s body.

Sparkles: Dammit, Mayne is getting all the luck.

Greyson: How can you consider his plight to be lucky?

Sparkles: How could I not? He’s getting skin to skin contact with Cassi and Abi and Kate, there’s nothing better than that unless they were wearing bikinis and soaping up my hot-rod.

Greyson: I sincerely hope that by hot-rod you’re talking about your car and not using it as a euphemism for…you know.

Abigail rolls away from the thrashed Mayne and makes a tag to Cage, who immediately starts up the turnbuckle. She reaches the top rope with her back aimed towards William before corkscrewing through the air to a response as thunderous as the atmosphere during a hurricane. She crashes into and crushes Mayne with a corkscrew moonsault.

Immediately after decimating Mayne, Cage tucks her head, rolls forward across the canvas and makes the tag to Katelyn, who lunges to the top rope and then takes to the air. A leaping leg drop connects right across William’s throat.

The fans are absolutely loving this and enjoy it even more as Buehler drops into a backwards roll and extends her hand, making the tag to Abi. Within seconds of getting the tag, Abi is on the top rope and flying off of it. The fans unleash their mightiest roar yet upon witnessing Lindsey demolishing William with the shooting star press.

Greyson: I wonder if William is regretting his dedication and loyalty to the Sinistry.

Sparkles: I’m regretting ever making you my wing man. You totally cock blocked the shit out of me tonight.

Greyson: Believe me, it was for the greater good, Sparkles, the greater good.

Sparkles: Did you just turn into one of the denizens of Sandford?

Greyson: I’m gonna stop letting you watch so many movies.

Sparkles: Yeah, I should probably invest more of my time in porn.

The barely breathing Mayne suddenly finds Dalek rolling in his direction.


The machine’s arm protrusions hook Mayne’s pits and drag him up to his feet. He is utterly lifeless, eyes rolling around in his skull and drool seeping from the corners of his mouth. As Mayne is being stood, Abigail is making the tag. She slaps Buehler’s hand, then waits to see Buehler’s elbow slap Mayne’s face.

Abigail: You’ll enjoy this, Kate. Beating up on Billy is strangely therapeutic.

Katelyn isn’t about to just take Abi’s word for it. She stands back in the corner, slaps her forearm against her palm several times and puts the punctuation on Mayne’s destruction via the roaring elbow. The KTFO crashes into William’s features with such tooth shattering force that Mayne will probably be spitting up bicuspids for weeks.

Greyson: Are you starting to see why I removed us from this match?

Sparkles: Yeeeeah, I realized your motivation the second Mayne’s tooth landed in my lap.

Normally Mayne would go down to the canvas and lay there twitching involuntarily after being nailed with the KTFO, but Dalek keeps the commentator propped up…propped up just long enough for Cassidy to receive a tag, enter the ring and pop Mayne to the back of his skull with the Haze Effect.

Her heel cracks Mayne in the noggin and yet he STILL doesn’t go down. Dalek refusing to let him collapse, keeping him in a full upright position even though his legs have went entirely numb and his brain has no function left in it whatsoever. He droops down out of the mechanical arms of Dalek, Mayne’s eyes groggily looking up towards the corner Abigail is climbing. She has received the tag and is now steadying herself on the ropes. She finally goes flipping through the air, catches Mayne’s head on the way down and spikes him with skull splitting force against the canvas with the Serenity Now. The shooting star DDT finally drags William out of the Dalek’s arms and his head into the ring.

Greyson: Mayne’s head just smashed by the Serenity Now!

Sparkles: At least Mayne’s cheek got a little side-boob action out of the whole ordeal.

Dalek backs up and allows the ladies the spotlight, watching along with the rest of the world as Abigail, Cassidy and Katelyn fall over Mayne’s traumatized, throttled body.

Greyson: It’s a dog pile.

Sparkles: HEY, don’t ever call these three chickadees, dogs.

Ficklebottom slides into position, though there’s no need to ensure that Mayne’s shoulders are pinned to the canvas as there is absolutely no doubt in the world that he’s about to be pinned.



The Manhattan Center is rocking, the roof almost coming off the joint after witnessing these three ladies at last put Mayne in his place. The Sinistry’s very own Joseph Goebbels has been crushed, broken, and ultimately left splayed upon the ring without so much as a twitch. There is no reaction from the commentator even as the bell chimes in recognition to his loss. There is a reaction from the crowd though, one that shakes the walls of the Manhattan Center and empowers Katelyn, Abigail and Cassidy to rise to their feet, hands interlocked, raised above their heads. Though they came here tonight anticipating a fight amongst themselves it is now such a welcomed treat and surprise to find themselves rejoicing in victory side by side, unified as opposed to divided.

Greyson: Proud moment here.

Sparkles: SEEEXXXY moment here.

Greyson: I’m so happy for these three, and for the two of us. Less Mayne, means more Sparkles and Lovejoy here at commentary.

The three ladies in the ring continue to commemorate the fact that they have just taken a shot at the Sinistry by removing their propaganda spewing devotee from the commentator’s table. Speaking of Mayne, he’s now loaded upon the arms of Dalek, who carries William’s shattered body up the ramp to the backstage area.

Sparkles: You think it’s too late for me to get in the ring and call for a group hug?

Greyson: WAY too late, and WAY too risky.

A group hug is shared amongst all three ladies while Maxine stand on the apron, clapping for her comrades. The hug, the clapping, the feel good moment, it all comes to a crashing and abrupt halt when….

Hodgson: Well now…..

The crowd is as hostile as you would come to expect at the sight of Marie Jones and her agent Samantha Hodgson. The two occupy the stage and occupy the minds of the three victors in the ring. Abigail’s head tilts and her smile falters when forced to take account of the two ladies who have been threatening legal action against her for quite some time. However, legal action should probably be the least of her concerns, considering that at the moment, Marie’s back is flanked by both Mark and Sophie O’Brian. Total War stand in support of the Phoenix.

Hodgson: That was certainly…..something.

Hodgson and Jones shake their heads, having no other way of interpreting their reaction to the ‘match’ that proceeded their arrival.

Marie: Only the three of you can actually consider what you just did in that ring to be an accomplishment.

Hodgson: The conduct of you three unfortunate and foul creatures is NO accomplishment. If you want to witness a TRUE victory, look no further than what my client did to that filthy vagabond Vanilla Skyy at Reawakening Day.

Marie: At Reawakening Day, I solidified myself as the spark that made the cosmos explode, that filled the darkness with light. Skyy may claim to be entitled to the UNIVERSE, but she is nothing but a black hole that is threatening to suck away all that is GOOD from the universe. I won’t let her do it, I will make her TAP in our I Quit Match at Upping the Ante, proving undoubtedly that I am the best wrestler on this, or any other planet in the cosmos. And as far as tonight goes, I’m not going to let the three of you get off so easy.

Hodgson: That’s right, because not only does my client plan to hurt your pocket book, Abi, but she’ll hurt you and your best friends in a physical capacity as well.

Marie: Now that my lawsuit against you is moving forward, Abigail, you can expect to lose millions, but this evening your gonna lose in that ring. Because I’ve taken it upon myself to assemble a team that will actually challenge you, defeat you, and ultimately prove that the two of you have ZERO business teaming with Taylor at Upping the Ante.

Hodgson: A team comprised of you’re the studdly and strong, Mark O’Brian…

Mark stretches a baseball bat over his shoulders and behind his back, the very baseball bat he stole from TPKid and used to injure his knee.

Hodgson: And Abigail’s former trainer, Sophie O’Brian.

The cunning Sophie eyes Abi, Cassidy and primarily Katelyn. Yes, oddly enough, Sophie isn’t focused on her former student, she’s focused on her former student’s lover.

Marie: What you see before you is an ACTUAL team. One that is about to head down that ramp and reinforce the power of GOOD.

Hodgson: A team that will sufficiently throttle the three of you and make you pay for the insult and injury you’ve inflicted on our gorgeous Ethan Von Aaron.

Marie: Enough talk…let’s do this!

Jones throws down the microphone, determined to get her hands on Abi, the woman she perceives to have conspired with Marie’s twin sister in stealing the Phoenix’s identity. Katelyn, Abigail and Cage prepare for the wrath of the Phoenix as well as the two individuals who follow.

Greyson: Well Sparkles, it looks like we’ve got six person tag the re-mastered edition.

Sparkles: It had better not include Greedo shooting at Han Solo first, or I’m gonna be insanely pissed.

Pissed is a pretty accurate term to describe the three individuals headed down the ramp. Pissed also perfectly describes the three adies inside of the ring about to withstand a GOOD Movement rebuttal for the KTFO Buehler gave Von Aaron at NewAge. Marie is the first to the apron, vengeful eyes focused on Abigail, who eagerly anticipates the opportunity to finally get her hands on Jones.

Greyson: This is such an explosive situation.

Sparkles: True, because all these hot ladies out here have just caused me to EXPLODE…in my shorts.

The situation prepares to get all the more explosive when Total War and Jones enter the ring, going straight after their respective targets.

Greyson: And we’re off with another impromptu six person tag.

Jones and Lindsey at long-long last find themselves exchanging punches. Cage is presently ducking a baseball bat from Mark O’Brian. Katelyn is eating a right hand from Sophie, before Buehler offers a five course meal of her own, all five of her knuckles finding their way down O’Brian’s throat.

Greyson: I was not expecting this.

Sparkles: But I’m loving every second of it. If only Mark had bigger tits though, then it be infinitely more enjoyable.

Mark takes another swing at Cage with the bat only to have her drop into a forward roll, avoiding the strike. At the same time Sophie goes for a shot at Katelyn’s head only to have her baseball slide under the blow. Buehler and Cage spring to their feet, then lunge into parallel turnbuckles, lunging from the middle ropes into stereo crossbodies. Both O’Brian’s collapse under Cage and Katelyn.

At the same time Marie and Abigail are about to collapse one another’s jaws with this barrage of right and lefts. It all ends tragically for Lindsey thanks to the boot that launches into her gut, doubling her over. Lindsey then delivers a forearm across Abi’s upper back, grabs her by the wrist and launches her off into the ropes. But Abi reverses, instead sending Marie charging right into the KTFO.

Buehler spins around and is right on the cusp of delivering the roaring elbow shot only to have Jones drop straight on her backside, pulling her head out of position in the nick of time. A sigh of relief is taken by Hodgson at ringside, so pleased that her client avoided the roaring elbow. However, that sigh turns into a scream when Hodgson spots Marie rising right into an attempt at the Haze Effect.

Cass swings her heel around into the back of Jones’ head, but she barely avoids it, ducking the shot in the nick of time. At that exact moment, Mark comes rushing in and drives his shoulder directly into Cage’s ribs, powering her backwards into a turnbuckle. At the same time Sophie comes charging in and rams a shoulder into Katelyn’s mid-section, powering her into another corner.

Greyson: The GOOD Movement tightening their control on this match.

Sparkles: At the same time that it feels like my pants are tightening.

Buehler throws forearms over Sophie’s upper back while Cage launches knee into Mark’s face, all four individual fighting for supremacy in the corners of the ring. In the middle of the squared circle another battle of wills plays out. The moment Marie ducked to avoid the Haze Effect, Abi sprung to action, taking Jones around the neck, rushing at the ropes and setting up for the springboard bulldog. Jones counters though, wrapping arms around Lindsey’s waist then dropping back. She rolls Abigail over and onto the back of her shoulders, sitting on the back of her thighs as well to fold her up in a pinning predicament.

Official Ficklebottom is too detained with the fight between Mark and Cassidy to see the pin, giving Lindsey enough time to counter out of it. She slides free from beneath Marie then catches her by the tights, pulling her over into the school girl.

Now the referee is too detained by the visual of Katelyn and Sophie rolling around on the canvas throwing punches into one another’s faces, so his own face is turned away from Lindsey’s attempt at the pin.

Jones is given more than sufficient time to kick out, rolling over backwards in the process while Abi is rolling over sideways. Both ladies reach their feet but it’s Marie’s boot that finds its way up and into Abi’s mid-section, doubling her over. Marie then steps in and grabs Abi’s arms, hooking them for a pedigree.

It seems Marie is going to finish Abi off only to have Katelyn and Cage interfere in Jones’ dastardly plans. The two ladies charge in with interlocked hands and deliver a stereo lariat on Marie’s throat, knocking the Phoenix to the canvas. They then put the boots to Marie’s body before Total War looks to pick up where they left off. The two charge in with lariats of their own that MISS their respective targets. Kateyn and Cage then take off into the corners behind their opponents, springing off the turnbuckles into stereo crossbody blocks. This time both ladies are caught though, Mark snatching Cassidy out of the air while Sophie nabs Buehler.

Greyson: This is NOT gonna be GOOD for Buehler and Cage.

Sparkles: You’re powers of predication are so downright mystifying.

Sophie and Mark simultaneously drop back and simultaneously connect with fall away slams. Both Bueher and Cage hit the ring with such force and then roll across it into the ropes. Cage grabs the top rope with Katelyn grabbing the middle, both ladies employing the cables to stand up. And that’s just when the O’Brian’s come charging in, intent on delivering stereo thrust kicks. The boots travel right into nothing but thin air, Katelyn and Cass pulling their heads out of the paths of these inbound boots, causing Total War to crotch themselves upon the very ropes that their opponents were leaning on.

At that exact moment Abigail is struggling back to her feet and ultimately turning right into another boot to the ribs by her rival Marie.

Jones attempts to hook both arms, but can’t quite get Lindsey hooked for the pedigree. This allows Abi the slim possibility of an escape, a possibility she instantly capitalizes upon. She swings herself out of the pedigree, twists around and catches Marie around the neck, setting up for the springboard bulldog. The crowd is frothing at their mouths as Abigail rushes forward in the direction of the ropes that the O’Brian’s are still crotched over. Lindsey leaps into the air, puts her boots to Sophie’s and Mark’s shoulders, and then kicks them both over the cables to the outside. In the process she pushes off and twists around into the bulldog, coming down to the canvas….onto her FEET. Marie pushes Abigail off, sending her flying across the ring and landing with the grace of a cat across the canvas.

What happens next is anything but graceful. Lindsey takes off across the ring, rushing right into a baseball bat to the ribs. Marie has picked up the weapon that Mark dropped at the beginning of this match is now bashes Lindsey in the mid-section, doubling her over.

Greyson: This red headed ravager with a shot on Abigial, a heinous shot on Abigail.

Sparkles: REALLY? Oh wait, you said ‘heinous.’ I thought you said something involving Abigail’s anus.

Greyson: Dear lord Sparkles, dear lord. It’s a wonder anyone ever sees my face considering how often it’s covered by my palm whenever you speak.

The crowd is screeches so loud you’d think they were teenage girls at an ‘R’ rated horror film premiere. The fate befallen Abigail truly should receive an R rating, as it continues to get more and more brutal. The shot from the baseball bat went unnoticed by referee Ficklebottom, too preoccupied trying to get control of this match, pleading with Katelyn and Cassidy to exit the ring. He then turns just as Marie lifts the baseball bat above her head, on the brink of bringing it down into the spine of the kneeling Abigail.

And although the ref is now in position to do something about this, he doesn’t. There’s actually no need for him to do anything considering Maxine Moore has slid into the ring and is rushing to the aid of her employer. Just before Maxine can get her hands on her target, Moore is beat to the punch. Mark and Sophie O’Brian reach under the ropes, grabbing Jones’ ankles and pulling her feet out from under her and then using their grips on her ankles to drag her to the outside of the ring. Marie lands right between the Total War members.

Greyson: Well-well, it appears to me that this match has pretty much broken down.

Sparkles: Was there ever a structure to it to begin with? Other than the well -structured titties of…

Greyson: NO! No more salacious, lawsuit incurring comments, PLEASE!

A recovered Buehler and Cage simultaneously step to Abigail’s sides, checking on her condition as she remains kneeling in the middle of the ring, cradling her ribs with her arms. Eventually Abi gets to her feet of her own accord, glaring through the ropes at a departing Total War and Jones.

Abigail: Aww Marie, thanks for trying to cure my constipation.

Abi keeps on looking at the brighter side of things, even after the mumbling Marie just took a baseball bat directly against the groaning Lindsey’s loins. Said bat extends from Jones’ hand, pointing directly into another area of Abi’s body Marie would like to swing it into, her face. Total War and Samantha Hodgson are the only ones keeping Marie from indulging her desires.

Katelyn: Where are you three going? The way I see it, this shindig is just getting started.

All at once Buehler, Cage and Lindsey scramble across the ring and go diving simultaneously through the ropes. All three ladies crash into all three of their adversaries at ringside. The six athletes collapse to the mats amidst a bone chilling response from the crowd. This reception is amplified as Total War and Marie Jones work their way to their feet exchanging jabs with the trio of athletes they came out here with the intent of annihilating. However, now all six combatants fight merely for survival.

Maxine Moore is about to make that a little harder on everyone as she climbs into the ring, climbs up a turnbuckle and gets her balance on the top rope. Everyone’s eyes rise to Abi’s protector on the top cable. Everyone rises to their feet in anticipation of seeing Maxine do something incredibly uncharacteristic. Everyone elates as Moore carries on with that rare display, flying off the top rope into a big splash that crashes into everyone at ringside, taking down foes and friends.

Reawakening Day was a career redefining night for many athletes, and Danny Darko can count himself amongst them. The pay-per-view was a true battle of attrition, Darko surviving the onslaught of William Mason and Aerik Walker, followed by a vicious campaign of chaos waged against Rachel Frost for her NHB Championship.

The scars of that bloody and brutal pay-per-view are still reflected upon Darko’s face, one that is presently turned to the ceiling. He looks away from Vanilla Skyy and Adam Chase, the two presently seated at a table beside him hammering out the finer details of a match contract.

Chase: I’ve got all the particulars taken care of for your match against Marie Jones at Upping the Ante…

Adam points to some of the fine-print in the document carefully scrutinized by Skyy’s eyes.

Skyy: So once it’s signed there’s no possibility that Marie, or the Sinistry can alter the stipulation?

Chase: Don’t worry Vanilla, I’m anything if not meticulous. I made sure that neither the GOOD Movement nor the Sinistry can change this into another handicap match. There will be no Jackson Adams to turn the match in Marie’s favor.

Skyy: That’s all I care about. I just want Marie one on one in that ring so that I can force her to tap.

Chase: This contract promises just that.

Skyy: Good work, Adam. I can already see how beneficial this business arrangement is going to be for the both of us.

Chase: We’re going to make sure you redefine yourself as the best wrestler in the univer…

Before Adam can finish his sentence the phone in his pocket cuts him off by producing the tune to Knight Rider. Before the ringtone can further agitate both Chase and his client, he answers his IPhone, scanning the text message he just received.

Chase: Heh.

Skyy: What is it?

Chase: Sorry, I really shouldn’t have left my phone on when doing business.

Skyy: What’s the message say?

Chase: From now on I’ll make sure to turn it off and give you my full, undivided attention.

Skyy: What the fuck does the message say!?!

Chase: Fine-fine, it seems I just got an invitation to William Mason’s ‘Pure Championship’ ceremony.

Skyy: Yuck.

Chase: My sentiments exactly.

Darko: Are you going to RSVP him a response?

Skyy and Mason are jarred by Darko’s voice, considering he’s remained rather tight lipped throughout much of the evening.

Chase: I wasn’t planning on responding at all.

Darko: That won’t do, Adam. Please let William know to expect a very special GUEST of honor for his Pure Championship ceremony.

Starr: So you know what your role is tonight?

Kordy: Yes, Kordy knows.

She knows but she doesn’t have to like it. That’s why she keeps her head lowered and eyes veered from the faces of Ethan Von Aaron and X-Class Champion Alana Starr. The three continue to occupy the catering area, which seems to have transformed into ground zero for all GOOD Movement related dialogues throughout the night.

Ethan: Do you remember Last Stand, the Rumble?

Kordy: Yes, Kordy remembers.

Ethan: You made the perfect weapon for me in that match and tonight, you’ll make the perfect weapon again when I fight in the Gauntlet.

Starr: Remember that Kordy, you’re a WEAPON. A weapon to make sure Ethan becomes the number one contender for the Evolution Champion. Don’t go into that ring with your own agenda.

Kordy: Yes, Kordy won’t.

Ethan: Excellent. Now be gone…Alana and I have to talk.

He shews the increasingly morose Kordy away, not even watching as she walks down the corridor with her head lowered and her arms crossed. Her departure takes her past two more members of the GOOD Movement who are also disinterested in her depression.

Sophie: Truly brother, it was splendid going to war beside you this evening.

Mark: I almost forgot how GOOD it could feel to team alongside you, Sister, and to fight under the Total War banner.

Mark and Sophie O’Brian reflect upon their reunion that transpired mere moments before the commercial break. Right now their convalescing their wounds and rejoicing in sharing their battle stories, no matter how fresh the memories of the impromptu six person tag they JUST participated in might be in their heads. For the first time in several months, ever since Sophie joined the GOOD Movement and seemingly left Mark twisting in the wind so that she could become one half of the Tag Team Champions alongside Kordy, both O’Brians appear to be ready to fight for a common goal, reinforcing the power and the legacy of Total War.

Mark: I only wish I had more of an opportunity to put my toy to proper use.

The baseball bat stolen from TPKid is given the spotlight, elevated and then swung into Mark’s open palm.

Sophie: At least Marie got some good use of it.

Abigail: About that…

Total War instantly readies themselves for round number two, Mark’s grip instinctively tightening on the baseball bat once the opponents they just faced before the commercial break step forth. Abigail, Katelyn and Cassidy, with Maxine bringing up the rear, come stomping in the direction of the O’Brian’s.

Abigail: Like what gives, Sophie?

Abigail divides her efforts between restraining Katelyn and Cassidy, and trying to gain some understanding of Sophie’s motives. Obviously Lindsey is a little effected by the fact that her trainer, O’Brian, volunteered to be one of Abi’s opponents in that six person tag a few moments ago.

Abigail: I thought we were buds. Why would you go out of your way to hurt poor Abi?

Sophie: I do apologize love, but when the GOOD Movement puts out the call, their Secret Weapon must answer.

Abigail: Yeeeeeaah, but don’t you care that you risked damaging my ever so fragile emotions?

Lindsey protrudes her lower lip and allows her eyes to droop.

Katelyn: Yeah Sophie, you know how thin skinned Abi can be.

Abigail: I’m more emotional than a Hallmark card.

Katelyn: You should be ashamed of yourself for hurting my fiancée like this.

Katelyn gives Abigail a shoulder to shed her ‘crocodile’ tears upon.

Sophie: I suppose that is what irritates me the most about the two of you.

The affections shown between Abigail and Katelyn haven’t resulted in a swoon by Sophie but a sickened sneer.

Sophie: The two of you masquerade what you share between one another as love. But neither of you are aware of what TRUE love is. Love is sacrifice. I have given up everything, even my freedom, to be with Polly Norah. That is LOVE.

Abigail: Ummm, Sophie, you didn’t see me spill about a gallon of my blood at Reawakening Day for this beauty at my side?

Sophie: Don’t lie to yourself. You say you were fighting for Katelyn, but your battle against Buehler’s oppressor at the pay-per-view was about servicing your own selfish ambitions. Your drive was to become World Champion, NOT to spare Buehler any further indignities at the hands of the Sinistry.

Abigail: Jeez, I think you might be using that withered brain of yours a little too much girl.

Sophie: All it would take is half a brain to see through you, Abigail. I once found your attachment to your feelings, and your reliance on your heart to be admirable….adorable even. But now I see that you are much like everyone else in this industry, a liar, a deceiver. Your feelings are not genuine, they are but a smoke screen to hide your much darker intentions.

Abigail: No-no-no, Sophie, you got it wrong baby. I’m not lying anymore. That darkness you speak of, I’ve finally embraced it. Serenity and I are one. I’m not hiding her anymore. And Katelyn has accepted it.

Sophie: Continue deceiving yourself, Abi, but know that you will no longer deceive me. Mark my words, your ‘love’ for Katelyn will not survive the passing of time. Your darkness, your Serenity, your self-deception will ultimately push Buehler into the arms of another. And her greed, avarice and self-obsession will compel her to accept the loving embrace of others to further her own agendas. Your love will only last so long as it doesn’t stand in the way of your career ambitions, and it sickens me.

Sophie says no more, leaving Katelyn and Abigail to chew over her poignant statements. Total War walks away, Mark giving the trio a snide grin with the baseball bat stretched across the back of his neck and his shoulders. He finally unleashes a chuckle and follows his sister off camera.

Cassidy: Tell me you two aren’t buying any of that.

Cage steps around to glare into the sullen eyes of her best friends.

Cassidy: It might be the Chinese food speaking, but you two give me a tingly feeling in my belly. Your love is so sweet, and so true, and so powerful it even won me over. It moved me in such a way that I forgave Abigail for the way she betrayed me all those months ago. Now isn’t that saying something?

Abigail: Relax Cassi, no need to give us the pep talk.

Katelyn: Yeah, it’s not like we were effected by Sophie’s words at all…..AT ALL.

Abigail: Yeah, we’ve pledged ourselves to one another forever, and nothing Sophie says is going to change that. Neither one of us would risk this love just for the sake of our careers.

Katelyn: Right….riiiiight.

Buehler’s eyes veer away from Abigail’s face, twisting to the floor.

Maxine: Speaking of love.

Moore interrupts the conversation with a real attention grabber. A bundle of roses are held in her arms, having just retrieved them from a stagehand while this whole cheesy and cringe worthy diatribe lifted from the pages of a George Lucas script was ongoing. Thank God there was no wooden delivery like when Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen were talking about how much their love has made them beautiful. Talk about cringe factor squared to the power of YUCK.

Katelyn: Wow….ABBBBI, did you send me roses?

Maxine: No, there for Cassi.

Cassidy: Roses? Who in the hell would be sending me roses?

Maxine: I’ll tell you in a second. I’m reading the card right now.

The note attached to the roses is scrutinized by Moore before being snatched right out of her hand, along with the roses.

Cassidy: Hmmmm…

Abigail: Well what’s the card say?

Katelyn: You got a secret admirer or something?

Cage’s face actually blushes.

Cassidy: They’re from Prii Foote….that gorgeous blonde I met earlier tonight.

Abigail: Reeeeally?

Katelyn: Who’s Prii Foote?

Cassidy: She wants me to meet her…at the bar just down the street.

Katelyn: Who’s Prii Foote?

Abigail: Are you gonna meet her?

Cassidy: Well, I can’t see the harm in it.

Katelyn: Who the hell is PRII FOOTE!?!

A podium has been set in place, a briefcase has been set upon it, and the ring canvas has been covered in a ceremonial red velvet.

Sparkles: You know they didn’t have to do all of this just to commemorate my epic return to commentary. I would have been fine with a few balloons, maybe some confetti, possibly even a few stripers in cages.

Greyson: I don’t think this has anything to do with our return to commentary, Sparkles. I do believe this is all about William Mason’s ‘Pure Wrestling Title.’ We were promised on NewAge that there would be a ceremony to recognize the title created in Mason’s honor, and he’s apparently been sending out invitations all night long.

Sparkles: Yeah, and just look at the turn out.

There are presently two people seated at ringside, elderly individuals. Perhaps William’s parents, or grandparents, or maybe his aunt and uncle, who knows, but what is known is that they are the only two who have accepted Mason’s invitation to this ceremony. Festivities begin when ‘The Night’ hits the PA system, creating an atmosphere of animosity and instant dread. The curtains part and through them steps the man who is about to be bestowed his very own championship belt. He is dressed accordingly for this ever so special occasion. A tuxedo is affixed to his body and a smile graces his face as he saunters down the ramp exuding an unparalleled smugness.

In spite of being tasked with competing in the gauntlet match tonight JaMarcus Avery still follows Mason, protecting him all the way down the ramp and into the squared circle. Within the ring title glory presumably awaits both of these men.

Sparkles: So why didn’t I get my own personalized invitation from Mason? I thought the two of us had built up quite a business relationship.

Greyson: Oh no, not this again.

Sparkles: Well he said he would fund my topless fondue parlor.

Greyson: You’ve maybe shared three words with William Mason since his debut at Invictus. THREE WORDS. So I highly doubt that the two of you have had any business dealings.

Sparkles: Don’t be ridiculous, Mason and I are boys. We’ve known each other for decades.

Greyson: Can’t see how that’s possible since I only stitched you together a year ago.

William grows smugger and smugger the closer he gets to that briefcase mounted on a podium. His fingers are almost trembling as he takes hold of a microphone, finding his throat clotted with emotion.

William: Everyone who knows me are well aware of the fact that I am no stranger to accomplishments and to accolades. That I am a man who’s career has been predicated on success. I have been a giant of industry, and I have beaten giants within THIS industry. I’ve married the most beautiful and enchanting of all the Chase sisters. I’ve done so much in such a short period of time that I began to actually worry that maybe I peaked too early in life, that I’d have nothing left to look forward to. I honestly believed that I HAD IT ALL…

The crowd gags at the sound of the tagline that was redundantly spoken during the vignettes building to William Mason’s debut in the IWC.

William: However, I am so proud to announce here tonight that I was WRONG-WRONG-WRONG. Karen McBride has shown me just how wrong. The moment she announced that a Pure Championship would be created to honor my wrestling acumen and business savvy, I realized that I didn’t have it all.

Mason directs Avery’s hands towards the briefcase.

William: But now, as I officially become the recognized Pure Champion, and the title becomes a sanctioned belt under the IWC initials, I move one step closer to wholeness, to fulfillment. With my wife at my side, with the backing of the McBrides, and with JaMarcus loyally following me into battle, I embark on the next leg of my professional journey. The next chapter in my storied legacy is written….Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you all, the belt that is about to redefine this industry. A championship that is not centered around chair shots, and barbwire bats and unprotected blows from sledgehammers. A belt that epitomizes what Vanilla Skyy has been coming out here yapping about endlessly….WRESTLING. I present to you, the PURE Championship.

The briefcase opens and the Pure Wrestling Title belt, in all it’s glory and grandeur is revealed.

William: For once I find myself looking forward to the future. As the Pure Title and I bring wrestling back to wrestling. Gone will be the days when grudges were settled with blood lettings and maiming’s. Gone will be the days when Championships are defended inside of cages, and in matches where lawlessness is par for the course. The time has come for purity to be restored to this company. A company I will once again represent, not only as it’s spokesman, but as it’s Pure Wrestling Champ….

Darko: What’s wrong William, was my invitation lost in the mail or something? Did you forget to send me the text?

Mason’s lips begin to tremble for reasons that have nothing to do with excitement. His knuckles whiten, and the hair on his flesh rises as his eyes shift towards the curtains that Danny Darko has just passed through.

Greyson: I’m getting goosebumps.

Sparkles: And I’m getting trouser twinges for some strange reason.

Greyson: We won’t even go into that, but I will go into the fact that Danny Darko and William Mason, two blood rivals are about to have another face-off in the ring. We learned on NewAge that these two will face off in a FINAL BATTLE of sorts at Upping the Ante in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match to at last put their near six month rivalry to an end.

Sparkles: When did you start becoming such a fountain of wrestling knowledge?

Greyson: Around the same time I realized all the cue cards you were providing me that were supposed to be about this company, were filled with nothing but dirty limericks and drawings of boobs. So I actually had to get off my ass and start learning something about our workplace.

Sparkles: Suck-up.

A surprising lack of trepidation is shown by Darko upon entering the ring, even when opposing two men bent on his destruction.

Darko: I thought after our looong history together that I would be the first person you would want to invite to your ceremony here tonight. I mean, we were such best buds at one point in time. Which is why I was so excited when you made your debut in the IWC. I was hyped….this was our chance to get the band back together….

Mason surprisingly stays tight-lipped, intestines stirring with emotions and body tensing with anger. He does nothing but watch as Darko circles him like a vulture about to peck at the carrion.

Darko: But then you went and you killed the hype, you killed the excitement, and you killed all the promise of the two of us reuniting and forging an unstoppable force in the IWC. All it took was for you to open your mouth, then everything went straight to hell.

William: Here we go again….time to play the blame game huh? Time for you to blame your short comings as a human being on me. It’s not my fault, Danny, that you can’t handle the truth. That you can’t take a little constructive criticism. That you couldn’t deal with the fact that I had grown, and evolved over the years, while you remained stagnant and trapped in the same rut and routine. I know it hurts to admit to your failings and your flaws, Danny, but your weaknesses and lack of development both mentally as well as in terms of talent, does not give you the justification to continuously lash out at me. I can’t help it that I’ve simply out-grown you. That I’ve climbed the ladder to the top rung, while your still trying to find your footing on the earth so far beneath me….

Darko: WOW. Honestly Willie, for the first in our long association together you’ve left me speechless.

William: And I will continue to have that effect on the world when they see me defend my Pure Championship in jaw dropping match after jaw dropping match. My performances will be AWE inspiring.

Darko: Don’t get me wrong, your talent doesn’t make me speechless, it’s your ego. Standing here now and listening to you, I honestly can’t even remember how I could ever consider you a friend. I would like to think I don’t associate with those who have their heads in the cloud and consistently cash checks with their mouths that their bodies will bounce.

William: I’ve never bounced a check in my entire life.

Darko: You’re obviously not getting my point, big shock there. What I’m trying to tell you, Willie, is that you are NOT so high on the ladder that no one can pull you down from the rungs and bring you back to this earth.

Darko points to the canvas beneath both his feet and Mason’s.

Darko: You’re not as invincible, nor as good as you think you are. As much as you want to believe that your better than me, and everyone else on this roster, you’re not. You can continue looking down your noses at guys like me, but rather you like it or not, we’re standing on eye level. I am every bit as good, and as evolved as yourself.

William: Oh please. You’re still nothing but the same barbaric, blood and guts, table diving, chair flinging, ladder swinging mindless brut you’ve always been. I on the other hand don’t have to depend on weapons, I’ve grown past such necessity for ladders, tables, so on and so forth. I can get the job done through WRESTLING. And in the end, that makes me a vastly better athlete than you can ever aspire to be.

Darko: Just when I think you couldn’t top yourself, there you go mystifying me once again. You honestly think I’m a man who has to depend on weapons to get the job done…

William: Why else would you challenge me to a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match at Upping the Ante?

Darko: There’s no winning with you, Willie. Either I’m a Care-Bear because I’m no longer hardcore enough, or I’m a mindless brute who can’t wrestle. Pick an insult and stick to it already. I’ll tell you what though Willie. I say we make a little alteration to our match at Upping the Ante, that we add a stipulation that will allow me to put this all to rest. I want a match that will prove I can beat you in absolutely any form of wrestling, be it hardcore or technical.

William: Don’t be ridiculous, Care-Bear, you’re only setting yourself up for greater humiliation. You’ve spent so much time throwing yourself through tables and off ladders that you’ve completely forgotten the fundamentals. I’d be surprised if you can remember how to apply an arm ringer at this point. You’ve DEVOLVED as a wrestler, and I’ve grown so…

Darko: if you honestly believe that then you should have no trouble giving over to my request. At Upping the Ante, let’s dust off a match stipulation that has NEVER been seen in the IWC. I want a 3 STAGES OF HELL match.

William: Now you’re being beyond ridiculous.

Darko: Three matches, one night. The first match, Hardcore Rules, the second match, Pure Wrestling rules, and the third match, TLC. What do you say?

William: I say you’re more whacked out of your skull than I ever thought. There is no way I would EVER agree to such stipulations. Furthermore, I might not even agree to face you at the pay-per-view whatsoever. Because Adam Chase doesn’t have as much power as he would like to perceive. He can’t FORCE me into another match against you at Upping the Ante. I have final say on who I compete against, and under what circumstances. And frankly, I don’t believe another match against you would do any favors to my career. So instead of humbling you at the pay-per-view, I think I’ll add some legitimacy to the Pure Championship by defending it against someone who actually knows a thing or two about technical wrestling.

Darko: Hmmm, so I guess I don’t give you proper incentive for wanting to face me then?

William: Absolutely not.

Darko: Then maybe I just need to find the right leverage.

In a knee jerk reaction Darko reaches out, grabs the briefcase holding the Pure Championship and siwngs it directly into Mason’s mid-section. William doubles over grabbing at his ribs while Avery barrels forward, diving at Darko’s throat. Danny manages to slip right through Avery’s hands and bail from the ring just in time to avoid the wrath of Mason’s bodyguard.

Sparkles: Hey, is Darko taking my boy’s title?

Greyson: It looks like Darko is absconding with the Pure Championship.

Once at ringside Darko closes the briefcase around the Pure Wrestling Title. Said case is then elevated above Danny’s head as he backs up the ramp wearing a chilling grin across his face. Avery is busy trying to help Mason collect himself, but his help is only physical, unable to undo the psychological scars inflicted on William by the theft of his Pure Title.

William’s eyes flash white hot with rage as he watches Danny back up the ramp continuing to flaunt the briefcase high overhead.

Greyson: Has Darko just got his hands on the leverage he needs to bait Mason into the 3 Stages of Hell challenge?

A strait-jacket hangs from a set of hands…a set of hands connected to the body of Mya Denton. She sits on the floor, legs crossed Indian style, back leaning to the wall of a corridor, eyes overlooking the article of clothing that was wrapped around her body on the last NewAge and she was forced to compete in. A shadow is suddenly cast over her and the strait-jacket, the dark silhouette extending from Chris Davids. Even Chris’ presence fails to take Mya’s eyes off of the buckles and straps of the jacket. So Chris kneels down to get a little closer to her, ensuring his every word reaches her ears.

Davids: Thinking about what happened to us on NewAge?

Why does he ask such obvious questions, especially ones that Mya has no interest in answering? Her mind is far too fixated on the vivid memories of herself and Davids being forced to compete while in strait-jackets on NewAge, and Mya is no fan of wearing strait-jackets.

Davids: Well how about we stop thinking about it, and start doing something about it?

The strait-jacket finally lowers from Mya’s eyes so that she can redirect them towards Chris’ plotting face.

In spite of everything that has befallen the pint sized Desmond Drake in recent weeks, he STILL has cause to smile. His grin is infectious, and before one gets the wrong idea, that’s not to say that the smile inspires others to grin as well, no, his smirk is the type of infectious that makes others sick to the pits of their stomach. That’s precisely how Martin Cohle feels at the moment, downright ill as the therapist stands beside Drake, hoping no further injuries will befall him, his broken arm and injured neck too much trauma to bear as it is. Desmond is not cognizant of the therapist’s fears, Drake focus on two individuals who continue to remain off camera.

Drake: You have no idea how much I appreciate the two of you agreeing to help me reach out to your former friend. Your assistance is going to be invaluable in correcting poor Mya’s behavior.

Drake feels ten feet tall, yet the two figures standing before him feel as if they’ve shrank several inches. Lilith Evans and Ian Kilgore, two individuals who have been repeatedly berated by their former ally Denton in recent weeks, fail to exude the same confidence as Desmond.

Lilith: I’m glad we can be of aid….to Mya.

Drake: Oh, you will be, you will be.

And that grin plastered across Desmond’s face continues to make the fans feel like they’ve contracted Ebola.

We get back to the ring in a hurry, and for damn good reason. Because the drama just never ends. At the moment Chris Davids and Mya Denton of Pain & Pleasure are positioned in the center of the squared circle, ready to stir some controversy and create a little chaos.

Greyson: It looks like Desmond is forming some type of plan. And before the break William Mason’s plans went horribly awry at the hands of a man associated with these two in the ring, Danny Darko.

Sparkles: I hope Pain & Pleasure pays after what Darko did to my man, stealing Slick Willie’s Pure Championship. Slick Willie was gonna fund my clothing optional Smoothie restaurant….

Greyson: Would you stop? You and William Mason have NO connection whatsoever. NONE!

Sparkles: How could you say that? Slick Willie and I are closer than brothers. We’re almost like twins.

Greyson: Maybe the Danny Devito, Arnold Swartzenegger version of twins. Anyhow, Davids and Denton in the ring, two individuals who have been repeatedly assaulted and victimized by the Sinistry in recent months.

Sparkles: Here’s hoping that trend continues tonight.

Chris does the speaking on behalf of this troubled pair while Mya sits Indian style on the canvas, a strait-jacket thrown on the ring in front of her.

Davids: All you had to do was leave us alone, Sinistry….

Davids stops pacing and crouches down beside Denton, putting an arm over her shoulders and lifting the microphone to her lips.

Davids: All you had to do was allow Mya to keep her Queen of the Ring Championship and hold your libido in check.

Denton is stirred from her catatonic state, coming around just in time to chime in.

Denton: And all you had to do Sinistry, was stop trying to control and manipulate Davids’ career. You should have left the man to his own devices instead of sabotaging his career, treating him like a servant, and forcing him to wear a mask…a piss yellow mask to boot.

Chris is legitimately surprised to hear such a poignant comment emanate from Mya’s mouth, breaking her silence in a major way.

Davids: Exactly.

Denton: Instead you poked and prodded us like lab monkeys, running your little experiments on our minds, seeing if you could bend us to your wills.

Davids: It looks like those experiments have failed and now the monkies are out of their cages.

The crouching Chris becomes a defiant Davids, who goes stomping along towards the ropes keenly observing the stage in anticipation of the Sinistry’s arrival.

Davids: Sinistry, I’m no stranger to sleight of hand tricks. I know that while you were directing our focus to one hand, we should have been keeping our eyes on the other.

Davids’ past as a magician makes him well aware of acts of trickery.

Davids: On one hand you were making grandiose promises about launching our careers into the stratosphere, while in the hand you had tucked behind your back you were plotting to make Denton and I nothing more than your stooges. You only wanted to use us, me for my talent, and Mya for her body. But at Reawakening Day I pulled the greatest magic act ever, one that even fooled the Sinistry. They thought I was nothing but a meek, pathetic coward, that I was destined for nothing more than being a lowly servant, but at the pay-per-view, I pulled the rabbit out of the hat. I shocked Aiken by spearing his wife through a table, and I must admit, it felt INCREDIBLY gratifying to do it.

Chris’ eyes drew towards the still seated but now talkative Mya.

Davids: But I’m not the only one who pulled the wool over the Sinistry’s eyes at Reawakening Day. Isn’t that right, Mya?

Denton: Ooooh yeah…

Sparkles: No Mya didn’t. No she did not just channel the spirit of the Macho Man…or Kool-Aid, hard to tell which.

The microphone is proudly bestowed unto Denton, who doesn’t even rise from her seat while addressing the captivated audience.

Denton: At Reawakening Day I made good on my vow to change this company, and I did it by finally setting the record straight concerning what went down between Desmond Drake and I a few months ago. The truth came out, Cupcake is nothing more than a sexual predator, and I feel proud that I was able to reveal his true color. I hope my actions at the pay-per-view have imparted some valuable lessons onto Cupcake that he can’t ….

Drake: Mission accomplished.

As if it wasn’t bad enough HEARING about Desmond Drake, now we actually have to see him in the flesh. The smarmy half-pint makes his way to the stage in his three piece suit and microphone in his palm. The fans aren’t the only one who react poorly to the sight of the co-owner of IWC/SIN, Mya and Chris look at him with the same amount of dread.

Drake: You DID teach me a very valuable lesson, Mya, you opened my eyes to the truth. That you’re nothing but a lying, back-stabbing, manipulative…

Denton: Careful now, Cupcake.

Drake: No, I’m THROUGH walking on egg-shells around you. Especially after you took advantage of my smoking hot bod and my gorgeous face all those months ago.

Drake gives his own take on the twisted relationship that had formed between he and Denton. A relationship that began behind the doors of Drake’s office, where the two engaged in a controversial affair that developed into Desmond catering to Mya’s rather ‘psychotic’ whims. However, now that Denton used that relationship as ammunition fired straight into Desmond’s gut, he is THROUGH bending over backwards to placate her.

Drake: Quit lying to all of these people, Mya, you know YOU were the one who violated ME.

Denton: If I were going to violate you, Cupcake, it wouldn’t be sexually.

Drake: Why am I not surprised that you want to get your hands on me again?

Denton: Oh, I’ll get my hands on you…or at least on your throat.

Drake: Not gonna happen, I’m not into asphyxiation Mya, and you’ll never get your hands anywhere near my sexy physique ever again. I’ve taken steps to make sure that your time of treating me like a victim has come to an end.

Before Denton can get her question out of her mouth, Lilith Evans comes out of the curtains. With Lilith’s husband, Ian Kilgore, following behind, the two step to the stage and surprisingly stand beside Desmond. Though they have no particular affinity for the President, they DO have a bond with Drake formed from their mutual anger at Mya.

Drake: I believe these two are no strangers to you.

Mya knows Lilith and Ian too well, they were after-all, very close personal friends of hers at one time, right up until Evans ATTEMPTED to set Denton on the right career path, one that veered away from Desmond. Those directions were ignored, and as thus it put Mya on a direct head on collision with Lilith.

Denton: What are you two doing with him?

Drake: What they should have done a long time ago. They call this an INTERVENTION Mya. The three of us have come together to HELP YOU.

Denton: Help me? Why do I find that so hard to believe?

Lilith: You NEED this, Mya. Really, you do.

Denton: I don’t need anything from anyone.

Lilith: Yes you do…

Drake: That’s right, you require a lot of help, PROFESSIONAL help. There’s only so much that Lilith, Ian and I can do for you, Mya. All we can do is support you as you take this next step in…..

Denton: What are you rambling about?

Drake: Want me to cut to the point? FINE. I won’t waste any more breath. Come on out here Dr. Cohle.

Fingers snap and Therapist Martin Cohle responds to them. The sweater vest and khakis affixed to his body are obscured by the plaster mold around his arm and the brace around his neck. Apparently Cohle is STILL suffering the ill-effects of the beatdown he received on NewAge a few weeks ago when Mya, Cassidy Cage and Tina Valentine savagely assaulted him. And that assault is part of the reason why Cohle is here at this very moment, at last looking for retribution.

Cohle: Mrs. Denton, I wish I could say it was a pleasure to see you again, but uhhh after the way our last session ended…(he looks at the plaster cast on his arm)….I think that might be stretching the truth a little.

Denton: I warned you that I don’t like therapists.

Cohle: Yes, well someone should have warned you that what you and those other ladies did to me several weeks ago can be considered assault. I could press legal charges against you, but at the end of the day I don’t think that would be helping you get the treatment you desperately need. So instead, per the advice of Desmond Drake, I have pushed the state of New York to have you involuntarily committed.

Denton’s eyes transition from Cohle to the huge smile on Desmond’s face and his belly that rolls with laughter.

Cohle: And both Mrs. Evans, and Mr. Kilgore were very helpful in seeing that commitment pushed through. They provided impassioned testimonials that could not be ignored.

Lilith: We just want you to get the best help possible.

Denton: SHUT UP! You think this is helping her!?! You think this is helping Mya!?!

Denton’s hands ravage her hair as she screams in the third person and directs her crazed eyes towards the stage. Davids tries to calm her down, putting a hand on her shoulder only to have her twist out of his grips and instinctively clinch her fists.

Cohle: Listen to you, Mrs. Denton. CLEARLY you’re in need of more invasive therapy and proper medication. You seem to be suffering a form of dissociative disorder. Furthermore, you’re prone to irrational fits of violence that are a harm to others and to yourself. So I believe FORCED institutionalization is the only means of getting you the help you need, considering that you have been so unreceptive to therapy in the past.

Cohle feels a twinge of pain rushing through his braced neck. He shuts up at the same time that the curtains open and through them steps a line of orderlies, all dressed in typical white scrubs.

Cohle: These kind gentlemen here are going to escort you to the van we have waiting backstage, which will transport you to a medical facility where you will be placed on a 72 hour psychiatric hold. It will then be decided the extent of the help you require.

The orderlies quickly surround the ring and INSIST that Mya exit it. After some coercion and some reassuring words from Davids, Mya is finally encouraged to play along. She rolls out of the ring, finds herself surrounded by the orderlies and then led to the backstage area. As she passes by her former friends, her former therapist, and her former boy-toy, mashes her teeth, trying to keep from screaming out at the top of her lungs. The orderlies surrounding her ensure that that will be the extent of Mya’s response to this FORCED institutionalization, keeping her from getting her hands on Desmond’s throat.

Greyson: The Sinistry does it again. They had Abigail Lindsey committed several weeks ago under these exact same circumstances, and now Mya’s being carted off to the loony bin too. Though I think she’s gonna be in there a lot longer than Abi.

It’s not gonna be easy to cool off Denton OR Davids, who watches his Pain & Pleasure teammate FORCED from the building and FORCED into an institution, all thanks to Drake.

Davids: You’re real proud of yourself, aren’t you, Dessie?

Chris Davids will not be ignored. Drawing Drake’s attention.

Drake: Do you not see the grin on my face?

Chris wishes he couldn’t, but he can see that repulsive smirk flashing on the stage all the way from Davids’ position in the ring.

Drake: And why wouldn’t I be proud? I finally got Mya the help she needs…

Davids: That’s ridiculous.

Drake: No, what’s ridiculous is you’re belief that you can get away with spearing Rachel Frost through a table at Reawakening Day without there being consequences for your actions. Mya was forced to answer for her actions, and now you will too, because you’re about to compete in a match, Chris…

Davids looks down at his street gear, hardly dressed for competition.

Drake: I’m through wasting time on you and Mya, I have bigger fish to fry. So while the orderlies deal with Denton, I’ve selected two wrestlers to deal with you. You’re facing Executioner and Jessica Wilde in a handicap match RIGHT NOW!

This whole situation has NOT gone the way Davids would have suspected or liked. He came out here to stand tall, but now he’s about to cut down. He truly gets bent out of shape when ‘Glory and Gore’ filters through the PA system and both Jessica Wilde and Executioner come through the curtains.

Mayne: Wow…words can’t even begin to describe how fantastic this is. First Mya pays for her lies, and now Davids pays for his spear. Good work Desmond, talk about killing two birds with one well aimed stone.

That stone hails by the name of Pestilence, and Wilde and Executioner head down the ramp about to be the boulder that crushes Davids. At the same time referee Stuart Wright, the Sinistry’s stooge official, slides into the ring and gestures for the bell.


Chris has been placed in a very unenviable position, forced to fight two individuals hell-bent on seeing him destroyed, all while a clearly biased official refs his match. The danger Davids is in becomes all the more evident as he watches Executioner put his massive leg over the ropes.

Greyson: Somehow Davids was lucky enough to best the Sinistry while forced to compete in a strait-jacket on NewAge, but that was while Mya was at his side. I don’t know how long his good fortune can last.

Sparkles: He should have just worn the piss yellow mask, then everything would have been fine.

The bell chimes to commence this handicap match but Davids has already got a pre-emptive start. He rushes across the ring and blasts Executioner across the jaw with a right hand, staggering the masked giant back. He then delivers chops and punches across his body, DESPERATELY trying to fend off the seven footer. That’s when Wilde rolls into the ring behind Chris, rushes in and blasts him across the back of his head and neck with a double axehandle. The shot doubles Davids over and puts his jaw in perfect place for the uppercut that Executioner delivers. The jab nails Chris’ chin with such force that it actually lifts him up and off of his feet, sending him flying through the air. Ultimately he crashes down to the canvas, rolls backwards onto his elbows and knees and attempts to get back to his feet. Jessica provides him some assistance, grabbing Chris by the wrist, pulling him up to his feet and Irish whipping him directly into a big boot from Executioner.

Greyson: Come on Pestilence, this is just going a little too far.

Sparkles: They barely even touched the man yet.

The images of Chris delivering the axe kick to the back of Executioner’s head flashes through the seven footers mind as he drags Davids up by his wrist. The images of Rachel Frost being speared through a table flashes in Wilde’s mind as she spirals into a roaring double axehandle the second that Chris was whipped in her direction. He charges right along into the forearms that smash Davids right across his face, toppling him to the ring.

Mayne: This is a good start, now TRULY make him suffer.

That’s precisely what the two are intent upon doing, hence why Executioner is outside of the ring and reaching beneath it, acquiring a table.

Mayne: This is fitting, this is SO fitting!

The table soon finds itself at the feet of Wilde and being erected in a full upright position by her hands. Eventually the wood is slanted against the turnbuckle and Chris’ body is on the cusp of being speared through it.

Greyson: We saw two referees put through a table earlier tonight, but it’s going to be far more gratifying to watch Davids put through one….no SPEARED through one.

Executioner is going to be the one who delivers said spearing. He steps into the corner opposite to the one the table has been positioned into, stooping in anticipation of delivering a powerful spear. Wilde makes sure to put and hold Chris in position to be driven through the wood. She props his barely conscious body up and stands just off to his side, constantly looking between her rival and her partner.

Wilde: Do it for our Liege, avenge her.

Executioner nods before taking one step in Chris’ direction and goes no further. Jacob Laymon, former Pestilence member, leaps to the apron, flailing his arms about in order to get Executioner’s attention. Mission most def accomplished. The masked giant stops, turns his attention towards Jacob and tilts his head as he listens to the words emanating from Laymon’s mouth.

Laymon: Come on Big Guy, wake the fuck up and walk away from all of this shit. It’s not too late for you and I to get back to where we started before the Sinistry had us brainwashed and turned us into nothing but a bunch of dipshits.

Greyson: Jacob Laymon out here again, distracting his former bodyguard, Executioner. This guy has got himself in some hot water with the Sinistry after he collaborated with Hurse to take back custody of Katelyn Buehler’s children.

Sparkles: Stealing them from Rachel Foxx and the Sinistry in the process. See, I pay attention, occasionally.

The man who finally broke away from the Sinistry’s manipulation and did so by freeing Katelyn Buehler’s girls from Foxx’s control, stands on the apron screaming towards another individual he wishes to liberate.

Laymon: Come on Big Guy, you know where your place is. It’s beside me.

And apparently Wilde knows where her place is, standing over Laymon’s mangled body. She detaches from Chris, rushes across the ring and attempts to drive her forearm against Jacob’s jaw. However the former GM drops from the apron and avoids the attempted blow from his former Pestilence partner. Jacob backs up with a sneer on his face. Jessica’s face twists around in Executoner’s direction.

Wilde: Deal with him.

Executioner finally snaps off the stupor Laymon put him into, nodding his head then approaching the ropes. He steps over them to the apron, making a cut throat gesture with his thumb in Jacob’s direction. Behind the monster’s back Jessica prepares to indulge her own inner beast. Like a cast member of the Purge, Wilde looks to unleash the beast by method of delivering a spear on the rising Davids.

Chris is still parked in front of the table and Wilde’s shoulder comes barreling towards his ribs. She dives forward to deliver the vengeful blow only to have Davids side step her, take the back of her head and redirect her shoulder from his ribs to the lower back of Executioner. The giant is knocked down a few inches, toppled from the apron to the mats. Meanwhile Wilde is twisting away from her partner, doubled over and holding her shoulder. Her stooped posture leaves the back of her head susceptible to the scissors kick that Davids unleashes.

Greyson: Davids with the axe kick….all set up by Laymon’s distraction.

Sparkles: I don’t think that’s gonna help Laymon smooth things over with the Sinistry.

The axe kick drives Wilde’s masked face into the canvas before finally flopping to her back where she’s pinned by Chris.

Greyson: Looks like Davids was able to sneak his way into another victory over the Pestilence!

It seems that in recent weeks Davids has made quite a career for himself overcoming insurmountable odds and tonight would be no different if there were a competent referee officiating the match. But alas, Wright is anything but competent. Instead of making the three count in the ring, Stuart is outside of it, consorting with some barely legal girl in the front row, hitting her up for her digits.

Sparkles: Ya’ know, I’d almost be upset with Wright, but he and I are total club rats. He’s like the best wing man on the planet.

The only referee to proudly boast a SIN patch upon his chest continues to flirt with the pretty young thing at ringside, while in the middle of the ring Davids is pinning a pretty young thing of his own. In disgust he throws down Wilde’s leg and rises to his feet, shouting over the ropes at the ‘conveniently’ distracted official.

Once he’s got Wright’s attention turning back to the ring, Chris redirects himself towards the action as well. He steps across the ring and steps right into the waiting hand of Executioner. The giant heaves Davids into the air, setting up for the chokeslam. At the last second Chris squirms right out of the massive palm of his adversary, twisting in mid-air then landing behind Executioner’s back. The masked behemoth spins around only to find his lungs deflated by the BREAK THRU!

The very spear that Executioner threatened to deliver on Davids a few moments ago now crushes the Pestilence member’s OWN ribs. The spear shatters Executioner’s mid-section, knocking him to the canvas and leaving him susceptible for what Davids has in store next.

Greyson: Big old spear from Davids, the very spear he put Frost through a table with at Reawakening Day.

Davids rises to his feet and looks to be on the cusp of the Who Wants to Live Forever, and he might not live for much longer when he stands and finds himself subjected to the spear. Wilde rushes across the ring, rams her shoulder into Chris’ ribs, picks him up off of his feet and drives him through the table. The wood explodes around Davids’ body, which is shortly thereafter dragged from the wreckage but NOT into a pin. Instead Davids is left in a precarious predicament Wilde intends to take advantage of, and all under the guidance of the “Black Dragon” Silk.

The crowd heckles the black eyed Asian beauty once she appears at ringside, leaping to the apron while scooping something from her pocket…that something being a trephine.

Sparkles: OMG, she’s young, she’s Asian, and she actually has curves. I’m officially in love.

Greyson: That’s the very mistress of Aiken Frost that we saw earlier tonight, a member of Aiken’s New Eden.

Sparkles: I could care less what her name is. She’s fucking hot. That’s ALL I care about.

Greyson: Also, as I understand it, she’s taken Wilde in as a protégé, and that trephine in her hand will serve to make Jessica just as twisted as Silk seems to be.

The Black Dragon slips the trephine into the hand of Wilde and directs the weapon towards Davids’ face. His avoidance of the Sinistry’s wrath has come to an abrupt and garish end. The weapon moves towards Chris’ face but never exacts the flesh from his features. Instead Davids’ whole body is extracted, being slid out of the ring by his ankles. Fortunately for Davids both Vanilla Skyy and Adam Chase have reached the ringside area in the nick of time to pull their Pain & Pleasure comrade from harm’s way, dragging Chris from the intended path of the trephine.

Greyson: Pain & Pleasure protecting their own.

Sparkles: Skyy can protect me any day of the week.

Skyy and her agent Chase continue to pull the near unconscious Davids from the ring, dragging him towards the backstage area.

Skyy: I know you’re not feeling very good at the moment, but we’re gonna need you to help us free Mya.

Skyy and Chase aid a staggering Davids towards the curtains while Vanilla’s eyes drift back to the ring. She directs her comments at Silk and Wilde, yet her threats fail to take the smirks off of their faces.

Skyy: You two have no idea what’s waiting for you.

Jessica goes to find out, on the brink of exiting the ring when she’s grabbed by the shoulder. Silk does not allow her new student to get very far.

Silk: Do not worry. You will have the opportunity to play with your toy. It just will not be on Davids.

Silk shifts focus from the trephine in Wilde’s hand to referee Wright, who is still chatting it up with some young lady at ringside.

Silk: Wright!

The officially gleefully turns to the exotic yet deadly beauty in the ring.

Silk: Run along and tell my Zhu that all is ready…..for the crucifixion.

Cameras quickly transfer away from the sight of a pending crucifixion, to the sight of a pending departure. With her luggage trailing along on wheels behind her, and her phone wedged to her ear, Cassidy Cage moves through the enclosed parking facility

Cassidy: Yeah, I decided to take Prii up on her invitation. Gonna meet her at the bar down the street. I’m just hoping they have good food too, all I’ve had to eat the entire day was the world’s most expensive egg-roll.

Cassidy continues her conversation even as she passes right by Leviticus and his girlfriend Caitlyn. The two have been occupying the parking lot for quite some time, awaiting someone’s arrival, hence why they are totally uninterested in Cage’s exit.

Caitlyn: How much longer are we going to be waiting here? It smells.

Leviticus: To be fair dear, that might not be the parking lot. I did have fried cabbage for dinner.

Caitlyn: Oh lord. Then maybe we should get you to a bathroom.

Leviticus: NO!

Levi puts his foot down, the stomp echoing from the pillars and cement walls that support the parking structure.

Leviticus: I will sacrifice as many pairs of underpants as it takes. I’m not leaving here until my bodyguard shows up and we discuss strategy for avenging what’s happened to me in recent weeks.

Caitlyn: Honey, listen, Whitman is NOT your bodyguard. And after what he did to the Sinistry, you don’t want to be anywhere near him.

Leviticus: I’m sure the Sinistry will give P. Wiggy a free pass for giving Ba’al that stunner at Reawakening Day, he did after-all eliminate one of their biggest threats, and one of MY biggest threats, Silence.

Caitlyn: But he didn’t even WANT to do that.

Leviticus: Sure he did, cause the Black Crusade have been just as big of an aggravation to him as they have been to me. He took out one of their members at the pay-per-view, and when he gets here tonight, I’ll direct him to take out Mr. Hush as well. Then I’ll never again have to live in fear of the Black Crusade.

Caitlyn: I don’t think Whitman is gonna be interested.

Leviticus: It doesn’t matter, as my employee he will do as instructed.

Caitlyn: Oh, so you’re actually paying him?

Leviticus: Don’t be ridiculous. The opportunity to be in my glorious presence is payment enough.

The two go back to watching for Whitman, who will not have to slip in through the back door tonight considering that he regained his employment by method of besting Silence at Reawakening Day. However, it’s not the arrival of Whitman that Leviticus and Caitlyn are treated to, it’s the arrival of one of the IWC’s newest fixtures.

Fitzgerald: Yello, Mr. Levi.

Leviticus and Caitlyn were so fixated on the entrance to the parking lot that they didn’t even notice “Mr. Ridiculous” himself, sneaking up beside them. His presence goes unnoticed until he steps to Caitlyn’s side and throws an arm over her shoulders.

Fitzgerald: How goes it?

Caitlyn: Oh God, I think I just realized where that smell was coming from.

Fitzgerald: I had fried cabbage for dinner too.

Leviticus promptly removes his love from beneath Fitzgerald’s sweaty armpit.

Leviticus: Who and WHAT are you?

Fitzgerald: Oh how rude of me. Fitzgerald is the name…

Leviticus: Okay, you’ve introduced yourself, now be gone.

Fitzgerald: Well, I’m here for more than just an introduction. I have a business proposition.

Caitlyn: Yeah?

Fitzgerald: You seem to believe that all your problems here in the land of the IWC are because you lack proper protection, but what you really need is the right management.

Leviticus: Is that so?

Fitzgerald: That’s what my agent wants to offer you..

Leviticus: Your agent?

Fitzgerald: Did I stutter? No, really did I? I ate almost an entire bag of Oreo cookies and my blood sugar is probably through the roof right now. But yeah, my agent has been watching you, and is a big fan of your performances.

Leviticus: Well that’s understandable.

Fitzgerald: He wants to get your career back on the right path, get even more championships wrapped around your waist, make you a Hall of Famer, take you out to Chuckie Cheeses on a bi weekly basis, provide you all the fried bologna sandwiches your arteries can handle, and see you fashioned in only the most lavish of crystal tiaras.

Leviticus: You had me interested right up until the tiara. Where is this agent of yours?

Fitzgerald: He’s watching, believe me, he’s watching, unless women’s golf is on.

Leviticus: Why isn’t he here right now making this sales pitch to me?

Fitzgerald: Because he believes that ACTIONS speak louder than words. He wants you to keep your eye on that Evolution Title Gauntlet match tonight, where he’ll make a major statement and show why his services will be so invaluable to you.

Fitzgerald’s statement has been made and Fitzgerald’s body is making itself scarce. His words leave Caitlyn shaking her head and Leviticus stroking his jaw.

Caitlyn: What a weirdo.

Leviticus: I don’t know, I think the guy made sense.

Caitlyn: You would.

Leviticus: I do need a bit more structure, some guidance, a proper agent that will have me properly protected. Someone who would get me into Evolution Gauntlet matches instead of being forced to watch them. Forced to watch guys like Eric Sailes participate in title opportunities when he in no way deserves them. If I had an agent I’m sure they could make use of my talents and would have had me in that Gauntlet….In fact, the more I think about it, the more outraged I am that they let Sailes in there and kept me out of it…..Hmmmm….I have an idea.

Leviticus starts to leave even as his girlfriend clasps hold his wrist.

Caitlyn: What about Whitman?

Leviticus: Who?

Caitlyn: Your bodyg…..oh forget it, where are we going?

Leviticus: To make sure Levi becomes a DOUBLE champion.

Levi slaps the Alana Starr Championship around his waist, but has designs to add even more gold to his waist. Reluctantly Caitlyn follows her boyfriend, the two unaware that a car has just arrived in the parking lot they’re abandoning. Could it be a car steered by P Clarence Whitman III? No, it isn’t. The car door opens and Shaun Cruze makes his exit.

Silverstone: Your God damned straight I’m not happy.

Sebastian Knight didn’t need to hear his manager Tabitha Silverstone say it, he can tell how angry she is just by judging her body language. Knight overlooks her as she behaves so uncharacteristically uncouth. Her bitter tone fills the corridor of the Manhattan Center, bouncing off the numerous crates stacked around them.

Silverstone: What Gavin did on NewAge was….

Knight: You don’t need to remind me how awful Gavin’s actions were. But you have to accept some culpability for the injury Gavin allowed to be inflicted on your client. For months Jordan tried to tell you that Gavin was a scoundrel. That he was playing you and Dre both, setting you up to fail…

Silverstone: I just didn’t want to believe it.

Knight: Well it’s pretty undeniable now. You saw the replays of NewAge, you saw Gavin standing there watching as Jordan’s arm was mangled by Kordy and Von Aaron. There’s no way for him to worm his way out of this. He wanted to see Andre crippled so Gavin could swoop in and take the Evolution Title from him should he win the Gauntlet tonight and become number one contender for Dre’s title.

Silverstone: IF he wins.

Knight: True. But you know that Gavin is just as talented as he is manipulative. It’s part of the reason you were drawn to him in the first place. So he stands a pretty solid chance of winning tonight.

Silverstone: He DID stand a solid chance.

Knight: Hmmm?

Silverstone: It’s time something is done to put Gavin in his place.

Knight: I’m reading your mind, Tabitha.

Silverstone: GOOD, then you know what needs to be done.

Knight: Say no more.

Knight leaves Tabitha’s side, embarking on a mission.

Silverstone isn’t on her own very long though, because a figure soon appears at her side.

Gavin: TABBY…where you been all night?

The arrival of Gavin Taylor, adorned in his Team EPIC jersey and his Tag Team Title, alters Tabitha’s mood. She goes from angry, to surprisingly upbeat, putting on a very good show.

Silverstone: Hey Gavin, I’ve actually been looking everywhere for you.

Gavin: Well it’s not like I don’t make myself stand out.

He gestures to the Tag Team Title he shares with Silverstone’s other client, Jordan, and the obnoxiously bright jersey wrapped around him.

Silverstone: What can I do for you, Gavin?

Gavin: Well I just wanted to put your mind at ease.

Silverstone: Okay.

Gavin: I want you to rest easy knowing that if I win the Gauntlet tonight and become number one contender for the Evolution Championship that Silverstone International will not suffer as a result. No, it’ll prosper. Just think about all the money you’re gonna make when your two most prestigious clients, Gavin Taylor and Andre Jordan, face off for the Evolution Championship. Talk about turning some heads. That’s a real headlines grabber right there. The recognition your agency is going to receive as a result of my win tonight and my eventual clash with Dre for the belt, it’s gonna be, well, EPIC.

Silverstone: Yeah…Best of luck.

Tabitha turns with the intent to leave but Gavin doesn’t let her get very far.

Gavin: Whoa. Something wrong?

Silverstone: Huh?

Gavin: You might as well as have ‘fuck off’ tattooed on your forehead.

Silverstone: I’m fine.

Gavin: You’re not buying into the comments of all those trolls over the forums and twitter are you? You’re not believing all the bullies are you, all the bullshitters saying that I’m responsible for what happened to Andre on NewAge?

Silverstone: Nooo, of course not.

Gavin: Good, because I’m telling you right here, right now, square to your face, that my intentions were nothing but noble when I went out there during Andre’s match against Kordy. All I wanted was to even up the odds and make sure that the GOOD Movement didn’t interfere.

Silverstone: Sebastian and I were already doing a pretty proficient job of keeping him protected.

Gavin: Mmmmhmmmm….So you ARE upset with me then?

Silverstone: No-no-no.

Gavin: How can I prove to you that what happened on NewAge was JUST a miscommunication? How can I FINALLY prove to you and Dre that my motives are genuine and noble?

Silverstone: You don’t have to….

Gavin: Wait, I got it. The answer is staring me right in the face. ALANA…She’s the solution to everything.

Silverstone: Alana?

Gavin: Yeah…Alana Starr!

The ring has been set, this time not with red velvet carpeting, not with a podium, and not with a briefcase holding the Pure Championship. Instead a giant crucifix has been lowered from the rafters and waits for a body to be mounted upon it. Silk and Red Rayne are kneeling on one side of the crucifix, heads bowed and eyes closed. On the other side of the cross are a kneeling Jessica Wilde and Executioner, their heads also lowered in an act of reverence.

Greyson: I’m getting a serious case of the heebie-jeebies here.

Sparkles: I haven’t been this wigged out since you accidently threw me in the washing machine with your tighty-whities.

Greyson: Excuse me for trying to save on the water bill.

The forces of the Sinistry remain gathered around the crucifix when “Dead Silence” plays over the speakers and we witness the chilling arrival of the Frost family. Aiken leads the way, trailed at a distance by her wife, the reigning NHB Champion Rachel. Jaina and her protector Hunter Locke are at the Hardcore Cowgirl’s heels. The SIN Champion Ba’al, his fiancée Rachel Foxx, and their servant Decay bring up the rear. While Ba’al’s hands are filled with the Championship, while Foxx’s hands are filled with her husband’s arm, Decay finds his hands occupied by the body of Hurse. A zip-tie binds Hurse’s wrists as he is dragged towards the ring.

Sparkles: Gah, Hurse hasn’t the slightest bit of luck does he?

Greyson: His only luck is bad luck it seems, and that bad luck has led him into the clutches of the Sinistry. He’s about to be crucified for aiding Katelyn in getting her children back from Ba’al and Foxx.

Sparkles: I wish Foxx were my mother….the breast feeding would be awesome!

Greyson: Careful, I don’t want to see you get crucified too.

The Frost family fills the ring where their supporters continue to bow about the cross that awaits Hurse’s body. Ba’al snaps his fingers and is supplied the trephine that Wilde was holding. She offers it to him with her elevated palms while her eyes never leave the canvas. Ba’al takes the weapon and transfers it to his sister, Jaina.

Ba’al: Mark him.


Frost steps towards the next victim of the Sinistry, who is forced to kneel on the canvas. Locke and Decay hold him down by his shoulders and rear back on his hair, twisting his face towards the trephine.

Hurse: Get that thing away from me you sick bitch.

Jaina begins to play with her target, the trephine dancing around his face. She jabs at him but pulls back before it ever connects with his skin. She is having more fun torturing Hurse than Michael Madsen while listening to ‘Stuck in the Middle with You.’

At last the games end when Jaina leaps forward and digs the trephine into Hurse’s forehead, leaving an indelible impression on his flesh.


Jaina: Awwww, shush now.

She puts a finger to his lips while she puts the trephine to his forehead. The sharpened teeth of the weapon cut an intricate pattern into Hurse’s skin, which drips red with blood.

Jaina: He’s reeeeeadddy.

Ba’al: Then the time has come. Call upon the newest member of our family, Lucien.

Aiken: With pleasure brother, with pleasure.

Aiken’s eyes affix to the stage.

Aiken: Come along dear Mika.

Per request the recently anointed member of Aiken’s New Eden steps down the ramp. Mika has her hands interlocked behind her back as she playfully sways from side to side, grin gracing her face. Kozlov jots up the steps, through the ropes and eagerly joins the Sinistry in the ring.

Aiken: My Mika…

Aiken’s hand inches towards Mika’s hair, brushing it back out of her face. Frost’s wife, Rachel, cannot even look in the direction of her husband fondling Kozlov.

Aiken: It is time to find the acceptance and love that the Chase family denied to you. It is time to become a member of a family that will truly appreciate your methods and uniqueness.

He twists Mika around by the shoulders, turning her towards the kneeling and now bleeding Hurse.

Aiken: This man attempted to take your eye at Reawakening Day, now the Frost family is gifting you the opportunity for justice. And there is no better justice, than eye for an eye justice, yes?

Mika only nods in response.

Aiken: Put him upon the cross.

Mika steps away from Aiken and embraces Hurse, siding her hands into his hair and then dragging his face down into a swift knee across the forehead. She follows this up with another knee, and then another and another and another until blood begins to surge from his possibly fractured nose.

Ba’al: Wunderbar.

Foxx: Keep them coming Mika.

One final knee cracks Hurse upside his skull and leaves him lying vegetative on the canvas. Mika now grabs him by the back of the head, forces him up to his feet and throws his unconscious body shoulder first into the cross. His body bangs off of the wooden structure and collapses to the canvas. He ends up kneeling with his face propped up by the cross that Mika now rams his face into it. She pulls him back by the hair, swings his skull into the cross, then completes this act a second time, a third time and a fourth time. It looks as if his skull has all but been crushed at this point, blood seeping from the crack in his scalp.

Ba’al: Herrlich!

Foxx: Yes Mika, MORE. Thank of how my children are suffering because of this man.

Hurse, fractured skull and all is dragged up to his feet and forced back first onto the cross. Red Rayne and Silk eagerly undo the zip-tie wrapped about Hurse’s wrists and then extend his arms out to his sides. They push the back of Hurse’s fists against the cross and keep them pinned there in anticipation of Mika’s next action. Kozlov turns and finds Wilde kneeling beside her, extending another weapon, a hammer and nails. Mika takes them from the minion who never raises her eyes from the ring.

With the means to drive Hurse’s wrists into the cross now in her hands, Mika prepares to complete the crucifixion.

Aiken: Complete your immersion into the Frost family.

Mika requires no more coaching, lifting the nail and placing it to Hurse’s wrist before retracting the hammer.

Harrison: MIKA!

Of all the people who would come to Hurse’s aid, the Blacklist would be the least expected. Lukas Montgomery and Aaron Harrison are bound for the ring.

Harrison: We could care less if you’re going to crucify Hurse, but I won’t see you do it on orders from the Sinistry. I won’t see you become nothing but their puppet. I am NOT giving up…

Montgomery and Harrison are almost in the ring only to have Wilde and Executioner roll out of the ring to cut them off. This Sinistry duo prove more than a formidable challenge for the Blacklist duo. A brawl commences between all four individuals at ringside, keeping Montgomery and Harrison from reaching Mika.

Aiken: Finish this my Mika.

There is nothing to keep Kozlov’s hammer from driving the nails through Hurse’s wrists. She pulls the hammer back only to become hesitant given the reaction from the crowd. The building explodes when P Clarence Whitman III rolls into the ring.

Greyson: Is that-is that-it is…

Sparkles: It’s P. WIGGY!

The shockingly courageous Whitman comes into the ring, grabs Ba’al by the shoulder, spins the Champion around and swings a fist upside his jaw. The shot staggers Ba’al back into a corner, finding himself stunned by this series of blows.

Greyson: Whitman is all over the champion, he’s getting retribution on Ba’al for being used and manipulated at Reawakening Day, for being turned against the Black Crusade, for being forced to retire Silence of the Black Crusade.

Sparkles: Are boy is pissed.

Whitman stomps and punches at Ba’al in the corner, a man who has long antagonized Clarence for the better part of the year. Finally Ba’al reacts with the flashing of a grin. Another punch nails Ba’al upside the face with little effect, other than the widening of his smile. He steps out of the corner and receives another punch that does nothing. Clarence’s eyes are just as big as Ba’al’s grin.

Ba’al: Oh Herr Whitman, you do amuse me so.

Whitman: I’m not supposed to be amusing, I’m supposed to be intimidating.

A forearm cracks the upper back of Whitman, resulting in whiplash and the loss of stability. He collapses at the feet of the SIN Champion, put there by Foxx.

Decay and Locke then step in and grab him by the arms, pinning them behind his back and coercing him to his feet.

Whitman: You promised me the truth about my wife…You used it against me.

Ba’al: I gave you the truth about your wife, or more accurately, my fiancée did, and you repaid me through disobedience.

Whitman: You fed me lies.

Ba’al: Now I will only feed you pain. Put him on the cross!

The Sinistry is on the cusp of forcing Whitman to endure the same punishment as Hurse, crucifying two of their most ardent agitators in the same night, but another of the Frost family’s enemies comes sliding into the ring at that very moment and prevents anyone from falling victim to the same fate as Orlando Cruze.

The crowd is expressing themselves via an explosive roar when Shaun Cruze slides into the ring with a steel chair in his palms. He turns the chair long ways and rams it deliberately into the ribs of an inbound Decay, doubling him over.

Greyson: And now it’s SHAUN CRUZE to the rescue!

Now that one of his arms are free, Whitman reach back with it, wrap it around Locke’s neck and then drop to his seat, connecting with a stunner…the very same stunner that laid Ba’al out at Reawakening Day.

Shaun, another individual who made a surprise attack on Ba’al at the pay-per-view, flips the chair around in his hands and brings it down over Decay’s spine. Decay is staggered into the ropes by the shot while Locke is staggered by the blow that was delivered on his chin. The stunner has him staggered and turning towards the chair that Shaun swings right into his skull. The steel slams off of Hunter’s head and finally takes him off of his feet.

Shaun: Seems God didn’t have any mercy on you after-all.

Shaun draws back to the chilling comments he made to Locke and security after they escorted him from the building at Reawakening Day and kept him from attacking Ba’al. They will not have that luck tonight, nothing keeping Shaun nor the chair in his hands from exacting retribution on the SIN Champion. Shaun looks to punish the man who crucified his brother some six weeks ago, going after the individual instrumental in the assault of Orlando. However, he doesn’t get his hands nor his revenge on Ba’al, thanks in no small part to Aiken and New Eden.

Red Rayne, Silk and Mika form a protective cocoon around Ba’al and Aiken, escorting their masters from the ring. At that exact same moment, Harrison and Montgomery have broken thrown Executioner and Wilde, sliding into the ring. Meanwhile Hurse has detached himself from the cross and now dives right at Jaina, charging in from behind and delivering a double axehandle to her back that sends her twisting through the ropes. She crashes down right beside Locke, who has recovered from the chair shot and is now pulling Jaina behind his back, turning himself into a human shield.

Rachel Frost watches all of this chaos with a smirk on her face and a shake of her head. She finally drops from the apron and rejoins the rest of the Sinistry.

Everyone watches with shock and awe as Shaun Cruze, Hurse, P Clarence Whitman III, Lukas Montgomery and Aaron Harrison stand a unified front against the Frosts and their forces. Yes, five individuals who have absolutely no respect for one another actually come together shoulder to shoulder and back to back. The image of Shaun, Whitman, and Hurse standing in the same ring with the Blacklist, fighting beside them instead of against them, is a truly jarring visual.

Karen: Take a loooooong look, Ba’al.

Ba’al’s eyes WOULD be on the ring and the five individuals standing in it in opposition to the Sinistry, if Karen McBride wasn’t making such a scene. It’s Karen who gets the spotlight as she steps to the stage with microphone on hand and a foul expression on her face.

Karen: Look into that ring…

She points to all the individuals inside harboring grudges against the SIN Champion.

Karen: Because the very man who will challenge you for the championship at Upping the Ante is standing right there. I promised earlier tonight to name the next challenger for your title, and he is standing in the center of the ring this very second.

Greyson: Who!?!

Ba’al is asking himself just that very question as he glares at his five potential adversaries.

The aftermath of the 4 way earlier tonight continues to have long reaching and damning consequences. The actions of Silas World and the Sinistry throughout the course of that match weigh heavy on Lethal Weapon’s thoughts. He looks significantly burdened as he stomps down a corridor, headed to a still yet to be determined location.

Blayze: Hold on Lethal.

The individual who has formed a ‘tenuous’ alliance with Lethal Weapon, at last catches up with the aging legend. Weapon acknowledges the dangerous young lady who has formed a bond with him based on their mutual hatred and distrust of Silas World. In both their cases, Silas Mason and his clients, notably Scott Cannon, have gone out of their way to spread lies and rumors that have led to grim results for Weapon and Blayze. Hence why they stood together in defiance of Silas World on the last NewAge, and Blayze seems to be swooping in to re-establish this budding unity.

Weapon: Where have you been?

Blayze: Having a little chat with the big boss-man.

Amanda informs while extracting her phone from her pocket and giving it a little shimmy.

Weapon: Good to know you two are still on speaking terms.

Blayze: I take it the relationship between the two of you has soured a little.

Weapon: Orlando has all but turned his back on me when I’m stepping up and doing my best to fight on his behalf. I’m getting tired of waging this war on my own with the whole world judging and condemning me for what I know is right.

Blayze: You’re not fighting this war against Silas World alone, Lethal.

Weapon: Certainly feels that way…

Blayze: And not everyone is condemning you, I’m actually supporting you in this battle. I KNOW…WE’RE going after the right people. Silas World were just as responsible for almost killing Cruze as the Sinistry were. And to make it even more obvious that Silas and his ass kissers can’t be trusted, they started spreading all these little lies about my relationship with Orlando.

Weapon: Heh, you think that’s bad? At least they don’t have the whole world believing that you’re a lose cannon that no one can trust. The loose cannon part I can accept, the whole trust, not so much .

Blayze: Well I for one trust you. And after having a long conversation with Orlando tonight, I’m sure we can regain his trust too.

Weapon: I’m not sure I care anymore.

Blayze: Hey come on now. From what I understand, you and Orlando go way-waaaay back.

Weapon: Yeah, but it looks like the Orlando I knew died on that cross six weeks ago.

Blayze: Ouch.

Weapon: Orlando has become nothing but a puppet to Silas World and the desires of his wife. I won’t fight for a puppet, I won’t fight for a man who has lost the will to fight for himself, and I won’t fight for someone who has lost their faith in me.

Blayze: What is this? Are you sounding the retreat? Are you giving up?

Weapon: It’s not giving up if the leader you’re fighting for has already thrown in the towel.

Blayze: He hasn’t given up, he’s fighting for everything he’s worth to get back to the IWC.

Weapon: And when he does return do you honestly think anything is going to be different? Do you think he’ll stop the Sinistry, or continue to be manipulated by Silas World? I can’t stand by and just watch it happen….

Sienna: There is the skebenga right there.

Sienna Swann is quite bold, especially when she has a legion of overweight security guards following behind her, she and her posse approaching the near feral Weapon. His response to the sight of the Silas World member leads to an instinctive clinching of his fists and lowering of his brow.

Sienna: Lethal Weapon, I’m here by request of Karen McBride, the boss you SHOULD be concerning yourself with.

Weapon: And why would I concern myself with yet ANOTHER of Silas World’s puppets?

Sienna: Mrs. McBride has sent me to inform you that due to your attack on Scott Cannon after your four way match, and your assault on Kloe Masters at Reawakening Day, that you have been indefinitely suspended.

Lethal doesn’t even blink when hit with this statement. No, he does something far different than blink, he smiles.

Weapon: So Silas was able to use his influence over McBride to get me suspended huh? Well, there’s no need for that. Because even though McBride might have prevented having the resignation of Taylor Chase weighting heavy on her mind, she’ll HAVE to deal with MY resignation. I quit!

Weapon willingly moves along with security, leaving Sienna to her own devices with the last person she would probably want to be alone with at the moment. The grin instantly fades from Swann’s face when turning to come nose to nose with Blayze.

Blayze: You’re so happy with yourself, aren’t you?

Sienna: Now why would I take pleasure in the retirement of a legend such as Lethal Weapon? I’m actually sad to see how far he’s fallen. How deep into delusion he’s allowed his mind to slip.

Blayze: ‘Delusion?’ There’s that word again, and you’re using it entirely out of context. Weapon was the most level headed person I came across in recent weeks. He was the only person, beside myself, that could see the snake through the grass….

Sienna: Snake?

Blayze: Silas World.

Sienna: You compare something as lovely as me to a snake? Why would you do such a thing?

Blayze: If the scales fit.

Sienna: I don’t mean to insult you, Amanda, but I think you’re wrong, so wrong about Silas and I. We don’t want war, we want a utopia. We don’t want to fight you, we want peace….

Blayze: By accusing me of being a whore and home breaker?

Sienna: I am sure Silas knew nothing about these rumors. He and I both have been the subject of such vicious and cruel gossip. We would never wish it upon someone else.

Blayze: I’m not buying this for a second.

Sienna: Maybe the reason you have so much trouble believing me is because you don’t know me.

Blayze: I don’t WANT to know you.

Sienna: Let me change that, Amanda. Meet me for dinner sometime this week, and maybe after we’ve sat down together and talked you’ll see that Silas World are not evil gossip mongers and treacherous back stabbers. I’m sure I can give you a whole new perspective on Silas World if given the opportunity.

Bartender: What can I get for you doll-face?

Cassidy Cage finally looks up from the drink menu into the bushy brows of the bartender. She has to think quick, as the server is obviously in a hurry, barely even affording Cage a moment of service. Although Cassidy is presently overwhelmed by the sound of the pop music blaring in the background along with the idle chatter of everyone amassed in this posh bar, she struggles through all of the distractions to at last give a response.

Cassidy: I’ll have a White Russian.

Bartender: Anything to eat?

Cassidy: Hmmm, maybe an eggroll. But I think I’ll wait until my friend gets here before I place my food order.

Bartender: Fair enough. Will get you that Sex on the Beach pronto.

Cassidy: Wait, I asked for a White Russ..

The Bartender has vanished before Cage can finish protesting.

Cassidy: Thanks a lot cock-munch.

Random Douche: Oh my God….

Cage turns to the sweater vest clad gentlemen sporting a Michael Bolton perm. He steps towards her and leans against the bar, trying his best not to slur his words.

Random Douche: Did anyone tell you that you look just like my next girlfriend?

Cassidy: WOW…just wow….and did anyone tell you that jheri curls went out of fashion after Coming to America hit theaters?

Random Douche: Whatever….BITCH.

The gentlemen walks off, leaving Cage to enjoy the Bahama Mama that has been slid in front of her.

Cassidy: Seriously? I asked for a White Russian!

Her protests go unnoticed.

Cassidy: God, hopefully the food in this place is better than the service….I’m STARVING. Wonder how much longer that Prii is gonna take.

Cage checks the clock on the wall above the bar, adjusting her eyes to account for the extremely poor lighting.

Bar-Fly: Is this seat taken?

Cage groans, not even looking towards the face of her next would-be suitor. Why did she have to make herself so damned appetizing?

Cassidy: I’m kind of saving it for a friend….So would you kindly fuck of…

A glass holding a White Russian suddenly shatters over the back of Cage’s head, knocking her face into the bar. Her skull bounces off and her body twists to the carpet at the feet of the individual who just assaulted her, Queen of the Ring Champion, Tina Valentine.

Tina: Awww…were you expecting someone else?

Cage tries to rise to her feet feeling at the pieces of glass embedded in the back of her skull.

Tina: Did you really think ANYONE would have a crush on you? Nooo…the only crush you’ll ever get, is the crush of your skull under my boot.

Though at the moment it’s not Tina’s boot doing the crushing. She drags Cage to her feet, throws her across the bar and watches gleefully as Cage crashes into a table, rolls over it and lands in the very lap of the Casanova who hit on Cage earlier tonight.

Tina: Face it, Cage, NO-ONE would EVER have feelings for a bloated bitch like you. Stand her up!

Cage starts to stand up when Valentine grabs a beer bottle and swings it right into Cassidy’s forehead, shattering it into thousands of shards.

Bartender: I’m gonna call the police.

Tina: Fine….but they won’t get here in time to help this hater.

A pool-stick is taken off the wall and swung over the back of Cage, cracking both her spine and the stick.

Tina: If you didn’t get it by now, that ditzy Prii isn’t the one who invited you out for a fun night on the town. It was me. I thought the two of us could get very up close and intimate.

A writhing Cassidy rolls onto the back that was just bludgeoned by the pool-stick. Though she’s barely conscious she can still keep track of the lips she planted one on at Reawakening Day. Valentine kneels on the floor, grabs Cassidy around the neck and pulls her head up from the ground.

Tina: You want a taste of me? You want to taste Tina? FINE!

Valentine hurls spit directly into Cage’s face.

Tina: There, that’s the closest you’ll ever get to consensual sex with another human being. Because no one would ever WILLINGLY touch you.

The show returns to the ring just in time to catch Evolution and Co-Tag Team Champion Andre Jordan stood in the center. His arm is in a sling resulting from the numerous attacks upon it in recent weeks, while a microphone is griped in his good hand.

Sparkles: Booooo it’s Andre Jordan.

Greyson: What’s wrong with Jordan?

Sparkles: Everything.

Greyson: Everything?

Sparkles: The guy fucked up a relationship with Alana Starr….Alana friggin Starr….enough said.

Greyson: I like Jordan.

Sparkles: You would.

Greyson: He’s a top notch talent who has shown a lot of perseverance in recent months, including going into a title match against Kordy last week on NewAge with a badly injured arm. One that was further injured in the course of that match by Kordy and her manager Ethan Von Aaron.

Jordan would weigh in on that assault if the Gauntlet for the Evolution Title Number One Contendership wasn’t about to commence.

Andre: You all are probably expecting me to stand here right now and give some long shoot about all the shit that went down on NewAge. Maybe you’re thinking I’m gonna go insulting Ethan Von Asshat for scheming to injure me so that there’s nothing left of my arm IF I have to go on and face him for the championship. Ooooor, maybe you guys were anticipating hearing me run my mouth regarding Gavin “Keyser Soze” Taylor. Naaaah…I’m not about to give either one of them the time of day right now. If I started talking about the way Gavin stood there and watched me get my arm broken on NewAge, I’d be out here all night long further delaying the Gauntlet to decide the next challenger for MY Evolution Championshp.

He would lift the belt off of his shoulder and into the air if his arm wasn’t so debilitated by injuries inflicted on it over recent weeks.

Andre: And if I really went off on Ethan Von Asshat, they’d have to delay the gauntlet until next month. That’s how long it take me to finish shooting on that piece of filth. No….sorry, that’s an insult to filth.

Jordan bites his tongue, refusing to go on a long tirade directed at Von Aaron or Taylor.

Andre: Like I said, I’m not here tonight to shoot, I’m here to watch the next challenger for my championship crowned. But before the match starts, I just want to tell the participants involved that if they’re thinking this Gauntlet is going to be their toughest challenge to date, just wait until they move on and face me. Winning the gauntlet ain’t gonna be easy, but facing me for the Evolution Title is gonna be even tougher….

Gavin: You’re not telling me anything I didn’t already know.

Dre takes this interruption by Gavin Taylor about as well as he would a case of taco shits. The aggravation causes Jordan to lower his face into his palm, rubbing his eyes. He can’t even look at Gavin, his tag team partner/arch nemesis entering the ring.

Gavin: I know how tough you are man. Look at everything we’ve put each other through for months, and yet here you stand, more confident and stronger than ever. You truly embody everything a champion should be. Every week you come out and show the determination, heart and….


Jordan finally takes his hand away from his eyes, forcing himself to look into Gavin’s shocked expression.

Andre: I’m fed up with this game, Gavin, and I’m not playing along anymore.

Gavin: What’s wrong with everyone here tonight? Every time I turn around I’m being treated like a bad-guy. Don’t you realize that on NewAge I was the only one trying to help you? That I was showing a remarkable amount of heart and back-bone trying to get in that ring and save you from the GOOD Movement? And yet you come at me tonight like I’m some kind of ‘Iago.’ Like I’m secretly plotting against you behind the scenes.

Andre: Secret? No-no, that’s where you’re wrong. There’s NOTHING secret about what you’re doing. The whole world can see that you’re trying to use your position in Silverstone International, and as my tag team partner, to set me up, to weaken me, to cripple me so that you can swoop in and take my Evolution championship.

Gavin: Dre, my brother from another mother, you seriously have got to stop buying into the dirt sheets and all the other gossip sites that don’t know shit about me and my motives. Don’t give into the speculation.

Andre: It’s not speculation, it’s FACT.

Gavin: You know, I anticipated that you would come out here tonight and try to throw me under the bus, but I’m not gonna let you do it. I’m not gonna let you paint me in such a bad light. I’ve been there to support you through thick and thin, and I’ll go on supporting you rather you like it or not.

Andre doesn’t care for either option.

Gavin: You want to know how I was going to support you tonight, by winning the gauntlet then moving on to challenge you at Upping the Ante in a match that would put you, and the Evolution Title on the map. And if that wouldn’t be enough to show you how genuine my intentions are, I’ve got ANOTHER ambition tonight that I WILL see realized.

Andre: What? Are you going to trick me into fighting the entire GOOD Movement on my own then stand back and watch as my arm is ripped off my body and used to beat me to death?

Gavin: Nooooo. Although my plans DO incorporate the GOOD Movement, primarily Alana Starr.

Andre: Ooooh God, no good can come of this.

Gavin: Don’t be so cynical. Just TRUST me. If I can redeem Alana, then that should show you that I’m not beyond redemption myself. Plus, you’ll be eternally indebted to me for giving you back your ‘fuck-buddy.’

Andre: That’s yesterday’s news, Gavin. I don’t want anything to do with Alana.

Gavin: Let’s just bring Alana on out here and Gavin will fix everything.

Ethan: I think not.

Gavin is as receptive to the interruption of Ethan Von Aaron as he is a case of White Castles diarrhea. Before Ethan can even finish his sentence he’s already throwing a leg through the ropes and stepping into the ring.

Ethan: My client is not about to come out here and be victimized by that THUG over there….

He points at Jordan.

Ethan: Or manipulated by this Yoko Ono.

He points at Gavin.

Ethan: My client Alana Starr is above the both of you, and will not be aggravated by either of you any longer. I will make sure that you no longer attempt to get in my client’s head, Gavin, by taking you out tonight. And then, I’ll move on and avenge my client’s honor by taking your Evolution Championship, Andre, and breaking your arm in the process.

Andre: Well-well, it sounds like you two have such grand plans for lil ole me. But from the sounds of it, neither of you are gonna be able to follow through. Because I don’t think there’s going to be anything left of either one of you after this Gauntlet is over, especially since…

Ethan: My client will be avenged at any price!

Andre:…especially since..

Gavin: I will save Alana, and I will continue to elevate the prestige of the Evolution Championship no matter what.

Andre:…especially since…

Ethan: The GOOD Movement’s plans come full circle.

Andre:…especially since…

Gavin: Tonight Team EPIC will be stronger than ever.

Andre: Especially since you’ll BOTH be starting this Gauntlet as the number one and number two entrants.

Ethan and Gavin look across the ring at each other in a stunned stupor. Their lips have finally stopped flapping considering that their mouths now hang open. They can’t even bring themselves to watch as Jordan leaves the ring, pauses on the apron and lets his Evolution Title fall from his injured shoulder into the same palm holding the microphone.

Andre: Time to find out just how dedicated to your causes you truly are. Best of luck to ya fellas.

The Evolution Champion drops from the apron to the mats, backing up the ramp and watching as the bell chimes and his greatest rivals are forced to collide.


Greyson: Andre with his own nuclear bomb.

Sparkles: Has that really become a thing now? The whole nuclear bomb phrase?

Greyson: Yeah, it’s kind of caught on like wild fire.

Sparkles: Then I volunteer to be the hose that extinguishes it. Which is only fitting seeing as I have a hose in my….

Greyson: You have NOTHING down there, Sparkles, I didn’t make you anatomically correct, and for very good reason.

Andre continues to back up the ramp observing the hornet’s nest he pretty much just urinated upon. Now Gavin and Ethan are like the buzzing swarm swept into a frenzy. The moment that the bell rings they turn their stingers on one another. Ethan turns his back on Taylor, shouting straight at Dre….shouting threatening comments that the children in attendance really shouldn’t be allowed to hear. At last Ethan’s comments are drowned out by the screams of the crowd when Gavin rushes in from behind, catches Von Aaron around the back of the head and tosses him over the cables.

Greyson: We have the first elimination in this gaunt…

Sparkles: Not likely, because my main man just held onto the ropes.

Truer words have never spoken by Sparkles, because Ethan manages to grab the top rope when he was thrown over, landing on the apron instead of on the outside mats.

Greyson: Let’s take a moment to talk about the stipulations and rules of this Gauntlet match.

Sparkles: Let’s not, instead let’s talk about Alana Starr and her fantastic ass.

Greyson: Believe it or not, Sparkles, we actually do have a job that asks us to keep the fans informed and less confused about what’s going on around here. This Gauntlet is to crown the number one contender for the Evolution Championship, with two men staring out, Ethan Von Aaron and Gavin Taylor apparently, then another entrant will arrive every minute. Eliminations will then occur by being thrown over the top rope with both feet hitting the floor until one man remains in the ring. Then that man…

Sparkles: Will get to spank Alana on the ass?

Greyson: Nooo. Will get to go on and challenge Andre Jordan for the Evolution Championship at Upping the Ante.

Sparkles: I think getting to smack Alana on the ass is a far more fitting reward.

Referee Michelle Blacker has just entered the ring and is calling for the match to begin even though Gavin and Ethan have beaten her to the punch. Speaking of punches, Taylor rushes across the ring to deliver a blow on Von Aaron that will knock him to the outside of the ring. However, Ethan bends down driving his shoulder through the ropes and into Taylor’s ribs, doubling him over. Von Aaron then reaches over the ropes, ensnaring Gavin in a front chancery. He attempts to deliver a suplex over the ropes that would send Gavin crashing to the floor and eliminating him. However, Taylor suddenly twists out of the front chancery, catches Ethan around the neck and attempts to deliver a stunner, one that would snap Von Aaron’s throat off the top rope, potentially sending him crashing to the outside.

Before this fate can befall Von Aaron, he reaches through the ropes, puts them to Taylor’s back and shoves him off. Gavin staggers to the center of the ring then turns as Von Aaron begins to re-enter the ring. He just gets his head through the cables when Taylor comes rushing in and delivers a front dropkick square to the top of Von Aaron’s skull. The shot sends Ethan back, grabbing the middle rope just before he could be launched off the apron and ultimately to his demise.

Sparkles: My main home boy Ethan hanging in there.

Greyson: But Taylor is getting closer to eliminating him.

Von Aaron shakes off the blow to his skull, still looking groggy and unaware of another dropkick about to connect. Gavin rushes into the ropes running perpendicular to the ones that Ethan is standing behind. He springs off the middle rope, twists in mid-air, then delivers a dropkick to Von Aaron’s chest. The blow knocks him off of his feet and onto his seat, but it’s ON the apron, not ON the mats.

Greyson: Ethan is hanging on for dear life.

Sparkles: The guy put so much time, energy and effort into setting this up…into having Kordy injure Andre just so Von Aaron could win this match, then go on and challenge a weakened Jordan for the Evolution Title. He can’t fail now, not after all this plotting.

All of Von Aaron’s plans are about to go up in smoke because Gavin is the man about to extinguish Ethan’s fire. He puts his boot through the ropes and places it to the side of Von Aaron’s chin, trying his absolute best to push Ethan from the apron. Nothing is going to keep Ethan’s hands from breaking their clasp around the middle rope though.

10, 9, 8…

Greyson: There’s the countdown clock. Another entrant on the way.

Sparkles It had better be one of Ethan’s buds, he needs some help in there.

Greyson: I’m pretty sure that with the exception of yourself, Ethan has no friends.

3, 2, 1!

The obligatory buzzer sounds in the building, confirming that the next entrant is ready….but are the fans ready for the next entrant? HELL NO.

The lights dim and the pulsing synthesizer beat of Ayreon’s “Ride the Comet” echoes throughout the arena. Blue lights illuminate a thick mist that creeps over the stage as the drums kick in, a pair of yellow, slit-pupilled eyes blinking on the jumbotron. There is a soft hissing sound as it appears to be raining on the stage now.

A torrent of mist sprays up into the air at the center of the stage, spraying to the left and then to the right, and back to the center. A few moments of stillness and then a sudden gout of blazing blue fire.

“Find your way home, little extremophiles”

The blue flames radiate a chill as they seem to consume the mist, leaving the stage clear and covered in slick ice. Then the operatic vocals begin.

“Flyyyyyyyy, beloved sons!”

With the surge of the guitars a black gauntleted fist breaks through the ice, claws digging in and allowed Kalinda Kriegsdottir to pull herself up, the ice shattering into chunks that fall aside as she pulls herself through the ice and up onto the stage, he serpentine amber eyes glowing yellow for a moment.

“Find your way home, donors of life!”
“Flyyyyyyyy, my chosen ones!”

Kalinda punches down into the ice, reaching down through it and seizing something, yanking it up through the ice and up onto the stage with her. A simple metal garbage can filled with the usual assortment of hardcore goodies.

“You’re on your own, little extremeohpiles”
“Riiiiiiiiide your frozen ark!”

The Deadly Dragonspawn grips the can with her right hand, raising it into the air over her head, her gaze looking over the crowd.

“You’re on your own, cleaving the skies”
“Riiiiiiiide into the dark!”

“Carry out your dangerous task, sail uncharted spheres!”
“Live out our dreams, ride the comet!”

The Big Blue Brute walks down to the ring, circling it then dropping her container of weaponry into her corner.

“Journey on the Migrator trail, cross the new frontiers!”
“Pass on our genes, ride the comet!”

Greyson: What on God’s green earth is that?

Sparkles: Something NOT of this earth…something too HOT for this earth.

Greyson: That is the very dragon responsible for the abduction of Suzanne Moore a few weeks ago at Reawakening Day. Yes, I did just say that, a dragon.

Sparkles: Get over your disbelief, Greyson, and get on board with the pure hotness that is Kalinda. I can just imagine riding her tail all night long.

The sight of this giant creature at ringside has brought Gavin to a standstill. His eyes awkwardly blink as he TRIES to make sense out of what he’s seeing here.

Greyson: Yeah, I’m just as confused as you are Gavin.

The dragon now enters the ring, and her hefty, tall frame towers over Taylor, who is now protesting to the referee.

Gavin: What the hell is that? I never agreed to wrestle that…that…THAT!

He has no idea what else to call the dragon creature who is towering above her, and he has even greater trouble trying to figure out a method of attack. Finally he just gives up and lashes out at Kalinda, charging in only to have his legs cut out from under him via Kalinda’s tail. It swings directly into the back of Gavin’s legs, knocking him onto his back. He then rolls over backwards to his knees when Kalinda spins into another blow with her tail, this one connecting with Gavin’s chest.

Kalinda spins out of her tail whip right into Ethan, who rushes across the ring and gets caught with what appears to be a tilt a whirl. Instead he ends up on Kalinda’s shoulder in a running powerslam position. She rushes across the ring and attempts to throw Von Aaron over the ropes only to have him reach out and grab the top cable, trying to prevent collapsing to the outside. He kicks his legs in desperation, trying to worm his way free. Finally he squirms out of Kalinda’s arms and lands on his feet behind her before leaping into the air and getting knocked right out of it via a big boot. The dragon’s foot nails Ethan square under the jaw, knocking him onto his back and giving him significant whiplash.

Greyson: How in the world are Gavin and Ethan supposed to fight something like this?

In spite of their personal grudges, Ethan and Gavin end up standing side by side and combining their forces to do something about Kalinda. Both men rush right at Kalinda only to have her fall back, supporting her weight on her tail and putting her feet into the air. A stereo kick is delivered to the faces of Von Aaron and Taylor, knocking the two to the canvas.

Sparkles: That tail is so friggin sweet.

Greyson: It’s definitely giving this creature an advantage thus far.

Kalinda pauses momentarily in her assault to listen to the gauntlet bound to her wrist. Yes, that’s correct, she’s listening to her piece of armor, as if it’s giving her instruction. With a sigh Kalinda blows off the apparel, dismissing its advice and going right after her adversaries.

10, 9, 8, 7….

Greyson: It appears that Gavin and Ethan are about to get the help they desperately need in this match.

Sparkles: It’s gonna take like a whole friggin army to remove Kalinda from that ring. Or maybe just a really roided up Matthew McConaughey.

Kalinda steps towards Gavin and lays into his chest with an elbow drop. She then rolls away from him, gets to her feet and leaves them once again in order to drive her skull into Von Aaron’s stomach. He curls into a ball only to have Kalinda drag him out of it. She pulls him up to his feet, wedges a shoulder to his gut and powers him spine first into the turnbuckle. All the air is knocked out of Ethan’s lungs, and now his body is about to be knocked out of the ring. She bends forward, sticks her shoulders under Von Aaron’s knees and lifts him into the air, trying to flip him over the cables to the outside mats.

3, 2, 1….

There’s the buzzer and here’s some intro tunes, the track of “No Love” hitting the PA system. Eric Sailes emerges from the back, a man who had quite the prosperous night at Reawakening Day looking to have the same success here tonight.

Greyson: There’s Eric Sailes, and I’ll be the first to say it, he definitely impressed at Reawakening Day when he defeated Leviticus THREE straight times.

Sparkles: No, he CHEATED three separate times and flagrantly broke the rules of the Alana Starr Championship. Sailes should be penalized and forced to watch Robert eat a ham as punishment for his actions at the pay-per-view.

Immediately after entering the ring, Sailes scrambles across it, delivering a huge leaping splash right into Kalinda’s upper back. Kalinda drops Von Aaron’s feet back down to the canvas as a result, the blow doubling her over. She slowly turns around and finds her face nailed with jab after jab by Sailes. All the while Von Aaron is hooking Kalinda’s arms behind her back, keeping her from being able to defend herself as she’s subjected to his onslaught.

Eric makes use of Von Aaron turning himself into a strait-jacket, giving Sailes the opportunity to deliver repeated stomps directly to Kalinda’s ribs. The strikes only stop so that Eric can turn Kalinda, put her gut to the top rope and attempt to flip her over it. To the amusement of the crowd both Sailes and Von Aaron have grabbed hold of the tail, lifting up on it in an attempt to force the dragon to the exterior of the ring.

Greyson: Their attempting to flip Kalinda to the outside of the ring using her…her tail….Did I really just say that?

Now the tail might come back to hinder Kalinda, being used by both of her opponents in an attempt to eliminate her from the Gauntlet. Gavin throws himself into the mix and helps out, getting a firm grasp on Kalinda’s tail as well. He aids Sailes and Von Aaron, the trio employing all of their strength in an attempt to put Kalinda on the ringside mats.

At last she fights back though, using her tail to shrug Gavin off, then using her elbows to back Sailes and Von Aaron away. The two stagger back and turn just in time to be hit with stereo clotheslines to their throats, knocking both men down to the canvas. Sailes rolls away from Kalinda, holding his throat and working his way up to his feet. The moment he recovers enough to reach an upright base, Sailes is caught from behind and charged into the ropes by Gavin, being thrown to the outside of the ring.

Sparkles: Sailes is gone!

Greyson: No, Sailes has got the ropes. He’s still in there.

Sparkles: Well that little whore.

Sailes lands across his thigh on the apron, clinging to the top rope with both hands for all that he’s worth. He struggles to his feet at this point only to be almost knocked off of them when Gavin comes rushing in and almost collapses his jaw with a forearm strike. Taylor then bends down and drives his shoulder through the ropes into the small of Sailes’ back.

The blow to the kidneys has Eric twisting around and almost spiraling right off of the apron before ultimately collapsing to the outside of the ring. He grabs the top rope though, preventing a descent that would cost him an opportunity at the coveted Evolution Championship. Gavin is determined to send him to the outside and will accomplish this by method of springing from the ropes running perpendicular to the ones that Sailes is standing on the opposite side of and twisting into a dropkick.

Gavin goes airborne, twisting around into the dropkick but in actuality, he twists around into the waiting arms of Kalinda. She rushes across the ring and catches Gavin the moment he spun his body to drive his boots into Saile’s body, and the dragon now holds Taylor across her chest. She rushes towards the ropes and attempts to just dump him over the cables. She is successful in sending Taylor over the cables, but not to the outside mats. Gavin somehow grabs the top cable and collapses to his seat across the apron, preventing his elimination.

As Gavin was pitched from the ring, Sailes re-enters it. He begins to slide through the ropes when Ethan looks to take advantage of all the hard-work of his opponents. He rushes in beside the stooped Sailes grabs him by the back of the head and begins to drive his knee repeatedly into Eric’s face.

Greyson: Ethan could be the first man to earn an elimination in this match, he’s got Sailes reeling.

Sparkles: Stop being so damned stubborn Eric and give Von Aaron the ego-boost he needs.

Sailes is not a man who is here to feed the egos and confidence of others, evident as he keeps his hold on the middle rope and prevents taking a tumble to the outside.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6…

Greyson: As if there weren’t enough odd personalities in the ring…

Sparkles: In the ring? How about outside of it? You do have a muppet doing commentary after-all.

Greyson: Anyway, another unique personality about to enter this gauntlet and contribute to the chaos.

Gavin and Sailes might not find out who that next entrant is going to be, considering they are both trying to fend off an elimination. Von Aaron is throwing punches over the top rope into Eric’s forehead while Kalinda is stomping her foot through the ropes and into Gavin’s ribcage. Somehow Sailes maintains his balance on the apron and Gavin manages to hold onto the bottom rope with his arms and legs, wrapping himself around the cable and keeping his Evolution title ambitions alive.

It remains to be seen how much longer either of these men can hang in there, their determination to become champion being tested at the moment.

4, 3, 2, 1…


The crowd does NOT rejoice, they regurgitate. The sight of Leviticus making his way down the ramp with microphone in hand and Alana Starr title around his waist is a truly unbearable and grotesque image to endure.

Greyson: I didn’t know Levi was in this Gauntlet tonight.

Sparkles: What an awesome surprise.

Leviticus continues on his way down the ramp gabbing into the mic and patting the belt around his waist.

Leviticus: Your fondest dreams have just become reality. Leviticus, the Most Loved Man on the Planet, appealed to the kind heart and wisdom of Karen McBride in order to be added as a last minute entrant in the Rumble.

The crowd REALLY wants to gag at this point. Some actually stick their fingers down their throats.

Leviticus: Just imagine it everyone. Just imagine a world with Leviticus as a double champion, not only representing the Alana Starr division, but the Evolution Title division as well. Once I effortlessly dispose of every single one of these fuck-faces in the ring, the Marketing Guru will go on to elevate the prestige of the Evolution Championship. Heck, I might just merge it with my Alana Starr title. That’s awesome…no BEYOND awesome.

Levi slips under the ropes.

Leviticus: It’s time to get Levi back on the right career path, back to capturing titles, and back to capturing the imagination of every fan presently erecting shrines in my honor. And it all starts right here, right now, when I become the number one contender for the Evolut….

Eric rushes into the ring and delivers a lariat straight across Levi’s throat, sending him flipping back and over the ropes. Levi plummets to the mats amidst an explosion from the fans.

Sparkles: Waaaaaait!

Greyson: Leviticus ELIMINATED!

Sparkles: By Eric Sailes of all people.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4….

As the countdown continues, Leviticus’ breakdown commences. He stands up, kicks the steps, slaps his palms over the apron and looks to be flipping out.

Leviticus: This isn’t over! THIS ISN’T OVER! Sailes cheated. He cheated dammit.

Eric waves goodbye to Leviticus then goes back into battle.

3, 2, 1..

There’s the buzzer, and here’s some more tunes filtering through the PA system, music reserved for JaMarcus Avery. “King Nothing” by Metallica streams through the speakers and Avery is tearing through the curtains and tearing a path for the ring. Before anyone can even react to this arrival Avery is exploding in the ring. He rushes across it and takes Von Aaron’s head off with a lariat. Ethan crashes to his back across the canvas, rolls along to his feet and then finds himself ensnared in JaMarcus’ arms. Avery heaves Von Aaron into the air, twists Ethan in mid-air, then slams him into the canvas with a belly to belly slam. Avery drives Ethan into the ring and almost right through it. He then rises to his feet just as Sailes charges in from behind and attempts to earn an elimination by grabbing JaMarcus by the back of the head and the trunks, charging him at the ropes and trying to throw him over.

Greyson: We found out on NewAge that JaMarcus Avery will be replacing his boss, William Mason in this Gauntlet tonight due to his loyal service. Which works out in Mason’s favor considering he’s probably not very level headed at the moment with the thought of his Pure Championship being stolen from him weighing heavy on his mind.

Sparkles: And Darko is part of this match too, meaning Avery has the perfect opportunity to avenge his boss and get back that belt for my main man. I really hope Avery does, because I don’t want Mason to lose his smile. Otherwise he might not fund my Massage Parlor where the workers are all barely legal Asian hotties.

Greyson: Mason made no commitment to any of your damned perverse business ventures.

Sailes sends JaMarcus into the cables, but not over them, instead he ricohets off and comes back into Eric with another thunderous clothesline. The force of the impact sends Sailes crashing to the canvas and closes his windpipe. He gasps for air while rolling across the ring to his knees only to be knocked off of them when Avery comes rushing in delivering a boot to the side of his cranium.

Avery has taken out Eric and is now turning his focus to Kalinda, the dragon creature so busy trying to eliminate Taylor that she doesn’t even see Avery charging in from behind. JaMarcus grabs Kalinda by the tail, swings it aside and causes his massive opponent to turn to face him. He grabs the 6’11 over 400 pound Kalinda around the waist and attempts to heave her up into the belly to belly slam. Unfortunately JaMarcus’ back isn’t strong enough to perform this unbelievable feat of strength. He tries several times, but his muscles cannot handle the strain, nor can it tolerate the pressure of the dropkick that Sailes delivers to it. The blow sends Avery crashing into Kalinda and Kalinda staggering backwards into the ropes. Both individuals hit the cables and threaten to go flipping over them, Kalinda going over backwards. She manages to reach out and wrap her arms around the top cable though, preventing being knocked to the outside.

That’s when Sailes charges in and delivers a lariat right to Kalinda’s throat but it doesn’t have the effect he had anticipated. His opponent manages to keep the ropes wrapped around her arms and will not go traveling over them. Her feet are planted upon the ring, but not for much longer. Von Aaron and Sailes step in, grabbing her legs and lifting up on them, attempting to send her floating over the cables backwards.

Somehow Kalinda continues to hold onto the ropes though, keeping her spine wedged against them as her feet are elevated into the air.

Greyson: Are these two gonna get Kalinda out of there?

Sparkles: Is this the obligatory point in the match when everyone teams up on the biggest person and completely dispelling the notion that the biggest athlete is the biggest threat? Seeing as giants never seem to win these things.

Sailes and Von Aaron are employing all of their combined strength to get Kalinda’s legs up in the air and put him over the cables. The only thing that keeps them from completing their task, along with Kalinda’s unshakable resolve, are the forearms delivered by Gavin and Avery. JaMarcus blasts Von Aaron over the back with a blow, while Sailes is spun around and caught under the chin with a closed fist by Taylor.

Gavin now grabs Sailes by the wrist and shoots him off across the ring only to have Eric stop in the middle of the squared circle then spin around in the nick of time. He catches an inbound Taylor, delivering a spinning powerslam that crushes Gavin’s body against the canvas. He then stands up just as Ethan is whipped towards Eric. The massive Avery launches Ethan along into another spinning powerslam, Sailes driving all the energy and fight from Von Aaron’s body by driving it forcefully against the canvas. Sailes quickly works his way to his feet as Avery comes rushing in with designs for another clothesline. Before the lariat demolishes Sailes’ throat, he drops into a baseball slide between JaMarcus’ legs and leaps to his feet. Avery twists around and finds himself caught with a spinning powerslam as well.

10, 9, 8…

Greyson: We got ourselves another countdown, right as Sailes has seized control of this match.

Sparkles: Someone stop this guy PLEASE.

Greyson: Why? What grudge do you harbor against Sailes? What did he ever do to you?

Sparkles: I think it’s his tribal tats, they’re soo 1990’s its ridiculous.

Greyson: I believe that Sailes’ tattoos are indicative of his culture.

After taking out all three opponents with slams there’s only one left for Sailes to put on the canvas, but he won’t have as easy of a time doing it. He turns just as Kalinda steps out of the ropes, and although he manages to catch her he does not manage to lift her 400 plus pound frame into the powerslam. He gives it a valiant attempt, but has absolutely no luck.

Finally Kalinda pushes Eric back into the ropes, who ricochets off and comes back in at his now stooped opponent. Kalinda manages to catch Eric against the gut, throw him up into the air and then catch him coming back down with a swinging of her tail directly into his chest.

Greyson: Nobody capable of getting Kalinda off of her feet thus far.

Sparkles: Kind of helps when you’re a 400 pound dragon for Christ sakes.

3, 2, 1….

There’s the sound of a buzzing noise and the arrival of the next athlete, an athlete wearing a giant black afro with a hair pick hanging out of it. Some bell bottoms are wrapped around his lower body and some huge shades featuring a peace symbol are placed on the edge of his nose. The disguise might ALMOST fool some people if it weren’t for the Alana Starr Championship wrapped around his waist. Obviously it’s Leviticus.

Sparkles: Who is this jive turkey?

Greyson: Like you don’t know. That is so obviously Leviticus in costume.

Leviticus: Sup cool cats?

The afro sporting Leviticus attempts to sway his hips as he gyrates down the ramp.

Leviticus: The MAN tried to keep me out of this Evolution Title Gauntlet tonight but Le…LeJIVEicus ain’t gonna let the MAN hold him down. Power to the Playas!

Leviticus lifts his fist to a loud groan from the crowd as he makes his way up the steps and into the ring.

LeJIVEicus: It’s time to fight the powers that be….

Sailes recovers from the tail slam against his chest just long enough to drive his boots into Levi’s chest. The dropkick sends LeJIVEicus spiraling into the ropes and spilling over them to the outside of the ring.

Sparkles: LeJIVEicus eliminated! And here I thought he was going to win given all his soul power.

Greyson: Soul power? All he did was threw a damn afro on his head. If he had own I doubt his victory would have been legal seeing as he was already eliminated form the Gauntlet.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…

LeviJIVEicus stands up and holds his afro to the top of his skull, pointing at the ring and hurling insults at Sailes.

LeJIVEicus: Are you fucking serious!?!

The afro is thrown down to the mats.

Leviticus: Do you have any idea how much I had to pay for that wig!!

Levi kicks the steps.

Leviticus: This isn’t over!!

3, 2, 1…

The building fills with the sound of a buzzer followed by the tunes of Monster. Aaron Harrison steps through the curtains unaccustomed to the reaction he is receiving, one that is quite favorable. Of course Aaron can care less how the people in attendance view him, he’s got other things preoccupying his mind. The plight of his Mika weighs heavy upon him even as he steps into battle in this Gauntlet.

Sparkles: The guy that was plowing Mika is now on his way to the ring.

Greyson: Do you just measure everyone’s talent and credibility by who they’re sleeping with, or use to be sleeping with?

Sparkles: Are there other factors I should be taking into consideration?

Greyson: Harrison has already had himself a big night. He got his hands on Kellen Jeffries and Spencer Klein inside of the cage earlier this evening, AND Karen McBride insinuated that he MIGHT be the man who faces Ba’al at Upping the Ante. Still unclear who Karen was referring to.

There is nothing ambiguous about Aaron’s right hands that crash right across the face of Kalinda the moment Harrison enters the ring. The blows stagger back the dragon, knocking her towards the turnbuckle. Aaron then turns and ducks a running lariat by Avery that crashes into Kalinda’s throat as a result. Avery then turns around, finds his wrist caught and his body dragged into Aaron’s shoulders. Ultimately Harrison connects with a death-valley driver, putting JaMarcus down viciously into the canvas.

Harrison then stands up with Kalinda stepping in behind him, and Gavin moving in in front of him. Taylor goes for a thrust kick that Aaron ducks, causing Gavin’s boot to nail Kalinda under the jaw, stumbling her back. Gavin then twists around, gets caught by the wrist and pulled into the death valley driver by Harrison.

Aaron looks like a man possessed, but Kalinda is about to provide an exorcism. She steps in from behind just as Ethan launches himself into a spinning heel kick aimed at Harrison’s face. Aaron manages to drop into a forward roll, avoiding the blow and causing Ethan’s heel to crack Kalinda in her cheek. The dragon stumbles and Von Aaron staggers, getting to his feet, twisting around and finding his stomach caught against Harrison’s shoulder. Aaron flips Ethan over into a DVD, planting him not into the canvas, but across the ribs of JaMarcus and Gavin, who were laying side by side.

Harrison then pops up to his feet and twists towards Kalinda, who bounces off the cables after being hit with the spinning heel kick and stumbles right along into Aaron’s waiting shoulders. He stresses every muscle in his body to hoist Kalinda into the air for a DVD.

Sparkles: Yeeeeah, good luck there Harrison.

Greyson: Harrison running into the same problem as everyone else in this match, NO ONE can get Kalinda off of her feet.

The massive dragon manages to deliver an elbow to the side of Aaron’s skull, then grab him by the shoulder, twist him around and catch him around the neck with both hands. She heaves Aaron into the air and drops him with a sit-out chokebomb.

10, 9, 8, 7…

Greyson: We’re ready for our last entry into this gauntlet, and we all know who that is.

Sparkles: A non-dead, still hot version of Farah Fawcett?

Greyson: Noooo.

The clock continues to cycle down on the Cartel-tron and Kalinda continues to dominate in the ring. She rises to her feet and approaches Sailes, who is leaning with his back against the ropes. He foot launches into the air and nails him under the jaw, sending Eric flipping back and over the cables. Somehow Sailes manages to get his hands around the top cable though, landing on the apron and staving off elimination. He then stands up as the tail of his opponent comes swinging towards his head. Eric ducks beneath it, the tail flying past his skull and Kalinda’s body turning towards Eric. He reaches over the ropes, grabs her by the back of the head and drops to his knees, snapping Kalinda’s throat from the cables.. She goes stumbling back right into Von Aaron’s arms, who takes her around the waist from behind, going for the German suplex.

Greyson: Are you crazy Von Aaron?

Sparkles: No man who surrounds himself with so many smoking hotties can possibly be crazy.

Kalinda suddenly shoots her tail up and into Ethan’s crotch, doubling him over. He groans in pain while Kalinda grabs him by the back of the head, charges him at the cables and throws him over the ropes. Ethan somehow manages to grab the cables as he goes flying over, ending up landing directly behind Sailes. Ethan stands up when Sailes steps in and delivers a kick to his gut, doubling Von Aaron over. Sailes then blasts him upside his skull with a forearm, followed by a knife edge chop across his chest. Yet Ethan is still hanging in there, refusing to let go of the ropes and be eliminated.

3, 2, 1….

There’s the buzzer and here comes the next and supposedly last entrant in the Gauntlet….

Leviticus: Hello there dolls…

Yes, it’s Leviticus again, this time wearing a bra with giant balloons stuffed in the front of it. A blond wig is placed over his bald scalp, and make up has been crudely applied to his cheeks.

Leviticus: It’s everyone’s favorite wrestle in the wide universe. LeTITicus.

Greyson: I’m sorry, did I just hear that correctly?

Sparkles: LeTITicus? That’s too awesome for words.

Greyson: Obviously Leviticus in disguise yet again so he can compete in this number one contender’s gauntlet.

LeTITicus continues on his way down the ramp towards a ring occupied by confused combatants.

LeTITicus: Get your hands off your remotes boys, because you’re not gonna wanna miss a moment of LeTITicus becoming number one contender for the Evolution Title. Mmmmm’yeah, you know ya love it.

LeTITicus drops the mic, rolls into the ring and then goes straight after Sailes. Eric looks over the ropes, still battling Ethan on the apron, and spotting another adversary intent on eliminating him. Sailes quickly reaches over the ropes, catches LeTITicus coming in and hip tosses him over the ropes to the outside mats.

Greyson: And Sailes eliminates him again!

Sparkles: Damn…LeTITicus and her huge boobs just eliminated. Seriously, those jugs were so huge they should count as entrants as well.

10, 9, 8, 7…

Greyson: Here comes the REAL final entry in the Gauntlet.

As the countdown goes on Leviticus rises to his feet on the mats, looking absolutely flabbergasted. He removes his fake boobs and throws them into the stands. He then slaps his palms on the barricade and screeches in frustration.

3, 2, 1….

The buzzer fills the arena followed shortly thereafter by the lyrics of Linkin Park, hyping the arrival of Danny Darko. With briefcase in hand Darko steps through the curtains, holding the Pure Championship that he stole from Mason earlier tonight. The case holding the belt is lowered to Darko’s side and he now carries it along towards the ring.

Sparkles: There’s that bastard Darko, and he’s got my home slice’s Slick Willie’s Pure Title in his hands.

Greyson: Just like Harrison, Darko has had quite the night here on Riot. We saw him challenge William Mason to a three stages of hell match for Upping the Ante, and then take the Pure Title that William was supposed to be rewarded with this evening.

Danny slides into the ring and the briefcase is NOT leaving his hands. It now finds its way right into the ribs of an inbound Kalinda, bouncing off of her mid-section. The dragon staggers back while Darko drops the case and ducks just in time to catch an encroaching Gavin. He delivers a back drop that sends Gavin flipping over the cables.

Greyson: Darko with a big elimination right out of the gat….

Sparkles: Nyet-nyet-nyet….Gavin is holding onto those ropes.

Taylor prevents elimination but for how much longer? He stands up on the apron supporting himself with the ropes when Gavin finds his opponent’s boot traveling for his skull. Darko goes for a mafia kick only to have his boot grabbed and his foot shoved aside. Danny spins around towards Avery, who comes rushing in with a double axehandle aimed at Darko’s face.

Greyson: Avery going right after Darko, just like we knew he would.

Sparkles: Big man trying to get some revenge on behalf of his boss, Slick Willie Mason.

Amazingly Darko manages to side step Avery and send him plowing along forearms first into Gavin’s face. The blow causes Taylor’s hands to detach from the ropes, but his body does NOT detach from the apron. He manages to just barely grab hold of the cables once again before taking a plunge to the outside mats.

Meanwhile on the opposite side of the ring Sailes and Von Aaron find themselves in dire straits as well, trying to keep themselves from being eliminated. Both men continue to battle in a precarious predicament, upon the apron. Ethan grabs Eric by the bangs of his hair and pulls him into a headbutt, staggering his opposition. Von Aaron then wedges his hands to Saile’s gut and shoves him back across the apron spine first into the turnbuckle.

Sailes’ spine hits the exposed steel and Ethan now rushes across the apron, looking for a spear aimed at his adversary’s stomach. What Ethan finds instead is a boot launching straight into his face. The kick causes Ethan to stand up straight and fall victim to the arm shooting across his chest. Sailes is setting up for the Talon’s Grip on the apron.

Sparkles: Don’t you dare eliminate Ethan you punk.

Von Aaron prevents that from happening, nailing a back elbow to the skull of Sailes and breaking up his version of the urange. Ethan then grabs Sailes by the wrist and pulls him into a fireman’s carry, standing up and going for a Death Valley Driver across the apron.

Sparkles: Deliver it Lad, deliver it and eliminate Sailes.

Just before he can be sent tumbling to the outside of the ring, Sailes twists his body, slides off of Ethan’s shoulders and lands on his feet behind his opposition and on the opposite side of the ropes.

Eric then attempts to get a running start before a forearm shot aimed at eliminating Ethan only to have Von Aaron fly over the ropes and crash into Saile’s chest with a shoulder block. Both men hit the canvas and Von Aaron is now rolling across it. Eventually Ethan works his way to his feet before Kalinda is on top of him. She steps in and grabs Ethan by the back of the head and tights, throwing him into the ropes which Von Aaron instinctively wraps himself around. The dragon grabs his legs and heaves them into the air, trying to flip Ethan over to the outside of the ring, yet he hugs the ropes as if they were his mother’s boobs. Suddenly Ethan nails Kalinda in the eye with a back elbow, causing her to turn and fall to her knees.

The second Kalinda falls to a kneeling base she finds her jaw subjected to that devastating thrust kick by Harrison. The blow has Kalinda reeling just long enough for Gavin to rush across the ring and blast her upside the face with the All Star Maker. The shining wizard drives Kalinda back, but her tail keeps her propped up, incapable of falling over. This leaves her in perfect position for Sailes, who steps in, grabs her around the neck and snaps back into a DDT.

Meanwhile Darko and Avery continue to battle back and forth, trading punches and chops with one another. A knee nails Danny to the ribs, staggering him back into the ropes and now Avery comes charging in and nails him with an axehandle smash across the face. The Polish hammer knocks Darko into the ropes and flipping backwards over them to the apron. Somehow Danny prevents elimination, grabbing the cables and holding strong. Avery tests the resolve of Darko by delivering a big boot to the hands he has interlocked around the cables. The blow almost severs Danny’s grips on the cable and causes him to spin with his back facing the ropes. JaMarcus grabs him by the chin, pulls back and begins to deliver forearm after forearm across his chest, caving it in.

As Darko fights to survive, Kalinda finds herself in the same unenviable position, her back falling against the cables and her legs being heaved into the air by Sailes and Gavin.

Harrison has slipped through the ropes to the apron and is driving the point of his elbow down into Kalinda’s face over and over again. He then slaps a hand around her throat, pushing down in an attempt to send her flipping to the outside of the ring and ultimately eliminating her.

Sparkles: Not Kalinda. Her tail gives me a serious rager.

Kalinda and Darko find themselves both on the brink of elimination, fighting for their survival at the moment. At last Kalinda manages to reach out and grab Aaron by the back of the head, pulling his lips into her own and breathing straight into his mouth. Harrison’s eyes widen and once his mouth detaches from Kalinda’s he steps back exhaling the blue flame the dragon just shot into his lungs.

Aaron drops to his knees as a result, gasping for air while Kalinda falls to her feet and grabs the back of both Sailes’ and Gavin’s head, driving their skulls against one another. The two fall to the canvas and Kalinda begins to pick her next target.

Aaron’s lungs are still aching from the icy plume of smoke that was just shot into them, yet even still he manages to get to his feet. He then just begins to re-enter the ring when Kalinda whips around and slams her tail into the side of his face, knocking his legs out from under him and putting him on his back across the apron.

At the same time on the opposite side of the ring Avery has spun Danny around, who is still standing on the apron but could be on the cusp of being launched off it. JaMarcus throws a big punch that Darko manages to block. Danny then manages to deliver a forearm of his own that staggers JaMarcus back. Danny then leaps through the ropes, catches Avery with a school boy and then transitions his body around so that he’s holding JaMarcus’ legs tucked under Darko’s armpits. He drops back, attempting to catapult Avery over the cables but JaMarcus grabs the ropes once he hits them and refuses to go over.

So Danny stands up and backs into position to hit JaMarcus to the back of his head with the Darkolator. That’s when Ethan steps in from behind though and surprises Danny by catching him another the arm, going for the crossface. The submission is never established, because Darko rolls forward out of the attempt and onto his feet. He then turns towards Von Aaron’s legs, grabs them, lifts them and then drops back into another catapult, sending his opponent flying right into Avery….more like Avery’s waiting arms. He catches Ethan coming in then heaves him into the air with an exploder t-bone suplex.

Avery then rolls along to his feet and turns just in time for Danny to blast him across the face with the Darkolator.

Greyson: That corkscrew kick finally delivered.

Sparkles: But did it put out the big black version of Mr. Clean?

Avery twists into the ropes and falls over them, collapsing across his seat on the apron. On sheer instinct and muscle memory alone, Avery manages to reach up and grab the top cable with both hands, keeping himself alive in this match.

Darko isn’t about to let him stay in for long though, stepping over the ropes to the apron and then beginning to deliver kicks to JaMarcus’ elbow joints, hell-bent and determined to break his clasp on the cable. Avery’s grip begins to weaken, finding himself on the cusp of letting go and collapsing to the mats. That’s when Danny loses his senses, spotting William Mason rushing down the ramp.

Sparkles: There’s my bud.

Greyson: Mason coming out here with vengeance obviously on his mind.

Mason is shedding his attire on the way down the ramp, throwing his expensive jacket to the ramp then undoing the knot in his tie. Just as he begins to unbutton the cufflinks in his sleeves he looks up and spots Darko standing in the middle of the ring lifting the briefcase holding the Pure Championship above his head.

Darko: Have I given you enough incentive yet? Huh? You ready to accept my challenge for Upping the Ante?

William stews with anger at ringside, his face pulsating with rage. The only force on earth that gives him any solace is the sight of Gavin rushing in behind a distracted Darko, catching him with a superkick right to the back of his skull. The forceful impact sends Darko stumbling into the very ropes that Avery is now standing in front of. JaMarcus catches Danny around the waist then lifts him into a belly to belly suplex over the ropes, sending him crashing to the outside mats.

Greyson: Thanks to the distraction of William Mason, Darko has just been eliminated.

Sparkles: Darko never should have laid one finger, one finger on that briefcase and the Pure Title inside of it.

Darko’s misfortune brings a gigantic smile to Mason’s face, relieved to see Danny suffer for his transgressions here tonight. And with Danny in such bad shape there is nothing keeping Mason from finding further solace, going right after his briefcase. He reaches down to retake possession of his Pure Championship only to have Danny tighten his clasp on the case holding the belt then go crawling right htrough Mason’s legs. William reaches down, trying to catch hold of Darko’s trousers, but he just manages to elude his grasp. Danny then lunges to his feet and goes rushing at the barricade, leaping over it into the crowd. He takes one last second to turn, lift the briefcase into the air, point at it then point back at Mason’s repulsed expression.

Greyson: Darko might have been eliminated from the Gauntlet but he’s still escaping with the Pure Championship.

font color= 40D863>Sparkles: That-that THUG!

The case lowers to Darko’s chest and he now cradles it as he disappears into the throngs of humanity. Mason is beyond reproach at the moment, slapping the steel steps then kicking the barricade in a rage. Meanwhile Sailes is charging right at Aaron who is still spitting out icy flames. But before Sailes can get to his target rising on the apron, Eric is caught from behind by Taylor. Gavin turns Eric around by the back of the head and the tights before rushing him at the ropes and attempting to throw him over. But Sailes reverses, switching around behind Gavin and instead tossing him into the cables…Gavin reaches out and grabs the top rope though, wrapping his arms around it.

Eric begins to blast him over and over again across the upper back, trying his best to break his clasp on the cables. Avery complicates matters, grabbing Eric by the shoulder, spinning him around and then blasting him square across the cheek with a right hand. Both men then turn and find themselves subjected to Kalinda and her devastating double throat thrusts. Sailes and JaMarcus fall to their knees gasping for air while Kalinda turns towards Harrison, who has re-entered the ring but is still leaning on the ropes.

Kalinda comes barreling in and receives a thrust kick under the jaw for her efforts. The blow has the dragon discombobulated but not going down. So Aaron steps forth and nails a SECOND thrust kick, further unsteadying the dragon.

Harrison then grabs her by the back of the head, charges her into the ropes and throws her against the cables.

Sparkles: Harrison is going to eliminate Kalinda. He’s going to take her out of the Gauntlet.

Aaron steps over the ropes to the apron and then applies a front chancery on Kalinda, attempting to vertical suplex her to the outside of the ring. The fans are screeching so loud ear drums the world over are starting to bleed. To the shock and awe of all, everyone in attendance now watches Kalinda’s feet leaving the canvas. Aaron is somehow, someway lifting her into the air, mere moments from dropping her to the mats and eliminating her from this match.

Sparkles: Un-friggin-real. That’s a fucking 400 pound dragon Aaron is lifting.

Greyson: Aaron must possess some pretty freakish strength.

A loud roar emanates from Aaron as he attempts to lift Kalinda over the ropes. That’s just before he spots a familiar sight leaping over the barricade behind him. Kellen Jeffries is now standing at ringside, looking to avenge the beating he received in the cage earlier tonight.

Sparkles: It’s that dude with the awesome hair.

Greyson: That’s Kellen Jeffries, the very man Harrison ran afoul of earlier tonight.

Harrison won’t allow Kellen to have any influence over this match, twisting around and leaping from the apron right onto Jeffries with a Lou Thez press. Both men are driven into the mats and Harrison’s fist repeatedly strikes the side of Kellen’s skull.

Greyson: Aaron taking out Jeffries before he could interfere in this match and…wait a minute….Did he-did he…

Sparkles: Yes he did. Harrison just eliminated HIMSELF from the gauntlet.

Aaron, so hell-bent on revenge and mind so overwhelmed with actual emotion, has completely lost sight of the fact that he leaped to the outside mats with both feet hitting the floor, meaning his chances of victory tonight have been eradicated. But professional wins do not take precedence over personal victories when it comes to Harrison, who considers beating down Kellen to be a greater accomplishment than winning any match. That’s why he delights in every punch he delivers on Jeffries’ face and only stops when Spencer Klein lunges over the barricade, rushes in behind Aaron and digs his claws into Harrison’s eyes.

Greyson: And now Spencer picking up where he left off earlier tonight, saving his client from the wrath of the ORIGINAL Blacklist.

The eye gouge proves sufficient enough to pull Harrison off of Kellen, but not to put an end to Harrison’s will to fight. He throws haymakers into Spencer’s ribs, backing him off. But Klein gladly takes these blows cause it gives Kellen enough time to recoup. Jeffries gets to his feet then promptly puts them to good use when he spots Lukas Montgomery barreling down the ramp. Kellen quickly leaps over the barrier and is followed by Spencer as both men rush off into the crowd. They disappear just as effortlessly as Darko. However, Harrison and Montgomery won’t allow these two to just all together vanish and escape the wrath of the ORIGINAL Blacklist. Both men lunge over the barricade and give pursuit to Jeffries and Klein.

The action is everywhere, especially the ring where six athletes remain and fight for the right to move on and challenge Andre for his Evolution Championship. Gavin is amongst them, and at the moment he is delivering blow after blow across Sailes’ spine, knocking him into the ropes then trying to push him over.

At the same time Avery had loaded Von Aaron up onto his shoulders, carrying him towards the ropes then trying to throw him over with a modified Samoan Slam. However, Ethan reaches out and grabs the top rope with his hand while wedging his foot against it as well, staving off elimination. He then kicks off the ropes and manages to fall to the canvas, pulling Avery down into a small package.

Avery rolls out of it and onto his knees while Ethan stands up in front of him, catching his neck and going for an evenflow DDT. Right before he connects Ethan finds herself being pushed off of the front chancery and sent spiraling into the waiting arms of Kalinda. JaMarcus has just shoved Ethan into the dragon’s hands, lifting him into the air with a military press.

Kalinda now turns towards the ropes and is about to send Ethan flying over and crashing into the mats, finally eliminating the GOOD Movement from this Gauntlet. But Von Aaron manages to counter at the last second, sliding off of Kalinda’s hands and then down her back, catching her around the waist in the process. He attempts to pull Kalinda over into the sunset flip but the dragon plants her feet and refuses to go down. Instead Kalinda reaches out, grabs Ethan by the throat with both hands then stands up, heaving him into the air for what appears to be another two handed choke bomb. But Ethan counters, catching Kalinda around the neck with his arm then dropping down to his feet. Von Aaron now traps Kalinda in position for the evenflow DDT.

He is just about to drop back before Kalinda manages to wedge her hands to Ethan’s stomach and shove him off the front chancery. Once again Ethan goes twisting, this time into Sailes’ shoulders. He lifts Von Aaron up into the air with a fireman’s carry, turning his side to the ropes in the process and then delivering a death-valley driver that sends Ethan flying over the cables. Ethan’s feet fall to the mats, or at least they would if Von Aaron hadn’t grabbed the top rope on his way over it. He finds himself dangling over the apron with feet kicking above the mats.

The athletes in the ring are totally clueless that Ethan is still in this match, far too focused on the individual presently sliding into the ring to notice what happened to the individual who just exited it. The very man who was spotted earlier tonight with Leviticus, that being Mr. Ridiculous AKA Fitzgerald, has just entered the squared circle.

Sparkles: What the hell is that thing?

Greyson: That’s one of the IWC’s newest signees, Fitzgerald. We saw him earlier tonight having a bit of a pow-wow with Leviticus regarding bringing Levi in some proper management.

Sparkles: Oh yeah, that’s the guy who claims to have some sort of friend who is super obsessed with Leviticus right?

Greyson: Yeah, and apparently that friend was going to make a major impact here tonight to show what he would offer Levi if he were to be hired as Levi’s new manager.

Fitzgerald looks towards the back, snapping his fingers several times.

Fitzgerald: Alright Levi, I hope you’re watching, because it’s time to introduce the man who is gonna put you back on the right career path. DICK, introduce yourself.

Fitzgerald digs his hand into his britches and then removes it to reveal the sock puppet that has slipped over his palm.

Fitzgerald: Levi meet Dick, Dick meet Levi.

Fitzgerald waves towards the backstage area with the sock puppet.

Greyson: What….the….fuck?

Sparkles: A sock puppet? You mean to tell me Fitzgerald was talking about a sock puppet this whole damned time? That’s who he wants to get to manage Leviticus?

Fitzgerald: DICK, show Levi all that you offer.

All at once Fitzgerald spins around and rams Dick right down Eric Saile’s throat.

Sparkles: Dick attacking Sailes.

Greyson: I guess this is retaliation for Sailes’ multiple victories over Leviticus at Reawakening Day, coupled with his multiple eliminations of Leviticus tonight.

The mandible claw continues for several minutes before Sailes manages to finally push the sock puppet out of his throat. He turns gasping for air and finds himself so confused by everything that just happened that he walks absent mindedly right into the shoulders of Gavin, who elevates Eric over the ropes and to the outside of the ring. The back drop sends Eric tumbling to the mats, his feet crashing against them.

Greyson: And Fitzgerald has just caused Sailes to be eliminated from the Gauntlet.

Sparkles: Yeah, but his manager Dick just demonstrated how valuable he is to both Fitzgerald and potentially even to Leviticus.

Dick and Fitzgerald exit the ring and turn towards the crowd where two unique individuals are currently standing. Those unorthodox individuals being a black Mexican midget and the stuffed dead cat that he’s holding.

Greyson: Can this possibly get any weirder?

Sparkles: With this Fitzgerald guy, I’m guessing that yes, yes it can get weirder.

Fitzgerald takes the stuffed cat from the midget’s hands and begins to rub it’s frozen face against his forehead, showing SCRUFFY a little love. He then throws his leg over the barrier and joins the Mexican midget as the two step through the crowd and somehow manage to get lost out amongst them.

Greyson: This just keeps on getting crazier and crazier and crazier.

Sparkles: I haven’t seen this much lunacy since I did opiates with the Skeksis from Dark Crystal. They are some crazy mother-fuckers.

And speaking of crazy mofos, Fitzgerald, the Mexican midget, the stuffed cat and Dick have made themselves scarce but only after ensuring Sailes’ elimination. Eric is spitting the rancid taste of the sock puppet out of his mouth as he slams his palms on the surface of the announce table, swept into an absolute rage.

Greyson: Sailes eliminated thanks to Fitzgerald, and now we’re down to four.

Maybe three if Gavin has his way. He rushes right at Avery, looking to continue his momentum by delivering the All Star Maker on his kneeling opponent. He lunges into the shining wizard only to have Avery reach out and catch him before lunging to his feet. The fans go nuts as Avery holds Gavin up and in positon for a running powerbomb. He charges at the ropes, intent on throwing Taylor over them only to have Gavin leap over JaMarcus’ head, slide down his back, catch Avery around the waist, then roll him over backwards into a sunset flip.

Avery rolls over backwards onto his knees and then has his face demolished by the shining wizard.

Greyson: Gavin finally connects, and he might have Avery on the cusp of being eliminated.

Taylor struggles to reach his feet, finding it difficult to stand after everything his body has endured in this grueling gauntlet match. Finally he approaches Avery, takes him around the neck, pulls him up to his feet and drags him towards the ropes. JaMarcus is just about to be thrown over the cables before Von Aaron skins the cat over the ropes he was STILL hanging off of and wraps his legs around Gavin’s neck. He attempts to pull Taylor over the cables with a head scissors, but Gavin is holding on, refusing to be eliminated like this. He backs up and pulls Ethan the rest of the way over the ropes, causing him to land on his feet within the ring.

At the same time yet another body is throwing himself into the thick of this madness. Sebastian Knight is making his way down the ramp.

Sparkles: How much interference is there going to be throughout the course of this madness?</font.

Greyson: Sebastian Knight was revealed as Tabitha Silverstone’s protector at Reawakening Day, and now he’s here to further enforce the power of Silverstone International.

Knight makes his way around the ring, standing just beneath Ethan.

Von Aaron now gets his feet up into the face of an inbound Gavin, delivering a boot across his jaw. Taylor is staggered by the shot, flailing his arms to remain upright.

Ethan looks on the brink of going after Gavin only to have Knight leap onto the apron behind Von Aaron and trap his arms behind his back.

Sparkles: I never knew Silverstone International could be so vicious. Look at the way they’re trying to influence this match.

An alarmed Ethan struggles to free himself from Knight’s clutches and once it becomes clear there is no breaking free he screams out for aid.

Ethan: Now Kordy, now!

The GOOD Movement and Harem member, Kordy comes scrambling down the ramp with the intent of helping out her master.

Greyson: And now here comes Kordy to even up the odds.

Sparkles: And to make me the happiest man on the planet in the process.

Gavin cuts Kordy off, stepping in front of the very ropes that she was going to try and slip under. Now that Taylor has his back turned, Knight lets go of Ethan and shoves him forward. This gives Von Aaron that last bit of momentum he needs to come barreling into Taylor’s back, knocking Gavin into the ropes and ultimately right over them.

Greyson: Gavin just-Gavin just-Gavin just…

Sparkles: Taylor has been knocked out of the ring.

Greyson: I guess Sebastian just couldn’t keep hold of Ethan any longer.

Gavin rolls across the mats, eyes bulging from their sockets, hair ripping out of his head. He looks to be at the end of his rope, especially as he looks up from the mats he was just pitched to and into the face of Alana Starr. The X-Class Champion makes her way down the ramp and pauses on the mats, staring into Gavin’s saddened face.

Starr: Awwww, you poor thing? Still want to redeem me?

She is amused by Gavin’s plight and even more amused when turning to Kordy.

Starr: What are you waiting for? Get in there, be Ethan’s weapon.

Kordy rolls into the ring at Starr’s behest and goes right after Kalinda, bashing her over the back with a double axehandle. The dragon looks unaffected by the blow, turning around slowly with her eyes glowing and her blue smoke seeping from her nostrils.

Greyson: Colossal error in judgment right there, Kordy.

Kordy is grabbed by the throat, Kalinda on the brink of ripping it out before Von Aaron clips the back of the dragon’s knee with his shoulder. She collapses to the In a panic, Ethan begins to shout towards the stage.

Greyson: Ethan taking full advantage of the no disqualification rules.

The plot that Ethan has masterminded in regards to the Evolution Championship is about to come full circle. He used Kordy to weaken Andre on the last NewAge, and now tonight, Von Aaron looks to employ her services to make sure Ethan becomes number one contender for the Evolution Championship. But it won’t just be Kordy who provides aid, as another woman with a serious grudge against the Black Crusade makes her way down the ramp.

Greyson: Hey look, is that, is that, Suzanne Moore?

As if Kalinda’s fate couldn’t be any worse here comes Suzanne Moore to add in the dragon’s misfortune. The woman who was abducted by Kalinda back at Reawakening Day now makes her way up the steps to the apron and ultimately through the ropes, passing by a confused X-Class Champion in the process. The former commentator, turned Sinistry stalwart directs her black lips towards Von Aaron and Kordy. Suznne points to her own mouth and makes a spitting gesture, implying that she’s going to give Kalinda an eye full of mist.

Greyson: And now Suzanne is vowing to spit mist in Kalinda’s eyes. The very eyes we saw Kalinda attempting to ‘brainwash’ Moore with on NewAge.

Sparkles: I always secretly suspected that Suzanne was a spitter and not a swallower.

That same shit eating smile forms on Ethan’s face as he and Kordy begin to placate the desires of Moore, who will make their job so much easier. Ethan and Kordy pull Kalinda up by her arms and Suzanne prepares to for the fourth show in a row influence the outcome of a Black Crusade bout with the mist in her mouth. Just not in the same capacity, because instead of aiming the mist at Kalinda’s eyes, her mist is shot directly into Von Aaron’s.


Greyson: Suzanne just spit mist right in Ethan’s eyes.

Von Aaron immediately drops to the canvas, flailing around and screaming at the top of his lungs as he tries to palm the mist out of his burning pupils. He can’t even see Suzanne grabbing the black wig off the top of her head, flinging it down and now allowing her blonde hair to fall upon her shoulders. All at once the dread and darkness that Suzanne had been showing in the week’s since her abduction by the Sinistry slips away, and the bubbly Suzie of all old has returned.

Greyson: It looks like whatever Kalinda did to Suzanne has worked, she appears to have been freed from the manipulation of the Sinistry. Suzie Moore is BACK!

Sparkles: And she’s blonder than ever, hot damn.

Suzie immediately rolls out of the way when Kordy goes after her. The commentator just BARELY escapes Kordy’s wrath, exiting the ring. The angered Kordy turns from Suzie and back towards her master, Ethan’s eyes burning from the chemical agent just introduced to them. Kordy quickly grabs Ethan by the wrist and drags him across the ring before rolling him under the ropes and depositing him safely at ringside. She and Starr then help Ethan to his feet, aiding him up the ramp towards the backstage area where he will presumably receive medical attention.

Greyson: I guess Ethan can no longer compete with his eyes so badly burned by that mist.

Sparkles: Awww. That means no more Alana, and no more Kordy.

The two ladies Sparkles is so infatuated with continue to help Ethan along to the back before they run across a roadblock they hadn’t anticipated encountering. Desmond Drake steps to the stage, overlooking Ethan’s condition to determine rather he can still compete it or not.

Drake: Where do you think you’re going? We had plans, Ethan. This was supposed to your reward for your loyalty to the Sinistry

Ethan: Who’s talking?

Von Aaron can’t tell given the fact that he’s blinded.

Drake: You’re not that bad off, you can still get in that ring and compete.


Kordy: NO!

Kordy leaps between Drake and Ethan.

Kordy: Bid Daddy can’t compete, just look at him.

Drake: Hmmm, fine, if he can’t compete, then YOU’VE just volunteered your services to take his place. Get your ass in the ring, because one way or another, a member of the gOOD Movement is going to win this match.

Kordy: But…

Drake: I said GO!

Kordy reluctantly tears away from Ethan’s side and goes hustling towards the ring. Alana does not like the turn this has taken but can do nothing about it, too predisposed helping Ethan get help. She escorts him to the back while Kordy slides into the ring, rushing right into an absolutely devastating spear by Avery.

Greyson: Kordy is taking Ethan’s spot in this match?

Sparkles: Suits me just fine.

Greyson: But it didn’t suit Avery, he just ripped her in half with a spear.

Avery rises to his feet and grabs Kordy by the hair, dragging her up and onto his shoulder. He now points at the cables, rushing towards them in an attempt to deliver a running powerslam that would flip her over the ropes. However, Kalinda stands in front of Avery and catches him coming in against her shoulders. Kalinda attempts to lift Avery up and over the ropes while Kordy is still stretched over his shoulder.

Greyson: Kalinda just about to eliminate both Avery AND Kordy!

Sparkles: Can you just imagine what she’ll do with that tail when she gets it wrapped around Andre’s arm and forces him to tap out to become Evolution Champion?

Kordy slips around now and takes Avery around the neck, dropping to her back across the apron and applying a front chancery on JaMarcus’ neck. He finds himself doing a headstand on the apron, legs shooting up above his body and kicking as he tries to keep himself from going over. That’s when Kalinda spins around and drills him in the ribs with her tail, finally knocking Avery off the apron, over Kordy’s body and to the outside of the ring.

Sparkles: The Black Mr. Clean eliminated!

Greyson: He was very close to being crowned number one contender for the Evolution Title tonight. He put on a pretty dominating performance in this match before ultimately being eliminated. I don’t think anyone suspected him to make it to the final three.

Nor did anyone suspect Kordy to become a part of this match. She rises to her feet with the aid of the ropes, standing up on the apron when Kalinda swings around with her tail once again, aiming at her opponent’s head. Kordy ducks though, causing the tail to miss and for Kalinda to turn in a full circle. She spins around just as Kordy flips over the ropes, dropping with her legs across Kalinda’s shoulders before trying to snap back into a hurricarana. Kalinda won’t let herself be sent flying over the ropes with the hurricarana. Instead she plants her feet and then heaves Kordy back up and onto her shoulders. The crowd is screaming as Kalinda charges at the ropes and delivers a running powerbomb that Kordy avoids by pushing herself up and over the dragon’s head. She lands behind Kalinda, who spins around and finds herself subjected to the diamond cutter. Kordy leaps into the air, catches Kalinda around the neck and goes for the cutter only to have the dragon to wedge her hands to her opponent’s spine and shove her off and over the ropes.

Greyson: Déjà vu.

It seems the gauntlet is about to end the same way the Last Stand Rumble concluded, but history will not repeat itself. Kordy catches the top rope when she goes flying over it, and unlike Rose Savior, Kordy holds on, not crashing to the outside mats and giving a member of the Black Crusade the victory. She now stands up on the apron as Kalinda comes charging in. Kordy quickly springs to the top rope and off of it, flying over the inbound Kalinda’s head. The dragon’s own momentum carries her into the ropes and sends her flying over them…

Greyson: Kalinda going ov….

Sparkles: Not likely!

Kalinda lands on the apron across her knees, refusing to allow her momentum to carry her over into the mats. She then stands up when Kordy lunges into the air, catches the dragon around her neck and delivers a diamond cutter. Kalinda’s neck snaps off the top rope, she loses control of her lower body and she tumbles to her knees across the apron. She is still somehow holding onto the ropes just before Kordy nails her to the cheek with a TWIRK!

The hip connects with Kalinda’s face and sends her collapsing to the mats to a lung bursting response form the masses.

Greyson: I’m…well…speechless.

Sparkles: Not to mention as bland as corn flakes.

Greyson: Kordy, Kordelia Price has just managed to best a dragon in order to claim the coveted number one contendership to the Evolution Title.

Sparkles: Now dance in celebration Kordy, dance-dance-dance.

No one in the building can quite believe what they just witnessed, Kordy overcoming the insurmountable odds of a dragon and the gigantic Avery in order to become number one contender for the Evolution Title. Even though she wasn’t supposed to be part of this match, fate and circumstances have contributed to see her emerge the victor. She has now earned as a result of this victory, the chance to face Andre Jordan for the very title she was seemingly robbed of on the last NewAge.

Greyson: Kordy with the biggest win of her life tonight.

Sparkles: As happy as I am for my little Asian lotus, I’m sure Ethan is not going to like this when he finds out. This was supposed to be Ethan’s night.

Instead the night belongs to Kordy, who rises to her knees with near tears of elation flowing down her cheeks. Her emotions continue to surge when she spots Andre Jordan stepping to the stage, Evolution Title raised aloft above his skull. Kordy instantly gets to her feet, throws in a twirk or two and gestures that his belt is about to end up around HER waist.